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"@title","English" "@language","en-US" "@scale","auto" "@appli","8 - Do not change" "@version","2.17 - Do not change" "@author","Your Name" "#00000","Pagi!" "#00001","Bye!" "#00002","Whew..." "#00003","Hi!" "#00004","Look!" "#00005","Hmm..." "#00006","Work!" "#00007","Let's go!" "#00008","Let's see." "#00009","I see!" "#00010","Good!" "#00011","Of course!" "#00012","Lame..." "#00013","Hello!" "#00014","Welcome!" "#00015","I'm bored!" "#00016","Fight!" "#00017","Goodbye!" "#00018","=#00001" "#00019","Bye bye!" "#00020","See you!" "#00021","Yay!" "#00022","Ha!" "#00023","Aw..." "#00024","I'm a reporter." "#00025","Thanks." "#00026","Exciting!" "#00027","Wow! Amazing!" "#00028","Boring..." "#00029","Incredible!" "#00030","Wonderful!" "#00031","Uh..." "#00032","Let's go." "#00033","Fun!" "#00034","Impressive!" "#00035","Reporting complete." "#00036","Good job." "#00037","See you later." "#00038","A bit more." "#00039","Almost." "#00040","Well done." "#00041","Nicely done." "#00042","Nice." "#00043","Yikes!" "#00044","Play again!" "#00045","Help" "#00046","Co." "#00047","Company Name" "#00048","Game Title" "#00049","Platform" "#00050","None" "#00051","No games on sale" "#00052","Sunny Studios" "#00053","Salesman" "#00054","Secretary" "#00055","Your Console" "#00056","License Negotiator" "#00057","Cuteness" "#00058","Approachability" "#00059","Simplicity" "#00060","Game World" "#00061","Realism" "#00062","Niche Appeal" "#00063","Innovation" "#00064","Polish" "#00065","Fun" "#00066","Creativity" "#00067","Graphics" "#00068","Sound" "#00069","Bugs" "#00070","Program" "#00071","Scenario" "#00072","Male" "#00073","Female" "#00074","5-12" "#00075","13-18" "#00076","19-24" "#00077","25-40" "#00078","41+" "#00079","“<0>” genre unlocked." "#00080","“<0>” type unlocked." "#00081","=#00080" "#00082","What's this...?" "#00083","Client" "#00084","You used “<0>.”" "#00085","<0> went up by <1>!" "#00086","<0> went down by <1>..." "#00087","Bugs increased by <0>..." "#00088","“<0>”" "#00089","<0> is now on sale." "#00090","<0> is now off the market." "#00091","=#00090" "#00092","<0> units were sold." "#00093","Game #<0>" "#00094","Sequel" "#00095","=#00049" "#00096","Original Game" "#00097","Greetings, ladies and gentlemen." "#00098","=#00050" "#00099","Intendro" "#00100","Senga" "#00101","Sonny" "#00102","Microx" "#00103","Nipon" "#00104","Karoisoft" "#00105","16-bit Chip" "#00106","32-bit Chip" "#00107","64-bit Chip" "#00108","Potato Chip" "#00109","Cartridge" "#00110","CD-ROM" "#00111","DVD-ROM" "#00112","BD-ROM" "#00113","Punch Cards" "#00114","Console" "#00115","Portable" "#00116","In this simulation game, you" "#00117","play the president of a video" "#00118","game company." "#00119","Do your best to create a" "#00120","million-selling game and" "#00121","win the Grand Prize in the" "#00122","Global Game Awards." "#00123","▼Game Flow" "#00124","First, you'll need to hire" "#00125","some employees. You can" "#00126","start developing a game" "#00127","to earn money, or take" "#00128","contracting jobs and" "#00129","focus on training your staff." "#00130","▼Research Data" "#00131","The upper left floppy disk" "#00132","shows your Research Data." "#00133","Earn more by developing" "#00134","and debugging games. This" "#00135","allows you to level up staff" "#00136","and use boosts." "#00137","▼Contracting" "#00138","If you do a contracted" "#00139","job well, you will get money" "#00140","and Research Data." "#00141","It's hard to make a lot of" "#00142","money this way, but it" "#00143","doesn't require any capital." "#00144","▼Game Development 1" "#00145","First, you have to select a" "#00146","game genre and type. The" "#00147","combination of these will" "#00148","have a big effect on sales." "#00149","You will need a license to" "#00150","develop for a game console." "#00151","=MID(#00144,1,-1)&'2'" "#00152","Next, you need a game" "#00153","proposal. You can ask an" "#00154","employee with scenario" "#00155","writing experience, or" "#00156","outsource it. Your choice" "#00157","affects the game's quality." "#00158","=MID(#00144,1,-1)&'3'" "#00159","During development, you'll" "#00160","also have to add graphics" "#00161","and sound. You can use" "#00162","your own staff or outsource" "#00163","these, but using someone" "#00164","too often will tire them out." "#00165","▼Unlocking More Genres" "#00166","The higher your staff's" "#00167","job level, the more genres" "#00168","you can develop in." "#00169","Genres may also be" "#00170","unlocked due to the choices" "#00171","you make in development." "#00172","▼Unlocking More Types" "#00173","Depending on a staff" "#00174","member's job, they may" "#00175","unlock new game types" "#00176","during training. Choices" "#00177","you make in development" "#00178","can cause types to level up." "#00179","▼Game Direction 1" "#00180","When developing a game," "#00181","you must choose a game" "#00182","direction. Even games with" "#00183","the same genre and type" "#00184","may sell differently due to" "#00185","their direction." "#00186","=MID(#00179,1,-1)&'2'" "#00187","This also affects your" "#00188","company's reputation and" "#00189","fan base. If a game's genre," "#00190","type, and direction match," "#00191","you may be able to level up" "#00192","that genre or type." "#00193","▼Game Parameters 1" "#00194","The games you develop all" "#00195","have a set of parameters:" "#00196","Fun affects sales, while" "#00197","Creativity can help make" "#00198","a hit. Graphics and Sound" "#00199","are also very important." "#00200","=MID(#00193,1,-1)&'2'" "#00201","Bugs are a game" "#00202","developer's worst enemy." "#00203","Shipping a game with bugs" "#00204","can lead to big problems." "#00205","Each time you fix a bug," "#00206","you get Research Data." "#00207","▼Leveling Up Your Staff" "#00208","You can use Research Data" "#00209","to level up your staff. This" "#00210","increases their abilities" "#00211","across the board, and may" "#00212","unlock new genres, but it" "#00213","also increases their salary." "#00214","▼Staff Parameters 1" "#00215","■Programming" "#00216","This is an important all-" "#00217","around parameter. It affects" "#00218","development points and" "#00219","gives bonuses to both" "#00220","proposals and game art." "#00221","=MID(#00214,1,-1)&'2'" "#00222","■Scenario" "#00223","Aids in getting Research" "#00224","Data, and makes it easier to" "#00225","make creative games." "#00226","=MID(#00214,1,-1)&'3'" "#00227","■Graphics / Sound" "#00228","These affect the number of" "#00229","development points you get." "#00230","■Energy: Work and training" "#00231","consume Energy. Staff with" "#00232","zero Energy will go home." "#00233","▼Staff Jobs" "#00234","Each employee has a job," "#00235","such as Programmer or" "#00236","Director. Jobs affect an" "#00237","employee's parameters and" "#00238","the genres that may be" "#00239","unlocked during training." "#00240","▼Changing Jobs" "#00241","Using a particular item will" "#00242","make it possible for a staff" "#00243","member to change jobs." "#00244","There are also advanced" "#00245","jobs that are only open to" "#00246","staff of level 5 or above." "#00247","▼Staff Salaries" "#00248","When you hire an employee" "#00249","you must pay an initial" "#00250","contract fee. You must also" "#00251","pay them a yearly salary at" "#00252","the end of March. Leveling" "#00253","up increases staff salaries." "#00254","▼Company Fans" "#00255","Your fans are divided into" "#00256","age groups, and can affect" "#00257","the sales of your games." "#00258","Fans age as time passes, so" "#00259","you'll have to try and appeal" "#00260","to new young gamers, too." "#00261","▼Advertising" "#00262","You can increase your fan" "#00263","base by advertising, but" "#00264","some kinds become less" "#00265","effective over time. Putting" "#00266","out good games is the best" "#00267","way to attract more fans." "#00268","▼Items" "#00269","You will occasionally be" "#00270","visited by a salesman who" "#00271","sells various items that can" "#00272","improve in-progress games." "#00273","Some items disappear after" "#00274","you use them." "#00275","▼Your Own Console" "#00276","If your company is large" "#00277","enough and has a hardware" "#00278","engineer, you can release" "#00279","your own console. Use your" "#00280","fan base to become the king" "#00281","of the game industry!" "#00282","▼The Key to Creating a Hit" "#00283","The combination of genre" "#00284","and type are very important." "#00285","Also, sales tend to spike" "#00286","during the winter holidays," "#00287","so the timing of a release" "#00288","also affects its success." "#00289","▼Global Game Awards" "#00290","A number of prizes are" "#00291","given during these awards," "#00292","which are held yearly. If" "#00293","you get the Grand Prize," "#00294","it means that you're one of" "#00295","the pillars of the industry." "#00296","▼Ending" "#00297","The game “ends” after 20" "#00298","years have passed. Your" "#00299","total assets at this point will" "#00300","be saved as your high" "#00301","score. However, you can" "#00302","continue playing after this." "#00303","▼Other Notes" "#00304","The level that you reached" "#00305","for each game genre and" "#00306","type are carried over from" "#00307","one game to the next. Also," "#00308","keep an eye out for some" "#00309","secret characters to hire..." "#00310","<0> Booth" "#00311","<0> People" "#00312","Y<0> M<1> W<2>" "#00313","Due: <0> Wk." "#00314","<0> Wk." "#00315","Rank: --" "#00316","Rank: N/A" "#00317","Rank: #<0>" "#00318","<0> Units" "#00319","Manual <0>/29" "#00320","Staff List <0>/2" "#00321","#<0>" "#00322","-- K units" "#00323","<0> pts" "#00324","Released: Y<0> M<1> W<2>" "#00325","#--" "#00326","N/A" "#00327","<0>" "#00328","=#00327" "#00329","Yr Sales" "#00330","Yr Profit" "#00331","=#00069" "#00332","Sub" "#00333","Due" "#00334","New" "#00335","=#00094" "#00336","Hype" "#00337","Fame" "#00338","1st Half" "#00339","2nd Half" "#00340","Sales Finished" "#00341","Name" "#00342","Total" "#00343","Job" "#00344","Salary" "#00345","Energy" "#00346","Dev Cost" "#00347","=#00049" "#00348","Direction" "#00349","OK" "#00350","<0>:" "#00351","=#00350" "#00352","Skill" "#00353","Pop" "#00354","Cost" "#00355","Combo with <0>" "#00356","First Try" "#00357","Finish" "#00358","Title" "#00359","Units Shipped" "#00360","Hiring Method" "#00361","Advertising" "#00362","Design Console" "#00363","NEW" "#00364","C" "#00365","B" "#00366","A" "#00367","Change Title" "#00368","Sequel to <0>" "#00369","Free" "#00370","Contract Fee" "#00371","Use" "#00372","=#00349" "#00373","<0>'s Work History" "#00374","Prev" "#00375","In" "#00376","Out" "#00377","Income" "#00378","Expenses" "#00379","=#00046" "#00380","Units" "#00381","License" "#00382","Not Licensed" "#00383","Licensed" "#00384","Used" "#00385","<0> Times" "#00386","Share" "#00387","Released" "#00388","=#00005" "#00389","Product Details" "#00390","Reviews" "#00391","=#00354" "#00392","Sales" "#00393","=#00392" "#00394","Top" "#00395","Event" "#00396","Change Job for <0>" "#00397","From Lvl <1> <0>" "#00398","Becomes a Lvl <1> <0>" "#00399","Parameter