Animals (Zoo Park Story)

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Zoo Park Story gamenav icon.gifZoo Park Story

Animals Items Combos Exploration Locales Facilities
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

In Zoo Park Story, the animals play a crucial role in the development of the zoo, they have various needs that the player has to satisfy such as taking care of their health as well as increasing their happiness levels so that more visitors enter the zoo.[1]


Clarification: See List of Species for a complete catalogue of the different animal species, including statistical information and their preferences

In Zoo Park Story, there are different species of animals ranging from small rodents, farm animals as well as exotic animals. Each of them has different preferences in their diet as well as in the items they can use.

Each animal inhabits specific areas from forests, deserts, tundra and mountains; which is why it is important to keep in mind when conducting exploration to certain locations as well as adding the appropriate native vegetation around their pens depending on their habitat.


In-Game Screenshot

Every time the player encounters a wild animal while exploring he will have to negotiate with them, each animal is different and has some kind of difficulty depending on the species, but the player can use methods such as giving them small rations of food as well as playing with them in addition to increasing the price of their daily food.

In the event that the player uses the options correctly for the animal, there is a possibility that it will cross the “success line”, allowing the animal to be taken to the zoo, although it must be taken into account that this must be done during a certain specific time before the animal runs away.

Exotic animals will be much more difficult to tame in addition to the fact that they will have a higher ration price per meal by default, so care must be taken when using the food augmentation options.


Treats & Exercise

Giving food to animals increases the level of Treats as well as Friendliness, in addition Explorations can help animals in exercising

The player has to take into account several aspects of making the animals happy in the zoo, for this it is necessary to give them special food that helps to increase the Treats bar, in addition the player can give certain items to the animals to make them exercise, additionally, the player can increase the exercise bar if he takes certain animals on explorations.


Each zoo animal has a level of friendliness that is represented by green hearts, this parameter determines the capacity of interactions of these animals with zoo visitors. One of the positive effects of maintaining a high level of friendliness is that visitors can give food to the animals, and there is also the possibility that the animals do not need a fence to interact with visitors to the zoo, although this requires that each of the animals in the pen have a good level of friendliness to achieve this. These events additionally make visitors want to spend a lot more money on zoo tickets.

Visitors can feed the animals

No fence required

Animal can be ridden

Animal can be pickup up.


Certain types of exotic animals, specifically carnivores, will need specialized treatment when becoming visitor friendly. This can be solved by giving them species-appropriate food, usually meat and fish, as well as the use of other items.

When the Danger bar reaches zero, the player can increase the animal's Friendliness levels. Additionally, this same mechanic will apply when certain animals have offspring, which will carry a certain level of Danger, which the player will have to apply the same procedure as they did with their parents when taming them.



In specific situations, there is the possibility that animals that share the same pen may develop feelings after some time together. Afterwards, the player will be asked if it is possible to try this.

The player can help the animal by giving them flowers as well as arranging their fur to increase the chances of them being accepted, although these options cost Animal Points. Additionally, these options increase their level of Friendliness, which is also a key factor during these events for both animals.


In-Game Screenshot

During certain periods of time, pairs of animals may have babies, just as their parents did, and they will need to be properly domesticated so that they can interact with zoo visitors. Additionally, every time the player gets a baby of a different species, it gives the player a medal bonus and the zoo becomes more popular following media reports on the birth of the new animal at the zoo.


  1. Nik. "Zoopark Story Guide: All You Need to Know". Gaming Route Retrieved on May 23, 2024.