Transcript:Kingdom Adventurers/ru.csv

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This page contains a CSV file for use with language packs. Please edit using source mode. Ignore the "@wiki#" lines, as they're needed for this template and formatting.


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"#00000,""Внутри могут прятаться грозные животные.
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"#00467,""A/ Меч чести""" "#00468,""E/ Длинный меч""" "#00469,""D/ Меч бастарда""" "#00470,""C/ Меч святого""" "#00471,""A/ Меч ярости""" "#00472,""S/ Легендарный меч""" "#00473,""D/ Черный меч""" "#00474,""C/ Darkness Sword""" "#00475,""B/ Меч пустоты""" "#00476,""A/ Королевский меч""" "#00477,""S/ Меч завоевателя""" "#00478,""D/ Обычный меч""" "#00479,""C/ Меч мужества""" "#00480,""B/ Меч героя""" "#00481,""A/ Меч бессмертия""" "#00482,""S/ Мечь - Игдрассиль""" "#00483,""F/ Роман""" "#00484,""D/ Руководство по исследованию""" "#00485,""E/ увеличительное стекло""" "#00486,""C/ Древний том""" "#00487,""B/ Paintbrush""" "#00488,""D/ Pistol""" "#00489,""C/ Rifle""" "#00490,""B/ Musket""" "#00491,""A/ Mighty Rifle""" "#00492,""S/ Golden Gun""" "#00493,""D/ Bow""" "#00494,""C/ Infantry Bow""" "#00495,""B/ Hunting Bow""" "#00496,""A/ Swift Bow""" "#00497,""S/ Champion's Bow""" "#00498,""F/ Adze""" "#00499,""D/ Lumberjack's Axe""" "#00500,""C/ Steel Axe""" "#00501,""B/ Battle Axe""" "#00502,""S/ Legendary Axe""" "#00503,""A/ Kairo Sword""" "#00504,""A/ Kairo Hammer""" "#00505,""A/ Kairo Lance""" "#00506,""A/ Kairo Bow""" "#00507,""A/ Kairo Gun""" "#00508,""F/ Wooden Shield""" "#00509,""F/ Leather Shield""" "#00510,""E/ Infantry Shield""" "#00511,""E/ Buckler""" "#00512,""D/ Iron Shield""" "#00513,""C/ Noble Shield""" "#00514,""A/ Hero Shield""" "#00515,""A/ Crystal Shield""" "#00516,""B/ Shell Shield""" "#00517,""S/ Wairo Shield""" "#00518,""B/ Scholar's Shield""" "#00519,""A/ Holy Shield""" "#00520,""D/ Folk Art Shield""" "#00521,""D/ Sturdy Shield""" "#00522,""C/ Nightmare Shield""" "#00523,""B/ Legendary Shield""" "#00524,""B/ Green Shield""" "#00525,""S/ Mirror Shield""" "#00526,""A/ Golden Shield""" "#00527,""S/ Shining Shield""" "#00528,""C/ Demonic Shield""" "#00529,""=#00523""" "#00530,""C/ Conqueror's Shield""" "#00531,""S/ Kairo Shield""" "#00532,""F/ Loincloth""" "#00533,""F/ Linen Garment""" "#00534,""F/ Common Garment""" "#00535,""E/ Yellow Garment""" "#00536,""E/ Durable Garment""" "#00537,""D/ Stylish Garment""" "#00538,""D/ Thick Garment""" "#00539,""D/ Chain Mail""" "#00540,""C/ Skirt""" "#00541,""B/ Dress""" "#00542,""D/ Pajamas""" "#00543,""C/ Fur Coat""" "#00544,""C/ Coat""" "#00545,""C/ Robe""" "#00546,""B/ Fine Robe""" "#00547,""C/ Men's Kimono""" "#00548,""D/ Cape""" "#00549,""C/ Durable Cape""" "#00550,""B/ Purple Cape""" "#00551,""A/ Royal Robe""" "#00552,""E/ Leather Chest Guard""" "#00553,""D/ Iron Chest Guard""" "#00554,""C/ Leather Armor""" "#00555,""C/ Light Mail""" "#00556,""B/ Bronze Armor""" "#00557,""B/ Silver Armor""" "#00558,""A/ Verdant Armor""" "#00559,""A/ Heavy Armor""" "#00560,""S/ Golden Armor""" "#00561,""S/ Black Chainmail""" "#00562,""F/ Bandana""" "#00563,""F/ Alice Band""" "#00564,""F/ Headband""" "#00565,""F/ Turban""" "#00566,""E/ Hat""" "#00567,""E/ Helmet""" "#00568,""D/ Bandana""" "#00569,""D/ Ninja Headband""" "#00570,""D/ Forehead Guard""" "#00571,""F/ Chef Hat""" "#00572,""F/ Top Hat""" "#00573,""F/ Hat""" "#00574,""F/ Holy Hat""" "#00575,""E/ Angel's Halo""" "#00576,""E/ Pirate Hat""" "#00577,""E/ Director's Beret""" "#00578,""D/ Winged Bandana""" "#00579,""D/ Winged Hat""" "#00580,""D/ Winged Helm""" "#00581,""D/ Magic Hat""" "#00582,""C/ Mage's Hat""" "#00583,""B/ Wizard's Hat""" "#00584,""A/ Legendary Hat""" "#00585,""B/ Mystic Hat""" "#00586,""C/ Mail Coif""" "#00587,""B/ Shampoo Hat""" "#00588,""A/ Kairo Hat""" "#00589,""S/ Royal Crown""" "#00590,""A/ Tiara""" "#00591,""D/ Lookout Hat""" "#00592,""C/ Guard Helmet""" "#00593,""C/ Bronze Headpiece""" "#00594,""C/ Helmet""" "#00595,""B/ Iron Mask""" "#00596,""B/ Iron Headpiece""" "#00597,""A/ Black Headpiece""" "#00598,""S/ Golden Headpiece""" "#00599,""A/ Dragon Headpiece""" "#00600,""A/ Robot Helmet""" "#00601,""E/ Locket""" "#00602,""D/ Necklace""" "#00603,""C/ Amulet""" "#00604,""B/ Blue Pendant""" "#00605,""A/ Red Pendant""" "#00606,""S/ Golden Pendant""" "#00607,""C/ Magic Pendant""" "#00608,""B/ Golden Bracelet""" "#00609,""D/ Leather Band""" "#00610,""C/ Wristband""" "#00611,""S/ Gold Medal""" "#00612,""D/ Scarf""" "#00613,""B/ Collar""" "#00614,""A/ Golden Collar""" "#00615,""D/ Ring""" "#00616,""C/ Pearl Ring""" "#00617,""B/ Silver Ring""" "#00618,""A/ Light Ring""" "#00619,""S/ Golden Ring""" "#00620,""C/ Gloves""" "#00621,""B/ Leather Gloves""" "#00622,""A/ Silk Gloves""" "#00623,""B/ Silver Earrings""" "#00624,""A/ Golden Earrings""" "#00625,""S/ Royal Earrings""" "#00626,""E/ Leather Shoes""" "#00627,""F/ Wooden Sandals""" "#00628,""D/ Loafers""" "#00629,""A/ Silver Boots""" "#00630,""B/ Boots""" "#00631,""S/ Winged Sandals""" "#00632,""C/ Candle""" "#00633,""B/ Charm""" "#00634,""A/ Golden Bell""" "#00635,""B/ Red Ribbon""" "#00636,""A/ Ribbon""" "#00637,""C/ Wooden Carving""" "#00638,""C/ Cloth Bag""" "#00639,""B/ Gold Bag""" "#00640,""S/ Sally Prin Figure""" "#00641,""S/ Santa Staff""" "#00642,""S/ Santa Shield""" "#00643,""=#00001""" "#00644,""Discovery""" "#00645,""You got <0> x<1>!""" "#00646,""Acquired""" "#00647,""You got <0> Diamond(s)!""" "#00648,""=#00645""" "#00649,""A new friend joins <0>!""" "#00650,""<1> #<0>: <2>""" "#00651,""Event Message""" "#00652,""Failed to get a new hi-score.""" "#00653,""Use""" "#00654,""Used <0> x<1>.""" "#00655,""Event""" "#00656,""Your Energy has been recovered!""" "#00657,""A miracle has happened! Your town slightly expanded!""" "#00658,""You got Skill <0> x<1>!""" "#00659,""Area Discovery""" "#00660,""Discovered an unexplored area!""" "#00661,""New Jobs""" "#00662,""You've been introduced to a D-Grade Townsman and the Researcher!""" "#00663,""Boosts movement speed.""" "#00664,""Builds bridges.""" "#00665,""Guides visitors to town.""" "#00666,""A small plot of land.""" "#00667,""A regular plot of land.""" "#00668,""A large plot of land.""" "#00669,""A very large plot of land.""" "#00670,""The heart of the entire town.""" "#00671,""Slightly helps defend the town from attack.""" "#00672,""Moderately helps defend the town from attack.""" "#00673,""Decently helps defend the town from attack.""" "#00674,""Remarkably helps defend the town from attack.""" "#00675,""A gate in your defensive walls.""" "#00676,""Expands your territory a little.""" "#00677,""Used to store <pic=grass> in town.""" "#00678,""Used to store <pic=food> in town.""" "#00679,""Used to store <pic=wood> in town.""" "#00680,""Used to store <pic=iron> in town.""" "#00681,""Used to store <pic=magic> in town.""" "#00682,""Used to store Items in town.""" "#00683,""Used to store Energy in town.""" "#00684,""Used to store Treasure in town.""" "#00685,""Produces fish.""" "#00686,""Produces <pic=grass>.""" "#00687,""Produces <pic=wood>.""" "#00688,""Used by farmers to produce <pic=food>.""" "#00689,""Produces <pic=iron>.""" "#00690,""Produces <pic=magic>.""" "#00691,""Used to gather Energy.""" "#00692,""Has an effect on the surrounding area.""" "#00693,""Makes MP and Vigor recover faster.""" "#00694,""Helps guide visitors to town.""" "#00695,""Restores wasteland outside of town.""" "#00696,""Allows you to rent horses.""" "#00697,""Used to move things between towns.""" "#00698,""Used to analyze treasure.""" "#00699,""Used for recovery.""" "#00700,""Used for research.""" "#00701,""Grants EXP when used.""" "#00702,""Used to cook simple dishes.""" "#00703,""Lures away attacking monsters.""" "#00704,""Something good may happen when it's used.""" "#00705,""Boosts durability of surrounding facilities.""" "#00706,""Place in lush, natural surroundings.""" "#00707,""Used for gathering materials outside of town.""" "#00708,""Used to store materials for shops.""" "#00709,""Perfect for a good night's sleep.""" "#00710,""Enough room for two!""" "#00711,""Used to send goods to visitors and allies.""" "#00712,""Displays goods for visitors and allies.""" "#00713,""The monarch will certainly like it.""" "#00714,""=#00700""" "#00715,""Handy when you need to recover.""" "#00716,""Used to make and sell accessories.""" "#00717,""Used to make and sell food.""" "#00718,""=#00698""" "#00719,""Used to make and sell furniture.""" "#00720,""Used to make and sell weapons.""" "#00721,""Used to make and sell armor.""" "#00722,""Used to make and sell skills.""" "#00723,""Used to make and sell items.""" "#00724,""Sometimes produces items.""" "#00725,""Sometimes produces ore.""" "#00726,""Sometimes produces meals.""" "#00727,""Produces seeds.""" "#00728,""Room decoration.""" "#00729,""Used for training to improve stats.""" "#00730,""Sometimes produces water.""" "#00731,""Produces tools.""" "#00732,""=#00701""" "#00733,""Produces ore.""" "#00734,""A place for your friends to stay.""" "#00735,""A place for visiting adventurers to stay.""" "#00736,""Perfect for a new baby.""" "#00737,""Used during conquests with Household Heads.""" "#00738,""Handy when residents reach the end of their lifespan.""" "#00739,""It's wild and untamed.""" "#00740,""Rents out dragons to ride.""" "#00741,""Traps attacking monsters.""" "#00742,""Damages attacking monsters.""" "#00743,""Helps allies recover while out on quests.""" "#00744,""Used to upgrade equipment.""" "#00745,""Used to manage Friends.""" "#00746,""Used to manage Missions.""" "#00747,""A place to team up with Friends.""" "#00748,""A place to buy treasure.""" "#00749,""Used to manage Monsters.""" "#00750,""A place to get trophies.""" "#00751,""A place to check the daily rankings.""" "#00752,""Used to view Suggested Friends.""" "#00753,""Used to purchase jobs up to Rank A.""" "#00754,""Used to purchase materials.""" "#00755,""A place to trade Gold Coins for goods.""" "#00756,""Helps allies become instructors.""" "#00757,""Used to fuse Monsters.""" "#00758,""Used to sell Monsters.""" "#00759,""A place to challenge Kairobot.""" "#00760,""A place to challenge other players.""" "#00761,""One of the great rulers of antiquity.""" "#00762,""Used to store Copper Coins.""" "#00763,""Used to store Silver Coins.""" "#00764,""Used to store Gold Coins.""" "#00765,""A majestic bronze statue.""" "#00766,""Used to store treasure.""" "#00767,""Used to store items.""" "#00768,""Used to care for the town's children.""" "#00769,""Place outside town to attract monsters at night.""" "#00770,""=#00703""" "#00771,""A place to store eggs.""" "#00772,""Sometimes produces gifts.""" "#00773,""Home to powerful monsters.""" "#00774,""Used for moving stuff from town to town.""" "#00775,""A place to trade equipment.""" "#00776,""Offers all kinds of things for sale.""" "#00777,""A place to go on dates and increase affection.""" "#00778,""Builds bridges across water.""" "#00779,""A place to create works of art.""" "#00780,""A place to plan surveys.""" "#00781,""A place to raise bugs.""" "#00782,""A place to attract visitors by air.""" "#00783,""Switch it out with the Register.""" "#00784,""A place to keep reindeer.""" "#00785,""A place for flying ships to dock.""" "#00786,""A place to store collectibles.""" "#00787,""A place to catch fish.""" "#00788,""A place to ride flying carpets.""" "#00789,""=#00001""" "#00790,""Get A-D Rank facilities!""" "#00791,""Event period: <0>/<1> - <2> (<3>)!""" "#00792,""High Grade Storehouse""" "#00793,""Get D-A Grade weapons!""" "#00794,""n/a""" "#00795,""Get D-A Grade weapons. The Kairo Series will appear until the 10th!""" "#00796,""Get D-A Grade weapons. The Kairo Series will appear until the 25th!""" "#00797,""Daily Bonus: A Chance to Get S-Grade Staves!""" "#00798,""Daily Bonus: A Chance to Get S-Grade Clubs!""" "#00799,""Daily Bonus: A Chance to Get S-Grade Spears!""" "#00800,""Daily Bonus: A Chance to Get S-Grade Hammers!""" "#00801,""Daily Bonus: A Chance to Get S-Grade Swords!""" "#00802,""Daily Bonus: A Chance to Get S-Grade Guns!""" "#00803,""Daily Bonus: A Chance to Get S-Grade Bows!""" "#00804,""Daily Bonus: A Chance to Get S-Grade Axes!""" "#00805,""Get bonuses for helping friends!""" "#00806,""=#00794""" "#00807,""Get some great items!""" "#00808,""=#00794""" "#00809,""Get A-C Rank jobs!""" "#00810,""=#00001""" "#00811,""=#00791""" "#00812,""S Rank Samurai""" "#00813,""S Rank Viking""" "#00814,""S Rank Pirate""" "#00815,""S Rank Champion""" "#00816,""S Rank Wizard""" "#00817,""S Grade Merchant""" "#00818,""S Rank Paladin""" "#00819,""S Rank Gunner""" "#00820,""S Rank Archer""" "#00821,""S Rank Ninja""" "#00822,""S Rank Monk""" "#00823,""S Rank Guard""" "#00824,""S Rank Knight""" "#00825,""S Rank Mage""" "#00827,""S Rank Santa Claus""" "#00828,""Hi there. We'll be founding your kingdom in just moment.""" "#00829,""Too much stuff on screen?