Changes" "#00400","New Job" "#00401","Salary +20%: <0> → <1>" "#00402","Job Type" "#00403","Pay" "#00404","<0> Company Info" "#00405","GAMEDEX Records" "#00406","No Change" "#00407","At last, it's time to start game development. Good luck!" "#00408","This should be a popular combination. I'm looking forward to seeing it finished." "#00409","What a great combination!! Your staff is very excited to get to work on this one!" "#00410","That's a bit of an odd combination. I'm sure you can pull it off, but..." "#00411","That genre and type don't go together at all... I hope it sells..." "#00412","That's a bizarre combination... I wonder how this will turn out..." "#00413","Develop" "#00414","Staff" "#00415","Action" "#00416","Info" "#00417","System" "#00418","Website" "#00419","Week" "#00420","Month" "#00421","Year" "#00422","Seat changed." "#00423","Who do you want to move?" "#00424","Where should they go?" "#00425","<0> units" "#00426","No records" "#00427","Pathetic..." "#00428","Pffft..." "#00429","..." "#00430","Kill it! Kill it with fire!" "#00431","Oh... My... God..." "#00432","I'd give it a zero if I could." "#00433","We're all speechless..." "#00434","Can I get a refund?" "#00435","Ouch..." "#00436","It went right to the trash." "#00437","Oh dear..." "#00438","What the heck is this?!" "#00439","The idea isn't bad, but..." "#00440","They need more practice." "#00441","Better luck next time." "#00442","Why'd they do this to us?" "#00443","Not bad. But not good." "#00444","I got paid to play it, so..." "#00445","Still needs work." "#00446","Try again." "#00447","This shows promise!" "#00448","Rethink the combination." "#00449","They worked hard on it." "#00450","=#00036" "#00451","Needs work, technically." "#00452","I like this kind of game." "#00453","It's an interesting idea!" "#00454","I'm a little disappointed..." "#00455","Close. Try harder." "#00456","Good idea. I enjoyed it." "#00457","Good overall." "#00458","Some people may like it." "#00459","Title screen wasn't bad..." "#00460","Look forward to a sequel." "#00461","Good, but limited appeal." "#00462","Too short." "#00463","This is pretty good!" "#00464","It all needs more work." "#00465","It's for hardcore gamers." "#00466","Needs more polish." "#00467","It's easy to play, but..." "#00468","Not bad. But not great." "#00469","Not for most players." "#00470","It looked fun." "#00471","I got really hooked." "#00472","Rough around the edges." "#00473","It's pretty well done." "#00474","So close and yet so far..." "#00475","They do good work." "#00476","A bit rough, but creative." "#00477","Nice. What's next?" "#00478","They've come a long way." "#00479","It's a fun combination." "#00480","Its content was good." "#00481","I had a lot of fun with it!" "#00482","A little rough, but good." "#00483","I give it a “buy.”" "#00484","Best game of the year." "#00485","My pick of the week." "#00486","Good. Could be better." "#00487","Needs a twist." "#00488","I could play this for days." "#00489","Has lots of personality." "#00490","A guaranteed hit!" "#00491","I had a ball with this one!" "#00492","An instant classic!" "#00493","They did a great job." "#00494","I play this one every day!" "#00495","Everybody loved it!" "#00496","A rare masterpiece!!" "#00497","I was about to cry!" "#00498","I can't wait to play more!" "#00499","Perfect!" "#00500","It's... so beautiful...!" "#00501","Amazing! I'm impressed!" "#00502","This'll go down in history!" "#00503","A masterpiece!!" "#00504","The game of the century!" "#00505","I bought 3 copies myself." "#00506","An amazingly large game!" "#00507","Perfect in every way." "#00508","I'll ask around and see what I can find!/I'll let you know if I hear of any promising candidates." "#00509","I just took out an ad in a game magazine./We should get a number of applicants soon, so just wait a bit." "#00510","I took out an ad on an employment website./We should get the results soon." "#00511","I sent notices to a number of vocational schools./I'll let you know what the results are once I hear back." "#00512","I just rented out a luxurious ballroom at the Apogee Hotel./We'll conduct a detailed explanation of our company and our games./Afterward, I'll introduce the selected applicants to you." "#00513","I'm about to jump on a flight to Hollywood to meet with a talent agent./I'm sure we'll be able to find plenty of promising candidates!" "#00514","Another proposal? I'm not sure I can give this one my best..." "#00515","I'm doing the graphics again? I'm not sure I can give this one my best..." "#00516","Another soundtrack? I'm not sure I can give this one my best..." "#00517","I'm afraid we can't allow a company with no experience to have a license for our console./Why don't you start out by developing some PC games?" "#00518","That's pretty low...|Let's try to get a better score next time." "#00519","Those aren't great scores...|But maybe the players won't mind. Let's hope it sells." "#00520","Those scores are pretty low...|But not everybody listens to the critics. Let's just see if it sells!" "#00521","Looks like it could've used a bit more work.|But it may sell well, depending on how we promote it!" "#00522","Those are pretty good scores!|I can't wait to see how well this one sells!" "#00523","Those are great scores!|Maybe our next game will be in the Hall of Fame!" "#00524","We almost got in the Hall of Fame!|Scores like this should really help our sales!" "#00525","It didn't make it into the Hall of Fame...|I guess this will be the last entry in the series..." "#00526","The alpha version of the current game is now finished. It's time to really start working on the graphics./Who should we put in charge of character design?" "#00527","The beta version of the current game is now complete. We should start paying attention to the sound now." "#00528","/You can either choose a designer on your staff, or outsource it to an outside specialist." "#00529","/You can either choose a sound engineer on your staff, or outsource it to an outside specialist." "#00530","Hello!/I'll be your secretary here at <0>./I look forward to working with you, whether you're an expert or this is your first time./I'll do whatever I can to help you make a best-selling game.|Maybe we can even win the Grand Prize in the Global Game Awards!/If you ever have any questions, just tap “System” on the game menu and select “Manual.”/First of all, you'll need to hire some employees.|Open the menu and select “Staff” > “Hire.”" "#00531","The fiscal year just ended. Normally, you'd have to pay your staff's salary at this point./However, this year the government is going to pay to encourage development of the game industry!/You'll have to pay starting next year, so make sure you have enough cash available." "#00532","The fiscal year is almost over./You will have to pay your staff's salaries at the end of March./You should make sure you have enough money available." "#00533","You leveled up one of your staff members./When you level up an employee, their parameters go up and you may unlock new game genres./But their salary also goes up, make sure you have enough money to pay them!" "#00534","On this screen you can adjust the direction of a game that you are developing./Depending on the direction you choose, the genre or game type my go up in level./Also, the choices that you make over time will help you attract new fans." "#00535","Congratulations on starting your first game!/Who should we have write the game proposal?/You can either use a scenario writer on staff, or hire an outside expert." "#00536","/Now you will start the debugging process./Each time you fix a bug you will get Research Data, which you can use to level up your staff./Also, on the game information screen you have the option to ship a game without fixing all of the bugs." "#00537","/You've got a fair number of younger fans. If you take advantage of this, you may be able to expand your entire fan base." "#00538","Your fan base is aging. Each age group moves up, and a new group of young players appears at the bottom." "#00539","Don't attend show" "#00540","Don't hire anyone" "#00541","Use costumes" "#00542","Hire booth babes" "#00543","Hire a guest star" "#00544","Best Design" "#00545","Best Music" "#00546","Worst Game" "#00547","Runner Up" "#00548","Grand Prize" "#00549","Nothing." "#00550","Not bad." "#00551","Amazing!" "#00552","=#00005" "#00553","Not good." "#00554","Creative." "#00555","I see... I thought it would be a good chance to get our name out there, but.../I hope we'll be able to attend next year!" "#00556","Understood.|I'll go ahead and prepare our booth." "#00557","I hope a lot of people come!" "#00558","/I've ordered some adorable costumes. I'm sure we'll attract a lot of parents with kids!" "#00559","/I've made arrangements to have some beautiful spokesmodels at our booth!|I think we'll even make the news!" "#00560","/I talked to a major talent agency. This time... " "#00561","Hello. I'm a representative of Items & Things./The items we sell are very useful, and they are priced accordingly./Boost items require Research Data to use, but can be used any number of times." "#00562","A representative from Gamedex just asked us if we want to have a booth at the show!/Game companies from all over use Gamedex as an opportunity to show off their games./I think it would be a great chance to increase our sales!" "#00563","It's almost time for Gamedex again./It's always a good chance for us to get our name out there.|Will we be attending this year?" "#00564","Oh no!|There's been a blackout! Our current game has lost some points..." "#00565","Oh no!|There's been a blackout!/But since you don't have any games in development, it didn't have any effect." "#00566","We're getting a little low on capital.../It looks like we're going to have to dip into our emergency fund of $150K./If you run out of money while developing a game, you may even have to cancel the project./This is all the money we have, so if you find yourself running low, select “Develop” > “Contract” to get a job." "#00567","Hello!/I'm a traveling salesman.|Can I interest you in any items today?" "#00568","/You can't develop games for consoles that are no longer on the market, so be careful." "#00569","B-But I need this job..." "#00570","So you don't need me anymore..." "#00571","I understand... But..." "#00572","Please reconsider this..." "#00573","W-Wait a minute..." "#00574","I've still got work to do!" "#00575","#1!/I can't wait to see how well this one will sell!" "#00576","#2!/It's too bad we didn't make it to the top, but I can't wait to see how well this one sells!" "#00577","#3!/Just a bit more and we would've been #1. I can't wait to see how this sells!" "#00578","#<0>!/We made it into the top 10! That should get us some attention and boost our sales." "#00579","#<0>./We didn't make it into the top 10, but it may still sell well." "#00580","#<0>./Try using some advertising to get our name out there and maybe we'll do better next time." "#00581","#<0>./That's not too bad, but we can do better. Still, at least we're on the charts." "#00582","#<0>./Well, we made it on the charts at least. Let's hope our next game does better." "#00583","We didn't make it on the charts this time.