Matches (Tennis Club Story)

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Tennis Club Story gamenav icon.gifTennis Club Story

Matches Training Customers Compatibilities Rackets Uniforms Possessions Equipment Consumables Facilities Club Activities Sponsors Players Courses Transcript
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Matches are unlocked as you go. In order to rank up, you need to complete each Singles tournament. In order to rank up to S, you need to win the Team Dennis Cup. A Doubles and Team option are unlocked at rank D and B respectively. After completing a match, the amount of points will be halved, and will be lowered every time after that.

Each non tournament matches needs 3 weeks to start. Each Tournament matches needs 2 weeks to start. Sometimes in a match, you need to win more than 1 games to win the match, especially true for high ranked matches.

For Tournament, you must play several matches to win it. All tournaments are elimination type so you must win all matches to win it.

Tournaments are marked in BOLD in below tables.

Team matches consists of 3 matches (2 Singles and 1 Doubles) that played consecutively. To win team match, you must win at least 2 of the matches.


Rank F

Name Points Cost Prize Requirements Matches Games Court Unlocked Opponent Lvl.
Smiley School 10 10 100 1 1 Hard A Y1 M5 W2 Billy Smith 1
Sunflower Club 15 10 100 1 1 Hard A Beat Smiley School Tom Grol 2
Sunday Photogs 20 10 100 1 1 Hard A Beat Smiley School Harvey Lindt 2
Indoor Indians 25 10 100 1 1 Hard A Beat Sunflower Club Mort Hux 4
Young Softies 30 10 100 1 1 Hard A Beat Sunday Photogs Jayden Tam 4
Team Patissier 30 10 150 1 1 Hard A Beat Indoor Indians Roy Summers 4
Middle Schoolers 35 10 150 1 1 Hard A Beat Team Patissier Jeff Buono 5
Singles Tournament F 30 30 500 3 2 Sandy Grass Reach 70 Tournament Points Smiley School
Team Patissier
Middle Schoolers

Rank E

Name Points Cost Prize Requirements Matches Games Court Unlocked Opponent Lvl.
Starch Lovers 40 20 300 1 1 Hard A Increase Tournament Rank to E Penne Rotini 8
Punk Priests 50 20 300 1 1 Hard A Increase Tournament Rank to E Buzz Headly 10
Father Son Club 60 20 300 1 1 Hard A Increase Tournament Rank to E Charles Royal 9
Cat Lovers 70 20 300 1 1 Hard A Beat Father Son Club Paws Pawson 12
Carrot Lovers 80 20 300 1 1 Hard A Beat Cat Lovers Bun Moore 13
Baseballers 90 30 500 1 1 Clay Beat Carrot Lovers Mort Archer 13
Businessmen 100 30 500 1 1 Hard A Beat Baseballers Matt Grey 15
Tennis Moms 120 30 600 Women Only 1 1 Hard A Beat Baseballers Honey Sweety 13
Singles Tournament E 250 60 1,000 3 2 Sandy Grass Reach 500 Tournament Points Punk Priests
Tennis Moms

Rank D

Name Points Cost Prize Requirements Matches Games Court Unlocked Opponent Lvl.
Country Kids 140 40 500 1 1 Hard B Increase Tournament Rank to D Biffo Fields 17
Tennis Dancers 160 40 500 1 1 Hard B Increase Tournament Rank to D Isa Waters 19
Opera Troupers 180 40 500 1 1 Hard B Increase Tournament Rank to D Gil Dunn 22
Drama Bugs 200 40 500 1 1 Hard B Beat Tennis Dancers Singles Mike Raines 23
Writer's Blocks 220 40 500 1 1 Hard B Beat Drama Bugs Singles Brent Ng 24
Fast Foodies 250 60 1,000 1 1 Hard B Beat Writer's Blocks Singles Hugh Towns 24
Shonan Fighters 270 60 1,000 1 1 Hard B Beat Fast Foodies Singles Spike Drones 25
Sporty Jocks 300 80 1,200 Juniors Only 1 1 Hard B Beat Fast Foodies Singles Art Woods 16
Backachers 330 80 1,200 Seniors Only 1 1 Hard B Reach 900 Fame (?) Zane Truong 16
Singles Tournament D 350 100 3,000 4 2 Sandy Grass Reach 2,750 Tournament Points Sporty Jocks
Shonan Fighters
Fast Foodies

