Wrestlers (Pro Wrestler Story)

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Pro Wrestler Story gamenav icon.gifPro Wrestler Story

Structures Wrestlers Archetypes Training Events Visitors
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

The Wrestlers are the main characters of the game, they generally train and practice using the facilities and equipment of the player's gym in order to increase their strength when facing other wrestlers from rival teams in matches. The player can give them all kinds of items as well as special training that can help improve their condition as well as skills.

Additionally, over the course of the game, there is the possibility that some fighters can unlock archetypes by fulfilling specific conditions, these archetypes can help increase certain stats as well as unlock more interactions in the press conferences.

The main stats to focus on are Power and Technique in the ring, while Stamina and Agility help fighters execute much more moves correctly, and Charisma helps increase hype as well as the player's popularity with the fans. Each player has an HP bar, which is gradually depleted as they perform heavy physical work after the matches, these can be recovered in different ways either the use of facilities in the gym, using food items, perform special training such as Stretching that allows the wrestler to recover some energy as well as simply sleeping in a private quarters that is around an area with a good environment.

Press Conferences

Before a match between two wrestlers takes place, the leader of the opposing team will hold a press conference in which the wrestlers can comment on what will happen in the match, with each comment adding to the hype of the crowd. Comments can range from casual comments that slightly increase the hype to comments that range from insults towards the opposing team's wrestlers, which can significantly increase the hype but can also make the other wrestler's strength increase considerably by being offended at such a press conference.

Additionally, depending on the wrestler's archetypes, they can unlock other special interactions in this conferences. By using the Hell (purple) type conference abilities, there is a chance that after the match, the wrestler will challenge you to a rematch with increased stats.

List of Wrestlers

Primary Stats
  • Wgt. = Weight
  • Sta. = Stamina
  • Pow. = Power
  • Agil. = Agility
  • Tech. = Technique
  • Cha. = Charisma
  • F Rank: < 40
  • E Rank: 40 - 139
  • D Rank: 140 - 419
  • C Rank: 420 - 1,099
  • B Rank: 1,100 - 4,099
  • A Rank: 4,100 - 24,099
  • S Rank: 24,100 +

Rising Ruffians

Photo Name Stats Skills Archetype Recruit
Data Source
Strikes Skill
Throws Skill
Holds Skill
Aerial Skill
PWS Wrestlers - Ben The Beast Blazer.png
English: Ben "The Beast" Blazer

Japanese: 田中大五郎

322 66.6 13 10 14 13 45 1 1 1 1 Chef 1300 [Note 1]
PWS Wrestlers - Savage Scott Sullivan.png
English: Savage Scott Sullivan

Japanese: 霜降カルビ

396 68.8 12 8 14 46 11 1 1 1 1 Chef 1500 [Note 2]
PWS Wrestlers - Razor Ramirez.png
English: Razor Ramirez[Annotation 1]

Japanese: 諸星げんじ

408 68.7 16 13 18 16 45 1 1 1 1 Employee 1700 [Note 3]
PWS Wrestlers - Rowdy Paddy Piper.png
English: Rowdy Paddy Piper[Annotation 2]

Japanese: ジョニー西所沢

454 69.5 60 79 60 40 47 2 1 1 1 Rebel 2000 [Note 4]
PWS Wrestlers - Stella Striker.png
English: Stella Striker

Japanese: 犬塚ポニー

407 50.7 58 46 86 86 650 1 1 1 1 Pop Star 2200 [Note 5]
PWS Wrestlers - Sully Slammer.png
English: Sully Slammer

Japanese: ホセ・ガラパゴス

492 69.9 92 73 92 241 92 2 2 2 2 Gamer 2500 [Note 6]
English: "Macho Man" Randy Sandwich 576 70.1 162 124 142 185 124 2 2 2 2 Jiu-Jitsu Fighter 2700
PWS Wrestlers - Harry Hopton.png
English: Harry Hopton

Japanese: 河津もぐる

674 73.8 193 139 219 271 170 2 2 2 2 Chef 3000 [Note 7]

Strongarm Squad

Photo Name Stats Skills Archetype Recruit
Data Source
Strikes Skill
Throws Skill
Holds Skill
Aerial Skill
PWS Wrestlers - Stone Cold Steve Tofu.png
English: Stone Cold Steve Tofu[Annotation 3]

Japanese: オジ・サン

666 70.0 129 187 129 71 90 3 1 1 1 Rebel 2600 [Note 8]
PWS Wrestlers - The Big Showboat.png
English: The Big Showboat[Annotation 4]

Japanese: ウィリアム・ストーム

712 70.2 195 149 171 221 149 2 2 3 2 Jiu-Jitsu Fighter 2900 [Note 9]
PWS Wrestlers - Melanie Moxie.png
English: Melanie Moxie

Japanese: 谷口まゆみ

632 54.7 153 284 284 575 718 2 2 2 2 Aristocrat 3200 [Note 10]
PWS Wrestlers - Brutus Beefshake.png
English: Brutus Beefshake[Annotation 5]

