Combos (Shiny Ski Resort)

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Shiny Ski Resort gamenav icon.gifShiny Ski Resort

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Combos are a combination of 3 structures that when placed near each other gives extra bonuses to the other surrounding structures.

One thing a bit different than other Kairosoft games is how a combo can be formed. In previous Kairosoft games, all structures that formed a combo must be formed near each other in order to form a combo.

However in this game, thers's another way can be used to form a combo. As long the structures are linked to each other, the combo can be formed.

An example for this is a combo that's formed by 3 structures : A, B and C. In previous games, A must be near B, B must be near C and C must be near A in order for the combo to register.

In this game however, you can create a combo by placing A near B, B near C while C is far away from A. Even in this setup , the combo will still register.

There are a difference in the form of the range of the combo effect however. In the old method where all the structures must be connected to each other. the combo will affect all structures located near the 3 structures that formed a combo.

However, if the combo is formed using the new method, the combo will only affect the 3 structures that formed the combo and the structures that are placed near the combo structure that are placed near the other 2 combo structures.

In the above example, A, B and C will gain the effect of the combo. However, only structures that are placed near B will gain the combo's effect too. While structures that are placed near A and C will not gain the effect of the combo. The reason is that, only B structure are placed near A and C. A does not located near C. So the combo will not affect the structures placed near A and C.

There are currently 29 known Combos in-game.

Combos List

Name Effect Bases/Facilities /Environments
Come Again Fee +10G Flower Display Comment Box Souvenir Stall
Break Time Pop +5 Auto-Vendor Wooden Bench Round Tree
Great Reception Pop +5 Lobby Auto-Vendor Lobby Table
Foot Heaven Pop +5 Footbath Huge Planter Stove
Spa Corner Pop +10 Footbath Hot Spring (M) Big Onsen (M)
Spa Paradise Pop +10 Footbath Hot Spring (F) Big Onsen (F)
Tea Time Fee +10 Flower Display Dark Bean Café Café Table
Game Arcade Pop +10 Arcade Game Claw Machine Mallet Game
Fountain Plaza Pop +15 Hedge Planter Fountain Wooden Bench
Food Stalls Fee +15 Donut Stall Ramen Shop Curry House
Christmassy Pop +10 Large Fir Balloon Man Kids' Play Area
All Automatic Pop +10 Eat Wild Shop Veggie Planter Paperbot
Eat Your Fill Pop +10 Flower Display Buffet Dining Table
Asian Corner Pop +10 Offering Box Smithy Donut Stall
Shopping Spot Fee +10 Eat Wild Shop Veggie Planter Souvenir Stall
Lovely Café Pop +10 Flower Barrel Dark Bean Café Café Table
Mountain Café Pop +10 Balloon Man Dark Bean Café Wooden Bench
Relax & Enjoy Pop +10 Potted Palm Massage Salon Gramophone
Noodles vs Curry Pop +10 Ramen Shop Café Table Curry House
Swimming Area Fee +20 Heated Pool Shower Room Massage Salon
Resort Area Pop +20 Heated Pool Auto-Vendor Potted Palm
Brilliant Area Pop +3
Fee +3
Audio Player Sunnyflower Lobby Table
Training Spot Fee +10 Stove Skiing Class Auto-Vendor
Training Center Fee +10 Fan Mini Gym Auto-Vendor
Frosty Sweets Pop +10 Dark Bean Café Balloon Man Crepe Shop
Crafts Area Pop +10 Offering Box Smithy Indoor Garden
Sweet-Toothed Pop +10 Buffet Curry House Crepe Shop
Stylish Shops Pop +10
Fee +10
Large Fir Gift Shop Wooden Bench
Handy Lockers Fee +10 Fountain Locker Room Hedge Planter