Check out different Settings
in the Menu.""" "#00830,""Uninstalling the game
deletes your save data,
so be careful!""" "#00831,""Make sure to play where you have a strong signal!""" "#00832,""Be sure to save before you stop playing. The game will also autosave at set times.""" "#00833,""App data will be saved to your device. Please ensure you have enough free space.""" "#00834,""Build Stables to help your allies out when they're deployed on a quest.""" "#00835,""Dispel the fog to increase your town's rank.""" "#00836,""Materials - Grass
Get by creating Fields.""" "#00837,""Materials - Wood
Get by creating Plantations.""" "#00838,""Materials - Food
Get by recruiting a Farmer.""" "#00839,""Materials - Ore
Get by mining Deserts and Caverns.""" "#00840,""Materials - Mystic Ore
Get by mining Red Stones.""" "#00841,""Build some mining facilities to excavate Energy.""" "#00842,""The more materials you gather, the more storehouses you'll need to keep them in. How about building a couple?""" "#00843,""When the full moon rises, monsters get rowdy. Get out there and defeat them before they can attack the town!""" "#00844,""Explore the area for treasure. It'll help us make the kingdom a better place to live!""" "#00845,""It's time to take care of that fog! Deploy some allies and expand our territory!""" "#00846,""Adventurers that stop at inns may help us fight boss monsters.""" "#00847,""Try equipping one of the skills you've acquired.""" "#00848,""Weapons and armor produced by town stores are available for purchase.""" "#00849,""A shiny monster has appeared. Deploy a party to take it on before it disappears!""" "#00850,""Put up some signs to guide visitors from the port to our town.""" "#00851,""Find the legendary blacksmith and upgrade your weapons!""" "#00852,""Helping out your friends with conquests could get you some neat rewards.""" "#00853,""Getting tourists to visit your town and use your stores is a great way to get copper coins.""" "#00854,""You can get bonuses for logging in to your Kairo Account.""" "#00855,""When you discover a new area, move your deployed allies towards the boss.""" "#00856,""Fighting in an area with good weapon compatibility will boost your attack power.""" "#00857,""Increasing the workshop level of Weapon and Armor Shops could lead to some exciting new discoveries.""" "#00858,""When you've got a boss monster on the ropes, it'll start summoning more enemies.""" "#00859,""Expanding your territory will allow you to add more friends. Blaze that trail!""" "#00860,""Think carefully about the best way to use items that affect several residents at once. You'll find them in the List menu.""" "#00861,""Build lots of storehouses of the same type to increase their storage capacity.""" "#00862,""Press × to skip the tutorial.""" "#00863,""There are items out there that can restore wasteland to its former state.""" "#00864,""Items which are too far away don't get picked up.""" "#00865,""Keep those coins safe and secure in a Copper Coin Box!""" "#00866,""Commoner's House""" "#00867,""Royal Room""" "#00868,""Weapon Shop""" "#00869,""Armor Shop""" "#00870,""Item Shop""" "#00871,""Furniture Shop""" "#00872,""Skill Shop""" "#00873,""Inn""" "#00874,""Restaurant""" "#00875,""Accessory Shop""" "#00876,""Recovery Room""" "#00877,""Analysis Lab""" "#00878,""Research Lab""" "#00879,""Hospital""" "#00880,""Church""" "#00881,""Mansion""" "#00882,""Monster House""" "#00883,""Survey Corps HQ""" "#00884,""Orchard""" "#00885,""Santa's House""" "#00886,""Studio""" "#00887,""Insectarium""" "#00888,""Aquarium""" "#00889,""Zoo""" "#00890,""Museum""" "#00891,""Diamonds""" "#00892,""=#00001""" "#00893,""Grass""" "#00894,""Wood""" "#00895,""Food""" "#00896,""Ore""" "#00897,""Mystic Ore""" "#00898,""Energy""" "#00899,""Job Trade Ticket""" "#00900,""Equipment Trade Ticket""" "#00901,""Facility Trade Ticket""" "#00902,""Item Trade Ticket""" "#00903,""Friend Trade Ticket""" "#00904,""Copper Coin""" "#00905,""Silver Coin""" "#00906,""Gold Coin""" "#00907,""200 Diamonds""" "#00908,""A great chance to get a lot of Diamonds all at once.""" "#00909,""dia_200_case0""" "#00910,""1,000 Diamonds""" "#00911,""dia_1000_case0""" "#00912,""3,600 Diamonds""" "#00913,""dia_3600_case0""" "#00914,""8,000 Diamonds""" "#00915,""dia_8000_case0""" "#00916,""Kairo Land""" "#00917,""Get some Diamonds!""" "#00918,""Tapjoy""" "#00919,""Share Screenshot
(With Bonus)""" "#00920,""Share a screenshot to get Diamonds!""" "#00921,""Share Screenshot
(No Bonus)""" "#00922,""Share your screenshots!""" "#00923,""Write us
a review!""" "#00924,""Please review the game!""" "#00925,""Recover Energy""" "#00926,""Completely recover the town's Energy.""" "#00927,""=#00656""" "#00928,""Recovery Potion (L)""" "#00929,""Restores 50% of
all residents' HP.""" "#00930,""All residents recovered 50% HP!""" "#00931,""Recovery Potion (S)""" "#00932,""Restores 50% of
one resident's HP.""" "#00933,""Recovered 50% HP!""" "#00934,""Mystic Flute""" "#00935,""Moves all residents to the Town Hall.
*Does not affect residents on a conquest.""" "#00936,""Summoned all residents to the Town Hall!
*They will leave after some time.""" "#00937,""Small Flute""" "#00938,""Moves one resident to the Town Hall.
*Does not affect residents on a conquest.""" "#00939,""Summoned to the Town Hall!
*The resident will leave after some time.""" "#00940,""Holy Herb""" "#00941,""Restores 100% of
all residents' MP.""" "#00942,""Recovered MP!""" "#00943,""Sacred Leaf""" "#00944,""Restores 100% of
one resident's MP.""" "#00945,""Energizing Stew""" "#00946,""Restores 100% of
all residents' Vigor.""" "#00947,""Recovered Vigor!""" "#00948,""Energizing Rice Ball""" "#00949,""Restores 100% of
one resident's Vigor.""" "#00950,""Mystic Elixir""" "#00951,""Increases all residents'
Lifespan by 1.""" "#00952,""+1 to all residents' lifespans!""" "#00953,""Homeopathic Elixir""" "#00954,""Increases one resident's
Lifespan by 1.""" "#00955,""+1 to lifespan!""" "#00956,""Eternal Candle""" "#00957,""Makes one resident's Lifespan infinite.""" "#00958,""Lifespan now infinite!""" "#00959,""Awakening Vessel""" "#00960,""Wakes up all residents.
*Use at night.""" "#00961,""All residents are awake!
No one's getting any sleep tonight.""" "#00962,""Royal Gift""" "#00963,""Grants EXP (all types) to all residents.""" "#00964,""+<0> to all residents'
EXP!""" "#00965,""Kairo Flan""" "#00966,""Wairo Flan""" "#00967,""Kairo Creamy Cake""" "#00968,""Wairo Creamy Cake""" "#00969,""HP Orb""" "#00970,""Increases everyone's HP EXP.""" "#00971,""HP EXP +<0> for all!""" "#00972,""MP Orb""" "#00973,""Increases everyone's MP EXP.""" "#00974,""MP EXP +<0> for all!""" "#00975,""Vigor Orb""" "#00976,""Increases everyone's Vigor EXP.""" "#00977,""Vigor EXP +<0> for all!""" "#00978,""Power Orb""" "#00979,""Increases everyone's ATK EXP.""" "#00980,""ATK EXP +<0> for all!""" "#00981,""Resilience Orb""" "#00982,""Increases everyone's DEF EXP.""" "#00983,""DEF EXP +<0> for all!""" "#00984,""Agility Orb""" "#00985,""Increases everyone's Speed EXP.""" "#00986,""Speed EXP +<0> for all!""" "#00987,""Fortune Orb""" "#00988,""Increases everyone's Luck EXP.""" "#00989,""Luck EXP +<0> for all!""" "#00990,""Miracle Mallet""" "#00991,""Instantly complete one facility under construction.""" "#00992,""Construction complete!""" "#00993,""Wisdom Orb""" "#00994,""Increases everyone's INT EXP.""" "#00995,""INT EXP +<0> for all!""" "#00996,""Dexterity Orb""" "#00997,""Increases everyone's DEX EXP.""" "#00998,""DEX EXP +<0> for all!""" "#00999,""Forage Orb""" "#01000,""Increases everyone's Gathering EXP.""" "#01001,""Gathering EXP +<0> for all!""" "#01002,""Travel Orb""" "#01003,""Increases everyone's Move EXP.""" "#01004,""Move EXP +<0> for all!""" "#01005,""Fondness Orb""" "#01006,""Increases everyone's Love EXP.""" "#01007,""Love EXP +<0> for all!""" "#01008,""Running Shoes""" "#01009,""Temporarily increases Move Speed for all residents.""" "#01010,""Move Speed Up!""" "#01011,""Blessed Rain""" "#01012,""Restores wasteland to its natural state.""" "#01013,""All wasteland restored!""" "#01014,""Bounty Bag""" "#01015,""Contains all kinds of town resources.""" "#01016,""All materials replenished!""" "#01017,""<pic=grass> Pouch""" "#01018,""Replenishes this type of material.""" "#01019,""<pic=grass> replenished!""" "#01020,""<pic=wood> Pouch""" "#01021,""<pic=wood> replenished!""" "#01022,""<pic=food> Pouch""" "#01023,""<pic=food> replenished!""" "#01024,""<pic=iron> Pouch""" "#01025,""<pic=iron> replenished!""" "#01026,""<pic=magic> Pouch""" "#01027,""<pic=magic> replenished!""" "#01028,""Skill Slots Up""" "#01029,""Adds an extra skill slot for one resident.""" "#01030,""+1 Skill Slot""" "#01031,""Bronze Trophy""" "#01032,""Available from the Trophy Room.
For decoration only.""" "#01033,""It sure is pretty.""" "#01034,""Silver Trophy""" "#01035,""Gold Trophy""" "#01036,""Kairo Grail""" "#01037,""Crown of Courage""" "#01038,""Farm Produce""" "#01039,""Nuts""" "#01040,""National Flag""" "#01041,""Spring Water""" "#01042,""Sturdy Board""" "#01043,""Large Nail""" "#01044,""Strong Rope""" "#01045,""High Grade Brick""" "#01046,""Iron Ore""" "#01047,""Bronze""" "#01048,""Gold Nugget""" "#01049,""Silk Cloth""" "#01050,""Strong Cloth""" "#01051,""Pretty Cloth""" "#01052,""Medicinal Herb""" "#01053,""Leaf of Life""" "#01054,""Enchanted Root""" "#01055,""Fragrant Flower""" "#01056,""Vitality Bottle""" "#01057,""Magic Bottle""" "#01058,""Mage's Potion""" "#01059,""Sorcerer's Potion""" "#01060,""Sage's Potion""" "#01061,""Energy Drink""" "#01062,""Sweet Medicine""" "#01063,""Sweet Mushroom""" "#01064,""Healthy Mushroom""" "#01065,""Fresh Beans""" "#01066,""Potato""" "#01067,""Radish""" "#01068,""Carrot""" "#01069,""Onion""" "#01070,""Cabbage""" "#01071,""Tomato""" "#01072,""Sweetcorn""" "#01073,""Garlic""" "#01074,""Salad""" "#01075,""Berry""" "#01076,""Orange""" "#01077,""Apple""" "#01078,""Banana""" "#01079,""Pear""" "#01080,""Strawberry""" "#01081,""Grapes""" "#01082,""Melon""" "#01083,""Pineapple""" "#01084,""Fruit Basket""" "#01085,""Sea Snail""" "#01086,""Clam""" "#01087,""Mackerel""" "#01088,""Tuna""" "#01089,""Sea Bream""" "#01090,""Sea Urchin""" "#01091,""Shrimp""" "#01092,""Crab""" "#01093,""=#00304""" "#01094,""=#00301""" "#01095,""Meat On The Bone""" "#01096,""Cut of Meat""" "#01097,""Spit Roast""" "#01098,""Marbled Beef""" "#01099,""Top-Grade Meat""" "#01100,""Veggie Juice""" "#01101,""Mixed Fruit Juice""" "#01102,""Milk""" "#01103,""Grape Juice""" "#01104,""Fizzy Juice""" "#01105,""Egg""" "#01106,""Cheese""" "#01107,""Bread""" "#01108,""French Toast""" "#01109,""Sliced Bread""" "#01110,""Hamburger""" "#01111,""Donut""" "#01112,""Flan""" "#01113,""Ice Cream""" "#01114,""Cake""" "#01115,""Kairo Cake""" "#01116,""Fried Potatoes""" "#01117,""Sushi""" "#01118,""Sashimi Platter""" "#01119,""Vegetable Soup""" "#01120,""Creamy Soup""" "#01121,""Hearty Stew""" "#01122,""Beef Stew""" "#01123,""Paella""" "#01124,""Pizza""" "#01125,""Steak""" "#01126,""Curry""" "#01127,""Rice Omelet""" "#01128,""Fried Noodles""" "#01129,""Fried Rice""" "#01130,""Pasta""" "#01131,""Weapon Sample""" "#01132,""Shield Sample""" "#01133,""Armor Sample""" "#01134,""Helmet Sample""" "#01135,""Accessory Sample""" "#01136,""Sage's Tome""" "#01137,""Scroll of Knowledge""" "#01138,""Kairo Cookie""" "#01139,""Wairo Cookie""" "#01140,""D Grade Monarch""" "#01141,""Ruler of the kingdom.""" "#01142,""C Grade Monarch""" "#01143,""B Grade Monarch""" "#01144,""A Grade Monarch""" "#01145,""S Grade Monarch""" "#01146,""D Grade Merchant""" "#01147,""Needed to analyze treasure and run inns.""" "#01148,""C Grade Merchant""" "#01149,""B Grade Merchant""" "#01150,""A Grade Merchant""" "#01151,""=#00817""" "#01152,""D Grade Farmer""" "#01153,""Skilled at tending fields, forestry, and cutting grass.""" "#01154,""C Grade Farmer""" "#01155,""B Grade Farmer""" "#01156,""A Grade Farmer""" "#01157,""S Grade Farmer""" "#01158,""D Grade Carpenter""" "#01159,""Skilled at making and repairing things.""" "#01160,""C Grade Carpenter""" "#01161,""B Grade Carpenter""" "#01162,""A Grade Carpenter""" "#01163,""S Grade Carpenter""" "#01164,""D Grade Mover""" "#01165,""Skilled at moving materials between towns.""" "#01166,""C Grade Mover""" "#01167,""B Grade Mover""" "#01168,""A Grade Mover""" "#01169,""S Grade Mover""" "#01170,""D Grade Trader""" "#01171,""Needed to run shops. 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"#01202,""C Grade Doctor""" "#01203,""B Grade Doctor""" "#01204,""A Grade Doctor""" "#01205,""S Grade Doctor""" "#01206,""D Rank Monk""" "#01207,""Can revive and extend lifespans.""" "#01208,""C Rank Monk""" "#01209,""B Rank Monk""" "#01210,""A Rank Monk""" "#01211,""=#00822""" "#01212,""D Rank Rancher""" "#01213,""Raises livestock.""" "#01214,""C Rank Rancher""" "#01215,""B Rank Rancher""" "#01216,""A Rank Rancher""" "#01217,""S Rank Rancher""" "#01218,""D Rank Guard""" "#01219,""A well-balanced soldier protecting the town.""" "#01220,""C Rank Guard""" "#01221,""B Rank Guard""" "#01222,""A Rank Guard""" "#01223,""=#00823""" "#01224,""D Rank Knight""" "#01225,""Specializes in attack rather than defense.""" "#01226,""C Rank Knight""" "#01227,""B Rank Knight""" "#01228,""A Rank Knight""" "#01229,""=#00824""" "#01230,""D Rank Mage""" "#01231,""Skilled in the use of magic.""" "#01232,""C Rank Mage""" "#01233,""B Rank Mage""" "#01234,""A Rank Mage""" "#01235,""=#00825""" "#01236,""D Rank Paladin""" "#01237,""A warrior with superior defense abilities.""" "#01238,""C Rank Paladin""" "#01239,""B Rank Paladin""" "#01240,""A Rank Paladin""" "#01241,""=#00818""" "#01242,""D Rank Gunner""" "#01243,""Skilled at using guns for long-range attacks.""" "#01244,""C Rank Gunner""" "#01245,""B Rank Gunner""" "#01246,""A Rank Gunner""" "#01247,""=#00819""" "#01248,""D Rank Archer""" "#01249,""Skilled at using bows for long-range attacks.""" "#01250,""C Rank Archer""" "#01251,""B Rank Archer""" "#01252,""A Rank Archer""" "#01253,""=#00820""" "#01254,""D Rank Ninja""" "#01255,""A master of speed and stealth.""" "#01256,""C Rank Ninja""" "#01257,""B Rank Ninja""" "#01258,""A Rank Ninja""" "#01259,""=#00821""" "#01260,""D Rank Samurai""" "#01261,""A warrior skilled in close-range combat.""" "#01262,""C Rank Samurai""" "#01263,""B Rank Samurai""" "#01264,""A Rank Samurai""" "#01265,""=#00812""" "#01266,""D Rank Viking""" "#01267,""A warrior skilled at countering enemy's attacks.""" "#01268,""C Rank Viking""" "#01269,""B Rank Viking""" "#01270,""A Rank Viking""" "#01271,""=#00813""" "#01272,""D Rank Pirate""" "#01273,""A warrior skilled at attacking several foes at once.""" "#01274,""C Rank Pirate""" "#01275,""B Rank Pirate""" "#01276,""A Rank Pirate""" "#01277,""=#00814""" "#01278,""D Rank Champion""" "#01279,""A well-balanced warrior who can also use magic.""" "#01280,""C Rank Champion""" "#01281,""B Rank Champion""" "#01282,""A Rank Champion""" "#01283,""=#00815""" "#01284,""D Rank Wizard""" "#01285,""A master of the most powerful spells.""" "#01286,""C Rank Wizard""" "#01287,""B Rank Wizard""" "#01288,""A Rank Wizard""" "#01289,""=#00816""" "#01290,""Enemy 2""" "#01291,""=MID(#01290,1,-1)&'3'""" "#01292,""=MID(#01290,1,-1)&'4'""" "#01293,""Tourist""" "#01294,""F Rank Scholar""" "#01295,""Helps others master all types of jobs.""" "#01296,""=#00827""" "#01297,""A