Rank C

Name Points Cost Prize Requirements Matches Games Court Unlocked Opponent Lvl.
Southerners 350 140 2,000 1 1 Hard B Raise Tournament Rank to C Jon King 25
Northerners 370 140 2,000 1 1 Clay Raise Tournament Rank to C Bill Cutting 27
Veggie Boys 400 140 2,000 1 1 Clay Raise Tournament Rank to C Thane Cray 29
Meat Lovers 420 140 2,000 1 1 Clay ? (Reach 1080 fame or defeat Shonan Fighters Doubles) Orin Powel 30
Trivia Kings 450 140 2,000 1 1 Clay Beat Meat Lovers Singles Rahm Hart 31
Tennis Lords 470 180 2,500 1 1 Hard B ? (Reach 1300 fame or beat Backachers) Jeb Shrub 31
Tennis Hooligans 500 180 2,500 Seniors Only 1 1 Hard B Beat Meat Lovers Jane Snow 31
Mountain Girls 550 200 3,000 Women Only 1 1 Clay Beat Tennis Lords Brit Strong 25
Singles Tournament C 600 250 4,500 4 2 Sandy Grass Reach 7,500 Tournament Points Northerners
Mountain Girls
Tennis Lords
Tennis Hooligans

Rank B

Name Points Cost Prize Requirements Matches Games Court Unlocked Opponent Lvl.
Eastern Stars 600 200 3,000 1 1 Hard C Raise Tournament Rank to B Billy Clark 37
Weekenders 650 200 3,000 1 1 Hard C Raise Tournament Rank to B Justin Cox 39
Wolf & Cubs Team 700 200 3,000 1 1 Hard C Raise Tournament Rank to B Dom Young 40
Team Heavy Metal 750 200 3,000 1 1 Hard C ? (reach 1900 Fame) Kevin Cole 41
Armstrongs 800 200 3,000 1 1 Hard C Beat Weekenders Singles Austin Buck 43
TV Stars 850 230 3,500 1 1 Hard C ? Morgan Parr 44
Tennis Instructors 900 230 3,500 1 1 Hard C ? Ryan McLeod 47
National Juniors 950 250 4,500 Juniors Only 1 1 Sandy Grass ? Nathan Ross 37
Mito Komon Team 1,000 250 4,500 Seniors Only 1 1 Sandy Grass ? Phil Light 35
Singles Tournament B 1,000 350 9,000 4 2 Sandy Grass Reach 14,300 Tournament Points National Juniors
TV Stars
Mito Komon Team
Tennis Instructors

Rank A

Name Points Cost Prize Requirements Matches Games Court Unlocked Opponent Lvl.
Australian Team 1,300 400 6,000 1 2 Hard B Raise Tournament Rank to A Layton Hughes 51
American Team 1,400 400 6,000 1 2 Hard B Raise Tournament Rank to A Lamarr Black 52
English Team 1,500 440 6,500 1 2 Grass ? Tim Henson 54
French Team 1,600 440 6,500 1 2 Clay ? Dirk Manly 55
Russian Team 1,700 500 7,500 Women Only 1 2 Clay Beat English Team Singles Marilyn Harpova 55
Brazilian Team 1,800 500 7,500 Juniors Only 1 2 Sandy Grass Beat Russian Team Singles Gustaf Quirk 51
Swiss Team 1,900 500 7,500 Seniors Only 1 2 Grass Beat Australian Team Singles Rajer Foderer 49
Ozzie Open 2,500 1,000 15,000 5 3 Hard C Raise Tournament Rank to A Shonan Fighters
Meat Lovers National Juniors
Australian Team
Banana Empire
France Open 2,500 1,000 15,000 6 3 Clay Raise Tournament Rank to A Mountain Girls
National Juniors
French Team
Russian Team
Swiss Team
Forest Bears
American Open 2,500 1,000 15,000 7 3 Hard B Raise Tournament Rank to A Tennis Hooligans
Australian Team
American Team
Brazilian Team
Swiss Team
Sovereign Team
Wimpleton 2,500 1,000 15,000 8 3 Grass Raise Tournament Rank to A Australian Team
American Team
French Team
Russian Team
Brazilian Team
English Team
Banana Empire
Space Team