Combo by Facility

Facility Name Combination 1 Combination 2 Effect (Pop) Effect (Fee)
Arcade Game Claw Machine Mallet Game Pop+ 10
Audio Player Sunny Flower Lobby Table Pop+ 3 Fee +3
Auto-Vendor Wooden Bench Round Tree Pop+ 5
Lobby Lobby Table Pop+ 5
Heated Pool Potted Palm Pop+ 20
Fan Mini Gym Fee+ 10
Stove Skiing Class Fee+ 10
Balloon Man Large Fir Kids' Play Area Pop+ 10
Dark Bean Cafe Crepe Shop Pop+ 10
Dark Bean Cafe Wooden Bench Pop+ 10
Big Onsen (F) Footbath Hot Spring (F) Pop +10
Big Onsen (M) Footbath Hot Spring (M) Pop +10
Buffet Curry House Crepe Shop Pop +10
Flower Display Dining Table Pop +10
Cafe Table Flower Display Dark Bean Café Fee +10
Flower Barrel Dark Bean Café Pop +10
Ramen Shop Curry House Pop +10
Claw Machine Arcade Game Mallet Game Pop +10
Comment Box Flower Display Souvenir Stall Fee +10
Crepe Shop Dark Bean Café Balloon Man Pop +10
Buffet Curry House Pop +10
Curry House Donut Stall Ramen Shop Fee +15
Ramen Shop Café Table Pop +10
Buffet Crepe Shop Pop +10
Dark Bean Cafe Flower Display Café Table Fee +10
Flower Barrel Café Table Pop +10
Balloon Man Wooden Bench Pop +10
Balloon Man Crepe Shop Pop +10
Dining Table Flower Display Buffet Pop +10
Donut Stall Ramen Shop Curry House Fee +15
Offering Box Smithy Pop +10
Eat Wild Shop Veggie Planter Paperbot Pop +10
Veggie Planter Souvenir Stall Fee +10
Fan Mini Gym Auto-Vendor Fee +10
Flower Barrel Dark Bean Café Café Table Pop +10
Flower Display Dark Bean Café Café Table Fee +10
Buffet Dining Table Pop +10
Footbath Huge Planter Stove Pop +5
Hot Spring (M) Big Onsen (M) Pop +10
Hot Spring (F) Big Onsen (F) Pop +10
Fountain Hedge Planter Wooden Bench Pop +15
Locker Room Hedge Planter Fee +10
Gift Shop Large Fir Wooden Bench Pop +10 Fee +10
Gramophone Potted Palm Massage Salon Pop +10
Heated Pool Shower Room Massage Salon Fee +20
Auto-Vendor Potted Palm Pop +20
Hedge Planter Fountain Wooden Bench Pop +15
Hot Spring (F) Footbath Big Onsen (F) Pop +10
Hot Spring (M) Footbath Big Onsen (M) Pop +10
Huge Planter Footbath Stove Pop +5
Indoor Garden Offering Box Smithy Pop +10
Kids' Play Area Large Fir Balloon Man Pop +10
Large Fir Balloon Man Kids' Play Area Pop +10
Gift Shop Wooden Bench Pop +10 Fee +10
Lobby Auto-Vendor Lobby Table Pop +5
Lobby Table Audio Player Sunnyflower Pop +3 Fee +3
Lobby Auto-Vendor Pop +5
Locker Room Fountain Hedge Planter Fee +10
Mallet Game Arcade Game Claw Machine Pop +10
Massage Salon Heated Pool Shower Room Fee +20
Potted Palm Gramophone Pop +10
Mini Gym Fan Auto-Vendor Fee +10
Offering Box Smithy Donut Stall Pop +10
Smithy Indoor Garden Pop +10
Paperbot Eat Wild Shop Veggie Planter Pop +10
Potted Palm Massage Salon Gramophone Pop +10
Heated Pool Auto-Vendor Pop +20
Ramen Shop Donut Stall Curry House Fee +15
Café Table Curry House Pop +10
Round Tree Auto-Vendor Wooden Bench Pop +5
Shower Room Heated Pool Massage Salon Fee +20
Skiing Class Stove Auto-Vendor Fee +10
Smithy Offering Box Donut Stall Pop +10
Offering Box Indoor Garden Pop +10
Souvenir Stall Flower Display Comment Box Fee +10
Eat Wild Shop Veggie Planter Fee +10
Stove Footbath Huge Planter Pop +5
Skiing Class Auto-Vendor Fee +10
Sunny Flower Audio Player Lobby Table Pop +3 Fee +3
Veggie Planter Eat Wild Shop Paperbot Pop +10
Eat Wild Shop Souvenir Stall Fee +10
Wooden Bench Auto-Vendor Round Tree Pop +5
Hedge Planter Fountain Pop +15
Balloon Man Dark Bean Café Pop +10
Large Fir Gift Shop Pop +10 Fee +10