legendary figure who visits every year.""" "#01298,""D Rank Guerilla""" "#01299,""Patrols the area on own initiative.""" "#01300,""C Rank Guerilla""" "#01301,""B Rank Guerilla""" "#01302,""A Rank Guerilla""" "#01303,""S Rank Guerilla""" "#01304,""D Rank Magic Knight""" "#01305,""Skilled at both physical combat and magic.""" "#01306,""C Rank Magic Knight""" "#01307,""B Rank Magic Knight""" "#01308,""A Rank Magic Knight""" "#01309,""S Rank Magic Knight""" "#01310,""D Rank Berserker""" "#01311,""A wild warrior who's all about attacking.""" "#01312,""C Rank Berserker""" "#01313,""B Rank Berserker""" "#01314,""A Rank Berserker""" "#01315,""S Rank Berserker""" "#01316,""D Rank Artist""" "#01317,""Creates works of art in a workshop.""" "#01318,""C Rank Artist""" "#01319,""=#01316""" "#01320,""A Rank Artist""" "#01321,""S Rank Artist""" "#01322,""D Rank Entertainer""" "#01323,""Needed to run shops that attract more visitors.""" "#01324,""C Rank Entertainer""" "#01325,""B Rank Entertainer""" "#01326,""A Rank Entertainer""" "#01327,""S Rank Entertainer""" "#01328,""D Rank Beast Tamer""" "#01329,""Able to capture and tame wild creatures.""" "#01330,""C Rank Beast Tamer""" "#01331,""B Rank Beast Tamer""" "#01332,""A Rank Beast Tamer""" "#01333,""S Rank Beast Tamer""" "#01334,""D Rank Royal""" "#01335,""Offspring of an illustrious ruler.""" "#01336,""C Rank Royal""" "#01337,""B Rank Royal""" "#01338,""A Rank Royal""" "#01339,""S Rank Royal""" "#01340,""Royal""" "#01341,""Merchant""" "#01342,""Farmer""" "#01343,""Carpenter""" "#01344,""Porter""" "#01345,""Trader""" "#01346,""Researcher""" "#01347,""Cook""" "#01348,""Artisan""" "#01349,""Blacksmith""" "#01350,""Doctor""" "#01351,""Monk""" "#01352,""Rancher""" "#01353,""Guard""" "#01354,""Knight""" "#01355,""Mage""" "#01356,""Paladin""" "#01357,""Gunner""" "#01358,""Archer""" "#01359,""Ninja""" "#01360,""Samurai""" "#01361,""Viking""" "#01362,""Pirate""" "#01363,""Champion""" "#01364,""Wizard""" "#01365,""Scholar""" "#01366,""Santa Claus""" "#01367,""Guerilla""" "#01368,""Magic Knight""" "#01369,""Berserker""" "#01370,""Artist""" "#01371,""Entertainer""" "#01372,""Beast Tamer""" "#01373,""=#01340""" "#01375,""Land""" "#01376,""Water""" "#01377,""=#01376""" "#01378,""=#01376""" "#01379,""=#01376""" "#01380,""Dirt""" "#01381,""=#01380""" "#01382,""=#01380""" "#01383,""=#00893""" "#01384,""Sand""" "#01385,""Cliff""" "#01386,""Snow""" "#01387,""Swamp""" "#01388,""Volcano""" "#01389,""Snowfield""" "#01390,""Desert""" "#01391,""=#01388""" "#01392,""Rocky Area""" "#01393,""=#01387""" "#01394,""Plains""" "#01395,""Land Boundary""" "#01396,""Construction Site""" "#01397,""Scheduled Construction Site""" "#01398,""Thick Fog""" "#01399,""Wasteland""" "#01400,""Boundary""" "#01401,""Burnt Ruins""" "#01402,""Remove""" "#01403,""Switch""" "#01404,""Land (S)""" "#01405,""Land (M)""" "#01406,""Land (L)""" "#01407,""Land (XL)""" "#01408,""Gravel Path""" "#01409,""Road""" "#01410,""Bridge""" "#01411,""Floor""" "#01412,""Cave""" "#01413,""Entrance""" "#01414,""Dungeon Entrance""" "#01415,""Interior Door_Unused""" "#01416,""Town Hall""" "#01417,""Enemy Hall""" "#01418,""=#00001""" "#01419,""Wharf""" "#01420,""Port""" "#01421,""=#00340""" "#01422,""Nighttime Meeting Place""" "#01423,""Low Watchtower""" "#01424,""Turret""" "#01425,""Resource""" "#01426,""Storehouse (Grass)""" "#01427,""Storehouse (Wood)""" "#01428,""Storehouse (Food)""" "#01429,""Storehouse (Ore)""" "#01430,""Storehouse (Mystic Ore)""" "#01431,""Storehouse (Items)""" "#01432,""Storehouse (Energy)""" "#01433,""Storehouse (Treasure)""" "#01434,""Field""" "#01435,""Plantation""" "#01436,""Canal""" "#01437,""Ranch""" "#01438,""Mine: Ore""" "#01439,""Mine: Mystic Ore""" "#01440,""Mine: Energy""" "#01441,""Wall: Fence""" "#01442,""Wall: Wood""" "#01443,""Defensive Wall""" "#01444,""Castle Wall""" "#01445,""Gate""" "#01446,""Enemy's Wall""" "#01447,""Info Board""" "#01448,""Temporary Shelter""" "#01449,""Outdoor Treasure Lab""" "#01450,""Outdoor Research Lab""" "#01451,""Wagon Yard""" "#01452,""Stables""" "#01453,""Wasteland Guide""" "#01454,""Well""" "#01455,""Rejuvenation Spring""" "#01456,""Monster Statue""" "#01457,""Monster-Repelling Orb""" "#01458,""Monster-Repelling Sword""" "#01459,""Monster-Repelling Slate""" "#01460,""Windmill""" "#01461,""Goddess 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"#01538,""Monster Stables""" "#01539,""Day Care""" "#01540,""Scorched Earth""" "#01541,""Chaos Stone""" "#01542,""Wairo Dungeon""" "#01543,""Recovery Outpost""" "#01544,""=#00254""" "#01545,""Friend Post Office""" "#01546,""Briefing Room""" "#01547,""Weekly Conquest Bonus""" "#01548,""Treasure Room""" "#01549,""Monster Farm""" "#01550,""Trophy Room""" "#01551,""Ranking Board""" "#01552,""Friends Agency""" "#01553,""Job Center""" "#01554,""Material Shop""" "#01555,""Gold Exchange""" "#01556,""Instructor's Room""" "#01557,""Monster Fusion Lab""" "#01558,""Monster Shop""" "#01559,""Underground Arena""" "#01560,""=#00880""" "#01561,""Friend Bed""" "#01562,""Guest Bed""" "#01563,""Crib""" "#01564,""Monster Room""" "#01565,""Ancestor Statue""" "#01566,""Copper Coin Box""" "#01567,""Silver Coin Box""" "#01568,""Gold Coin Box""" "#01569,""Kairo King Statue""" "#01570,""Town Hall Storehouse""" "#01571,""=#01470""" "#01572,""Restaurant Shelves""" "#01573,""Storehouse (Eggs)""" "#01574,""Cabin""" "#01575,""Legendary Cave""" "#01576,""Movers""" "#01577,""Kairo Room""" "#01578,""Equipment Exchange""" "#01579,""Trading Post""" "#01580,""Date Spot""" "#01581,""High Grade Storehouse (Grass)""" "#01582,""High Grade Storehouse (Wood)""" "#01583,""High Grade Storehouse (Food)""" "#01584,""High Grade Storehouse (Ore)""" "#01585,""High Grade Storehouse (Mystic Ore)""" "#01586,""High Grade Storehouse (Energy)""" "#01587,""High Grade Storehouse (Treasure)""" "#01588,""High Grade Storehouse (Item)""" "#01589,""High Grade Storehouse (Eggs)""" "#01590,""Reclaimed Land""" "#01591,""Fruit Tree""" "#01592,""Art Workbench""" "#01593,""Survey Room""" "#01594,""Bug Gathering Spot""" "#01595,""=#01591""" "#01596,""Animal Cage""" "#01597,""Art House""" "#01598,""Water Tank""" "#01599,""Bug Case""" "#01600,""Cash Register""" "#01601,""Santa Room""" "#01602,""Decorative Sled""" "#01603,""Reindeer Stable""" "#01604,""Airport""" "#01605,""Resource Center""" "#01606,""Fishing Pond""" "#01607,""Flying 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"#01626,""Creeperbloom""" "#01627,""It's a beautiful sunny day. I can't possibly lose!""" "#01628,""Metabok""" "#01629,""Hi, I'm Metabok. No-sugar diets are the way to go!""" "#01630,""Dark Tinkle""" "#01631,""Heh heh... I'm the spirit of all those little worries people have.""" "#01632,""Mudchomp""" "#01633,""Hyaaah! Haaah! I'll gobble you up!""" "#01634,""Renegade Chick""" "#01635,""Whatcha lookin' at? Huh? I'm gonna peck you!""" "#01636,""Gloom Shroom""" "#01637,""Wanna take a bite out of me?""" "#01638,""Pillbug""" "#01639,""Whee! Rolling into a ball always makes me feel better.""" "#01640,""Alpacavalier""" "#01641,""Alpacavalier, on the scene! Let the real adventure begin!""" "#01642,""Earth Dragon""" "#01643,""At last, a worthy opponent. I commend you for coming this far.""" "#01644,""Ironclad Pincher""" "#01645,""These are pincers, not horns. Pincers, y'hear? Don't get it wrong!""" "#01646,""Mossy Shroom""" "#01647,""Just ignore the moss, I'm still good!""" "#01648,""Gobman""" "#01649,""Hyahahaha! Now yer gonna get it!""" "#01650,""Raging Boar""" "#01651,""Hnraaargh! I'll send you flying!""" "#01652,""Go-Go Golem""" "#01653,""I'll flatten you! Take this!""" "#01654,""Mammoth Caterpillar""" "#01655,""I need food for my metamorphosis. Don't get in my way!""" "#01656,""Wild Grass""" "#01657,""I'm no weed, I'm a proud warrior of the plant world!""" "#01658,""Mandragora""" "#01659,""Don't eat me, I taste terrible!""" "#01660,""Terror Tree""" "#01661,""Welcome, welcome... Watch out for my branches!""" "#01662,""Broccolin""" "#01663,""In this kingdom, broccoli boils YOU!""" "#01664,""Fake Apple""" "#01665,""Whoa, I wasn't expecting you so soon! I'm shaken to my core!""" "#01666,""Fugitive Egg""" "#01667,""Let's see which one of us cracks first!""" "#01668,""Wild Shrub""" "#01669,""How dare you treat my son like a common weed. I'll teach you a lesson!""" "#01670,""Screaming Caterpillar""" "#01671,""=#01655""" "#01672,""Assault Bee""" "#01673,""Bzzz... Bzz-zzz, bzzzzzz!""" "#01674,""Renegade Bird""" "#01675,""I knew this day would come. Awright, step right up for a poundin'!""" "#01676,""Human-Faced Tree""" "#01677,""I'm stuck with this wooden smile but inside I'm boiling with rage!""" "#01678,""Dizzy Butterfly""" "#01679,""I finally hatched from my chrysalis! Now I'm way stronger than before!""" "#01680,""Rockclad Ladybug""" "#01681,""I've only got 30 years left on the mortgage for this carapace!""" "#01682,""Triplet Rocks""" "#01683,""We're not barnacles, all right?!""" "#01684,""Horned Rock""" "#01685,""My horn's perfect for making shish kebabs...and for fighting too!""" "#01686,""Shaggy Bug""" "#01687,""You'll never beat my lustrous sheen and healthy roots!""" "#01688,""Machbat""" "#01689,""Hello, hello! No time to talk, let's fight!""" "#01690,""Granitron""" "#01691,""I am Granitron. All will crumble in face of my might!""" "#01692,""Flint Rockson""" "#01693,""Which one of us is stronger, huh? I bet it's me!""" "#01694,""Ore Crab""" "#01695,""I've been practicing how to walk forwards!""" "#01696,""Craggy Conepoke""" "#01697,""You'll never beat me. Come at me!""" "#01698,""One-Eyed Rock""" "#01699,""I wasn't glaring at you, I always look like this!""" "#01700,""Metamorphic Stone""" "#01701,""One minute I'm a rock, the next I'm a monster! Bwahaha!""" "#01702,""Rock Golem""" "#01703,""Let's get this started. I've been waiting for a chance to smash you up!""" "#01704,""Fashion Golem""" "#01705,""Check out my new grass wig - pretty spiffy, right?""" "#01706,""Slurper Z""" "#01707,""What I'm going to do now may make you uncomfortable.""" "#01708,""Lococonut""" "#01709,""Want a coconut? They're delicious, and hurt like hell when aimed right!""" "#01710,""Brock Rockson""" "#01711,""Thanks for playing with my son. Now it's my turn to pulverize ya!""" "#01712,""Drago""" "#01713,""Raaaaargh! Time to slice and dice!""" "#01714,""Undead Pirate""" "#01715,""Yarrr, come join us down below in Davy Jones' locker!""" "#01716,""Sandworm""" "#01717,""Boy howdy, I love the desert! I've been livin' here 66 years.""" "#01718,""Stinger""" "#01719,""Something about your face really makes me wanna sting you!""" "#01720,""Trapling""" "#01721,""O, foolish mortal, wandering into my lair, prepare to face your doom!""" "#01722,""Cactitus""" "#01723,""Yowch, I got pricked by one of my own needles! What, you think that's funny?""" "#01724,""Lurkeel""" "#01725,""It's my turn! Let's make this a good battle!""" "#01726,""Dragolion""" "#01727,""Rargh! At last... I've been itching for a fight!""" "#01728,""Desertail""" "#01729,""You've got guts stepping into my territory!""" "#01730,""Dried-Out Fish""" "#01731,""I stayed in the sun too long... Water... Water...!""" "#01732,""Tutanhop""" "#01733,""I need some more bandages! You got any?""" "#01734,""Sandbag""" "#01735,""I've been in the desert for 99 years. I love it here!""" "#01736,""Snappish Turtle""" "#01737,""Slooow riiiide! Yeeep! Thaaat's meee!""" "#01738,""Mirage Eel""" "#01739,""Blast it, you saw through my disguise! Get ready to be dragged down to the depths!""" "#01740,""Thornster""" "#01741,""All I want is a strong opponent! Think you can keep me amused?""" "#01742,""Queen Cactitus""" "#01743,""Ho ho ho! Beware - a beautiful flower has thorns!""" "#01744,""Cobrajah""" "#01745,""This desert is my domain. It'll swallow you whole!""" "#01746,""Hoppity""" "#01747,""Hop! Hoppity hop!""" "#01748,""Snowbug""" "#01749,""Whoo, sure is a cold one today. I feel like I could freeze!""" "#01750,""Fiery Snow""" "#01751,""The rage of all living things courses through me!""" "#01752,""Icebug""" "#01753,""I hide underneath the frost and snow for moments like this!""" "#01754,""Icebox""" "#01755,""You hit me! You actually hit me! That wasn't very n-ice!""" "#01756,""Polar Pupper""" "#01757,""Quit it, I'm not a bad monster! I'm just a little misunderstood...""" "#01758,""Falcone""" "#01759,""I just turned 300 the other day. I'm not about to die now!""" "#01760,""Glacie""" "#01761,""I've been waiting for you! You'll never be the same after this battle!""" "#01762,""Igluu""" "#01763,""I'm just a regular igloo. Trust me, crawl right in and relax.""" "#01764,""Howling Wraith""" "#01765,""I'm so lonely...I just want a little company, that's all!""" "#01766,""Freezard""" "#01767,""'Sup! Shall we dance?""" "#01768,""Snake Ice""" "#01769,""I'm so cold, I just want to go to bed. Let's get this over with!""" "#01770,""Snow Dragon""" "#01771,""You've done well to make it this far. But your lucky streak ends here!""" "#01772,""Swamp Toad""" "#01773,""Croak, croak. Croooooooooak!""" "#01774,""Crabella""" "#01775,""Have we met before...? Could we have been lovers in a past life? Yeah, right!""" "#01776,""Marshmaid""" "#01777,""Sink into the swamp and get ready to party!""" "#01778,""Sneakyfish""" "#01779,""You spotted me? N-n-no way!""" "#01780,""Skullene""" "#01781,""Hee hee hee... I just love the shape of your heads!""" "#01782,""Brute-Belly Jackson""" "#01783,""I'm up? I'm up! Geez, I'm sooo nervous!""" "#01784,""Kid Slime""" "#01785,""Hi, hi, hi! I'll show you how awesome a slime can be!""" "#01786,""Dropplet""" "#01787,""I'm made of only the purest mineral water!""" "#01788,""Tinyturt""" "#01789,""I'm small, but I pack a punch! Come at me anytime!""" "#01790,""Giant Alraune""" "#01791,""Don't be shy, get in close and enjoy my flower's fragrance!""" "#01792,""Steel-Stomach Jackie""" "#01793,""Just try it! I'll deflect every last one of your attacks!""" "#01794,""Skullbug""" "#01795,""Whoa, a living human! I thought you were just a myth!""" "#01796,""Murderbirb""" "#01797,""I'm gonna peck you where it hurts!""" "#01798,""Gelatintin""" "#01799,""I'll teach you the meaning of fear and turn you into jelly!""" "#01800,""Big-Bellied Frog""" "#01801,""I-if you attack my belly, I'll explode! ...Just kidding.""" "#01802,""Ember""" "#01803,""If you play with fire, you're gonna get burned!""" "#01804,""Volcanus""" "#01805,""I'm about to blow my top!""" "#01806,""Mimico""" "#01807,""Owwie, I can't get out of this darned chest. Now I'm mad!""" "#01808,""Gasper""" "#01809,""You can't hit me, I'm made of smoke!""" "#01810,""Undead Cap'n""" "#01811,""I'll be gettin' right back to me ship after I deal with ye scurvy cur!""" "#01812,""Lavallie""" "#01813,""How'd you like to take a dip in hot, steaming magma?""" "#01814,""Lava Bat""" "#01815,""I fell asleep and burned down a whole forest. I'm such a klutz!""" "#01816,""Axey Lottle""" "#01817,""Wow, a real, live human! My friends'll never believe this!""" "#01818,""Magmafish""" "#01819,""Who dragged me out of my magma?!""" "#01820,""Hotalot Devil""" "#01821,""GROOOOOAR! You summon me and so I appear!""" "#01822,""Dark Smoke""" "#01823,""Here we are again. Get ready to suffocate!""" "#01824,""Flaming Hand""" "#01825,""I'll reach out and set your heart aflame!""" "#01826,""Firaj""" "#01827,""My fiery breath will burn you to ash!""" "#01828,""Erupterror""" "#01829,""I'll give you a taste of my volcanic passion!""" "#01830,""Flame Dragon""" "#01831,""Burn... Burn it all...!""" "#01832,""Ghost""" "#01833,""Boo! Aveeenge meee!""" "#01834,""Brawlbunn""" "#01835,""Hi, great to meet ya. And now we fight!""" "#01836,""=#00251""" "#01837,""A battle between rulers? What a spiffing idea!""" "#01838,""Octoman""" "#01839,""Greetings, I am Octoman,
