Structures (Beastie Bay)

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Beastie Bay gamenav icon.gifBeastie Bay

Bestiary Skills Items Fusion Research Residents Structures Remodeling Islands Instructors Trophies Transcript
IAPs Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

Facility info-beastie bay.png

There are many different structures found in the game, each with a unique purpose. Some structures can only be unlocked through remodeling. Structures come in different types:

  • Homes - for residents and allies
  • Tourist attractions
  • Resource gathering
  • Boosting max Food (Beastie Bay).png food / Wood (Beastie Bay).png lumber

Tile Effects

Most tiles provide bonuses to nearby tiles in one or more of the following types:

  • Civ
  • Nature
  • Energy
  • Recovery

Bonus values given below are for a tile that is directly adjacent (not diagonal).

The bonus value drops by half (rounded down) for each step away from the source, with a maximum bonus distance of 3 tiles. That means diagonally adjacent tiles only provide 50% of the listed value, though they can still be harvested normally.

Here is a simple table showing the bonus percentage from a tile in the XX square:

XX 100 50 25
100 50 25 0
50 25 0 0
25 0 0 0

This means that if you put a thermal power tile in the XX square, the tile that is diagonally away receives 50% power, and the tile that is two diagonal away will receive NO power at all.

Human & Ally Residences

In addition to the base work, human residents also gain 1 work for each 5 civ.

Image Name Remodel Requirements Effect Base
Base Civ Base Nat Base Work
Person Home - The Beastie Bay.png Person's Home Initially Available a resident lives here. 15 5 0 5
Wooden House - The Beastie Bay - Copy.png Wooden House Person's Home, 17 Civ Boosts harvests. 40 15 0 15
House - The Beastie Bay.png House Wooden House, 1 Energy 75 20 0 35
Mansion - The Beastie Bay.png Mansion House, 45 Energy 110 35 0 50
Ally Home - The Beastie Bay.png Ally's Home Initially Available an ally lives here. 15 1 1 ?
Ally Hut - The Beastie Bay.png Ally's Hut Ally's Home, 45 Nature Boosts recovery. 80 2 10 ~25
Ally Palace - The Beastie Bay.png Ally's Palace Ally's Hut, 45 Nature, 3 Energy
Pasture, 55 Nature. 3 Energy
190 5 20 ~15
Pasture - The Beastie Bay.png Pasture Ally's Home, 30 Nature 80 2 10 ~15
Zoo - The Beastie Bay.png Zoo Pasture, 10 Civ, 2 Energy 90 4 15 ~5
Circus Tent - The Beastie Bay.png Circus Tent Zoo, 70 Nature, 55 Energy 300 15 35 ~35
Pumpkin Products - The Beastie Bay.png Pumpkin Products Person's Home, P. Pumpkin where you buy items 20 95 19 10
Research Lab - The Beastie Bay.png Research Lab Person's Home, Researcher 20 40 0 5
Ally Agency - The Beastie Bay.png Ally Agency Person's Home, Bear 10 50 0 8
Wood Shop Person's Home, Steve Jibs Earns gold from tourists. 28 35 3 50
Wairo Inc - The Beastie Bay.png Wairo Inc. 10 40 0 10
Grocery Stand - The Beastie Bay.png Grocery Stand Person's Home, Jacques Bleu 20 15 3 3
Clinic Person's Home, Dr. Takashi 110 35 0 50

Tourism Structures

Tourists will visit tourist spots and spend an amount of gold equal to the chip's "Price." At the end of every month, an amount of gold will be deducted from your coffers equal to the sum of each chip's "Upkeep" cost. All tourist spots can hold up to five "Specialties," (harvested items offered for sale rather than added to your stores.) For the few chips which can be harvested, specialties can still be offered, but cannot be viewed as the harvest information is shown instead.


All tourism buildings have an built in base income of 2G. Additionally, each group of 20 of Civ+Nature gives a bonus 1G income.

Income Chart
Civ + Nat Price Civ + Nat Price Civ + Nat Price
0 to 19 2 140 to 159 9 280 to 299 16
20 to 39 3 160 to 179 10 300 to 319 17
40 to 59 4 180 to 199 11 320 to 339 18
60 to 79 5 200 to 219 12 340 to 359 19
80 to 99 6 220 to 239 13 360 to 379 20
100 to 119 7 240 to 259 14 380 to 399 21
120 to 139 8 260 to 279 15


The base price column below shows the building price with 0 additional Civ+Nat from surrounding tiles, using only the starting Civ and Nature values.