|But we can't let it get to us. Let's try harder next time!" "#00584","According to our market research company," "#00585","we've been releasing too many games of the same genre and type./Our fan base is really shrinking..." "#00586","we've been releasing too many games of the same genre./Our fan base is shrinking a bit..." "#00587","we've been releasing too many games of the same type./Our fan base is shrinking a bit..." "#00588","We're still waiting for applicants.|I'll let you know when we get the results." "#00589","You already have a project in progress." "#00590","There aren't any jobs available at the moment." "#00591","You don't have any Hall of Fame games that you can make sequels for." "#00592","Which game are you going to make a sequel for?" "#00593","The license negotiations failed... Try to build up some experience and try again later." "#00594","Oops! I have another sales call to make./Bye!|Thanks for your business!" "#00595","However, our fan base did not change.../It looks like this kind of advertising won't increase our fan base anymore./You'll have to try using another method to increase our number of fans!" "#00596","Our game made it into the Hall of Fame!|That should really boost our sales!" "#00597","Congratulations on making it into the Hall of Fame. I can't wait for this one to go on sale.|You'll be able to make a sequel to this game in the future." "#00598","I'm sorry... I'm beat. You'll have to let me rest..." "#00599","The results of the <0> from the other day are here.../" "#00600","We got 0 applicants.|We'll have to try another method." "#00601","Wow!|We got <0> applicants! Who should we hire?" "#00602","/You can see past records by moving the scroll bar down." "#00603","Normal Fast" "#00604","Speed" "#00605","Music" "#00606","SFX" "#00607","Change the pace" "#00608","of the game." "#00609","Adjust the game's" "#00610","volume." "#00611","New Game" "#00612","Continue" "#00613","High Scores" "#00614","<0> Release Announcement" "#00615","Global Game Awards #<0>" "#00616","Gamedex #<0>" "#00617","|I borrowed a new <0> from a friend and tried it out." "#00618","|Ever since I read about the <0> in a magazine, I can't wait to get one." "#00619","|I lined up on release day to buy the <0>!" "#00620","/There's a new generation of elementary schoolers now." "#00621","But it looks like our games aren't very popular with them. We'll have to correct that!" "#00622","It looks like our games are somewhat popular with them. That's encouraging." "#00623","From what I hear, they love our games and even play them during class!" "#00624","We've got a lot of fans among them, too! Let's try and get even more!" "#00625","Our games are incredibly popular with them. Let's keep it up!" "#00626","With the release of the new IES from Intendro, there are now 4 game consoles on the market.|Recent studies have shown that video games are the most wanted item among children, and many companies are working to enter the market.|The game market is about to become a lot more crowded." "#00627","You've stored up a lot of Research Data, haven't you?/The number next to the floppy disk icon in the upper left is your Research Data./Use it to level up your staff or improve the game you are developing." "#00628","Excuse me for writing out of the blue, but I'm a big fan of <0>." "#00629","Hello! I'm a huge fan of <0>!" "#00630","Hello. I've been a fan of <0> for quite some time." "#00631","Hi! I play <0> games all the time!" "#00632","Hello! I'm a big <0> fan!" "#00633","Elem. school student" "#00634","High school student" "#00635","College student" "#00636","Letter from an adult" "#00637","Senior citizen" "#00638","The Secret of Boosts" "#00639","After an extensive investigation by our game team, we have discovered the secret to the items known as “Boosts.”|First, it seems as though Boosts become progressively more expensive with each one you purchase.|In addition, the amount of Research Data required to use a Boost depends on the total amount of data your company has accumulated.|They say that the most successful companies are also the best at using Boosts, so if you haven't tried it, we suggest you do." "#00640","You've got quite a lot of cash at your disposal now!/But you still have to be careful about how you use your funds./Consider investing in advertising to expand your fan base and secure the company's future." "#00641","The radio advertisements you purchased seem to have been popular. Our fan base has increased slightly overall!" "#00642","You have now released <0> games./When you release your next game, your past game data will start to be deleted, starting with the oldest game first./If a Hall of Fame game is deleted in this way, you will no longer be able to make sequels for it./But don't worry--records such as your top sales numbers and cumulative sales will not be deleted!" "#00643","Fans are lining up already!/They've heard about the <0>|of your next game and are already lining up!" "#00644","The <1> (console #<0>)|is now starting to ship!" "#00645","You used the “<0>.”" "#00646","Their current job is <0>." "#00647","You have moved to a new office." "#00648","Now that your company is bigger,|you can hire more people!" "#00649","Will you spend <0>|to move to a new office?" "#00650","<0> won an award!" "#00651","There's been a sudden increase|in the number of our fans|in junior high and high school!" "#00652","There's been a sudden increase| in our number of|adult fans!" "#00653","The initial shipment is planned
to be <0> units!" "#00654","Stay tuned, everyone!" "#00655","We will be releasing lots of fun games!" "#00656","Today, we would like to announce
our new console..." "#00657","The <0>!" "#00658","/This Free version of the game can be played until March of Year 4. We hope you enjoy it!" "#00659","The full version of the game includes a High Score function!" "#00660","Well done. You have played through the Free version of the game./In the full version, you can play as long as you like./On the following screen, you will be able to access the site for the full version of the game./We hope to see you again soon." "#00661","Full Version" "#00662","Lite Version" "#00663","Our games targeted at|niche audiences have been very popular./This means that our fan base among hardcore gamers is expanding." "#00664","Our games featuring|cute aesthetics have been very popular./This means that our fan base among high school girls is expanding." "#00665","Our games with|simple, pick-up-and-play design have been quite popular./This means that our fan base among casual gamers is expanding." "#00666","Our games with|deep, immersive game worlds and intricate backstory have been very popular./This means that our fan base among comic enthusiasts is expanding." "#00667","Our highly|polished games have been very popular./This means that our fan base among people in the game industry is expanding." "#00668","Lite" "#00669","Train" "#00670","Level Up" "#00671","Hire" "#00672","Fire" "#00673","Save" "#00674","Options" "#00675","Manual" "#00676","Hi-Scores" "#00677","Quit game" "#00678","Load Autosave Data" "#00679","Load Saved Game Data" "#00680","Select Save Game Data" "#00681","=#00611" "#00682","=#00094" "#00683","=#00114" "#00684","Products" "#00685","Staff List" "#00686","Research" "#00687","Trophies" "#00688","Use Item" "#00689","Move Seats" "#00690","Empty" "#00691","Data Used" "#00692","=#00354" "#00693","Owned" "#00694","Stock:" "#00695","Buy" "#00696","=#00348" "#00697","Accept" "#00698","Using <0>" "#00699","=#00354" "#00700","=#00357" "#00701","<0> times" "#00702","Success" "#00703","Failed..." "#00704","Success!" "#00705","Attempting..." "#00706","Finished!" "#00707","--K" "#00708","Previous" "#00709","Training Method " "#00710","Training" "#00711","Training: <0>" "#00712","Year <0>" "#00713","You have won <0> awards in the past." "#00714","Direction of current game" "#00715","<0> Finished" "#00716","=#00697" "#00717","Console Development" "#00718","Console Finished" "#00719","This data has already" "#00720","been registered." "#00721","Please register in the" "#00722","rankings first." "#00723","Enable communications and" "#00724","check your connection." "#00725","There is no loadable data" "#00726","present." "#00727","A fan letter for your" "#00728","company has arrived." "#00729","You cannot fire your" "#00730","last employee." "#00731","The latest issue of Game" "#00732","Guy magazine has arrived." "#00733","Saving game." "#00734","Game saved." "#00735","You don't have enough money." "#00736","There is no one you can hire." "#00737","You cannot hire more employees." "#00738","Development has started." "#00739","Finished." "#00740","There are no bugs." "#00741","You cannot register with 0 games." "#00742","You cannot register with $0." "#00743","Now developing a console." "#00744","You got a fan letter." "#00745","High Score" "#00746","Select Product" "#00747","=#00049" "#00748","Select Genre " "#00749","Select Type " "#00750","Project List " "#00751","Past Products " "#00752","How do you want to search?" "#00753","Advertising Method " "#00754","Console CPU" "#00755","Console Media" "#00756","Console Type" "#00757","CPU" "#00758","Media" "#00759","Type" "#00760","Change Name" "#00761","Game Console #<0>" "#00762","Game" "#00763","Contract" "#00764","Equipment" "#00765","Item-Related" "#00766","=#00361" "#00767","Personnel Cost" "#00768","Other" "#00769","=#00392" "#00770","Capital Until Year 20" "#00771","An award given to games with" "#00772","outstanding graphics." "#00773","=#00771" "#00774","outstanding music." "#00775","An award given to games that" "#00776","are very boring." "#00777","An award given to one of the" "#00778","outstanding games of the year." "#00779","An award given to the best" "#00780","game of the year." "#00781","I just came up with a great idea for a <0> game! I really think I can do a good job on this one!" "#00782","I was just doing some sketches that would be perfect for a <0> game! I really think I can do a good job on this one!" "#00783","I was just composing some music that would be perfect for a <0> game! I really think I can do a good job on this one!" "#00784","A Middle Eastern king who loves video games is going to be coming!/He should be able to attract global attention to <0>!" "#00785","Kairobot the Robot is going to be coming!/He should be able to attract attention to <0> throughout the galaxy!" "#00786","They should be able to attract attention to <0>!" "#00787","A famous star who loves video games is going to come!/They should be able to attract national attention to <0>!" "#00788","It's time for the Global Game Awards!/They'll be giving a number of awards to games released this year." "#00789","/Unfortunately, we have no games up for consideration. Maybe next year." "#00790","/<0> has <1> game(s) up for consideration!|I hope we win!/Let's go to the awards ceremony." "#00791","This looks like an interesting console!/We should do our best to get a license!" "#00792","Congratulations!