a humble Martian tourist.""" "#01840,""Pandah""" "#01841,""Don't underestimate me. I'm no regular panda!""" "#01842,""Midnight Snack Mervin""" "#01843,""Hey buddy, you're not looking too good. You'll be white as a sheet by the time I finish with you!""" "#01844,""Stacey Ditz""" "#01845,""Yeah, hi. I got nothing to say.""" "#01846,""Poochington""" "#01847,""Woof, woof! I'm 16 years old!""" "#01848,""Flatsy Maxie""" "#01849,""I'm full of energy since I switched to an iron-rich diet!""" "#01850,""Mochipork""" "#01851,""Oink, oink!""" "#01852,""=#00248""" "#01853,""What a pleasure to meet another Kairo user so far from home!""" "#01854,""=#00249""" "#01855,""How's it going? Gosh, I was worried I wouldn't get a cameo this time.""" "#01856,""=#00250""" "#01857,""Heh heh. Soon I'll unleash my evil on the whole world!""" "#01858,""Ducky Bills""" "#01859,""I'm tougher than any duck you'll ever meet!""" "#01860,""Sally Prin""" "#01861,""Hee hee. You shine so bright, I thought you were made of gold for a minute.""" "#01862,""=#00263""" "#01863,""Hi! It's me, Kairobot! Ready for some training, buddy?""" "#01864,""Vince Balboa""" "#01865,""Make way for the Legends of Heropolis! Let's do this thing!""" "#01866,""Tuxy""" "#01867,""Things were quiet over in March to a Million, so I thought I'd drop in!""" "#01868,""Manager Clapperclaw""" "#01869,""Hey, you! Don't mess this up, or I swear you'll be sorry!""" "#01870,""Mister X""" "#01871,""Chicken""" "#01872,""Pig""" "#01873,""Cow""" "#01874,""Shockfish""" "#01875,""Telltail Fish""" "#01876,""Metalbok""" "#01877,""Bwahaha! Found you!""" "#01878,""Treasure Sack""" "#01879,""Will you find the treasure of your dreams? Or will it be a nightmare?""" "#01880,""Kairobot Knight""" "#01881,""My blade is keen, unwavering, unstoppable! Have at thee!""" "#01882,""Kairobot Mage""" "#01883,""The time has come to use the technique passed down by my ancestors!""" "#01884,""Aloha Kairobot""" "#01885,""Aloha! Nice waves today, huh?""" "#01886,""Kairo Kommander""" "#01887,""Let's make this quick, I just got to a great part in the game I was playing.""" "#01888,""Wairobot Mage""" "#01889,""Heh heh heh... Anyone who can't be bribed deserves to be punished!""" "#01890,""Wairobot Warrior""" "#01891,""Demonic Wairobot""" "#01892,""Wairo Tank""" "#01893,""Wairo Demon King""" "#01894,""Bwahahaha! I've been waiting for this... I'll burn you to a crisp!""" "#01895,""Lord of the Frier""" "#01896,""I'll fry you up and serve you with some nice chicken skewers!""" "#01897,""Gifty""" "#01898,""Merry Christmas!""" "#01899,""Seal""" "#01900,""Raccoon""" "#01901,""Armadillo""" "#01902,""Weasel""" "#01903,""Boar""" "#01904,""Capybara""" "#01905,""Turtle""" "#01906,""Fox""" "#01907,""Bear""" "#01908,""Rhino""" "#01909,""Zebra""" "#01910,""Elephant""" "#01911,""Tanuki""" "#01912,""Crane""" "#01913,""Tapir""" "#01914,""Hamster""" "#01915,""Hedgehog""" "#01916,""Beaver""" "#01917,""Owl""" "#01918,""Flying Squirrel""" "#01919,""Guinea Pig""" "#01920,""Goat""" "#01921,""Crocodile""" "#01922,""Stark""" "#01923,""Frank""" "#01924,""Jingu""" "#01925,""Grace""" "#01926,""Dale""" "#01927,""Coogan""" "#01928,""Steve""" "#01929,""Eric""" "#01930,""Greene""" "#01931,""Honda""" "#01932,""Laurel""" "#01933,""Warba""" "#01934,""Brook""" "#01935,""Echo""" "#01936,""Kris""" "#01937,""Nathan""" "#01938,""Tony""" "#01939,""Goody""" "#01940,""Mikawa""" "#01941,""Elvis""" "#01942,""Aryn""" "#01943,""Izumo""" "#01944,""John""" "#01945,""Hawke""" "#01946,""Basset""" "#01947,""Willis""" "#01948,""Perty""" "#01949,""Fraser""" "#01950,""Willie""" "#01951,""Mona""" "#01952,""Nelson""" "#01953,""Goose""" "#01954,""Maddy""" "#01955,""Cathy""" "#01956,""Bearly""" "#01957,""Belle""" "#01958,""Polo""" "#01959,""Marsh""" "#01960,""Bates""" "#01961,""=#00894""" "#01962,""Kazuma""" "#01963,""Pieter""" "#01964,""Hicks""" "#01965,""Jonah""" "#01966,""Brody""" "#01967,""Schott""" "#01968,""Blaze""" "#01969,""Amy""" "#01970,""James""" "#01971,""J.J.""" "#01972,""Leo""" "#01973,""Poole""" "#01974,""Brooks""" "#01975,""Tawny""" "#01976,""Omar""" "#01977,""Hans""" "#01978,""Norton""" "#01979,""Carnel""" "#01980,""Roy""" "#01981,""Kes""" "#01982,""Juan""" "#01983,""Mel""" "#01984,""Janice""" "#01985,""Cicely""" "#01986,""Mimi""" "#01987,""Anita""" "#01988,""Ruby""" "#01989,""Hannah""" "#01990,""Mari""" "#01991,""Towa""" "#01992,""Mary""" "#01993,""Summer""" "#01994,""August""" "#01995,""Kelly""" "#01996,""Sammy""" "#01997,""Ginny""" "#01998,""Una""" "#01999,""Petra""" "#02000,""Macha""" "#02001,""Sequo""" "#02002,""Mason""" "#02003,""Haru""" "#02004,""Stormy""" "#02005,""Teasel""" "#02006,""Alex""" "#02007,""Orion""" "#02008,""Holly""" "#02009,""Hakaan""" "#02010,""Marina""" "#02011,""Davey""" "#02012,""Dewey""" "#02013,""Andrew""" "#02014,""Bram""" "#02015,""Welch""" "#02016,""Mac""" "#02017,""Drake""" "#02018,""Lou""" "#02019,""Trevor""" "#02020,""Dixon""" "#02021,""Kanna""" "#02022,""Carlie""" "#02023,""Amanda""" "#02024,""Marnie""" "#02025,""=#00351""" "#02026,""Items: <0> <1>+
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"#02370,""Fire Magic <0>""" "#02372,""Attack with a magic spell.""" "#02377,""Ice Magic <0>""" "#02378,""Lightning Magic <0>""" "#02379,""Half Reflect""" "#02380,""Deal 50% of damage received back to the enemy.""" "#02381,""Full Reflect""" "#02382,""Deal 100% of damage received back to the enemy.""" "#02383,""<0>-Hit Attack""" "#02384,""<0> consecutive attacks.""" "#02385,""Counter""" "#02386,""Counterattack immediately after an enemy's attack.""" "#02387,""Parry""" "#02388,""Reduce damage taken from an enemy's attack.""" "#02389,""Perfect Dodge""" "#02390,""Dodge all enemies' attacks when activated.""" "#02391,""Dodge UP""" "#02392,""Increases chances of dodging enemy attacks for a short time.""" "#02393,""Critical UP""" "#02394,""Increases chances of landing critical hits for a short time.""" "#02395,""Direct Attack <0>""" "#02396,""A <0>-row attack in a straight line.""" "#02397,""Area Attack <0>""" "#02398,""A <0>-row area attack.""" "#02399,""Myriad Arrows""" "#02400,""Attack a wide area with a bow.""" "#02401,""Heal <0>""" "#02402,""=#01954""" "#02403,""Recover HP by <0>%.""" "#02404,""M""" "#02405,""L""" "#02406,""Revive <0>%""" "#02407,""Revive an ally with <0>% HP.""" "#02408,""Agriculturist""" "#02409,""Helps grow better crops in fields.""" "#02410,""Construction Chief""" "#02411,""Construction will be successful no matter how many builders.""" "#02412,""Thief""" "#02413,""Sometimes causes a treasure chest to appear when attacking.""" "#02414,""Culinarian""" "#02415,""Produce items at restaurants etc.""" "#02416,""Transport Corps""" "#02417,""Allows you to move materials between different towns.""" "#02418,""Research""" "#02419,""Allows you to perform research.""" "#02420,""Research <0>""" "#02421,""Reduces research time by <0>%""" "#02422,""Ranch Know-How""" "#02423,""Allows you to catch animals and raise them on the farm.""" "#02424,""Treasure Analysis""" "#02425,""Allows you to extract the contents of treasure chests.""" "#02426,""Craftsmanship""" "#02427,""Allows you to create products for tourists in a workshop.""" "#02428,""Craftsmanship <0>""" "#02429,""Reduces crafting time by <0>%""" "#02430,""Instant <0>""" "#02431,""Construction""" "#02432,""Complete construction instantly.""" "#02433,""Workshop""" "#02434,""Complete production instantly.""" "#02435,""Insta-Move""" "#02436,""Occasionally move to your destination instantly.""" "#02437,""Weeding""" "#02438,""Complete harvesting natural resources instantly.""" "#02439,""Complete treasure chest analysis instantly.""" "#02440,""Move Speed UP""" "#02441,""Increases walking speed.""" "#02442,""All-Out Sprint""" "#02443,""Always dash.""" "#02444,""Miner""" "#02445,""Allows you to mine.""" "#02446,""Deployment Range <0>""" "#02447,""Increases questing range a little.""" "#02448,""Significantly increases questing range.""" "#02449,""De-Fogger""" "#02450,""Dispel fog over a wider area.""" "#02451,""Experience UP <0>""" "#02452,""Increases EXP gained from battles a little.""" "#02453,""Increases EXP gained from battles.""" "#02454,""Significantly increases EXP gained from battles.""" "#02455,""Deployment Discount <0>""" "#02456,""Decreases Energy consumed during quests a little.""" "#02457,""Significantly decreases Energy consumed during quests.""" "#02458,""Auto Recovery <0>""" "#02459,""HP""" "#02460,""Steadily recover <0>""" "#02461,""HP while walking.""" "#02462,""MP""" "#02463,""MP while walking.""" "#02464,""Vigor""" "#02465,""Vigor while walking.""" "#02466,""Facility Rec. UP <0>""" "#02467,""Increases HP recovered when using facilities.""" "#02468,""Increases Vigor recovered when using facilities.""" "#02469,""Increases MP recovered when using facilities.""" "#02470,""Stubborn""" "#02471,""When mortally wounded, auto-revives at the cost of own MP.""" "#02472,""<0> Resistance""" "#02473,""Sword""" "#02474,""Negates weakness against <0>-type weapons.""" "#02475,""Staff""" "#02476,""=#00345""" "#02477,""Spear""" "#02478,""=#00336""" "#02479,""Club""" "#02480,""Gun""" "#02481,""Bow""" "#02482,""Book""" "#02483,""Shield Resistance""" "#02484,""Shield""" "#02485,""Stealth""" "#02486,""Dispelling fog will not attract monsters.""" "#02487,""Instinct""" "#02488,""Digging will not attract monsters.""" "#02489,""Strategic Retreat""" "#02490,""Picking up items will end a battle.""" "#02491,""Battle Maniac""" "#02492,""Won't pick up items during quests.""" "#02493,""House-sitter""" "#02494,""Round Trip""" "#02495,""Return to town after exploring all available quest areas.""" "#02496,""Rambler""" "#02497,""Naturalist""" "#02498,""Traveler""" "#02499,""Aid Specialist""" "#02500,""Unable to fight during enemy attacks.""" "#02501,""Domestic Production""" "#02502,""Makes it easier to collect materials within your territory.""" "#02503,""Countryside Fanatic""" "#02504,""Well-Prepared""" "#02505,""Leading the Charge""" "#02506,""Stands in the front line in boss battles.""" "#02507,""Daring Charge""" "#02508,""Stands directly in front of the boss in boss battles.""" "#02509,""Backup""" "#02510,""Stays at the back in boss battles.""" "#02511,""=#02393""" "#02512,""Skilled Craftsman <0>""" "#02513,""Spends more time in workshops.""" "#02514,""Spends a lot more time in workshops.""" "#02515,""Armor Breaker <0>""" "#02516,""Lowers enemies' DEF by <0>%""" "#02517,""Sandman <0>""" "#02518,""Puts enemies to sleep for a short time.""" "#02519,""Skill""" "#02520,""Guerilla <0>""" "#02521,""Patrols a <0>-square area around town at own initiative.""" "#02522,""Art <0>""" "#02523,""Allows you to create products at a studio.""" "#02524,""Makes item creation at a studio a little quicker.""" "#02525,""Makes item creation at a studio quicker.""" "#02526,""Makes item creation at a studio a lot quicker.""" "#02527,""Makes item creation at a studio significantly quicker.""" "#02528,""Capture""" "#02529,""Allows you to capture wild animals.""" "#02530,""Chat <0>""" "#02531,""Makes it a little easier to build affection.""" "#02532,""Makes it easier to build affection.""" "#02533,""Makes it much easier to build affection.""" "#02534,""No Prize""" "#02535,""Win (S)""" "#02536,""Win (M)""" "#02537,""Win (L)""" "#02538,""not use""" "#02539,""Week(s)""" "#02540,""Support""" "#02541,""Auto""" "#02542,""All""" "#02543,""Contents""" "#02544,""Forecast""" "#02545,""Recall All""" "#02546,""Sort""" "#02547,""Restore""" "#02548,""Reset""" "#02549,""OK""" "#02550,""Quit""" "#02551,""Back""" "#02552,""Yes""" "#02553,""No""" "#02554,""Confirm""" "#02555,""Save""" "#02556,""Menu""" "#02557,""You""" "#02558,""Top""" "#02559,""Site""" "#02560,""=#01411""" "#02561,""Password""" "#02562,""Rename""" "#02563,""Rotate""" "#02564,""=#01402""" "#02565,""=#01403""" "#02566,""=#02550""" "#02567,""Next""" "#02568,""Close""" "#02569,""History""" "#02570,""Follow""" "#02574,""Vs. Kairobot Knight (Easy)""" "#02575,""Defeat me to get treasure!""" "#02576,""Vs. Kairobot Knight (Normal)""" "#02577,""Vs. Kairobot Knight (Hard)""" "#02578,""Vs. Kairobot Knight (Extreme)""" "#02579,""Vs. Kairobot Mage (Easy)""" "#02580,""Vs. Kairobot Mage (Normal)""" "#02581,""Vs. Kairobot Mage (Hard)""" "#02582,""Vs. Kairobot Mage (Extreme)""" "#02583,""Vs. Aloha Kairobot (Easy)""" "#02584,""Vs. Aloha Kairobot (Normal)""" "#02585,""Vs. Aloha Kairobot (Hard)""" "#02586,""Vs. Aloha Kairobot (Extreme)""" "#02587,""Vs. Kairo Kommander (Easy)""" "#02588,""Vs. Kairo Kommander (Normal)""" "#02589,""Vs. Kairo Kommander (Hard)""" "#02590,""Vs. Kairo Kommander (Extreme)""" "#02591,""Wairo Raid Dungeon appeared!""" "#02592,""Heh heh. Think you can take me?""" "#02593,""Wairobot Rebel""" "#02594,""Nightmare Demonic Wairobot""" "#02595,""Take out the Wairo Tank!""" "#02596,""Survey: High Grade Storehouse (<0>) Blueprints""" "#02603,""=#00001""" "#02604,""Survey: High Grade Storehouse (Treasure) Blueprints""" "#02605,""Survey: High Grade Storehouse (Items) Blueprints""" "#02606,""Survey: High Grade Storehouse (Eggs) Blueprints""" "#02607,""Survey: Bridge Blueprints""" "#02608,""Survey: Chaos Stone""" "#02609,""Survey: Materials (<0>)""" "#02610,""Survey: Materials XL (<0>)""" "#02611,""Survey: Fruit (<0>)""" "#02612,""Easy""" "#02613,""Medium""" "#02614,""Hard""" "#02615,""Extreme""" "#02616,""Survey: Medicine (<0>)""" "#02617,""Survey: Vegetables (<0>)""" "#02618,""Survey: Seafood (<0>)""" "#02619,""Survey: Tools (<0>)""" "#02620,""Survey: Equipment Materials (<0>)""" "#02621,""Survey: Copper Coins (<0>)""" "#02622,""Survey: Kairo Series (<0>)""" "#02628,""Survey: Unused""" "#02629,""Survey: Cash Register""" "#02630,""Survey: Dragon Taming""" "#02631,""Survey: Skill Manuals""" "#02634,""Survey: Master Instructor""" "#02635,""Greetings! I'll be your advisor, assisting you as best as I can with building your kingdom.""" ",""I was here during the old king's reign. This country used to be a bustling hub of culture and civilization.""" ",""Look at it now... Just a barren wasteland.""" ",""But that's where you come in! Let's get the kingdom back on the road. First, we need a town hall.""" "#02636,""=#00001""" "#02637,""Salutations. I'm an advisor from another kingdom.""" ",""I heard rumors that some courageous warriors had been defeating monsters plaguing this land.""" ",""I see, so you're the one responsible... You have the power to change the future, I can see it in your eyes.""" ",""I happen to have some spare Energy. I'd be happy to share it with you.""" "#02638,""Hello! I heard you've reached Royal Rank 5 already.""" ",""I thought to myself, now there's someone worth keeping an eye on. You've made so much progress in such a short amount of time.""" ",""Looks like you're a little closer to my own country's rank. I'll have to call a council to discuss this...""" ",""Would you like some more Energy? I'd be happy to share some, if you can make good use of it.""" "#02639,""Hello. It's good to see you again.""" ",""You're really catching up to me, rank-wise. But I haven't been standing idle.""" ",""I got to Rank 7 yesterday! Just thought I'd come by to let you know I still have the lead.""" ",""Wait, you're...Rank 7? You...caught up to me...?""" ",""Excuse me, I have to get back and call an urgent meeting. Here, take this as a parting gift.""" "#02640,""Been a while! Haven't you been busy as a bee?""" ",""News of your progress is music to my ears. I even heard about it with my earplugs in!""" ",""As always, I've brought you some extra Energy. I hope you'll make good use of it. Goodbye.""" "#02641,""Hello. It's good to see you again.""" ",""Thanks to all the hard work you've been doing, even my kingdom is seeing a lot less monster attacks.""" ",""That means less work for me! I've really been getting into my TV shows and social media now that I have more spare time.""" ",""I hope you'll continue your efforts to make this world a peaceful place to live. And here, have some Energy. It's on me.""" "#02642,""Been a while! Keeping busy as always, aren't you?""" ",""I heard all about it on a letter attached to an arrow. It just narrowly missed my head!""" ",""Actually, it was less a letter and more...a USB drive. Technology really has come a long way.""" ",""I hope you'll continue your efforts to make this world a peaceful place to live. And here, have some Energy. It's on me.""" "#02643,""Hello. It's good to see you again.""" ",""Thanks to you, I barely ever need to leave the house any more. Feels like years since I last got any exercise.""" ",""I hope you'll continue your efforts to make this world one where I can be indulgently lazy. And here, have some Energy. It's on me.""" "#02644,""Greetings! Everyone's talking about your meteoric rise to stardom.""" ",""I sleep better at night knowing I have such a dependable neighbor.""" ",""I expect even more great things from you! Here, a little extra Energy as incentive.""" "#02645,""Farewell, until we meet again!""" "#02646,""No <0> available.""" "#02647,""<0> can't be equipped.""" "#02648,""<0>? You've already got that equipped.""" "#02649,""Your storehouse is complete.
