Jobs (Dungeon Village)

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Dungeon Village gamenav icon.gifDungeon Village

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Jobs are responsible for how adventurers level up, as well as being one of the ways to unlock magic attacks. Jobs also affect what type of attacks adventurers use most often, even if they have more than one attack type open to them, such at melee and magic. Finally jobs provide stat bonuses (or penalties) in the form of a percentage increase (or decrease) from the base stats. A character of class "Adventurer" has only his base stats and no bonuses.

Each time an adventurer gains a level, he gains a permanent attribute boost (additional HP, attack, defense, or spirit). After an adventurers masters a job (raises it to level 10), they receive a permanent stat boost, and if they were the first in your village to have the job (and were not one of your original party), they will then unlock that job to be available to other adventurers. However, higher level jobs require more medals (Medal-DungeonVillage.png) to have been earned and more town points (VillagePoints-DungeonVillage.png) for adventurers to switch to them. Higher level jobs also come with a higher level salary, which does not go away even when an adventurer moves into a house.

All unlocked jobs are carried over to a new game once you "finish" your current one. However, the medal requirement to switch to them still remains.

Changing Jobs

Do not change jobs if you haven't mastered a specific adventures initial job yet (the one they start with), unless you've already mastered that job on another adventure. It has been reported that you may not be able to switch back to that job, and since it was never mastered neither will anyone else be able to use that job that play-through.

To change a character's job, first select a character. Next, scroll down to the 2nd screen (where it shows 6 stats). Now click the "Change job" button in the bottom middle of the window, and there you go! Note that some jobs require a certain number of Medal-DungeonVillage.png medals. These medals must have been awarded to the adventurer in order for the adventurer to switch jobs. Medals are not consumed when switching jobs.

List of Jobs

To unlock a job type, you must first train an adventurer with that job to level 10 (job mastery). New adventurers who visit your village often have unique jobs, which can be found on the adventurers page.

AT is the Attack Type. If given a choice, this method of attack is almost always used. SP is the sales price. The gender listed is the one required for an adventurer to use that job.

Job Gen
AT Village Points - Transfer Cost Medals Needed Inherent Bonus Mastery
Stat Bonuses
Hth-DungeonVillage.png Str-DungeonVillage.png Dex-DungeonVillage.png Tgh-DungeonVillage.png Sprt-DungeonVillage.png Luck-DungeonVillage.png
Adventurer[1] EEither 5 0 Income tax Up.png 20 Hth-DungeonVillage.png +0% +0% +0% +0% +0% +0%
Farmer[1] EEither Wooden Bow (Dungeon Village).png 6 0 Cost of plants Down.png 20 Dex-DungeonVillage.png +10% +10% +10%
Carpenter[1] MMale Iron Sword (Dungeon Village).png 10 0 Construction speed Up.png 20 Str-DungeonVillage.png +40% +20% +20% +40% -40% +40%
Merchant[1] EEither Wooden Bow (Dungeon Village).png 7 0 Shop SP +20% 20 Dex-DungeonVillage.png +40% +20% +40% +20% +40%
Warrior EEither Iron Sword (Dungeon Village).png 8 1 Combat School SP +20% 20 Str-DungeonVillage.png +60% +60% +40% +60% +40%
Mage EEither Fir Staff (Dungeon Village).png 18 1 Magic Lab SP +20% Fire
+20% -80% -80% +200%
Monk EEither Fir Staff (Dungeon Village).png 15 1 Magic Lab SP +20% Healing
+40% +20% +40% +20% +160% +40%
Archer EEither Wooden Bow (Dungeon Village).png 10 1 Archery Range SP +20% 20 Dex-DungeonVillage.png +40% +20% +200% +20% +200%
Knight EEither Iron Sword (Dungeon Village).png 10 2 Combat School SP +20% 20 Tgh-DungeonVillage.png +100% +100% +100% +100% +100%
Cook EEither Fir Staff (Dungeon Village).png 14 1 Restaurant SP +20% 20 Sprt-DungeonVillage.png +40% +40% +140% +100% +100%
Clown EEither Fir Staff (Dungeon Village).png 18 1 Circus SP +20% 20 Sprt-DungeonVillage.png +40% +40% +140% +40% +120% +200%
Bard MMale Fir Staff (Dungeon Village).png 17 1 Income tax Up.png 20 Sprt-DungeonVillage.png +80% +80% +100% +80% +40% +100%
Ninja EEither Fir Staff (Dungeon Village).png 22 2 Income tax Up.png Ice
+80% +60% +300% +60% +140% +300%
Black Marketer EEither Wooden Bow (Dungeon Village).png 23 0 Shop SP +20% 30 Dex-DungeonVillage.png +80% +80% +140% +60% +40% +140%
Kung Fu Master FFemale Iron Sword (Dungeon Village).png 20 1 Income tax Up.png 20 Str-DungeonVillage.png +100% +100% +200% +100% +200%
Mercenary MMale Iron Sword (Dungeon Village).png 25 2 Income tax Up.png 30 Str-DungeonVillage.png +160% +160% +200% +160% +200%
Wrestler MMale Iron Sword (Dungeon Village).png 25 2 Income tax Up.png 30 Hth-DungeonVillage.png +160% +160% +160% -40%
Hero EEither Iron Sword (Dungeon Village).png 32 3 Income tax Up.png 30 Str-DungeonVillage.png +200% +200% +200% +200% +80% +200%
Wizard EEither Fir Staff (Dungeon Village).png 26 3 Magic Lab SP +20% Lightning
+80% +60% +100% +60% +300% +100%
Princess FFemale Wooden Bow (Dungeon Village).png 40 5 Castle SP +20% 30 Luck-DungeonVillage.png +60% +60% +100% +60% +100%
King MMale Wooden Bow (Dungeon Village).png 40 5 Castle SP +20% 30 Luck-DungeonVillage.png +60% +60% +100% +60% +100%
Princess Sally[2] FFemale Iron Sword (Dungeon Village).png 55 5 Income tax Up.png 30 Luck-DungeonVillage.png +240% +240% +220% +240% +200% +220%
Kairobot[2] MMale Iron Sword (Dungeon Village).png 50 5 Income tax Up.png 30 Luck-DungeonVillage.png +220% +220% +220% +220% +200% +220%
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Initially available
  2. 2.0 2.1 5☆ village unlocks