Japanese: 飯山にぎ郎

1144 115.2 368 663 57 230 243 3 3 2 2 Sumo Master 3600 [Note 11]
PWS Wrestlers - Handsome Dave.png
English: Handsome Dave

Japanese: 男前デデノ[Annotation 6]

612 66.8 244 281 364 364 321 2 2 2 3 Spy 3700 [Note 12]
PWS Wrestlers - Bing Bong Buddy.png
English: Bing Bong Buddy[Annotation 7]

Japanese: バタフライ正

1010 79.3 352 575 267 216 216 2 2 2 2 Berserker 3900 [Note 13]
English: Jesse "Somebody" Ventura 1243 111.2 458 650 76 307 307 3 3 2 2 Sumo Master 4300
English: Shane McMaul 1221 61.0 519 808 401 401 463 3 3 3 3 4700
English: Big Al Brawanson 1560 83.9 806 806 511 511 579 3 3 3 3 5100

Queen Bees

Photo Name Stats Skills Archetype Recruit
Data Source
Strikes Skill
Throws Skill
Holds Skill
Aerial Skill
PWS Wrestlers - Vince McManiac.png
English: Vince McManiac

Japanese: 赤井ひばち

933 60.8 304 304 462 499 304 3 3 2 2 Magician 4300 [Note 14]
PWS Wrestlers - Ian Impact.png
English: Ian Impact

Japanese: ガッデム乳山

1456 88.9 531 739 89 356 356 6 2 2 2 Sumo Master 4800 [Note 15]
PWS Wrestlers - Junkyard Julie.png
English: Junkyard Julie

Japanese: 雪城ほの子

1023 55.3 408 408 843 843 1081 3 3 2 2 Pop Star 5400 [Note 16]
PWS Wrestlers - Tori Tempest.png
English: Tori Tempest

Japanese: みんなで動物園

1193 61.5 462 543 851 1508 866 2 2 4 2 Clown 6000 [Note 17]
English: Thunderbolt Travis 1495 60.9 677 768 514 415 415 6 6 9 6 Berserker 6600
English: Rabbit Ripley 985 56.0 569 727 944 873 821 6 6 7 9 Spy 7400
English: Gunner Graves 1805 59.0 945 1181 716 716 716 6 6 6 10 Brawler 8100
English: Kimmy Krossface 1752 66.4 1024 1481 1134 243 675 6 6 11 6 King Kong 9000

Moonsault Monsters

Photo Name Stats Data Source
Stamina Power Agility Technique Charisma
PWS Wrestlers - Gunther Grim Jr.png
English: Gunther Grim Jr.

Japanese: ウマイケルスギJr

952 952 758 323 730 [Note 18]
PWS Wrestlers - Cue Kamber.png
English: Cue Kamber

Japanese: キュウリマン

620 620 620 1018 620 [Note 19]
PWS Wrestlers - Axel Anderson.png
English: Axel Anderson

Japanese: 笹竹パン吉

950 791 791 791 791 [Note 20]
PWS Wrestlers - Harrison Blaze.png
English: Harrison Blaze

Japanese: ダンシング則夫

1202 1149 480 752 1123 [Note 21]
PWS Wrestlers - Atlas Warfield.png
English: Atlas Warfield

Japanese: 草壁勉

1247 1020 1028 1368 943 [Note 22]
PWS Wrestlers - Clem Clampton.png
English: Clem Clampton

Japanese: 貝原ホタテ

1412 1794 1020 1066 1020 [Note 23]
PWS Wrestlers - Brock Thunder.png
English: Brock Thunder

Japanese: サンダー雷門

1162 2339 2553 2325 1803 [Note 24]
English: Sammy Smackdown 1439 1939 2564 2503 1792

Zipang Zingers

Photo Name Stats Data Source
Stamina Power Agility Technique Charisma
PWS Wrestlers - Master Fujiyama.png
English: Master Fujiyama

Japanese: 敷地拡張

876 2206 1308 1308 1604 [Note 25]
PWS Wrestlers - Maddox Mayhem.png
English: Maddox Mayhem

Japanese: ララミー朝会

1612 1824 1208 978 978 [Note 26]
PWS Wrestlers - Kent Kennedy.png
English: Kent Kennedy

Japanese: ケンドーオマガ

2732 2732 1733 1733 1964 [Note 27]
PWS Wrestlers - Rocky Rockwell.png
English: Rocky Rockwell

Japanese: アメダ・イツシカ

2152 2700 1663 1663 1663 [Note 28]

Masked Maestros

Photo Name Stats Data Source
Stamina Power Agility Technique Charisma
PWS Wrestlers - Chris Crowsley.png
English: Chris Crowsley

Japanese: 増田カラス

2697 4031 5561 5056 4031 [Note 29]
PWS Wrestlers - Brooke Dane.png
English: Brooke Dane

Japanese: バンバンベイン

4324 5498 1598 815 4305 [Note 30]
PWS Wrestlers - Golden Gabe Garcia.png
English: "Golden" Gabe Garcia

