Tips (Forest Camp Story)

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Forest Camp Story gamenav icon.gifForest Camp Story

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Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

Tips.png This page consists of tips / a walthrough that is subject to opinion. While content is still required to be factual, tips are simply a possible route one may decide to pursue.
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Tips for Hard Guided Tours

➤Save before starting a guided tour. You may load the backup to repossess the numerous lost points when you fail.

➤Better to do hard guided tours in summer and fall since their daytime are longer.

Daytime of each seasons/ Spring 6:00-18:00/ Summer 6:00-19:00/ Fall 6:00-19:00/ Winter 7:00-18:00

➤Choose them to camp rather than stay in any cabin. They will get high satisfaction from building a tent and eating self-cooked food. Plus they can start a campfire to travel at night.

➤Consider building a temporary camping space surrounded by only activity structures to verify they will be satisfied within a day.

➤Choose a camping space that is near the spawn point to save hours of walking.

Hidden River Road

You can place rivers covered with bridges all over the camp to increase the popularity and environment without blocking the way.

Placement Tips

➤Spawn points are only in front of the site. Building settlement too far from the main road cause visitors can't reach it before night and make a profit. But either way, this game design makes it difficult to get an entire book for a dozen spaces. If you want to make a fortune, put the energy into your store.

End of Year Ranking

Ranking has four categories, which when Rank 1 is achieved unlocks either a Kairosoft camper (Sally Prin, Kairobot), animal (Kairopuppy) or an Activity facility (Haunted House, UFO - UFO is required to unlock Dr Mochipon):

  • Popularity will naturally rise as you play the game, increased by customer satisfaction from facilities and camps and selling them their favourite items. It is unlikely you will not reach Rank 1 by the end of the game, but you can inflate this using high popularity facilities stacked within a bunch of plants. Multiple one-square facilities with high popularity will grant you more popularity than one 3x3 square high popularity facility, and you can increase a facility's popularity in the Manage -> Upgrade Facility menu. It can be very helpful to max out streetlights as early as possible because they can be placed anywhere on the map without obstructing visitors' path, so can be spammed all over the map they can fit when trying to reach Rank 1 initially).
  • Environment is calculated based on your environment score in December, so maximise using Winter boosting plants around all of your camps and facilities before the end of year ranking rolls around. This is easier to achieve in New Game+ because Winter plants are more limited than Summer boosting plants - it can be helpful to select Persimmons, Pansies, Bamboo, Scarlet Sage, etc when starting a New Game+ save for easier stacking of Environment points.
  • Fans again will naturally rise as you play the game. It will rise quickly towards the end of the game when you have high environment 3x3 camps surrounded by seasonal plants, as well as lodges with 8 visitors. Again this one will be difficult not to achieve by the end of the game.
  • Sales can be easily achieved towards the end of the game by maximising the number of store environment facilities in your store to increase sales numbers. It is easier to achieve this in NG+ when you have two campfires increasing sales every other month or so, but this can be achieved in the first playthrough with enough facilities. I achieved this using around 2 of each seasonal facility, 3 gates (which can fit in any 3x1 gap in your store, customers are not obstructed by them, whereas other plants etc are obstructions so it is worth spamming a bunch of these if you're struggling), four designer tree stumps (which boosts number of items per sale on shelves, I use these near seasonally popular items or things I am trying to level up) and four storehouses to increase the amount of stock. I also consistantly used exchange coupons and promo fliers to maximise stock and visitors.