|You can now develop games for the <0>!" "#00793","Your staff's morale has suddenly gone down..." "#00794","Staff pay taken from funds." "#00795","The game in progress has been canceled." "#00796","You cannot ship an incomplete game." "#00797","You have not released anything yet." "#00798","You don't have any items." "#00799","Because of the article,|<0>'s fan base|throughout the country seems to be shrinking a bit..." "#00800","Thanks to the article,|<0>'s fan base|throughout the country has increased!" "#00801","Thank you for your business!" "#00802","It's about time to move to a different office and expand the size of your company." "#00803","Devel. Part 1" "#00804","=MID(#00803,1,-1)&'2'" "#00805","=#00611" "#00806","=#00094" "#00807","No Project" "#00808","New visitor record!" "#00809","|I'm sure it's not easy work, but do your best. Goodbye." "#00810","|I've recommended your company to all my friends, so please work hard on your next games." "#00811","I loved how much <0> the game had!" "#00812","|I like <0> games in general, and I really enjoyed that this one was a <1> game." "#00813","|I thought combining a <0> game with a <0> game might not work, but it was very addictive." "#00814","|I like games like <0>, and I'm really looking forward to your next game!" "#00815","|I think the problem was that it didn't have enough <0>." "#00816","My friends didn't seem to like it much..." "#00817","|I was really looking forward to a new <0> game, but it wasn't that much fun... " "#00818","|This game may not have been much fun, but I'm sure the next one will be better if you use a different combination." "#00819","|I enjoyed the game, but I think it could have been even better with a different combination." "#00820","|None off my friends really knew what to make of the game, so I hope you choose a better combination next time. I'll be cheering for you!" "#00821","|I was pretty disappointed, because I enjoyed your other games. I'm thinking about not being your fan anymore... Bye." "#00822","|I guess most people don't like the combination of a <0> game and a <0> game, but some people really like that kind of thing. I hope the games you make in the future will surprise me--in a good way!" "#00823","|I think the combination of a <0> game and a <0> game just doesn't work very well..." "#00824","Select Employee " "#00825","Fire Employee " "#00826","Hire New Employees " "#00827","Who will you use? " "#00828","Game Proposal " "#00829","Graphics " "#00830","Music " "#00831","Employee Info " "#00832","Remaining Man Hours" "#00833","=#00313" "#00834","=#00611" "#00835","Cancel" "#00836","Ship" "#00837","Message" "#00838","Dialog Window" "#00839","=#00611" "#00840","/This one has high <0> but is low in everything else..." "#00841","/This game seems to have good <0>. Excellent." "#00842","/A game with such good <0> should be promising." "#00843","/A game with <0> like this might make it to the Hall of Fame!" "#00844","/And a good combination like this should help boost sales!" "#00845","/But this combination is bad enough that it might affect sales..." "#00846","/I don't know how well people will accept such a strange combination..." "#00847","It is now the end of the fiscal year.|<0> has been deducted|from your funds to pay for your staff's salaries." "#00848","Hardware Development" "#00849","It seems that <0> has started development on its own console.|Their recent hire of a hardware engineer had sparked rumors in the industry, and it appears the rumors were right.|Of course, once development is finished, things like the number of the company's fans and the talent of its employees will determine how well it sells.|We'll be waiting to see if they'll be able to replicate their past success with this new venture." "#00850","Anonymous" "#00851","I used to be a big <0> fan. Until recently, that is..|I had been living in a tent waiting for your next game to be released!|And you go and cancel it at the last minute!|You can consider me an ex-fan! Goodbye forever." "#00852","=#00349" "#00853","Yes" "#00854","No" "#00855","Console Info " "#00856","Developed Console " "#00857","Research " "#00858","Popularity" "#00859","Games" "#00860","Hall of Fame" "#00861","Fans" "#00862","Genre" "#00863","=#00759" "#00864","Top Sales" "#00865","Current Profits" "#00866","High Score " "#00867","Boost attempt" "#00868","Contracting: Details " "#00869","Item List " "#00870","Thank you! I'll do my best!" "#00871","It's been my dream to work for <0>! I promise you won't regret this!" "#00872","Yes! I may be inexperienced, but I'll do my best." "#00873","Thanks. You can count on me." "#00874","I'm happy to be a part of <0>." "#00875","Understood.|Once I get warmed up, I'm sure I can make a great <0> game." "#00876","A <0> game? I'll try and make something that's never been done before!" "#00877","Understood.|<0> games are my specialty. Just leave this to me." "#00878","I see.|A <0> game?|Okay, I'll think of something interesting!" "#00879","This is my big chance! I'll make some great <1> graphics! I'm sure this game will be a big success for <0>!" "#00880","A <0> game? Sounds interesting!/I'll do my best to come up with some impressive graphics." "#00881","So it's a <0> game, huh? I can't guarantee it'll sell, but a job's a job." "#00882","It's an honor to work for you. I'm sure I can come up with some designs that are just perfect for a <0> game." "#00883","It's finally my turn up at bat!|I'll come up with some music that'll be a perfect match for a <0> game." "#00884","I understand. I'll try to compose some music that will match a <0> game." "#00885","You don't have any more openings.|If you want to hire <0>, you will need to fire someone else.../Who do you want to fire?" "#00886","Select who will use the Boost." "#00887","Select who will change jobs." "#00888","Already at the maximum level." "#00889","Use <0> Research Data to lvl. up." "#00890","Press OK to select someone." "#00891","Contracted jobs cannot be canceled." "#00892","Game complete" "#00893","Sequel to <0> complete" "#00894","I see... That's too bad. I'll have to look for work tomorrow then./Goodbye." "#00895","But I worked my hardest for you...!/I'll make a hit game at my next job. You'll see!" "#00896","I was just thinking of quitting anyway. See you." "#00897","Thanks for everything. I enjoyed working here. Say goodbye to everyone for me." "#00898","Thank you for letting me work here.../I'm sad that you won't be needing me anymore./But I'll still be a fan of your games." "#00899","It's time to start developing your own console!/The development process is divided into two parts. The first is pre-development.|We have a long, hard road ahead!" "#00900","Contracting" "#00901","Current Game Info" "#00902","Affects company fame and fans." "#00903","Your last <0> games will be recorded." "#00904","go to Application Description" "#00905","=#00677" "#00906","Quit the game and" "#00907","visit the Kairosoft website." "#00908","Quit hiring." "#00909","Are you sure you want to" "#00910","stop development of this game?" "#00911","This game still has bugs." "#00912","Do you want to ship it?" "#00913","Do you want to start development" "#00914","of a new console?" "#00915","Starting license negotiations." "#00916","About this game" "#00917","Game Dev Story" "#00918","(C) Kairosoft Co., Ltd." "#00919","Display the staff currently employed at your company." "#00920","Ending" "#00921","Growth since last year." "#00922","Your fan base is aging." "#00923","Influx of <0> fans" "#00924","Fan aging" "#00925","Research Data increased by <0>." "#00926","Remaining Direction Points" "#00927","You haven't won any awards." "#00928","Global Game Awards" "#00929","Trophies Won " "#00930","There were no" "#00931","changes." "#00932","Changes to company fan base" "#00933","Fan Base Aging" "#00934","Parameters increased!" "#00935","Parameters greatly increased!" "#00936","There were no changes." "#00937","Super parameter power up!" "#00938","Choose type of training." "#00939","Energy is almost depleted." "#00940","Sequel Proposal" "#00941","Record Visitors" "#00942","Booth Type" "#00943","Gamedex" "#00944","Start Challenge" "#00945","Research Data Used" "#00946","Writing game proposal..." "#00947","Designing graphics..." "#00948","Composing music..." "#00949","What direction will you use?" "#00950","Good for one use." "#00951","Fan Letter" "#00952","Game Guy Magazine" "#00953","Current Consoles Market Share" "#00954","<0>'s total fans: <1>" "#00955","Select which sequel" "#00956","Total Points" "#00957","Magazine Reviews" "#00958","License Negotiation" "#00959","Income and Expenses " "#00960","<0>'s Top Ten" "#00961","You can use an item to change jobs." "#00962","Information about your staff." "#00963","Select someone to train." "#00964","Fire this employee?" "#00965","Whew... I can't wait to see it done." "#00966","I think that's all I can do..." "#00967","Not bad, if I do say so myself." "#00968","How's that?" "#00969","Whew. I really worked hard on that." "#00970","I guess that's good enough." "#00971","I know! I'll try this!" "#00972","Ah, then I should do this..." "#00973","I just got a good idea for this..." "#00974","I just have to do this and...!" "#00975","Then I'll add this." "#00976","Just a bit more!" "#00977","Yes! I just got a great idea!" "#00978","This'll really make it fun!" "#00979","I'm on a roll now!" "#00980","Oh no!|A game that's very similar|to ours has been released!/This will probably affect our sales..." "#00981","Oh no!|We've had an equipment failure.../We're back up and running now,|but our game in development lost some points..." "#00982","A <0> game, huh...?" "#00983","So it's a <0> game..." "#00984","A <0> game?!" "#00985","You say it's a <0> game?" "#00986","Our current game|is going to be promoted by the console maker|as one of their top titles!/That should really boost our sales|once it's released." "#00987","A game magazine did a big article|about our current game!/That should really boost our sales|once it's released." "#00988","The staff has been struck by a|wave of inspiration about our current game!/The game's points|have greatly increased!" "#00989","The <0>|of our current game is quite high!/I think we should work on increasing its |<0> even further." "#00990","Our company's game is finally on sale!/Our fans are slowly increasing around the country./We should try advertising to get our name out there." "#00991","I just heard that the|<0> is going to be discontinued in 3 months." "#00992","According to our research firm, we're starting to lose our fans|because we haven't put out a game in a while..." "#00993","Because the game's direction and type match,|<0> has increased to|Lvl <1>!" "#00994","/We have also discovered some new tricks, giving us an additional|2 points to allocate to the game's direction!" "#00995","Because the game's direction and genre match,|<0> has increased to|Lvl <1>!" "#00996","A minor magazine|wrote an article about <0>! That should slightly increase our sales." "#00997","A magazine wrote|an article about <0>! That should somewhat increase our sales." "#00998","Everybody online|is talking about <0>! That should really boost our sales!" "#00999","A respected magazine|wrote an article about <0>! That should really boost our sales." "#01000","A TV show did a segment|about <0>! That should really boost our sales." "#01001","Oh no!|A bug has been found in <0>!/Luckily, it's not serious,|but our popularity has taken a bit of a hit..." "#01002","Oh no!