Japanese: 大金ゴールド

4751 4952 4431 2712 2913 [Note 31]


  1. His name is a reference to the Maryland wrestler Scott Oliver Hall, better known as Razor Ramon
  2. His name is a reference to the Saskatchewanian wrestler Roderick George Toombs better known as ‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper
  3. His name is a reference to Texan wrestler Steve Austin, better known as Stone Cold Steve Austin
  4. His name is a reference to South Carolina wrestler Paul Donald Wight II known as Big Show
  5. His name refers to the Floridian wrestler Edward Harrison Leslie known as Brutus ‘the Barber’ Beefcake
  6. His appearance as well as name is a reference to Hiroshima wrestler Aki Miyashita (宮下秋), better known by his ring name Danshoku Dino (男色ディーノ).
  7. His name is a reference to New Jerseyan wrestler Christopher Alan Pallies known as King Kong Bundy


Clarification: The stats of the wrestlers increase depending on how many times the player chooses to fight against them, this page takes the initial stats of each character in the game.
  1. See Game Walkthrough § Minute 9:19[1]
  2. See Game Walkthrough § Minute 24:08[1]
  3. See Game Walkthrough § Minute 45:43[1]
  4. See Game Walkthrough § Minute 3:08[2]
  5. See Game Walkthrough § Minute 24:08[2]
  6. More Information: Video § Minute 10:03[3] - See Game Walkthrough § Minute 1:18:30[2]
  7. More Information: Video § Minute 6:43[4] - See Game Walkthrough § Minute 1:53:44[2]
  8. More Information: Video § Minute 4:57[3] - See Game Walkthrough § Minute 51:21[2]
  9. See Game Walkthrough § Minute 1:08:17[2]
  10. See Game Walkthrough § Minute 1:30:38[2]
  11. More Information: Video § Minute 14:35[4] - See Game Walkthrough § Minute 2:09:59[2]
  12. See Game Walkthrough § Minute 1:24:53[5]
  13. See Game Walkthrough § Minute 2:14:30[5]
  14. More Information: Video § Minute 8:02[6] - See Game Walkthrough § Minute 1:34:48[7]
  15. See Game Walkthrough § Minute 1:42:00[7]
  16. More Information: Video § Minute 11:34[8] - See Game Walkthrough § Minute 2:01:59[7]
  17. See Game Walkthrough § Minute 2:06:30[7]
  18. See Game Walkthrough § Minute 1:49[9]
  19. See Game Walkthrough § Minute 12:09[9]
  20. More Information: Video § 6:44[8] - See Game Walkthrough § Minute 21:32[9]
  21. See Game Walkthrough § Minute 31:48[9]
  22. See Game Walkthrough § Minute 39:46[9]
  23. See Game Walkthrough § Minute 47:07[9]
  24. See Game Walkthrough § Minute 1:36:59[9]
  25. See Screenshot[10]
  26. See Screenshot[10]
  27. See Screenshot[10]
  28. See Screenshot[10]
  29. See Screenshot[10]
  30. See Screenshot[10]
  31. See Screenshot[10]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 New Android Games (2024-10-17). "My New Wrestling Gym | Rank ★ | Pro Wrestler Story Android Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1". YouTube
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 New Android Games (2024-10-18). "Expand Gym | 3-Men Tag Team | Rank ★★ | Pro Wrestler Story Android Gameplay Walkthrough Part 2". YouTube Retrieved on October 20, 2024.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Teaのゲーム部屋 (2024-08-01). "新団体にたこ焼きマスクで殴り込み【プロレスリング物語】#7【カイロソフト実況】". YouTube (in Japanese)
  4. 4.0 4.1 Teaのゲーム部屋 (2024-08-08). "ひげもじゃの即戦力を金で勧誘しました【プロレスリング物語】#8【カイロソフト実況】". YouTube (in Japanese)
  5. 5.0 5.1 New Android Games (2024-10-22). "Don't Know What to Say... | Pro Wrestler Story Android Gameplay Walkthrough Part 4". YouTube Retrieved on October 22, 2024.
  6. Teaのゲーム部屋 (2024-08-14). "お互いHP0になっても闘う女子プロ【プロレスリング物語】#9【カイロソフト実況】". YouTube (in Japanese)
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 New Android Games (2024-08-19). "Original Wrestler Not Worth It⁉️ | Rank ★★★ | Pro Wrestler Story Android Gameplay Walkthrough Part 3". YouTube
  8. 8.0 8.1 Teaのゲーム部屋 (2024-08-10). "パワータイプのガッデム乳山が参戦!【プロレスリング物語】#11【カイロソフト実況】". YouTube (in Japanese)
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 New Android Games (2024-10-23). "Moonsault Monsters | Pro Wrestler Story Android Gameplay Walkthrough Part 5". YouTube
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 Seb (2024). "Pro Wrestler Story - Wrestler Stats and Contract Data". Imgur