Fishes (Fish Pond Park)

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Fish Pond Park gamenav icon.gifFish Pond Park

Cards Improvements Spots Research Specialties Fishing Gear Fishes Combos
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

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The game starts with Goldfish unlocked. Players must feed the fishes in order to breed them and with this may unlock new fish in the current habitat. When a new fish is unlocked, it must be caught at least once before it can be breed.

  • Habitat: Natural Habitat where the fish can be unlocked.
    • Mtn.Stream: Purchasable at pumpkin or connect Spring to Waterfall.
    • Sea: Unlock through research.
  • Baits: The number of baits needed in order to catch the fish, a maximum of 5 baits can be use each time.
  • Color: The background color of the fish image: Yellow and Green gives less money compare to Blue (Based on standard catch). While Yellow is tend to be one of the main unlocking condition.
  • Once a fish has been unlocked, it can be raised anywhere.
  • Maximum amount of each raisable fishes are 8.
  • Due to some bug, when unlocking fishes, try to remove them all and re-adding them before unlocking, else there are chances nothing will happen.

Fish List

Name Habitat Baits Color Unlock Condition
Goldfish All 1-2 Yellow Initially Available
Killifish Spring 1-2 Yellow 15 Feed
Crucian Spring 2-3 Green 15 Feed
Carp Spring 3-4 Blue 25 Feed
+Goldfish or Killifish
Rainbow Trout Stream 1-3 Green 15 Feed
+Goldfish or Killifish
Eel Stream 2-5 Green 15 Feed
Loach Stream 1-3 Yellow 40 Feed
Salmon Stream 4-5 Blue 20 Feed
Hakeling Stream 3-5 Green 30 Feed
Sculpin Stream 4-5 Green 40 Feed
+Rainbow Trout
Char Mtn. Stream 3-5 Green 40 Feed
+Goldfish or Killifish
+Rainbow Trout
Sweetfish Mtn. Stream 3-5 Green 40 Feed
+Goldfish or Killfish
Cherry Salmon Mtn. Stream 4-5 Green 40 Feed
+Goldfish or Killfish
Piranha River 1-5 Yellow 40 Feed
Koi Carp River 3-4 Green 40 Feed
+Goldfish or Killifish
Catfish River 4-5 Blue 40 Feed
+Koi Carp
Red Salmon River 4-5 Blue 40 Feed
Pirarucu River 4-5 Blue 30 Feed
+Red Salmon
Gold Carp Lake 1-2 Blue 40 Feed
Electric Eel Lake 1-2 Blue 40 Feed
+Goldfish or Killifish
+Gold Carp
Sheatfish Lake 4-5 Blue 40 Feed
+Goldfish or Killifish
+Electric Eel
Black Bass Lake 1-2 Blue 40 Feed
+Goldfish or Killifish
Silver Carp Lake 4-5 Blue 40 Feed
+Goldfish or Killifish
+Black Bass
Grass Carp Lake 4-5 Blue 40 Feed
+Goldfish or Killifish
+Silver Carp
Horse Mackarel Sea 1-5 Yellow 5 Feed
Pacific Saury Sea 1-3 Green 65 Feed
+Horse Mackarel
Sea Bass Sea 3 Green Breed 6 Pacific Saury at Sea
(130 Feed)
Sea Bream Sea Blue Breed 6 Sea Bass at Sea
(200 Feed)
Bonito Sea Blue Breed 6 Sea Bream at Sea
(220 Feed)
Swordfish Sea Blue Breed 6 Bonito at Sea
(460 Feed)
Shark Sea Blue Breed 6 Swordfish at Sea
(480 Feed)
Tuna Sea Blue Breed 6 Silver Carp at Sea
(320 Feed)
(Swordfish must be unloked?)
Kairobot Sea 2 Kairobot Breed Horse Mackerel + Tuna
(120 Feed)