Rank S

Name Points Cost Prize Requirements Matches Games Court Unlocked Opponent Lvl.
Forest Bears 2,000 600 9,000 1 2 Hard A Winning Dennis Cup Bear Ington 59
Banana Empire 2,200 600 9,000 1 2 Clay Winning Dennis Cup Chimpan Z 59
Sovereign Team 2,300 700 10,000 1 2 Hard C Winning Wimpleton Doubles King Malik 61
Space Team 3,000 700 10,000 1 2 Clay Winning Wimpleton Doubles Kairo Bot 63
Team Bougie 5,000 1,500 30,000 1 2 Grass Winning Wimpleton Singles Sally Prin 67
Singles Tournament S 5,000 2,000 60,000 5 3 Grass Maximum Rank S Forest Bears
Banana Empire
Sovereign Team
Space Team
Team Bougie


Rank D

Name Points Cost Prize Requirements Matches Games Court Unlocked Opponents Lvl.
Country Kids 140 40 500 1 1 Hard B Increase Tournament Rank to D Elvis/Timmy 13
Tennis Dancers 160 40 500 1 1 Hard B Increase Tournament Rank to D Nick/Dick 19
Opera Troupers 180 40 500 1 1 Hard B Increase Tournament Rank to D Raj/Daniel 17
Drama Bugs 200 40 500 1 1 Hard B Beat Tennis Dancers Singles Frank/Monty 23
Writer's Blocks 220 40 500 1 1 Hard B Beat Drama Bugs Singles Bert/Bort 22
Fast Foodies 250 60 1,000 1 1 Hard B Beat Writer's Blocks Singles Kirk/Larry 24
Shonan Fighters 270 60 1,000 1 1 Hard B Beat Fast Foodies Singles Ford/Van 25
Sporty Jocks 300 80 1,200 Juniors Only 1 1 Hard B Beat Fast Foodies Singles Elliot/Brandon 16
Backachers 330 80 1,200 Seniors Only 1 1 Hard B Reach 900 Fame (?) Cord/Piers 12
Doubles Tournament D 350 150 3,000 4 2 Sandy Grass Reach 2,750 Tournament Points Sporty Jocks
Shonan Fighters
Fast Foodies

Rank C

Name Points Cost Prize Requirements Matches Games Court Unlocked Opponents Lvl.
Southerners 350 140 2,000 1 1 Hard B Raise Tournament Rank to C Irwin/Irving 25
Northerners 370 140 2,000 1 1 Clay Raise Tournament Rank to C Shinji/Emilio 27
Veggie Boys 400 140 2,000 1 1 Clay Raise Tournament Rank to C Garth/Cole 29
Meat Lovers 420 140 2,000 1 1 Clay ? (Reach 1080 fame or defeat Shonan Fighters Doubles) Isaac/Cory 30
Trivia Kings 450 140 2,000 1 1 Clay Beat Meat Lovers Singles Chuck/Ian 31
Tennis Lords 470 180 2,500 1 1 Hard B ? (Reach 1300 fame or beat Backachers) Bradley/Jake 31
Tennis Hooligans 500 180 2,500 Seniors Only 1 1 Hard B Beat Meat Lovers Earl/Julian 25
Mountain Girls 550 240 3,600 Women Only 1 1 Clay Beat Tennis Lords Anna/May 31
Doubles Tournament C 600 250 6,000 4 2 Sandy Grass Reach 7,500 Tournament Points Northerners
Mountain Girls
Tennis Lords
Tennis Hooligans