|A bug has been found in <0>!/It's a major bug, so we have stop selling the game|and pay $12 apiece to recall each one we sold..." "#01003","<0> has sold over|<1>K units!|Congratulations!" "#01004","We've started development on our new game!/The icons floating up from each staff member's computer represent game points, which are added to Fun, Creativity, Bugs, etc./Press up or down on the main screen to scroll the information bar, and tap the OK key to display detailed information." "#01005","Your company is growing at a nice pace./Pretty soon you may want to get a license to develop for one of the game consoles./It's not cheap, but you can sell a lot more games than on the PC." "#01006","s first week's sales have just come in. Sales totaled|" "#01007"," units.|Its sales ranking was.../" "#01008","Excuse me.../I'd like to try increasing the <1> for our <0> job. Could I have your permission to try?" "#01009","Excuse me.../I'd like to try increasing the|<0> of our console in development. Could I have your permission to try?" "#01010","Excuse me.../I'd like to try increasing the|<0> of our game in development. Could I have your permission to try?" "#01011","The deadline for the <0> job is up." "#01012","Wow!|I've just learned that <0> is going to be announcing a new console!/Let's go to the press conference right away!" "#01013","The sequel to|“<0>”|is finally complete!" "#01014","Our company's game #<0> is finally complete!" "#01015","Our company's first game is finally complete!" "#01016","/Now we will start the debugging process, although it's possible to release a game before all of the bugs are fixed." "#01017","The sequel to “<0>” is finally complete!" "#01018","The game under development is now complete." "#01019","The work for the <0> job is now complete. We should submit it to the client." "#01020","Company sales record!" "#01021","You can only release one console at a time./If you develop a new console, the <0> will automatically be discontinued." "#01022","Okay. Game #<0> will be a <1> <2> game. Who do you want to write the proposal?" "#01023","So, you're going to make a <1> <2> game as a sequel to <0>!/If the sequel doesn't make it into the Hall of Fame, you won't be able to make any more sequels in this series./So be sure and do a good job on this one." "#01024","I'm not a bad person.|I'm just not skilled enough... I'm sorry..." "#01025","I was so close...|But I guess I'm just not good enough. I'm sorry for the trouble I caused..." "#01026","I'm sorry!|I'll do my best to make up for this!" "#01027","Thanks!|I appreciate you giving me a chance." "#01028","|It looks like this job will end pretty quickly!" "#01029","|I can't wait for this game to be finished!" "#01030","Unfortunately, it didn't have any effect..." "#01031","The next time they produce development points,|<0> will be extra motivated!" "#01032","Your current game's bugs have decreased by|<0>!" "#01033","There was no change|in the number of bugs in your current game..." "#01034","<0> did not change..." "#01035","The attempt to boost|<0> failed.|" "#01036","You don't have any Research Data." "#01037","=#00735" "#01038","You took the <0> job. The deadline is in <1> weeks." "#01039","Ah yes.|The <0>.|Thank you." "#01040","Uh-oh.|You can't carry any more of those.|I'm sorry." "#01041","You don't have enough Research Data." "#01042","Using that now would have no effect." "#01043","You are not currently developing a game." "#01044","Do you want to hire someone else?" "#01045","They are at the maximum level for <0>." "#01046","=#01041" "#01047","Fame has increased for both <0> and the game under development." "#01048","<0>'s fame has increased." "#01049","There's no point in advertising until you've released a game. Let's concentrate on game development for now!" "#01050","/Maybe next time./Goodbye." "#01051","Hello.|Thank you for applying to develop for the <0>." "#01052","Do you want to buy anything else?" "#01053","Well done.|I hope to work with you again." "#01054","Thank you!|We'll definitely work together again!" "#01055","An excellent job. Just what I would expect from <0>. See you again." "#01056","To develop your own console,|you will need at least one Hardware Engineer." "#01057","Now we will come up with a proposal for the new game. You can change the genre and type by pressing the OK key." "#01058","Congratulations! You won the Grand Prize!/We have to get back to the office and tell everyone!" "#01059","Oh no! You won the Worst Game award!/We'll have to work hard to make sure that never happens again..." "#01060","You won <0> trophies. This should really help boost our fame." "#01061","Too bad. You didn't win any awards. But there's always next year! Aim for the Grand Prize!" "#01062","From time to time, you encounter people with extraordinary abilities-- abilities that go far beyond those of the average person.|<1> at <0> is one of those people. They have mastered one job after another.|A game creator's personality often shows through in the games that they make, so we look forward to seeing what they can come up with in the future." "#01063","Game Market Heats Up" "#01064","Charismatic Staff" "#01065","1 Million Units Sold" "#01066","The recently released <0> has proven to be quite popular, reaching 1 million units sold in a very short period of time.|But consoles must continue to sell in order to be considered a success.|In many cases, a hit game prompts people to purchase a system.|Indeed, a single hit game can greatly change a console's fortunes." "#01067","Million-Hit Still Selling" "#01068","The popular game <0> has now sold more than 1 million units.|This is the first <1> game in some time to reach this mark, and has proved quite popular even with people in the game industry. As one retail store owner put it, “It sells out as soon as we put it on the shelves. I've been playing it to try and discover why it's so popular, and now I'm hooked. Now my sales are suffering...” One can only wonder how many units it will end up selling." "#01069","Monster Hit At 2 Million" "#01070","The popularity of <0> continues unabated. Indeed, it recently topped 2 million in sales!|<1> certainly put their all into this <2> game.|The game is still in short supply, with some shop owners saying that parents have resorted to buying other, similar games because they can't find the genuine article." "#01071","Game Industry Trends" "#01072","Competition in the game industry continues to heat up as newcomer <0> enters the market.|We look forward to seeing what they have in store for us.|It will need to be impressive to make an impact in this crowded market." "#01073","Moving to Bigger Digs" "#01074","<0> is riding the wave of its recent success by moving to larger offices.|Their new headquarters are said to be twice as big as the old ones, and their desks, chairs, and other furnishings are all brand new.|<1>, one of their employees, had this to say about their new digs: “It's a wonderful office. I can't wait to come here every day and start to work making great games!”" "#01075","Big Sales, Big Office" "#01076","Sources say that <0>, which should be a familiar name to any game fan by now, has recently moved to new offices.|The new offices are in a prime location near a train station and are carpeted with the finest Persian rugs.|The president commented that, “It's my job to provide a workplace that brings out the best in our employees.” And indeed, it seems to be working—the company has been flooded with applications for work." "#01077","New Game Types" "#01078","We here at Game Guy magazine have recently succeeded in interviewing a famous game developer.|According to him, the best way to increase the number of game types you have available is to train your employees.|Your employees' job types and levels also affect the types of games they can discover.|From what we understand, Scenario Writers are particularly good at discovering new game types, so you may want to try training yours." "#01079","=#00928" "#01080","<0>, which we have covered many times in the past, recently won <1> in the Global Game Awards!|The judges unanimously agreed on their choice and talked at length about the game's quality.|This will no doubt increase the company's fans and sales in the near future." "#01081","GGA Grand Prize" "#01082","The Global Game Awards, which recognize the best in video games throughout the world, have chosen <0> to receive the Grand Prize.|Many <0> fans were present at the ceremony, and cried out in unison when the results were announced.|The entire industry is waiting to see what <0> will do next." "#01083","Masked Man?" "#01084","According to information acquired by our magazine, a mysterious masked man has recently been seen trying to apply at various video game companies.|Our sources indicate that he is simply a hardworking guy in a mask, so companies should certainly give him a second look." "#01085","Missing King" "#01086","A Middle Eastern oil baron disappeared during a recent trip to the consumer electronics district, and hasn't been seen since.|One of his servants looked up from the game he was playing long enough to talk to us. “We knew that the king was obsessed with video games. He kept saying that he wanted to work at a game company, but we didn't think he'd actually try and do it!”" "#01087","Beast On The Loose" "#01088","According to one of our reporters, a dangerous wild animal has recently escaped from a forested area in Kairo Park.|While the animal in question has only been sighted from far away, it is said to have long sharp claws and a vicious temperament. Please use caution if you see it.|The animal apparently has a fondness for video games, and so may be found if a company starts accepting new applicants." "#01089","A Job For Chimpan Z" "#01090","We have just learned that Mr. Chimpan Z, a resident of an island on Kairo Park, is looking for employment.|The recent heatwave has apparently decimated the crop of bananas he was tending on the island, leading him to seek work in video game development.|Companies looking for employees may encounter him." "#01091","Kairobot" "#01092","According to one of our sources, Kairobot, a robot from Kairo Park, is trying to join a game company.|He told us that he had gained a large amount of experience, and felt it was time for him to take this step. He said that he wanted to use his advanced AI technology to create an amazing simulation game. " "#01093","Bobby Anderson (15)" "#01094","Hello. I'm a high school student and I love <0> games. In fact, I've been playing them so much, I failed my last math test!|I'm really looking forward to what you're going to put out in the future, so please work hard on them!|By the way, my favorite game is, um... <1>." "#01095","Amy Jackson (21)" "#01096","Hi! I don't play games very much, but everybody on TV was talking so much about your brain training games that I finaly broke down and bought one.|I had my grandmother try it out, and the age of her brain went from 80 to 5!|I tried it myself, and now I'm smart enough to get into an Ivy League college!|You've got a fan for life!" "#01097","Hank Wright (28)" "#01098","I'm a professional race car driver. This is my first fan letter, so forgive me if it's hard to read...|I always use your racing game to practice a new track before actually getting into my car.|Thanks to you, I was able to come in 16th in the recent Chimpan Island Race. I recommend your game to all my friends." "#01099","Jim Hollingsworth (56)" "#01100","I used to be a game developer myself in my younger days. Now I just play them, but I had to write in and say how much I enjoyed your latest shooter.|The average company couldn't come close to replicating that kind of perfection...|If I wasn't retired, I'd love to apply for a job at your company, but I guess I'll have to content myself with playing your games." "#01101","Beverly Kane (25)" "#01102","I always play your company's games.|I especially enjoyed the trivia game you recently released. I never thought combining it with a <0> would work, but it was perfect!|I can't wait to see what you come up with next." "#01103","James Bonehill (15)" "#01104","Hello. I first heard of <0> at the recent Gamedex show.|I was very impressed that someone was making games like yours, so I went to my local shop and bought a bunch of your games.|I'm pretty sure I'm the biggest <0> fan in my town now. I hope you'll keep surprising me with your games in the future." "#01105","Julie Jameson (29)" "#01106","Gamedex was amazing! They really covered it a lot on TV, so I think most of my friends are fans of yours now.|I've been playing <0> games for a long time, and I was very impressed to see how far you've come.|I hope you won't let success go to your heads. Keep putting out the games we all love! Thanks." "#01107","First up is best graphical design." "#01108","The Best Design Award,