The town can now hold more materials.""" "#02650,""You need more <pic=money>.""" "#02651,""You need more <pic=grass>.""" "#02652,""You need more <pic=wood>.""" "#02653,""You need more <pic=food>.""" "#02654,""You need more <pic=iron>.""" "#02655,""You need more <pic=magic>.""" "#02656,""There aren't any rewards available at the moment.""" "#02657,""Goodbye, <0>...""" ",""Skills and equipment have been returned.""" "#02658,""You can't part ways with them right now.""" ",""Your residents aren't doing anything right now.
Check back in later.""" "#02659,""There's no one left to restore the kingdom...""" "#02660,""This hasn't been discovered yet.""" "#02661,""You need more <pic=stamina>.""" "#02662,""We've reached the maximum possible number of storehouses for a town of this rank.""" "#02663,""You need more items.""" "#02664,""You don't have permission to employ them.""" "#02665,""F-finally! Everywhere has been restored to normal...""" ",""The kingdom looks just like it used to in its heyday.""" ",""You've astonished everybody on this island! Congratulations!""" "#02666,""Hi there! Looks like you're making friends left, right, and center.""" ",""The Banana Kingdom has sent us a prize.""" "#02667,""Friends can help you out during conquests and other activities. Everything's better with a little company.""" ",""Farewell for now.""" "#02668,""How about that - there are still unexplored areas on this island!""" "#02669,""Let's get to work building a town hall. Pick anywhere you like.""" "#02670,""That's set the boundaries of your town.""" ",""From here on, you'll be able to add houses, shops, storehouses... Everything brings us a step closer to regaining the kingdom's former glory.""" ",""Next up, we should try digging out some spare plots of land.""" "#02671,""Let's use this as the foundation for the Royal Room.""" "#02672,""Oh shoot, we forgot to recruit some residents to live here!""" ",""With its current rank, the town can have up to three residents. Select them from the Town Hall.""" "#02673,""I'll be praying for the success of this quest.""" ",""Deploying allies to dispel the fog will help you get more land for expansion.""" ",""I recently acquired the tools of a master craftsman from the old king's reign. I think you'll find them useful.""" ",""Just hold to use them. Your construction work will progress by leaps and bounds!""" "#02674,""You'll need to get through the outer walls to venture outside town.""" ",""It would be...more convenient if you put a gate in there somewhere.""" ",""Let's install one right away!""" "#02675,""Looking good. Now let's deploy some residents to look for treasure!""" ",""They might find a way to get rid of this terrible fog.""" ",""Just choose who to deploy and they'll get moving.""" "#02676,""You're going to need some storehouses for all these materials you're gathering.""" ",""Start out by building two storehouses near the town hall.""" "#02677,""Build a new storehouse to keep your <pic=grass>.""" "#02678,""Build a new storehouse to keep your <pic=food>.""" "#02679,""Build a new storehouse to keep your <pic=wood>.""" "#02680,""Build a new storehouse to keep your <pic=iron>.""" "#02681,""Build a new storehouse to keep your <pic=magic>.""" "#02682,""You need <pic=stamina> to go on a conquest.""" ",""You can get a little from the Town Hall as time goes by...""" ",""But I think we have a better way available to us.""" ",""The previous king built special facilities to gather Energy. Here, take a look at the blueprints.""" "#02683,""It might be better to change this quest's destination.""" ",""Clearing areas with more fog may hold the key to developing the kingdom further.""" "#02684,""We need a place to carry out research and discover new stuff!""" ",""When the lab's complete, appoint a resident to take charge of the research.""" "#02685,""Research is important for finding new ways to use materials and make the kingdom more advanced.""" ",""The lab's all ready, let's get it up and running!""" "#02686,""Looks like you got your hands on some cool treasure!""" ",""But that chest is staying shut... We've got no idea what could be inside.""" ",""But our townsfolk have a way to open it. They just need a proper place to work.""" ",""It'd be best if it was somewhere near a storehouse.""" "#02687,""The kingdom's finally starting to get back on its feet. Let's keep up this pace!""" "#02688,""A cave has appeared outside of our town.""" ",""If we don't do something about it, it'll keep releasing monsters into the world. Time for a conquest!""" ",""Tap the cave to begin.""" "#02689,""We've found one of the monsters who've been producing the fog!""" ",""Get your gear together, and set out to defeat it. This will be a big step toward restoring peace to the world!""" ",""Just tap the boss to begin. Oh, but first - take this.""" "#02690,""Use it if you find that the battle gets too tough.""" "#02691,""You've found an item that can strengthen your allies.""" ",""No time like the present - let's try it out!""" "#02692,""Select a resident from the list to open their Equipment Menu.""" ",""Give weapons and armor to residents who'll be taking part in battle.""" "#02693,""The allies you sent out on a quest got us more Rank Points. Splendid!""" ",""Select the Town Hall and use those points to increase your rank.""" "#02694,""A field will steadily produce <pic=grass> over time. Let's research how to make one for ourselves.""" "#02695,""Oh, and take this item. I found it just lying around the house.""" "#02696,""A plantation will steadily produce <pic=wood> over time. Let's research how to make one for ourselves.""" "#02697,""That's your second Town Hall. Great going!""" ",""You've got control over so much more of the island now. I think there's room to build a second town!""" "#02698,""Building a stable will boost the movement speed for one resident out on a quest.""" ",""The best place to build them is somewhere close to the town entrance.""" "#02699,""A boat with visitors from other kingdoms has arrived in port.""" ",""There may be merchants or adventurers with them...but they might not know how to get to our town.""" ",""Let's place some signs to guide them here!""" "#02700,""Take note of the range of each sign and place a series of them from port to town.""" ",""Also, a neighboring kingdom has sent us a gift.""" "#02701,""Once you have signs pointing to our town in place...""" ",""Select a port to call a ship. If you have shops in your town, tourists can be a great source of income.""" "#02702,""This new room has enough space for two people to live together.""" ",""And there's a special kind of bed just perfect for a room like this!""" "#02703,""Different jobs have their own skills, but there's no need to stop there.""" ",""When you discover a new skill, select an ally and choose """"Equip Skill"""" to teach it to them.""" ",""Some skills are better for battle, others will help the town develop. Experiment and find a combination that's best for you!""" "#02704,""One of our facilities got destroyed...""" ",""From what I hear, the full moon really riles up monsters. It makes them so bold that they'll attack towns.""" ",""Take this. It can wake up sleeping residents and call back residents who are outside of town.""" ",""Use it when you need extra numbers to hold off attacking monsters.""" "#02705,""We took our share of injuries in that last fight...""" ",""You'll need somewhere to help your allies recover. Let's place one right away!""" "#02706,""The town's coming along nicely.""" ",""But the monsters are only going to get tougher from here on out.""" ",""Try selecting some of your facilities and leveling them up. This will make it harder for enemies to destroy them.""" "#02707,""You'll need residents with a particular job to perform research.""" ",""I have a friend in the industry - how about offering them the position?""" "#02708,""I suggest making some introductions to find new allies.""" ",""We might be able to find some townsfolk or adventurers willing to move to our town!""" "#02709,""I was looking at an old photo of the kingdom... I think we used to have a well.""" ",""Let's research how to make one!""" "#02710,""I was looking in the kingdom archives... I think the town used to have a stove.""" ",""Let's research how to make one!""" "#02711,""I was looking at a selfie I took with the old king... I think we used to have a rest stop in town.""" ",""Let's research how to make one!""" "#02712,""I was looking at a painting the old king made... I think we used to have a bench or two in town.""" ",""Let's research how to make one!""" "#02713,""We've established a second town! Gosh, it happened so fast.""" ",""The Residents Association threw a party yesterday to celebrate. It was so much fun!""" ",""There's some unexplored land nearby. This could be a good opportunity to extend our kingdom even further.""" ",""The way I see it, we're going to need more new discoveries to keep moving forward.""" ",""It's not much, but I put aside a little something for a day like this.""" "#02714,""Let's make these towns the best on the whole island!""" "#02715,""Come to think of it, it would make sense to let the two towns share their resources.""" ",""To do that, each town is going to need a place to send out and receive movers.""" "#02716,""Here, I found something good the old king had stored away.""" ",""Let's push forward with this construction!""" "#02717,""Try putting this in different places around the room.""" "#02718,""Increasing the rank of your buildings will sometimes yield special materials.""" ",""Keep working on going up in rank!""" ",""One of my old chairs fell to pieces last time I tried to sit in it...but the materials from it could come in handy!""" "#02719,""I was talking to an old friend, and it made me think we could really use a footpath in our town.""" ",""Let's research how to make one!""" "#02720,""Keep dispelling that fog to make the land safer and expand your territory!""" ",""Sending your allies to quests in different places will help work toward that.""" ",""Select a new destination and deploy the troops!""" "#02721,""I think we should research item storehouses. I can't stress enough how important these will be!""" ",""Let's research how to make one!""" "#02722,""If the treasure storehouse gets full, all the treasure your allies gather will go to waste.""" ",""It might be a good idea to do some research on this subject.""" "#02723,""Cha-ching! You got yourself a Copper Coin.""" ",""You get these mixed in with treasure sometimes.""" ",""But the best way to get them is from tourists visiting from overseas.""" ",""You can keep coins in the item storehouse, for a while...but it would really be better to make a purpose-built coin box.""" "#02724,""All right! Now you're earning Silver Coins!""" ",""They're worth much more than Copper Coins.""" ",""It's not safe to leave all that cash lying around. Let's build a coin box to store it.""" "#02725,""Great googly-mooglies! Is that a Gold Coin? This is the first time I've ever seen one up close.""" ",""These are worth tons more than Silver Coins. More than some townsfolk will ever see in their lives.""" ",""It's not safe to leave all that cash lying around. Let's build a coin box to store it.""" "#02726,""The town could use more <pic=food> producing facilities...""" ",""It's great that we've got some ranchers in town, but they won't be much use without farms!""" ",""Let's create a farm!""" "#02727,""We don't have a lot of <pic=food> to work with...""" ",""You can get more by deploying residents to places with lots of fruit trees.""" ",""You can also invite more ranchers to come work for you. Take this item to help out with that.""" "#02728,""We don't have a lot of <pic=iron> to work with...""" ",""You can get more by deploying residents to places with lots of rocks.""" ",""It'd be even better if we had a mine nearby, but they aren't easy to find.""" ",""Let me give you this in the meantime.""" "#02729,""We don't have a lot of <pic=magic> to work with...""" ",""You can get more by deploying residents to places with lots of shining rocks.""" ",""It'd be even better if we had a mystic mine nearby, but they aren't easy to find.""" ",""Let me give you this in the meantime.""" "#02730,""It'd be nice if we had some animals for the farm.""" ",""Let's place some feed outside of town and see if we can lure any in!""" "#02731,""One of those monsters left behind an egg!""" ",""This is huge! You could actually raise your own monster!""" ",""But first, we'll need somewhere in town to keep it.""" "#02732,""Two-four-six-eight, grab an egg and incubate!""" ",""There are two kinds of monster-raising facilities - basically, indoor and outdoor.""" ",""Pick one you like and research how to make it!""" "#02733,""Shops can only sell as much as they can fit on their shelves.""" ",""Creating more shelves will help your stores to grow.""" ",""Place some shelves and get new products out there!""" "#02734,""Congratulations, you've acquired a <pic=iron> mine!""" ",""Once you've placed it, you'll need someone with the right skill to make proper