Rank B

Name Points Cost Prize Requirements Matches Games Court Unlocked Opponents Lvl.
Eastern Stars 600 200 3,000 1 1 Hard C Raise Tournament Rank to B George/Keith 37
Weekenders 650 200 3,000 1 1 Hard C Raise Tournament Rank to B Liam/Jeff 39
Wolf & Cubs Team 700 200 3,000 1 1 Hard C Raise Tournament Rank to B Vince/Trevor 40
Team Heavy Metal 750 200 3,000 1 1 Hard C ? (reach 1900 Fame) Bernie/Cobalt 41
Armstrongs 800 200 3,000 1 1 Hard C Beat Weekenders Singles Seth/Colin 43
TV Stars 850 240 3,500 1 1 Hard C ? Monty/Joe 44
Tennis Instructors 900 240 3,500 1 1 Hard C ? Warren/Peter 47
National Juniors 950 300 4,500 Juniors Only 1 1 Sandy Grass ? Sam/Simon 37
Mito Komon Team 1,000 300 4,500 Seniors Only 1 1 Sandy Grass ? Brand/Boris 35
Doubles Tournament B 1,000 350 9,000 4 2 Sandy Grass Reach 14,300 Tournament Points National Juniors
TV Stars
Mito Komon Team
Tennis Instructors

Rank A

Name Points Cost Prize Requirements Matches Games Court Unlocked Opponents Lvl.
Australian Team 1,300 400 6,000 1 2 Hard B Raise Tournament Rank to A Jerry/Stew 51
American Team 1,400 400 6,000 1 2 Hard B Raise Tournament Rank to A Fancy/Bud 52
English Team 1,500 440 6,500 1 2 Grass ? Wil/Bill 54
French Team 1,600 440 6,500 1 2 Clay ? Rudy/Nico 55
Russian Team 1,700 500 7,500 Women Only 1 2 Clay Beat English Team Singles Erina/Lina 55
Brazilian Team 1,800 500 7,500 Juniors Only 1 2 Sandy Grass Beat Russian Team Singles Andre/Marcel 51
Swiss Team 1,900 500 7,500 Seniors Only 1 2 Grass Beat Australian Team Singles Marc/Nom 49
Ozzie Open 2,500 1,000 15,000 5 3 Hard C Raise Tournament Rank to A Shonan Fighters
Meat Lovers
National Juniors
Australian Team
Banana Empire
France Open 2,500 1,000 15,000 6 3 Clay Raise Tournament Rank to A Mountain Girls
National Juniors
French Team
Russian Team
Swiss Team
Forest Bears
American Open 2,500 1,000 15,000 7 3 Hard B Raise Tournament Rank to A Tennis Hooligans
Australian Team
American Team
Brazilian Team
Swiss Team
Sovereign Team
Wimpleton 2,500 1,000 15,000 8 3 Grass Raise Tournament Rank to A Australian Team
American Team
French Team
Russian Team
Brazilian Team
English Team
Banana Empire
Space Team

Rank S

Name Points Cost Prize Requirements Matches Games Court Unlocked Opponents Lvl.
Forest Bears 2,000 600 9,000 1 2 Hard A Winning Dennis Cup Len/Eric 59
Banana Empire 2,200 600 9,000 1 2 Clay Winning Dennis Cup Chimpan/Chimpan 59
Sovereign Team 2,300 700 10,000 1 2 Hard C Winning Wimpleton Doubles Prince/Prince 61
Space Team 3,000 700 10,000 1 2 Clay Winning Wimpleton Doubles Kairo/Wairo 63
Team Bougie 5,000 1,500 30,000 1 2 Grass Winning Wimpleton Singles Jenny/Ken 67
Doubles Tournament S 5,000 2,500 60,000 5 3 Grass Maximum Rank S Forest Bears
Banana Empire
Sovereign Team
Space Team
Team Bougie