UO = Upgrade Only. This means they can not be purchased, but must meet specific remodeling conditions.

Name Class Cost (Wood) Effects G
Costs Description
Civ Nat Eng Rec Base Price Upkeep
Tourist Spot Building 3 3 3 0 105 1 2G 1G Earns gold from tourists.
Grocery Stand Building 15 15 3 0 20 1 2G 1G Earns gold from tourists.
Gift Shop Building 25 17 0 93 3 5
Shop Building 24 +++
0 +++
4 5G 4G Earns gold from tourists.
Hot Spring Building 36 +++
0 ++
5 Earns gold from tourists.
Harvestable. Produces food.
Lighthouse Building 45 ++
0 0
4 8G 3G Earns gold from tourists.
Pool Building 30 +
0 +
3 4G 2G Earns gold from tourists.
Restaurant Building 15 35 3 0 120 3 6G 3G Earns gold from tourists.
Skyscraper Building 30 ++++
0 0
4 19G 12G Earns gold from tourists.
Campground Facility 3 15 4 0 20 1 1G 2G Get gold when tourists camp.
Inn Facility 21 20 0 0 110 3 6G 6G Get gold when tourists camp.
Hotel Facility 21 30 0 0 120 5 13G 10G Get gold when tourists camp.
Pyramid UO ++
0 +
1 14G 7G Boosts recovery amount.
Harvestable. Produces wood.
Pasture Residence UO 2 10 0 80 2 5G Earns gold from tourists.
Zoo Residence UO 4 15 0 90 4 5G 3G Earns gold from tourists.
Circus Tent Residence UO 0 5 22G 10G Earns gold from tourists.
Clinic Building 21 +++
0 +++++
4 4G Boosts recovery amount.
Wood Shop Residence UO 3 Earns gold from tourists.

Harvest Tiles

These chips are harvest-able for either food, wood, or specialty products.