use of it.""" ",""I can introduce you to just such an expert.""" "#02735,""Congratulations, you've acquired a <pic=magic> mine!""" ",""Once you've placed it, you'll need someone with the right skill to make proper use of it.""" ",""I can introduce you to just such an expert.""" "#02736,""Congrats, you made some new friends!""" ",""They could make for valuable reinforcements when you're out on conquests.""" ",""They can also hang around and help out around town, so long as you've got the right kind of bed.""" ",""Let's research how to make one!""" "#02737,""The Wasteland Guide will take effect once you place it outside the town.""" ",""It will direct townsfolk toward the wasteland, where they can start restoring it.""" ",""Try placing one now.""" "#02738,""The Expedition Hut will take effect once you place it outside the town.""" ",""It will direct townsfolk toward the wilderness, where they can gather different materials.""" ",""Try placing one now.""" "#02739,""That Tree Nursery could be invaluable to our cause.""" ",""It will produce seeds and seedlings that you can plant in your fields.""" ",""Let's establish one right away!""" "#02740,""That Tool Workshop could be invaluable to our cause.""" ",""It will produce tools and materials needed for construction.""" ",""Let's establish one right away!""" "#02741,""That Ore Workbench could be invaluable to our cause.""" ",""It will produce tools and materials needed for construction.""" ",""Let's establish one right away!""" "#02742,""That Kitchen Counter could be invaluable to our cause.""" ",""Now if you also had some restaurants, you could make all sorts of food!""" ",""Let's establish one right away!""" "#02743,""Let's make use of that Monster Statue somewhere in town.""" ",""Enemies will attack it before any of the other facilities.""" ",""Place it as far away as possible from important places like storehouses.""" "#02744,""Let's make use of that Monster-Repelling Orb somewhere in town.""" ",""Enemies will attack it before any of the other facilities.""" ",""Place it as far away as possible from important places like storehouses.""" "#02745,""Let's make use of that Monster-Repelling Sword somewhere in town.""" ",""Enemies will attack it before any of the other facilities.""" ",""Place it as far away as possible from important places like storehouses.""" "#02746,""Let's make use of that Monster-Repelling Slate somewhere in town.""" ",""Enemies will attack it before any of the other facilities.""" ",""Place it as far away as possible from important places like storehouses.""" "#02747,""The townsfolk will have an easier time if they have colleagues employed in the same profession.""" ",""Let me introduce you to another expert.""" "#02748,""If you want to focus on combat, get a lot of people in battle-oriented jobs!""" "#02749,""Great, you've built a Weapon Shop. Check out what it's got to offer!""" "#02750,""Great, you've built an Armor Shop. Check out what it's got to offer!""" "#02751,""Great, you've built an Item Shop. Check out what it's got to offer!""" "#02752,""Great, you've built a Furniture Shop. Check out what it's got to offer!""" "#02753,""Great, you've built a Skill Shop. Check out what it's got to offer!""" "#02754,""Great, you've built an Inn. Maybe now we'll get some tourists wanting to stay here!""" ",""Let's give it a try!""" "#02755,""Great, you've built a Restaurant. Check out what it's got to offer!""" "#02756,""Great, you've built an Accessory Shop. Check out what it's got to offer!""" "#02757,""Great, you've built a Recovery Room. Check out what it can do for you!""" "#02758,""Great, you've built an Analysis Lab. Check out what it can do for you!""" "#02759,""Great, you've built a Research Lab. Check out what it can do for you!""" "#02760,""Great, you've built a Hospital. Check out what it can do for you!""" "#02761,""Great, you've built a Church. Check out what it can do for you!""" "#02762,""It's a new day. This makes <0> days since you founded this new kingdom.""" "#02763,""The Battle Point totals from yesterday are in.
Let's see how you did!""" "#02764,""Whoops, you missed out on getting your Battle Points rewards.""" ",""Make sure to check the game within the week after registering for the rankings.""" "#02765,""Wonderful, you completed the challenge!""" "#02766,""The deadline for the yesterday's challenge has passed...""" ",""But you can still take on a new challenge today!""" "#02767,""To make a resident an Instructor, you'll need to raise one of their abilities to a certain level.""" ",""Aim for Level 5!""" "#02768,""Thanks for the share! You've received a reward.""" "#02769,""Wow, thanks for the share!""" "#02770,""Thank you for your review. We hope you'll continue to develop the kingdom from here on.""" "#02771,""Looks like this item can't be used here.""" "#02772,""You can't equip multiple skills of this type.""" "#02773,""Teehee. Hello! I heard all about the great work you're doing here and wanted to see it for myself.""" ",""Plus, I just learned this spell that'll expand your territory. Want me to give it a try?""" ",""The last three towns I tried it on kinda got destroyed instead, but I'm pretty sure I ironed all the kinks out. Trust me.""" ",""Yaaaaaaaaah!""" "#02774,""Teehee. Hello! I heard all about your spectacular kingdom management and wanted to see it for myself.""" ",""Plus, I just learned this spell that'll expand your territory. Want me to give it a try?""" ",""Last time I tried it I sent this weird yellow robot flying into space, but I'm pretty sure I've ironed all the kinds out of it now. Trust me.""" ",""Yaaaaaaaaah!""" "#02775,""Teehee. Hello! People have been talking about the amazing kingdom you're building, and I knew I just had to see it for myself.""" ",""Plus, I just learned this spell that'll expand your territory. Want me to give it a try?""" ",""I've only practiced it on my friends so far, so you'll be my first real client. You'd better be honored, all right?""" ",""Yaaaaaaaaah!""" "#02776,""Teehee. Hello! I heard you've been putting your life on the line for your kingdom, and I knew I just had to see it for myself.""" ",""Plus, I just learned this spell that'll expand your territory. Want me to give it a try?""" ",""Last time I tried it, all my favorite stores suddenly had sales on. I bought a ton of clothes real cheap! I can't wait to see what happens this time.""" ",""Here we go...""" ",""Yaaaaaaaaah!""" "#02777,""Teehee. Hello! I heard all about the great relationship you have with your subjects, and I knew I just had to see it for myself.""" ",""Plus, I just learned this spell that'll expand your territory. Want me to give it a try?""" ",""Last time I tried it, I might have kinda revived an ancient demon from beyond the veil of space and time, but that might have just been my imagination.""" ",""Yaaaaaaaaah!""" "#02778,""Teehee. Hello! I heard all about how well your kingdom is growing, and I knew I just had to see it for myself.""" ",""Plus, I just learned this spell that'll expand your territory. Want me to give it a try?""" ",""Last time I tried it, a few natural disasters happened, but I think that was just a coincidence, don't you?""" ",""Nyahooooooooo!""" "#02779,""Teehee. Hello! I heard all about how beautiful your kingdom is, and I knew I just had to see it for myself.""" ",""Plus, I just learned this spell that'll expand your territory. Want me to give it a try?""" ",""Last time I tried it a whole continent sank to the bottom of the sea, but I'm really confident it will work fine this time around. Trust me.""" ",""Wookeewookeeeeeeeee!""" "#02780,""Phew, looks like it worked. Okay, I'll see you later!""" "#02781,""Ah, the high scores for each rank bracket are in.""" ",""I wonder how other rulers are doing...""" "#02782,""You don't have anyone who can equip that skill.""" "#02783,""Sorry, that equipment's for ladies only.""" "#02784,""If you want to demolish this facility, you'll need to remove everything around it first.""" "#02785,""Wow! You've made a brand-new discovery!""" "#02786,""Simply marvelous! Now you can build a new town.""" ",""Let's find a nice, large area for it and place the Town Hall.""" "#02787,""Try using an item on the lock button.""" ",""But be careful - if it's the wrong item you'll lose it!""" ",""You'll need to use an item to unlock this.""" "#02788,""Oh! You want to write us a review?""" ",""Thank you so much. Come back to the game after submitting the review!""" ",""See you later!""" "#02789,""Oh gosh, the town's completely empty now...""" ",""You need at least one resident in town to be able to open treasure chests.""" ",""Don't worry, I know a guy. He can introduce you to some potential new residents.""" "#02790,""Of course, that won't mean a lot unless they can also learn how to analyze treasure.""" ",""Let's recruit a new townsperson and see how they do.""" "#02791,""You can't remove a skill while the resident is still working.""" "#02792,""This is a place for your subjects to live. Be sure to place enough for everyone!""" "#02793,""The Town Hall is one of the most important places in town! It handles assigning jobs and it can be used as a storehouse.""" ",""That means you need to protect this building from monster attacks at all costs. Leveling up other facilities around town to raise their stats will help with this.""" ",""Oh, but I'm getting ahead of myself...""" ",""The point is, it's important. Take good care of it.""" "#02794,""Your allies will use this as an exit or entrance to town when they leave on quests. Be sure to make it wide enough for everyone to pass through.""" "#02795,""Your land has been expanded. This will help increase your territory.""" "#02796,""Your land has been expanded. This will help increase your territory.""" ",""Commanding more allies will make it easier to defend the town from monsters.""" "#02797,""This is where you'll keep all the items you've collected.""" ",""You can use items on your allies to help them protect the town.""" ",""So make sure you try and collect as many items as you can!""" "#02798,""This is where you'll keep all the Energy you've collected.""" ",""More Energy means you'll be able to go on more conquests.""" ",""I recommend building up a good store of Energy as a foundation for your later activities.""" "#02799,""This is where you'll keep all the treasure chests you've collected.""" ",""You'll need your residents to open them up and find out what's inside.""" "#02800,""A stream flowing through town makes the place so much more pleasant.""" "#02801,""You'll be able to harvest <pic=grass> here every once in a while.""" ",""Field crops will be needed for a lot of things, so be sure to collect a lot.""" "#02802,""You'll be able to harvest <pic=wood> here every once in a while.""" ",""Fruit will be needed for a lot of things, so be sure to collect a lot.""" "#02803,""You'll be able to get <pic=food> from here every once in a while.""" ",""You'll need animals from outside though.""" ",""Try getting a rancher to catch and tame some animals.""" "#02804,""You'll occasionally find <pic=iron> here.""" ",""You'll need someone with the right skill to carry it though.""" ",""Find a promising resident and equip them with the right skill.""" "#02805,""You'll occasionally find <pic=magic> here.""" ",""You'll need someone with the right skill to carry it though.""" ",""Find a promising resident and equip them with the right skill.""" "#02806,""This will steadily produce Energy as time goes by, even when you're not playing.""" ",""Placing more of them will help avoid running out of Energy right in the middle of a quest.""" "#02807,""Using a well will restore a little HP and Vigor.""" ",""Place one in town, and residents will use it when they get injured.""" "#02808,""Some tourists have arrived on the island.""" ",""Let's place signs to guide them toward town.""" ",""And don't forget signs inside town to show them where the best stores are, too.""" "#02809,""This allows any residents who aren't doing anything to start restoring wasteland to normal.""" ",""Place it where there's a lot of wasteland for the best results.""" ",""It takes time for residents to return from the wastes, though. Be patient and plan things out.""" "#02810,""Residents deployed on a quest can rent horses from here, increasing their movement speed.""" ",""It's one horse per person, so try placing lots of stables near the exit of the town.""" "#02811,""This facility will allow you to move resources between different towns.""" ",""Select what you want to move, then tap this facility again.""" "#02812,""This is where your residents will open up treasure chests you've found.""" ",""Be aware that it will take some time for them to get here and do what they need to do.""" "#02813,""This place is perfect for healing allies who've gotten injured.""" ",""Every good town needs at least one.""" "#02814,""You can perform research here... Except, you don't have any researchers to work here yet.""" ",""Select the Outdoor Research Lab again and assign a researcher.""" "#02815,""Let's hope the residents make good use of this!""" "#02816,""Let's hope the residents make good use of this!""" ",""You can cook any new dishes invented at the Restaurant here.""" "#02817,""This is used to help defend the town during enemy attacks. Monsters will target this first.""" ",""Place them at a distance from your most important facilities to lure monsters away.""" "#02818,""These flower beds have really brightened up the town. It takes me right back to the old days...""" "#02819,""I just love the feeling of being surrounded by natural beauty.""" "#02820,""We could use a couple of trees here in town.""" ",""Let's make our town pleasant to live in and a treat to look at!""" "#02821,""This place will make healing injured allies a lot easier.""" ",""And it's nice and relaxing even if you're not sick. Maybe I'll take a dip too!""" "#02822,""I wonder what kind of animals they'll catch...""" ",""You'll get different species depending on the type of terrain.""" ",""Ranchers will catch any promising animals that wander by. Just be patient and let them do their job.""" "#02823,""This allows any residents who aren't doing anything to search for treasure.""" ",""Place it where there's a lot of natural surroundings for the best results.""" ",""It takes time for the residents to do this, so be sure to plan things out carefully.""" "#02824,""You can use the materials stored here to create new products.""" ",""Be sure to deliver materials from time to time to help the store's lineup grow.""" "#02825,""Using this at the end of the day will restore HP and Vigor.""" "#02826,""The head of the household gets a separate room to themselves.""" ",""Select another ally and give it a try.""" "#02827,""Tourists will pay for goods and services with Copper Coins.""" ",""Be sure to collect a lot of materials so the stores can make more products.""" "#02828,""Of course, you'll also need to make plenty of store shelves.""" ",""Stores will replenish their stock once they sell out of everything. Time when you call tourists into town carefully for the best results.""" ",""Increasing the workshop level of different shops can lead to some exciting new discoveries.""" "#02829,""This looks like it could be great for helping injured residents