with a reward of $100K!" "#01109","Next is the $100K Best Music Award!" "#01110","Next is the $500K Runner Up Award!" "#01111","Before we award the Grand Prize..." "#01112","We must announce the Worst Game
Award, with a penalty of $300K!" "#01113","Try not to receive that one again." "#01114","Now then, it's finally time
to announce the Grand Prize!" "#01115","This year's Global Game
Awards Grand Prize goes to..." "#01116","They will also receive
an award of $1 million!" "#01117","Whether you received an award or not..." "#01118","We hope you'll keep at it for next year!" "#01119","Until then, good luck and good gaming!" "#01120","You've missed the deadline!/I'm never using your company again!" "#01121","You failed to complete your contracting job.../Your company's reputation has gone down..." "#01122","The Energy of all of your employees has been restored./You will also receive more Research Data!" "#01123","/I'm sorry you had to come all the way out here, but I'm afraid that we can't grant a license to a company with such little capital at hand. Why don't you come back when you've grown a bit more?" "#01124","/Hmm... It looks like you've got enough capital." "#01125","/All right. I'll give you a license and development kit./I hope you'll develop some games that will help promote our console./Good luck!" "#01126","Thank you!|I'll do my best from now on as a <0>!" "#01127","<0>'s fan base throughout the country is shrinking..." "#01128","<0>'s fan base throughout the country is growing!" "#01129","Gamedex is now over." "#01130","We had a record number of visitors at the <0> booth: <1>!" "#01131","The number of visitors at the <0> booth was <1>." "#01132","/I'm sure most of those visitors will end up buying our game!/We should definitely go to the show next year, too!" "#01133","The first half of the development of our console is finished!/Now we will start the second half." "#01134","Our console is finally finished! Now all we have to do is give it a name and we can ship it./A console made by our company will never go off the market. Plus, you can increase console sales by releasing games for it." "#01135","<0> years have now passed. This ends the main portion of the game./<1> released <2> games and sold a total of <3> units./The top selling game was|<4>| with total sales of <5>./You can keep playing the game from now on. However, your high score (total capital) will no longer be updated from this point on./If you start a new game, you will be able to start playing using the current levels for game genre and type, which should make it easier to beat your high score next time." "#01136","But feel free to continue playing your current game to try and beat your top sales record!" "#01137","I see they've released a new console. After we've built up some capital, we should try getting a license!" "#01138","They're going to ship a lot of those. It looks like they're really trying to dominate the market. We should try to get in on the action, too!" "#01139","This seems to be the successor to the popular IES console./We should definitely try and get a license!" "#01140","This console seems to be focusing on 3D graphics.|They seem to be putting a lot of effort into promoting it. We'll definitely want to keep an eye on this one in the future." "#01141","This console is being put out by a company best known for its arcade games. I wonder how well it will sell." "#01142","This one doesn't seem like it will sell very well, and the license fees are very high, too.../But with relatively few companies developing for it, it might be easier to create a hit." "#01143","This is the successor to the wildly popular PlayStatus console. They said on TV that people have been lining up for days to buy it." "#01144","This is an impressive console! The license fees are high, but we should think about developing for it!" "#01145","This console includes some very impressive technology./It's going on sale at the same time throughout the world, so our sales might get a boost!" "#01146","Apparently you can control this console with a remote, and even use it to access the Internet.../It's unusual, but it might expand the game market to people who wouldn't normally play games!" "#01147","It's pretty similar to other popular game systems, but there's something a little odd about this one.../Still, the license and development costs are relatively low." "#01148","Hmm... It doesn't look bad, but I'm not sure it will sell.../Depending on how the market reacts, it might be worth developing for this console." "#01149","This is a pretty unusual console... But they're going to be shipping a lot of them, so it might be worth developing for." "#01150","This unique console features many ports of arcade games." "#01151","Apparently you look through those goggles to see a three-dimensional image.../I'm not sure this one will sell very well..." "#01152","This is the first portable game console! I bet it'll be especially popular with younger players!" "#01153","This is a portable console with a color LCD screen./The portable game market is about to expand!" "#01154","This cutting edge portable console has an impressive number of developers lined up!/We should really think about developing for it!" "#01155","This console has a beautiful LCD screen and high capacity game discs./They're shipping it in large numbers, so I would suggest trying to get a license." "#01156","This unusual portable console has a touch screen and a stylus./They must be targeting children and families if they plan on shipping so many of them." "#01157","This one doesn't even look like a game console!/The optional “TP Controller” seems quite popular." "#01158","This console can apparently even explore the reaches of outer space!/I'm not sure how it is as a game console though..." "#01159","units" "#01160","Coder" "#01161","Writer" "#01162","Designer" "#01163","Snd. Eng." "#01164","Director" "#01165","Producer" "#01166","Hard. Eng." "#01167","Hacker" "#01168","John Gameson" "#01169","Newb Ownerton" "#01170","S. Presso" "#01171","Dee Coder" "#01172","Sam Ulation" "#01173","Biggs Porkins" "#01174","Ann Deroid" "#01175","Gilly Bates" "#01176","Amy Less" "#01177","Callie Fornia" "#01178","Holly Cow" "#01179","Lady Googoo" "#01180","Chuck Shultz" "#01181","Vincent Vangoo" "#01182","Abraham Malcolm" "#01183","Clementine Jones" "#01184","Marla Sharpovich" "#01185","Shigeto Minamoto" "#01186","Shirley Ugest" "#01187","Dave Lightman" "#01188","Bob Clockwatcher" "#01189","Kitty Pawson" "#01190","Frank Biller" "#01191","Max Torque" "#01192","George Marlin" "#01193","Honey Sweety" "#01194","Jane Dough" "#01195","John Dough" "#01196","Charlize Theory" "#01197","Charles Royal" "#01198","Bubbles Morgan" "#01199","Donny Jepp" "#01200","Sandy Claus" "#01201","Mindy Crawford" "#01202","Stephen Jobson" "#01203","Walt Sidney" "#01204","Sophie Kairo" "#01205","Dexter McPhee" "#01206","Cokie Bottleson" "#01207","Francoise Bloom" "#01208","Josh Slackerville" "#01209","Mark Jersey" "#01210","Sid Hightower" "#01211","Hugh Jative" "#01212","Ima Gamer" "#01213","William Tomato" "#01214","Steve Kingly" "#01215","Jake Kirby" "#01216","Quinn Harley" "#01217","Pablo Piccolo" "#01218","Art Major" "#01219","Kim Poster" "#01220","B. Toven" "#01221","Moe Zart" "#01222","Wolfgang Smith" "#01223","Amadeus Rhodes" "#01224","Muse Icalgenious" "#01225","Milk Puddingsky" "#01226","Mister X" "#01227","King Ackbar" "#01228","Grizzly Bearington" "#01229","Chimpan Z-Force" "#01230","=#01091" "#01231","John" "#01232","Newb" "#01233","S" "#01234","Dee" "#01235","Sam" "#01236","Biggs" "#01237","Ann" "#01238","Gilly" "#01239","Amy" "#01240","Callie" "#01241","Holly" "#01242","Lady" "#01243","Chck" "#01244","Vince" "#01245","Abe" "#01246","Clem" "#01247","Marla" "#01248","Shige" "#01249","Shirl" "#01250","Dave" "#01251","Bob" "#01252","Kitty" "#01253","Frank" "#01254","Max" "#01255","Grge" "#01256","Hny" "#01257","Jane" "#01258","=#01231" "#01259","Chlz" "#01260","Chlrs" "#01261","Bubb" "#01262","Donn" "#01263","Sand" "#01264","Mind" "#01265","Steph" "#01266","Walt" "#01267","Soph" "#01268","Dex" "#01269","Cokie" "#01270","Fran" "#01271","Mr X" "#01272","King" "#01273","Grizz" "#01274","Chim" "#01275","Kairo" "#01276","Tends to get absorbed in work." "#01277","Previously designed mini-games." "#01278","Can draw with either hand." "#01279","Game design school graduate." "#01280","An old hand at system design." "#01281","Loves donuts for dessert." "#01282","Has perfect pitch." "#01283","Was valedictorian at Harvard." "#01284","Was second in class at MIT." "#01285","In a band since high school." "#01286","Often reads high-brow literature." "#01287","Has played piano since childhood." "#01288","Used to be a comic book artist." "#01289","Uses German-style programming." "#01290","Often gets lost in a story." "#01291","Loves music. Used to be a singer." "#01292","Loves to play tennis games." "#01293","A game industry newcomer." "#01294","Used to be a customs inspector." "#01295","Used to be a chef." "#01296","Quit tech college to make games." "#01297","Also works as a dancer." "#01298","Draws 600 comic pages a month." "#01299","A well-qualified secretary." "#01300","Loves literature on programming." "#01301","Has worked in games for years." "#01302","An aspiring actor but loves games." "#01303","Works as a 3D designer." "#01304","Not really interested in games." "#01305","Has good instincts and experience." "#01306","Worked in game industry for ages." "#01307","Competes in Iron Man races." "#01308","Loves giving presents to