Name Cost (Wood (Beastie Bay).png) Effects G
Civ Nat Eng Rec Food Lumber Specialty
Beach 0 1 0 0 0 Yes.svg No.svg Crab (13G), Scallop (8G), Shell (8G), Coral (8G)
Earth 0 1 0 1 1 No.svg Yes.svg Stone (4G), Stump (8G)
Grass 3 0 2 0 1 1 Yes.svg Yes.svg Turnip (4G), Carrot (8G), Stump (8G)
Meadow 3 0 3 0 2 1 Yes.svg Yes.svg Turnip (4G), Carrot (8G), Stump (8G)
Desert 12 0 3 0 2 1 No.svg Yes.svg Stone (4G), Bone (19G)
Plain 0 3 0 3 1 Yes.svg Yes.svg Turnip (4G), Carrot (8G), Stump (8G)
Grassland 0 4 0 3 1 Yes.svg Yes.svg Turnip (4G), Carrot (8G), Stump (8G)
Field 3 5 0 0 3 1 Yes.svg No.svg Corn (8G), Cabbage (6G), Rice (30G)
Lumber Mill 3 5 0 0 3 1 Yes.svg Yes.svg Grapes (25G), Gift (120G), Stump (8G), Stump (8G), Stone (4G)
Orchard 8 5 0 0 3 3 Yes.svg Yes.svg Apple (7G), Plum (19G), Orange (7G), Gift (120G), Stump (8G)
Deep Swamp 12 0 5 0 5 3 No.svg Yes.svg Stone (4G), Bone (19G)
Gravel 21 0 5 0 5 5 No.svg Yes.svg Oil (120G), Stone (4G), Bone (19G)
Woods 6 0 7 0 4 3 Yes.svg Yes.svg Orange (7G), Apple (7G), Stone (4G), Stump (8G)
Snowfield 0 7 0 5 No.svg Yes.svg Stone (4G), Bone (19G)
Hotspot 18 0 8 0 3 1 Yes.svg No.svg Egg (11G)
Forest 9 0 8 0 6 3 Yes.svg Yes.svg Orange (7G), Apple (7G), Stone (4G), Stump (8G)
Flower Garden 3 0 8 0 10 2 Yes.svg No.svg Flower (11G), Watermelon (8G), Tomato (8G)
Palm Tree 12 0 10 0 5 3 Yes.svg Yes.svg Coconut (36G), Banana (11G), Stump (8G)
Spring 21 0 10 0 5 5 No.svg Yes.svg Oil (120G), Stone (4G), Bone (19G)
Alpine Plant 21 0 10 0 5 5 No.svg Yes.svg Oil (120G), Stone (4G), Bone (19G)
Volcano 0 10 0 5 5 No.svg Yes.svg Oil (120G), Stone (4G), Bone (19G)
Big Volcano 0 10 0 5 5 No.svg Yes.svg Oil (120G), Stone (4G), Bone (19G)
Cherry Tree 12 0 10 0 8 3 Yes.svg Yes.svg Cherry (16G), Grapes (25G), Apple (7G), Stump (8G)
Upland 21 0 10 0 10 3 Yes.svg Yes.svg Mushroom (11G), Apple (7G), Plum (19G), Stump (8G)
Cherry Woods 12 0 12 0 10 3 Yes.svg Yes.svg Cherry (16G), Grapes (25G), Apple (7G), Stump (8G)
Mountain 18 0 12 0 15 4 Yes.svg Yes.svg Shoot (30G), Apple (7G), Plum (19G), Stump (8G)
Woods (Snowy) 21 0 15 0 10 4 No.svg Yes.svg Stone (4G), Bone (19G)
Pyramid 15 25 0 15 1 No.svg Yes.svg Stone (4G), Bone (19G)
Mountain Range 24 0 15 0 15 5 Yes.svg Yes.svg Truffle (46G), Apple (7G), Plum (19G), Stump (8G)
Legendary Tree 0 30 0 15 5 Yes.svg Yes.svg Grapes (25G), Plum (19G)
Snowy Mountain 21 0 30 0 15 4 No.svg Yes.svg Stone (4G), Bone (19G)
Waterfall 15 0 35 0 10 5 Yes.svg Yes.svg Salmon (30G), Crab (13G), Stump (8G)
Stream 0 + 0 0 0 Yes.svg No.svg Gift (120G), Fish (4G), Salmon (30G), Crab (13G)
Barbeque 12 8 0 0 25 2 Yes.svg No.svg Barbeque (44G)
Mine 30 3 24 0 + 5 Yes.svg Yes.svg Gift (120G), Stump (8G), Gold (145G)
Ocean 0 0 0 0 No.svg No.svg

Miscellaneous Structures

These chips are non-harvestable tiles which cannot be visited by tourists.

Image Name Description Cost (Wood) Effects G
Civ Nat Eng Rec
Dirt Path - Beastie Bay.png Dirt Path Connect harbor to shops. 3 5 1 0 5 0
Generator - Beastie Bay.png Generator Supplies power to surroundings. 12 5 2 2 5 1
Solar Panels - Beastie Bay.png Solar Panels Supplies power to surroundings. 18 8 1 8 5 2
Windmill - Beastie Bay.png Windmill Supplies power to surroundings. 21 15 0 32 8 3
Thermal Generator - Beastie Bay.png Thermal Generator Supplies power to surroundings. 27 35 0 128 10 4
Food Shed - Beastie Bay.png Food Shed Increases max food. 12 10 0 0 5 3
Lumber Shed - Beastie Bay.png Lumber Shed Increases max lumber. 18 10 0 0 5 3
Food Warehouse - Beastie Bay.png Food Warehouse Greatly increases max food. 36 20 0 0 10 5
Lumber Warehouse - Beastie Bay.png Lumber Warehouse Greatly increases max lumber. 45 20 0 0 10 5
School - Beastie Bay.png School Get EXP by studying here. 15 20 0 0 5 0
Heliport - Beastie Bay.png Heliport Connects one island to another. 75 45 0 0 0 0
Simple Bath - Beastie Bay.png Simple Bath Booth recovery in nearby areas. 6 3 0 0 10 1
Deck Chair - Beastie Bay.png Deck Chair Booth recovery in nearby areas. 9 6 0 0 20 1
Hammock - Beastie Bay.png Hammock Booth recovery amount. 9 8 0 0 10 1
Torch - Beastie Bay.png Torch Warmth boosts recovery amount. 6 5 5 1 15 1


  • The school in Beastie Bay may function as Pokemon Day Care where the beast can gain the EXP.