recover.""" "#02830,""Sometimes the monarch makes public appearances here. The tourists love all that pomp and ceremony.""" ",""This is a place for the monarch to take a break and relax.""" "#02831,""Now we can research indoors, too. I have a good feeling about the kingdom's future!""" "#02832,""This will be great for recovery. Send injured allies here, and they'll be good as new in no time!""" "#02833,""Accessories can be made here.""" ",""Leveling it up and increasing the owner's stats will expand the lineup of products available.""" "#02834,""Food can be made here.""" ",""Leveling it up and increasing the owner's stats will expand the lineup of products available.""" "#02835,""This is where treasure is analyzed. Doing it here gets the job done a lot faster than anywhere else.""" "#02836,""Furniture can be made here.""" ",""Leveling it up and increasing the owner's stats will expand the lineup of products available.""" "#02837,""Weapons can be made here.""" ",""Leveling it up and increasing the owner's stats will expand the lineup of products available.""" "#02838,""Armor can be made here.""" ",""Leveling it up and increasing the owner's stats will expand the lineup of products available.""" "#02839,""Skills can be developed here.""" ",""Leveling it up and increasing the owner's stats will expand the lineup of products available.""" "#02840,""Items can be made here.""" ",""Leveling it up and increasing the owner's stats will expand the lineup of products available.""" "#02841,""This looks like it could be great for helping residents get closer to their full potential.""" "#02842,""I hope the residents come up with some tasty dishes!""" "#02843,""You can make tools and materials needed to rank up here, but not all the time.""" ",""Put it somewhere where lots of residents can access it.""" "#02844,""This kind of bed allows your friends to stay in your town for a while.""" ",""Tap it again and select a friend to invite here.""" "#02845,""You'll need these to convince visiting adventurers to stay in town.""" ",""Be sure to place enough for everyone.""" "#02846,""Once a married couple's affection gets high enough, they might have a need of a bed like this.""" ",""Best to keep it in their room for as long as possible.""" "#02847,""You can keep monster eggs here.""" ",""Once they hatch, residents can take monster allies along on conquests.""" "#02848,""I heard this can be used to bring back residents whose lives have reached their end...""" ",""I guess we can try. There's no harm in placing one, right?""" "#02849,""This will allow residents on quests to ride flying dragons! Or so I've heard.""" ",""In any case, it sounds thrilling! I'd love to try it out for myself.""" "#02850,""You can keep monster eggs here.""" ",""Once they hatch, monster allies will help defend the town from enemy attacks.""" "#02851,""Residents out on quests will stop here to recover.""" ",""Placing it at a reasonable distance from the town should help quests go more smoothly.""" "#02852,""Hi, are you the one who dispelled the fog? I owe you, big time!""" ",""As a show of my gratitude, I'll upgrade your equipment.""" ",""Come tell me when you've decided what you want me to work on.""" "#02853,""Greetings! This is a place where we keep track of your friendships with rulers from other kingdoms.""" ",""First you'll need one of your residents to act as your representative. Choose someone trustworthy!""" ",""It helps to make it somebody strong too. Remember, they'll be going out to assist other kingdoms in battle.""" ",""I hope you'll make a ton of friends! In fact, I'll eat a banana for every potential friend you might make. I'll get started right now!""" "#02854,""Ohohoho. I commend you for saving me.""" ",""When that fog descended, all the energy seemed to leave my body! I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have my emergency snacks with me.""" ",""I owe you my life. Please accept this humble gift as thanks.""" ",""I'll be able to give you more rewards if you can complete the objectives I set. Will you give it a try?""" "#02855,""Hello! Am I glad to see you. I was in search of something, and...well, I got lost.""" ",""As thanks, I'll offer you some challenges. Complete them, and I'll give you the most fabulous rewards.""" ",""Getting help from friends will make the challenges a lot easier.""" ",""Tap the challenge again and check its content.""" "#02856,""It was such a shock when that fog fell. I might have never awakened from my slumber were it not for you.""" ",""This place sells all kinds of products to help the kingdom develop.""" ",""You can also exchange the trophies you've collected. Give it a try!""" "#02857,""Whew... Thank you!""" ",""Back in the day, this was a place where we took care of cute lil' monsters.""" ",""We used to have a whole lot of them running around, but when the fog appeared they got spooked.""" ",""Since we've got plenty of space now, just let us know if one of your little darlings needs caring for.""" "#02858,""Greetings, I am the man they call the Trophy King!""" ",""I travel from kingdom to kingdom, giving praise to those who have earned it.""" ",""There's no doubt about it. This kingdom of yours has great potential.""" ",""Please accept this trophy in recognition of your great deeds so far.""" "#02859,""This board shows your current Battle Points. You earn more every time you battle.""" ",""You can also compete with other players to get the highest score! Once you've registered your points, you can check where you placed the next day.""" ",""Give it a try - if you score high enough you could earn some spectacular prizes!""" "#02860,""This is a statue of the previous king. It looks imposing, but believe me, he was even more impressive in person.""" ",""Who could have guessed things would turn out like this...""" ",""We must give our all to rebuild this kingdom and honor his memory.""" "#02861,""This is for collecting Copper Coins. You can place it anywhere - our residents are pretty skilled at long-range throwing.""" "#02862,""This is for collecting Silver Coins. You can place it anywhere - our residents are pretty skilled at long-range throwing.""" "#02863,""This is for collecting Gold Coins. You can place it anywhere - our residents are pretty skilled at long-range throwing.""" "#02864,""Good heavens, what a magnificent statue. Such grace and power!""" "#02865,""You can store items and treasure here.""" ",""But there's only so much room. You should really set up some proper storage facilities.""" "#02866,""Sometimes you'll find seeds needed to grow crops here.""" ",""Put it somewhere where lots of residents can access it.""" "#02867,""Ah, this ornament has such a dignified air to it.""" ",""I feel like my EXP could increase just by looking at it!""" "#02868,""Salutations! You've been so much help, clearing away the fog.""" ",""I've been thinking of how I can repay you...""" ",""If you want to send a friend request to someone, come talk to me. I'll be able to help you out.""" "#02869,""Heh heh heh... You've come a long way, haven't you?""" ",""I started my own little business just a while ago.""" ",""You should check it out sometime. You might find something you like...""" "#02870,""Wow, you sure got rid of that fog quick!""" ",""I want to do my part to help the town grow, too... By selling you very useful items.""" ",""Drop by if you feel like spending some Copper Coins.""" "#02871,""Oh, hey there.""" ",""Got too many Copper Coins? Exchange them for Silver or Gold Coins at my store!""" ",""Feel free to come by. No one else will give you better exchange rates!""" "#02872,""I told them I didn't want to guard the arena. I just knew something scary would happen... You really saved my bacon!""" ",""Thanks to you I can put my mind at ease and get back to battling.""" ",""You can use this arena to test your skills against other players.""" ",""Stack up a lot of victories, and you can get great prizes! Give it a try some time!""" "#02873,""Thank goodness you were there to help me!""" ",""This room was once used by a wise Instructor to help residents reach their full potential.""" ",""That Instructor may not be around anymore, but I think I can use my experience to help others improve!""" ",""If you have some allies you want to make stronger, just send them my way.""" "#02874,""You can whip up all kinds of dishes here, but you'll also need shelves to put them on.""" ",""Stores will replenish their stock once they sell out of everything. Time when you call tourists into town carefully for the best results.""" ",""Increasing the workshop level will help the chefs come up with some new dishes.""" "#02875,""Hi there! That was so weird when the fog made me freeze up. Wasn't it funny?""" ",""Hee hee. Well, thank you for saving me.""" ",""I can help you out by fusing together different monsters to make them stronger.""" ",""Come talk to me if you ever have more monsters than you know what to do with.""" "#02876,""Good day to you! We have monsters we caught for sale, all for a very modest price.""" ",""Our lineup changes periodically, so be sure to check back now and then.""" "#02877,""Hey there! Looks like you finally found us.""" ",""You can take part in special battles here. But be warned - I don't hold them all the time.""" ",""Come by when you feel like really testing your mettle!""" "#02878,""We can take care of your monster eggs here.""" "#02879,""Phew, you saved me!""" ",""With all that fog and all those monsters, I thought I was a goner!""" ",""I wish I could do something to thank you... Oh, I bet I could make you something nice!""" ",""This could take some time, though. Come see me again in three days, all right?""" ",""Until then!""" "#02880,""How do you do. I am a spirit who watches over transport from town to town.""" ",""If you have any residents you'd like to move from one town to another, let me know and I'll take care of everything!""" ",""Adieu for now.""" "#02881,""Good heavens! Could this be...?""" ",""I'd heard from the old king that there was a cave on this island deeper than all the others, one that continues on and on down into the depths.""" ",""It really does exist... Be careful in there!""" "#02882,""Hey there, welcome.""" "#02883,""Howdy. Looking to make new friends? You've come to the right place.""" "#02884,""Ho ho ho. Ready for today's challenge?""" "#02885,""Hello. Take a look at our lineup.""" "#02886,""Welcome. Let's build a better kingdom together.""" "#02887,""Hi there. Any of your monsters need taking care of today?""" "#02888,""Thanks for dropping in. I have some neat projects lined up.""" "#02889,""Shall we go register your high score?""" "#02890,""Send out a friend request to people you like!""" "#02891,""Heh heh heh. Welcome. I've got some people I'd like you to meet.""" "#02892,""Welcome. What'll it be?""" "#02893,""Welcome. What can I get for you today?""" "#02894,""Good to see you again.""" "#02895,""Here's your opponent for this challenge. What do you think, wanna give it a try?""" "#02896,""Hi there. Keep up the good work!""" "#02897,""You've got monsters you can fuse together.""" "#02898,""Monsters for sale, monsters for sale!""" "#02899,""Howdy! Ready to take on a special dungeon?""" "#02900,""I'm very sorry. I made a mistake with the end time of your previous conquest.""" ",""Because of that, it ended too soon. Please take this, with my apologies.""" "#02901,""Ah, hello there.""" ",""After analyzin' that new area, I found me a way to make my shop even bigger.""" ",""I haveta go get to work on it, but here, thought I'd give you this first.""" "#02902,""What do you say? Want to upgrade some weapons?""" "#02903,""You can acquire legendary weapons here!""" ",""If you've got equipment you're not using, how about exchanging it?""" "#02904,""Sell unwanted stuff at my shop for Copper Coins!""" ",""Too many items or skills? Sell them to me!""" "#02905,""Something about this place attracts monsters. They come here every night.""" ",""Deploying some allies here will be a great way to level up!""" ",""First, you should pick a town to concentrate on supplies.""" "#02906,""I came up with a splendid idea while out for a stroll!""" ",""It will let you put high-ranking merchants, carpenters, movers, even farmers to good use!""" ",""It's essentially a room to plan surveys based on interesting rumors.""" ",""Build it and have non-battle type residents move in!""" "#02907,""The Survey Room...nay, the Survey Corps HQ is complete!""" ",""By meeting here before setting out, the residents can plan out what to investigate.""" ",""Let's give it a try!""" "#02908,""Deploy allies on a survey from the Corps HQ!""" "#02909,""My oh my, you've acquired a rather...interesting facility.""" ",""According to the manual, if you set it outside your territory it will attract monsters, like light attracts moths!""" ",""But be careful - once you place one, demolishing it will cost Diamonds.""" ",""Let's try placing one in an area with a manageable level.""" "#02910,""Wowzers! These plans will allow you to fill in rivers and lakes anywhere in your territory.""" ",""Just be aware that there's a limit to how much land you can reclaim.""" "#02911,""Congrats, you've acquired a new, larger storehouse.""" ",""Just perfect for making the best use of your space!""" ",""Let's place one right away!""" "#02912,""Your rank has gone up! The kingdom is becoming a real powerhouse.""" ",""We're almost as prosperous as we were under the old king!""" ",""But if you want to raise your rank any further than this, you'll need a special kind of treasure.""" ",""Let's head to somewhere that deals in treasure and work on breaking that rank cap!""" "#02913,""Your residents can now leave tending the shop to a salesperson while they focus on other tasks!""" ",""They'll be able to make new products in workshops, for example!""" "#02914,""You've discovered a new type of housing!""" ",""You can get more by building houses for high-rank farmers.""" "#02915,""Oh, nice! You've acquired a cash register to use in a store.""" ",""This means someone else can take care of the sales and your craftsperson can concentrate on, well, crafting!""" ",""Once you place this, it'll overwrite the old register.""" "#02916,""Santa's here! Our kingdom's been good this year!""" ",""He even brought in a new type of housing. Let's get it built!""" "#02917,""Santa's House is all done, but it just doesn't look right without a few reindeer there too.""" ",""Let's research a way to fix that!""" "#02918,""We got a gift from Santa's kingdom… It's a wonderful new weapon!""" ",""Let's equip it and see how it handles!""" "#02919,""I get this weird, ominous feeling, like something big is about to go down.""" ",""I've heard rumors that tourists willing to spend Silver Coins are on their way. Can it be true?""" ",""But classy folks like that won't spend their money on just anything. We need to put some real entertainment together.""" ",""Let's go look for new room types!""" "#02920,""Special items you've found around town can be displayed here.""" ",""Of course, you'll also need a proper display room somewhere in your territory.""" ",""Let's go find a way to build new attractions, stuff like zoos and museums!""" ",""None of that will mean a thing if we don't have any exhibits