Rank B

Name Points Cost Prize Requirements Matches Games Court Unlocked Opponents Lvl.
Eastern Stars 900 300 4,500 1 1 Hard C Raise Tournament Rank to B Billy Clark
Dylan Baker
Weekenders 970 300 4,500 1 1 Hard C Raise Tournament Rank to B Justin Cox
Jack Kerr
Wolf & Cubs Team 1,050 300 4,500 1 1 Hard C Raise Tournament Rank to B Dom Young
Dom Short
Team Heavy Metal 1,120 300 4,500 1 1 Hard C ? (reach 1900 Fame) Kevin Cole
Bill Hudson
Armstrongs 1,200 300 4,500 1 1 Hard C Beat Weekenders Singles Austin Buck
Brian Orr
TV Stars 1,270 360 5,500 1 1 Hard C ? Morgan Parr
Louis Lewis
Tennis Instructors 1,350 360 5,500 1 1 Hard C ? Ryan McLeod
Victor Lang
National Juniors 1,420 450 7,000 Juniors Only 1 1 Sandy Grass ? Nathan Ross
Gordon Poole
Mito Komon Team 1,500 450 7,000 Seniors Only 1 1 Sandy Grass ? Phil Light
Adam Dyer
Team Tournament B 1,000 550 13,500 4 2 Sandy Grass Reach 14,300 Tournament Points National Juniors
TV Stars
Mito Komon Team
Tennis Instructors

Rank A

Name Points Cost Prize Requirements Matches Games Court Unlocked Opponents Lvl.
Australian Team 1,900 600 9,000 1 2 Hard B Raise Tournament Rank to A Layton Hughes
Leo Lane
American Team 2,100 600 9,000 1 2 Hard B Raise Tournament Rank to A Lamarr Black
Gavin Dickens
English Team 2,200 660 10,000 1 2 Grass ? Tim Henson
Arnie Curry
French Team 2,400 660 10,000 1 2 Clay ? Dirk Manly
Nils Plaza
Russian Team 2,500 750 12,000 Women Only 1 2 Clay Beat English Team Singles Marilyn Harpova
Vera Hale
Brazilian Team 2,700 750 12,000 Juniors Only 1 2 Sandy Grass Beat Russian Team Singles Gustaf Quirk
Thomas Burns
Swiss Team 2,800 750 12,000 Seniors Only 1 2 Grass Beat Australian Team Singles Rajer Foderer
Stanley Upton
Dennis Cup 5,000 1,000 23,000 7 3 Grass Reach 33,000 Tournament Points Australian Team
American Team
English Team
Brazilian Team
Russian Team
Swiss Team
French Team

Rank S

Name Points Cost Prize Requirements Matches Games Court Unlocked Opponents Lvl.
Forest Bears 3,000 900 15,000 1 2 Hard A Winning Dennis Cup Bear Ington
Vin Ursine
Banana Empire 3,300 900 15,000 1 2 Clay Winning Dennis Cup Chimpan Z
Chimpan She
Sovereign Team 3,400 1,050 16,000 1 2 Hard C Winning Wimpleton Doubles King Malik
Prince Achichi
Space Team 4,500 1,050 16,000 1 2 Clay Winning Wimpleton Doubles Kairo Bot
Kairo bot #2
Team Bougie 7,500 1,500 45,000 1 2 Grass Winning Wimpleton Singles Sally Prin
Hewitt Chang
Team Tournament S 7,500 3,500 90,000 5 3 Grass Maximum Rank S Forest Bears
Banana Empire
Sovereign Team
Space Team
Team Bougie