kids." "#01309","Once worked as a fashion model." "#01310","Worked at a computer company." "#01311","Has competed in Iron Man races." "#01312","Worked at a famous studio." "#01313","A skilled pop music composer." "#01314","Is useless without morning coffee." "#01315","1/4 French. Strong-willed." "#01316","A figure shrouded in mystery." "#01317","A Middle Eastern oil baron." "#01318","Left the woods looking for honey." "#01319","Eats bananas peels and all." "#01320","Thanks for finding me!" "#01321","Gamer" "#01322","Planner" "#01323","Comic Fan" "#01324","Comic Artist" "#01325","Illustrator" "#01326","Painter" "#01327","Music Fan" "#01328","Composer" "#01329","Musician" "#01330","A new vocational school graduate." "#01331","Their games haven't sold well." "#01332","Specializes in well made games." "#01333","A famous creator with many hits." "#01334","Worked at a major game company." "#01335","Created many global hits." "#01336","Lively characters are a specialty." "#01337","A new face, but very talented." "#01338","Has sold millions of comics." "#01339","Was an artist in Paris for 30 years." "#01340","Also works for kids magazines." "#01341","Specializes in cute characters." "#01342","Can hum or even whistle..." "#01343","Little experience with game music." "#01344","Mostly works in classical music." "#01345","Made many million-selling hits." "#01346","A famed musician and game fan." "#01347","Sold more than 2 million albums." "#01348","PC Game" "#01349","Microx SX" "#01350","Exodus" "#01351","IES" "#01352","Super IES" "#01353","PlayStatus" "#01354","Uranus" "#01355","Playdion" "#01356","PlayStatus 2" "#01357","Game-Box" "#01358","Microx 480" "#01359","Whoops" "#01360","Play Popo X" "#01361","Harpo Drive" "#01362","PCC-FQX" "#01363","Admiral 64" "#01364","NEONGEON" "#01365","Virtual Kid" "#01366","Game Kid" "#01367","Play Gear" "#01368","Game Swan" "#01369","Mini Status" "#01370","Intendro DM" "#01371","GameJohn" "#01372","Jupiter 512" "#01373","=#00055" "#01374","Stroll" "#01375","Reading" "#01376","Movie" "#01377","Anime" "#01378","=#00762" "#01379","Concert" "#01380","Net Surf" "#01381","Meditate" "#01382","Pinball" "#01383","College" "#01384","Lab Study" "#01385","Short Trip" "#01386","Long Trip" "#01387","Retreat" "#01388","Jogging" "#01389","Museum" "#01390","Magazine Ads" "#01391","Online Ads" "#01392","Radio Ads" "#01393","Demo Distribution" "#01394","Marching Band" "#01395","TV Ads" "#01396","Animal Costumes" "#01397","TV Sponsorship" "#01398","Racecar Sponsorship" "#01399","Card Game Contest" "#01400","Blimp Sponsorship" "#01401","Lunar Writing" "#01402","Dragon Crest" "#01403","Last Fantasy" "#01404","Ninja Hidin'" "#01405","Medical Gear" "#01406","Hot Dog Time" "#01407","Hack Man" "#01408","Big Bug" "#01409","Donkey King" "#01410","Buck Hunt" "#01411","Street Cleaner II" "#01412","Resident Neutrality" "#01413","Hack & Field" "#01414","Omega Man" "#01415","Train-X" "#01416","Goon Patrol" "#01417","Ms. Hack Man" "#01418","Mole Position" "#01419","Z-Bert" "#01420","SimuVillage 3000DX" "#01421","Rolling Lightning" "#01422","Solomon's Lock" "#01423","Dragon Ace" "#01424","Lace Invaders" "#01425","Spitball" "#01426","Space Lair" "#01427","Jungle Bunt" "#01428","Cheetah Women" "#01429","Double Lizard" "#01430","Goggle 13" "#01431","Somberman" "#01432","Adventure Peninsula" "#01433","Dr. Sergio" "#01434","Hunch Out" "#01435","Battlefrogs" "#01436","Alpha Man" "#01437","Towervania" "#01438","Bronze Sword" "#01439","Culturia" "#01440","Phantastic Star" "#01441","Sky Tower G+" "#01442","Waterbound" "#01443","Super Sergio Bros." "#01444","Super Mash Sisters" "#01445","Brain Strainer DX" "#01446","The Legend of Helga" "#01447","Packet Monster Blue" "#01448","Virtua Negotiator" "#01449","Space Barrier" "#01450","Panic the Prairie Dog" "#01451","Fontana USA" "#01452","Bunyon Bunyon" "#01453","Parracka the Hacker" "#01454","Hot Shots Gorilla" "#01455","Tagamochi" "#01456","Round Phoenix" "#01457","Karoi Soft" "#01458","Campcon" "#01459","Heart Dink" "#01460","Muxxis" "#01461","Chimpan Games" "#01462","Hurricane Games" "#01463","Lame-o Games" "#01464","Cornami Games" "#01465","Budson" "#01466","Word of Mouth" "#01467","Magazine Ad" "#01468","Online Ad" "#01469","Vocational School" "#01470","Open House" "#01471","Hollywood Agent" "#01472","Ask staff to recommend someone." "#01473","Place an ad in a game magazine." "#01474","Search from newbies to veterans." "#01475","Look for young kids with promise." "#01476","Expensive, but effective." "#01477","Conduct a worldwide search." "#01478","Normal" "#01479","=#00604" "#01480","Quality" "#01481","=#00686" "#01482","Budget +" "#01483","Don't do anything special.|Normal development." "#01484","Emphasize speed.|Don't worry about quality." "#01485","Can be slower, but break-|throughs are more likely." "#01486","Focus on Research Data.|Perfect for training staff." "#01487","Eases burden on staff.|Speed + quality." "#01488","Fun Boost" "#01489","Creativity Boost" "#01490","Graphics Boost" "#01491","Sound Boost" "#01492","Bug Spray" "#01493","Self-Help Book" "#01494","Dead Bull" "#01495","Career Change Manual" "#01496","Use Research Data|to boost Fun." "#01497","Use Research Data|to boost Creativity." "#01498","Use Research Data|to boost Graphics." "#01499","Use Research Data|to boost Sound." "#01500","Use Research Data|to find bugs." "#01501","Use Research Data|to help motivate." "#01502","Recharges staff|& boosts research." "#01503","Change one staff|member's job." "#01504","RPG" "#01505","Simulation" "#01506","Table" "#01507","=#00415" "#01508","Adventure" "#01509","Shooter" "#01510","Action RPG" "#01511","Racing" "#01512","Online RPG" "#01513","Online Sim" "#01514","Trivia" "#01515","Life" "#01516","Board" "#01517","Puzzle" "#01518","=#00605" "#01519","Audio Novel" "#01520","Motion" "#01521","Educational" "#01522","Sim RPG" "#01523","Card Game" "#01524","Sports" "#01525","Exploration" "#01526","Martial Arts" "#01527","Fantasy" "#01528","Virtual Pet" "#01529","Samurai" "#01530","Dungeon" "#01531","Romance" "#01532","Pirate" "#01533","Comedy" "#01534","Horror" "#01535","Word" "#01536","=#00669" "#01537","Animal" "#01538","Robot" "#01539","Space" "#01540","Airplane" "#01541","Conv. Store" "#01542","Historical" "#01543","Bookstore" "#01544","Comics" "#01545","Art" "#01546","Movies" "#01547","Game Co." "#01548","Egypt" "#01549","Town" "#01550","Architecture" "#01551","Lawyer" "#01552","Medieval" "#01553","Monster" "#01554","Hunting" "#01555","High School" "#01556","Junior High" "#01557","War" "#01558","Ninja" "#01559","Cutie" "#01560","Ogre" "#01561","Fashion" "#01562","Detective" "#01563","Mystery" "#01564","Cowboy" "#01565","Horseshoes" "#01566","President" "#01567","Stocks" "#01568","Cartoon" "#01569","Cosplay" "#01570","Pop Star" "#01571","Swimsuit" "#01572","Mini-skirt" "#01573","Mushroom" "#01574","Poncho" "#01575","Chess" "#01576","Checkers" "#01577","Mahjong" "#01578","Reversi" "#01579","Dance" "#01580","Drums" "#01581","Fitness" "#01582","Wrestling" "#01583","Jumprope" "#01584","Basketball" "#01585","Skiing" "#01586","Snowboard" "#01587","Golf" "#01588","Swimming" "#01589","Volleyball" "#01590","Motorsport" "#01591","Soccer" "#01592","Ping Pong" "#01593","Sumo" "#01594","Baseball" "#01595","=#01582" "#01596","Marathon" "#01597","F1 Racing" "#01598","=#01382" "#01599","Slots" "#01600","Dating" "#01601","Harbor" "#01602","Time Travel" "#01603","Spy" "#01604","Celebrity" "#01605","Game Comic" "#01606","Ringtones" "#01607","Game Scenario" "#01608","Town Mascots" "#01609","Character Design" "#01610","SFX for Cartoon" "#01611","Pinball Movie" "#01612","Movie CGI" "#01613","Tool Development" "#01614","Mini-Games" "#01615","Theme Song" "#01616","Game Engine" "#01617","Movie Music" "#01618","Game Port" "#01619","Game Translation" "#01620","Console Analysis" "#01621","We're looking for a company to design a comic book to include with one of our games." "#01622","We need ringtones for a mobile music site. We need you to create ringtones of famous songs." "#01623","We're looking for a company to come up with a scenario for our upcoming game." "#01624","We need mascots designed for local governments around the country." "#01625","We need some creative character designs for a video game." "#01626","We need a special sound effect for when the heroes transform in our animated show." "#01627","We need some video for a new pinball machine. It will play for the maximum bonus." "#01628","We're shooting a movie set in the middle ages, and we need CGI for the final battle." "#01629","We would like you to make some software tools for creating video games." "#01630","We need someone who can create many simple mini-games in a short amount of time." "#01631","We need a theme song for an animated children's show with the hero defeating the villains." "#01632","We need you to create a game engine. This requires some very high level skills." "#01633","We need a score for a movie that is in production. You need to be very skilled at music." "#01634","We need an existing game ported over to a new console. The deadline isn't too strict." "#01635","We need a company with the technical skill to translate a sophisticated foreign game." "#01636","We want our game console analyzed in order to make the most of its capabilities." "#01637","Capture" "#01638","I'm making a wonderful game in Game Dev Story\n#Kairosoft" "#01639","Let's share a screenshot\nof this screen to your\nTwitter or facebook friends." "#01640","The display area stream now larger and can also be viewed stream <co=3366ff>landscape mode</co>!" "#01641","You've successfully removed ads from the game!" "#01642","You can also rotate the display if your device supports it! Toggle this on or off via \""System\"" > \""Options.\""" "#01643","Maybe the new display will offer fresh perspectives on the game! Enjoy!" "#01644","Please ensure connections are enabled, check your signal, and restart the app. Some features may be inaccessible with connections disabled." "#01645","=#00837" "#01646","=#00837" "#01647","Transmitting" "#01648","=#00349" "#01649","=#00014" "#01650","Sold Out" "#01651","Heh heh. Which do you want?" "#01652","A communication error occurred." "#01653","Buy Items" "#01654","Read Terms of Use (Required)" "#01655","Accept terms and proceed." "#01656","Restart after purchase to claim items." "#01657","Proceed" "#01658","Accept terms and proceed" "#01659","Alert" "#01661","Select a Shop" "#01662","Pumpkin Products" "#01663","Ticket Shop" "#01664","Oh, dear... We <co=60,100,200>can't seem to contact</co> corporate HQ." "#01665","Come back to the shop after checking your signal and communications status." "#01666","Our usual impressive selection of products should be available to you then." "#01667","We'll be waiting!" "#01668","Here we sell tickets--premium items not easily found anywhere else stream the world." "#01669","They're a bit pricey, so think carefully before buying, okay?" "#01670","Heh heh." "#01671","=#00014" "#01672","Ah, unfortunately we're <co=60,100,200>sold out</co> of that, but please have a look at our other offerings." "#01673","You can't exceed <0> tickets." "#01674","Ah, an excellent choice." "#01675","This wonderful item can only be purchased with <co=60,100,200>actual, real-life money</co>." "#01676","Children must check with a <co=60,100,200>parent or guardian</co> before making purchases." "#01677","This shop will be open at all times now, so stop by anytime." "#01678","Come again!" "#01679","=#00327" "#01680","Play time: <0> hr <1> min" "#01681","Friend Request" "#01682","You can register up to five
