Talk:Clubs (Pocket Academy)/@comment-

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Dunno I did it but i was able. To win with one member with abilities not even reaching 100. 

More with the details:

Club: Baseball 

Member: Pearl Top


 Year and section: 3-2

 Athletic: 79 / Pop: 79 / Int: 67

 Grades: Eng - 67 / Math - 93 / Span - 85 / Sci - 79 / Soc - 100

TIME: Y6 M6 W1

LOCATION: Normalville


- Pe challange complete

- Have Baseball Field

- have spot concerning baseball: twilight spot 

- Club room is surrounded by 15 cherry tree, 1 gold statue,  1 bronze statue,  1 totem pole (none are in a spot), 3 woods and 1 .poplar 

Tried challenging with another club -either because it wasn't spring or it's  just that but effect to dancing club gave me the #23 position when I change the club.