Seasonal Events (Station Manager)

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At 12:00 of the 1st month of each season, you can choose which events to hold for that season.

Each event can bring more customers into station with a chance to trigger VIP visitor. The chance for VIP visitor to appear depends on the town's specialty products values. This can be seen at the Area research screen.

If the VIP are satisfied, they'll become a regular customer.

Season Month Event Name Cost VIP Visitor Unlocked
Spring Month 3 (March) Spring Fruit Picking Tour Coin Koala Initially Available
Month 4 Blossom Viewing Tour Research Ackbar Hold Spring season events once.
Month 5 Easter Egg Hunt Gold Mystery Mammal Hold Spring season events 4 times.
Summer Month 6 (June) Earth Day Environmental Tour Gold Astronaut Initially Available
Month 7 Independence Day Tour Coins Panda Hold Summer season events once.
Month 8 Midsummer Mountaineering Tour Research Dog Hold Summerseason events 4 times.
Autumn Month 9 Fall Reading Tour Research Hero Initially Available
Month 10 Chestnut Gathering Tour Gold Penguin Hold Autumn season events once.
Month 11 Gourmet Food Fair Coin Princess S Hold Autumn season events 4 times.
Winter Month 12 Winter Train Photography Contest Gold Railbuff Initially Available
Month 1 New Year's Fireworks Event Coin Alien Hold Winter season events once.
Month 2 Valentine's Day Campaign Research Station Staff (F) Hold Winter season events 4 times.