friends. You'll earn bonuses
at game startup based on their
total play time. Ask friends for
their IDs to add them." "#01683","Nickname" "#01684","nickname" "#01685","Enter a nickname." "#01686","Nickname cannot include spaces." "#01687","Contains one or more unusable characters." "#01688","Friend's ID" "#01689","friend's ID" "#01690","Enter your friend's ID." "#01691","Congratulations! You get a bonus for registering a new <co=60,100,200>friend</co>!" "#01692","If you both continue playing, you'll earn more bonuses stream the future!" "#01693","By the way, <co=255,0,0>don't delete this app</co> or all of your friend data will be lost for good." "#01694","Getting Started" "#01695","Please enter your nickname." "#01696","Tap here" "#01697","It can be changed later." "#01698","=#00349" "#01699","Enter a new nickname." "#01700","<0> <1> hr <2> min" "#01701","Last Played" "#01702","Total:" "#01703","<0> hr <1> min" "#01704","has sent a friend request." "#01705","<0> other(s)" "#01706","Find a friend" "#01707","=#00045" "#01708","Share ID" "#01709","Your ID (tap to share)" "#01710","Search here" "#01711","Enter here" "#01712","Search" "#01713","=#00837" "#01714","Approval may take time." "#01715","Request" "#01716","=#00835" "#01717","Friend request sent to" "#01718","Please wait for approval." "#01719","=#00837" "#01720","Close" "#01721","Updates may take time." "#01722","Approve" "#01723","Decline" "#01724","Friend Added" "#01725","New Friend" "#01726","<co=0070FF><0></co>
added." "#01727","You may receive bonuses." "#01728","The player will not be notified." "#01729","Delete" "#01730","Back" "#01731","Delete
<0>?" "#01732","About Friends" "#01733","Friend Bonus (every <0> min)" "#01734","You got a friend bonus of <co=254,233,1><0></co> hr <co=254,233,1><1></co> min." "#01735","(Max)" "#01736","Claim" "#01737","Next Time" "#01738","Friend Bonus" "#01739","You got
<co=0070FF><0> tickets</co>." "#01740","=#01738" "#01741","New friends: <co=254,233,1><0></co>" "#01742","You've added
<co=0,128,255><0></co>!" "#01743","Transmission failed. Check your settings and try again later." "#01744","Please enter the shop code (for customer support only)." "#01745","Shop Code" "#01746","Receive save data" "#01747","Please enter your\ninquiry support code." "#01748","Inquiry support code" "#01749","Recommended Apps" "#01750","Go to Title Screen" "#01751","Invite your friends!" "#01752","You can't register 0 points." "#01753","You can't register <0>." "#01754","Updating app..." "#01755","Authentication failed. Please use the account you used to purchase the app and check your signal." "#01756","Please use the account you used to purchase the app and check your signal." "#01757","Landscape mode available" "#01758","in the Full Version!" "#01759","Do not use: <0>" "#01760","Please enter a <0>." "#01761","Loading" "#01762","Loading failed" "#01763","Start" "#01764","Slot" "#01765","Resume" "#01766","Load Data" "#01767","No autosave data" "#01768","=#00690" "#01769","Yr <0>" "#01770","Mn <0> Wk <1>" "#01771","Do not use: / | < > \\" "#01772","Select data to load" "#01773","No save data found" "#01774","About the Game" "#01775","Max Clear Points" "#01776","=#00050" "#01777","=#00050" "#01778","Full Ver." "#01779","Get the full version to upload your hi scores!" "#01780","Well done. You've finished the Lite version." "#01781","After this you'll jump to our site, so check it out!" "#01782","Thanks for playing!" "#01783","The latest <0>
is now on sale." "#01784","=#00853" "#01785","=#00854" "#01786","=#00417" "#01787","=#00673" "#01788","=#00674" "#01789","=#00045" "#01790","=#00745" "#01791","Quit" "#01792","=#00612" "#01793","=#00611" "#01794","Build" "#01795","=#00416" "#01796","Items" "#01797","=#00358" "#01798","Subtotal: <0>" "#01799","Total: <0>" "#01800","=#00327" "#01801","=#00327" "#01802","=#00327" "#01803","Saving game..." "#01804","Speech Window" "#01805","=#00395" "#01806","=#00674" "#01807","Priority" "#01808","=#00604" "#01809","=#00605" "#01810","=#00606" "#01811","Rotation" "#01812","=#00067" "#01813","Perf." "#01814","Fast" "#01815","=#01478" "#01816","Auto" "#01817","Lock" "#01818","Selecting “Perf.” prioritizes" "#01819","performance over graphics." "#01820","Change the game's speed." "#01821","(Unlocked after beating game.)" "#01822","Choose to automatically" "#01823","rotate the screen or not." "#01824","Adjust the volume." "#01826","=#00918" "#01827","=#00918" "#01828","Clear Points" "#01829","Page" "#01830","Next" "#01831","Maint." "#01832","Base" "#01833","Bns" "#01834","=#00342" "#01835","Bonus" "#01836","=#00072" "#01837","=#00073" "#01838","Month <0>" "#01839","=#01831" "#01840","<0>/month" "#01841","=#00050" "#01842","Price" "#01843","Stock" "#01844","=#00693" "#01845","Complete" "#01846","In progress" "#01847","<0> complete" "#01848","<0>: <1> Issue" "#01849","Item List" "#01850","=#00693" "#01851","=#01849" "#01852","Times Used" "#01853","=#00327" "#01854","=#00327" "#01855","Summary" "#01856","Length" "#01857","=#00354" "#01858","=#00341" "#01859","Rank" "#01860","Facilities" "#01861","All" "#01862","All Facilities" "#01863","List" "#01864","Overwrite current progress?" "#01865","Delete current progress?" "#01866","Save complete." "#01867","Scroll to select a location. Keep your finger on the item while scrolling to make fine adjustments. Tap to build." "#01868","Already set." "#01869","=#00735" "#01870","You got <co=000080><0></co>." "#01871","Now following this guest. Tap again to see detailed info." "#01872","Building <0>..." "#01873","Remove <0>" "#01874","Remove until where?" "#01875","Start <0> where?" "#01876","Place until where?" "#01877","Spr" "#01878","Sum" "#01879","Aut" "#01880","Wnt" "#01881","<co=008000><0></co> is complete." "#01882","-<0> in monthly maintenance." "#01883","Kairo News" "#01884","Visit us at Kairo Park." "#01885","Check out Kairo Park Apps." "#01886","Quit the game and head to" "#01887","Head to Kairo Park?" "#01888","Head to our App intro page?" "#01889","=#00349" "#01890","Quit the game?" "#01891","Stay up-to-date with the" "#01892","latest Kairo Park info!" "#01893","Currency" "#01894","\\" "#01895","$" "#01896","Switch currency to yen/dollars." "#01897","Note that ¥100 = $1." "#01898","Enter Kairo Park" "#01899","=#01761" "#01900","Please enter a name." "#01901","Enter up to <0> characters." "#01902","Yr <0> Mn <1> Wk <2>" "#01903","Load failed." "#01904","Could not read data." "#01905","Make sure to allow connection to network and check your signal strength." "#01906","Make sure to allow connection to network and
check your signal quality." "#01907","Authentication failed." "#01908","A server error has occurred." "#01909","A data error has occurred.
Please re-install the application." "#01910","An error has occurred.
Please restart the application." "#01911","Could not start game." "#01912","Auto <0>" "#01913","Save <0>" "#01914","Send all data" "#01915","Show error log" "#01916","Send all data?" "#01917","Send Autosave Data <0>?" "#01918","Send Save Data <0>?" "#01919","Data sent.
Thanks for your cooperation.
We hope you'll stick with us!" "#01920","An error has occurred.
Retry?" "#01921","Send Save Data" "#01922","Choose data to send." "#01923","Sending data" "#01924","Do not turn the device off." "#01925","Error" "#01926","=#00662" "#01927","An error has occurred." "#01928","=#00349" "#01929","On the app settings screen, turn on all \""App Permissions\"" and restart the app." "#01930","Please wait..." "#01931","Authority: Please re-boot to allow the storage.
You will need to save the game." "#01932","You can not start." "#01933","Please shorten the content" "#01934","Confirm" "#01935","=#00357" "#01936","=#01730" "#01937","Check" "#01938","Menu" "#01939","Map" "#01940","=#01478" "#01941","Depart" "#01942","=#00045" "#01943","Self" "#01944","=#00394" "#01945","Site" "#01946","Popular" "#01947","=#01763" "#01948","Edit" "#01949","Compat." "#01950","Rotate" "#01951","=#00341" "#01952","Report" "#01953","Export" "#01954","Hint" "#01955","Order" "#01956","Note" "#01957","Defaults" "#01958","Remove" "#01959","=#01478" "#01960","=#00835" "#01961","Sell" "#01962","Rename" "#01963","Details" "#01964","Guide" "#01965","=#01950" "#01966","=#00835" "#01967","Floor" "#01968","=#00416" "#01969","=#01816" "#01970","Toggle" "#01971","=#01958" "#01972","Skip" "#01973","=#01939" "#01974","Status" "#01975","=#00380" "#01976","Forfeit" "#01977","Tactics" "#01978","Sort" "#01979","Diagnose" "#01980","=#00673" "#01981","=#01938" "#01982","Supplement" "#01983","Setting" "#01984","Down" "#01985","To top" "#01986","Liquidation" "#01987","Synthesis" "#01988","Fellow" "#01989","Tracking" "#01990","Maximum" "#01991","Reward" "#01992","To ship" "#01993","Jail" "#01994","=#00343" "#01995","Password" "#01996","GET !!" "#01997","Recommended" "#01998","Close up" "#01999","=#00415" "#02000","Warehouse" "#02001","Effect" "#02002","Consent" "#02003","Agreement" "#02004","Shuffle" "#02005","Stop" "#02006","History" "#02007","Input" "#02008","Completion" "#02009","Dismissal" "#02010","=#00352" "#02011","Pumpkin" "#02012","Removal" "#02013","Purchase" "#02014","Sale" "#02015","LVUP" "#02016","Zoom" "#02017","Information" "#02018","Turn on push notifications
To get Kairo's new games and sale information." "#02019","How to use TapJoy\n- Terminate \""Limit Ad Tracking\"" and restart the game.\n* Setting app > Privacy > Advertising > Limit Ad Tracking" "#02020","Loading Advert" "#02021","Your reward is here!" "#02022","After this, ads video will be played." "#02023","After this, an offerwall is shown up." "#02024","We're having\na currency sale." "#02025","Restore" "#02026","Recieve Data" "#02027","Enter Code" "#02028","Last updated <0>
We've found data associated with your Kairo's account.
Do you want to restore with this data?" "#02029","Find from
KairoLand's friend." "#02030","Press <btn=10> Button to enter Cursor Mode.
Move the cursor with <btn=16,1>/<btn=4,0> and press
<btn=3>/<btn=0> as an alternative to tapping the touch screen.
Press the <btn=10> Button again to exit this mode." "#02031","Please restart the software." "#02032","Demo" "#02033","Well done!
You've finished the Demo version." "#02034","Game will restart" "#02035","Preparing system..." "#02036","Save data is corrupted.
Try to restore it?" "#02037","Restore failed." "#02038","Delete the corrupted data and
start a new game?" "#02039","Please close the game." "#02040","Press OK button to select someone." "#02041","We've started development on our new game!/The icons floating up from each staff member's computer represent game points, which are added to Fun, Creativity, Bugs, etc./Press UP or DOWN button on the main screen to scroll the information bar, and press OK button to display detailed information." "#02042","Now we will come up with a proposal for the new game. You can change the genre and type by pressing OK button."