though.""" "#02921,""Looks like you can fish here.""" ",""The type of fish you can catch might change depending on where you place this.""" ",""People from the aquarium go out to catch them, so I've heard.""" "#02922,""Hello... I'm sorry, it seems there was some kind of mix-up regarding jobs you haven't discovered yet.""" ",""I need to take those jobs back. Please accept these Diamonds as an apology.""" ",""Some of the people in town came to their senses and became merchants or guards... Sorry, but you'll have to make them leave.""" ",""I hope we can fix this problem and put it behind us.""" "#02923,""Ah, two of our residents have been getting really affectionate towards each other!""" ",""You know what they say, first comes love... Oh, but we still need a Church in town!""" ",""Select the Church when a couple's affection gets high.""" "#02924,""*sob* I'm sorry, I always cry at weddings.""" ",""This may be rushing things, but we need to make their house ready for children!""" "#02925,""Place a Baby Crib in preparation for the new arrival.""" "#02926,""Now that I think of it, when the previous monarch was but a babe in arms, we had a special care facility in town.""" ",""Let's build one here!""" "#02927,""Make a daycare to give the town's children a healthy upbringing, and their parents free time to do their own thing!""" "#02928,""My my, how time flies. A new generation of town residents has been born.""" ",""We've even received letters of congratulation from other kingdoms!""" "#02929,""Any way you look at it, new life is always something worth celebrating.""" ",""If only we could also attract really high-class tourists too. The kind that come here on airships.""" ",""But we'll need to build a special port to get visitors like that.""" "#02930,""Oh boy, look what we got!""" "#02931,""Special visitors, real VIPs, are on the way!""" ",""Let's quickly build an airport so their airship can land near our town!""" "#02932,""We have to make new products to satisfy our new customers too!""" ",""Let's set up a place for residents to collect new goods.""" "#02933,""We'll also be needing a Resource Center near our town to keep all the stuff our residents will be bringing in.""" "#02934,""A new job has been discovered!""" ",""Guerillas have special skills that allow them to explore and battle outside town any time.""" "#02935,""A new job has been discovered!""" ",""These warriors are adept at both magic and physical combat.""" "#02936,""A new job has been discovered!""" ",""Berserkers are fierce fighters, but their defense is lousy.""" "#02937,""A new job has been discovered!""" ",""These artists can create new products at studios.""" "#02938,""A new job has been discovered!""" ",""These folks can open up attractions that appeal to special visitors.""" "#02939,""A new job has been discovered!""" ",""These workers have a great affinity with animals. They may even discover some new species.""" "#02940,""Good grief, a real young royal is making their social debut!""" ",""If we impress them, the royal family will invest even more in the town.""" "#02941,""You've built a fine studio. It'll start producing objects of art, which will then be taken to the Resource Center.""" ",""If we had a museum, we could draw in even more visitors.""" "#02942,""The insectarium is complete. Placing a bug trap could 'net' us some really cool exhibits.""" ",""You might find different species depending on where you place it...""" ",""Place it anywhere you like to start off.""" "#02943,""The aquarium is complete. If we had a fishing pond, we could catch ourselves some really cool exhibits.""" ",""You might find different species depending on where you place it...""" ",""Place it anywhere you like to start off.""" "#02944,""The zoo is complete.""" ",""With the right feed, I'm sure we can attract more than just pigs and cows.""" ",""Experiment with monster feed!""" "#02945,""The museum is complete. You can display exhibits here.""" ",""If we had a studio, we could produce new creations and draw in even more visitors.""" ",""Create some pieces of art and display them in the museum.""" "#02946,""Looks like you can catch bugs here.""" ",""The type of bugs you find might change depending on where you place this.""" ",""People from the insectarium will go out to look for bugs.""" "#02947,""Children born in the town are educated here until they grow up.""" ",""For a child to be born, a married couple's affection has to be pretty darn high.""" ",""Once a child grows up, you can employ them in town like any other resident.""" "#02948,""Oh-ho, looks like we've found a beautiful spot just perfect for dates.""" ",""Strolling about here and taking in the scenery will surely help romance blossom in any couple!""" ",""Select people you want to send here to help them get together.""" "#02949,""=#02484""" "#02950,""Clothing""" "#02951,""Head""" "#02952,""Accessory""" "#02953,""Weapon""" "#02954,""EXP""" "#02955,""Recovery""" "#02956,""Max Durability""" "#02957,""Provoke""" "#02958,""=#02401""" "#02959,""Target Cost""" "#02960,""Durability""" "#02961,""General""" "#02962,""Battle""" "#02963,""Shop""" "#02964,""Set of <0>""" "#02965,""Monsters""" "#02966,""Materials:""" "#02967,""=#02418""" "#02968,""Equipment""" "#02969,""Facility""" "#02970,""=#02519""" "#02971,""Job""" "#02972,""You found some special treasure.""" "#02973,""Acquired <0> <1> rights x<2>""" "#02974,""Acquired <0> <1> x<2>""" "#02975,""You discovered a new area.""" "#02976,""Unexplored""" "#02977,""=#01402""" "#02978,""Average Lv.""" "#02979,""Members""" "#02980,""Give Up\tRestart (<0> more)""" "#02981,""Start Now""" "#02982,""Cancel""" "#02983,""You found a boss monster.""" "#02984,""Currently fighting another boss.""" "#02985,""Start from here?""" "#02986,""=#02431""" "#02987,""No access""" "#02988,""Select end point.""" "#02989,""Select starting point.""" "#02990,""No signs nearby.""" "#02991,""No defensive wall gates nearby.""" "#02992,""Max constructions reached.""" "#02993,""Available at the Diamond Shop""" "#02994,""First victory!""" "#02995,""Reward""" "#02996,""Cannot remove while leveling up.""" "#02997,""Cannot remove while researching.""" "#02998,""Take away leadership first.""" "#02999,""You have more than one town.""" "#03000,""Residents: 0 (Moving, etc.)""" "#03001,""Demolition of expansion facilities complete.""" "#03002,""Unavailable while facilities are leveling up.""" "#03003,""Unavailable while goods are moved.""" "#03004,""No facilities that need construction.""" "#03005,""No attacking monsters.""" "#03006,""Town Hall Demolition Requirements""" "#03007,""Keep your coin boxes and ally monsters safe.""" "#03008,""Remove up to where?""" "#03009,""Remove which?""" "#03010,""Remove <0>?
*It will be lost permanently.""" "#03011,""Remove\t<po=lm><si=9><bo=fefefe>and return to? </bo></si>&<po=rm><pic=money><0>""" "#03012,""Remove all facilities and <0>?""" "#03013,""If you rebuild your town it will lose its current rank.""" "#03014,""A survey is already in progress.""" "#03015,""Destination""" "#03016,""Select where to deploy <0>""" "#03017,""Select a clear part of the map.""" "#03018,""Change <0>'s quest objective?""" "#03019,""Retreat\tChange Destination""" "#03020,""<0> is heading back.""" "#03021,""Participating: <0>""" "#03022,""Max""" "#03023,""Low""" "#03024,""High""" "#03025,""A cave has appeared.""" "#03026,""Researching...""" "#03027,""Completed / Next""" "#03028,""Register Today""" "#03029,""Completed: <0>""" "#03030,""You can now invite friends to your kingdom.
Try adding some new friends.""" "#03031,""Invite a friend?""" "#03032,""No friends to invite.""" "#03033,""Out of bounds.""" "#03034,""Not enough <0>""" "#03035,""Invite a tourist ship""" "#03036,""Specialty terrain!""" "#03037,""Remove <0>?""" "#03038,""Do you want to abort today's challenge?""" "#03039,""OK\tCancel""" "#03040,""=#01954""" "#03041,""=#02613""" "#03042,""=#02405""" "#03043,""XL""" "#03044,""Give Land""" "#03045,""=#01402""" "#03046,""Build an entrance.""" "#03047,""Remove plot?""" "#03048,""<0> went to the Monster Farm.""" "#03049,""<0> returned to the wild.""" "#03050,""=#02962""" "#03051,""<pic=stamina> full.""" "#03052,""Fully recover <0>""" "#03053,""<0> finished their survey.""" "#03054,""=#02430""" "#03055,""Survey""" "#03056,""<0> Rank Points full!""" "#03057,""Town No. <0>""" "#03058,""What to do?""" "#03059,""Rank Up""" "#03060,""Adventurer""" "#03061,""Stay""" "#03062,""Max number of tourists reached.""" "#03063,""You need a sign nearby.""" "#03064,""Get
with Kairo Land""" "#03065,""Get
with Tapjoy""" "#03066,""Get
for pics""" "#03067,""Get
for videos""" "#03068,""Royal
Chamber""" "#03069,""Rex Regis""" "#03070,""Carrie Regis""" "#03071,""Env.""" "#03072,""Materials""" "#03073,""Amenity""" "#03074,""Indoors""" "#03075,"" Medium""" "#03076,"" High""" "#03077,"" None""" "#03078,""=#02612""" "#03079,""Normal""" "#03080,""=#02614""" "#03081,""Lunatic""" "#03082,""Not Bad""" "#03083,""Good""" "#03084,""Luxury""" "#03085,""Premium""" "#03086,""=#00891""" "#03087,""Points""" "#03088,""Special Items (Group)""" "#03089,""Special Items (Individual)""" "#03090,""=#03024""" "#03091,""=#03023""" "#03092,""Double EXP!""" "#03093,""Get more Treasure Chests!""" "#03094,""I went all out on this survey...""" "#03095,""I set out on my survey feeling really happy...""" "#03096,""I set out on this survey full of energy...""" "#03097,""My spirits were really up on this survey...""" "#03098,""My horoscope for today wasn't looking good...""" "#03099,""I was feeling pretty good for this survey...""" "#03100,""I ran into some problems on this survey...""" "#03101,""I was going to give up and come home, but then...""" "#03102,""I witnessed a real miracle!""" "#03103,""As soon as I set out...""" "#03104,""How should I put this...""" "#03105,""I'd never seen anything like it.""" "#03106,""It was a success!""" "#03107,""I set out on this survey ready to give it my all...""" "#03108,""I set out on this survey feeling inspired...""" "#03109,""Right after I got going, all my ropes came undone...""" "#03110,""The survey wasn't looking good, but I got a second wind...""" "#03111,""I decided to just go with the flow...""" "#03112,""I was really confident this survey would go well...""" "#03113,""I walked right off the edge of a cliff...""" "#03114,""I can't believe I overslept on the big day...""" "#03115,""I was feeling groggy from lack of sleep...""" "#03116,""I had to give up and come home...""" "#03117,""I realized I was wearing my shoes on the wrong feet...""" "#03118,""I got lost and went to the wrong place...""" "#03119,""I skipped breakfast and set off early...""" "#03120,""You won't believe this!""" "#03121,""I put in a really good effort...""" "#03122,""I still refuse to believe it but...""" "#03123,""Things took a turn for the worse...""" "#03124,""I took a break to eat some snacks...""" "#03125,""Place some Monster Feed and see what happens.""" "#03126,""Place a Fishing Pond and see what happens.""" "#03127,""Place a Studio and see what happens.""" "#03128,""Place a Bug Trap and see what happens.""" "#03129,""=#00142""" "#03130,""We got home safely.""" "#03131,""That was a blast!""" "#03132,""We totally crushed it!""" "#03133,""It was a great success.""" "#03134,""Instantly Rank Up
<0> more""" "#03135,""The cost of leveling up is deducted from the corresponding town.
Your max level depends on your Town Hall.""" "#03136,""Remove facility""" "#03137,""Change facility""" "#03138,""Watch the whole video to get Diamonds!""" "#03139,""I'm creating my own kingdom in Kingdom Adventurers. Who wants to come explore with me?
""" "#03140,""Take a pic of your kingdom and share it on social media""" "#03141,""End the battle and retreat?
You will not receive any treasure.""" "#03142,""Register your Battle Points every day and aim for
the top rank!
Defeat monsters to earn points.
*Results will be posted the next day.""" "#03143,""Your score will go up when you deal damage and
decrease when you take damage. Plan out your
battles to get the highest score and win
daily rewards!""" "#03144,""Revive all and resume the battle?
<pic=money><0>""" "#03145,""You can share news of your victory
with friends.
Defeat all monsters to earn rewards.""" "#03146,""Choose a town to send your items to.
Items will go to the Item Storehouse.
Any items left over will be lost.""" "#03147,""Recall the leader?
*You will lose the points you've earned so far.""" "#03148,""The current research project will be reset. Proceed?""" "#03149,""<0> conquered the cave!""" "#03150,""The cave proved too much for <0>...""" "#03151,""Adding friends will allow you to help
each other during conquests.
Take a look at the Friend Post Office.""" "#03152,""Cancel the battle?""" "#03153,""<0>% of EXP will be carried over. Residents with the same job will get a <1>% bonus.""" "#03154,""You can transfer stats and EXP to other residents.
Once assigned they cannot return to town.""" "#03155,""Assign as Instructor?
*They won't be able to return to town.""" "#03156,""<0>
wandered off into the wasteland.""" "#03157,""Diamond
Deals""" "#03158,""Deploy residents on quests and
conquests to get materials and items.""" "#03159,""Adventurer <0> returned to their homeland.""" "#03160,""Adventurer <0> is exhausted...""" "#03161,""Use <pic=money><0>
to refill gage?""" "#03162,""The Wairo Dungeon has appeared!""" "#03163,""The Wairo Dungeon disappeared.""" "#03164,""Participating Monsters got <0> EXP!""" "#03165,""Cancel deployment?""" "#03166,""Wairo Dungeons are now appearing in Kingdom Adventurers! Check them out before they're gone!
""" "#03167,""Share a screenshot to recover <pic=stamina>.
(one time only)
Whose will be the best?""" "#03168,""Send <0> to
the Monster Farm?""" "#03169,""They will be gone from the town until you call them
at another town.""" "#03170,""Select a Town Hall with empty spaces.""" "#03171,""Lock up this area's boss?
The fog will return to this area.""" "#03172,""Find lots of equipment and trade
it for new items.""" "#03173,""Jobs change according to days of the week.""" "#03174,""The attack's over.""" "#03175,""More skill slots will be unlocked at higher ranks.""" "#03176,""A software update is required.
Please do not uninstall.""" "#03177,""Increase available slots by <0>?
<pic=money><1>""" "#03178,""Increased slots by <0>.
Current max: <1>""" "#03179,""Residents' children who have grown up cannot be placed
in day care.""" "#03180,""Extra <0>%!""" "#03181,""<0>D""" "#03182,""<0>hr""" "#03183,""<0> min""" "#03184,""<0>s""" "#03185,""<0> Connect to Kairopark""" "#03186,""Quit the game and
""" "#03187,""Load failed. Return to previous data?""" "#03188,""Please restart the app.""" "#03189,""Friend ID: <0>""" "#03190,""Loading ({0:f2}%)""" "#03191,""Please wait...""" "#03192,""debug mode""" "#03193,""App data is corrupted. Please re-install from the store.""" "#03194,""Screenshot""" "#03195,""Change Item Storehouse Display""" "#03196,""G""" "#03197,""=#03196""" "#03198,""=#02538""" "#03199,""=#02538""" "#03200,""=#02538""" "#03201,""=#02538""" "#03202,""=#02538""" "#03203,""=#02538""" "#03204,""=#02538""" "#03205,""=#02538""" "#03206,""An error occurred.""" "#03207,""=#02538""" "#03208,""#<0>""" "#03209,""=#02538""" "#03210,""=#02538""" "#03211,""=#02538""" "#03212,""=#02538""" "#03213,""<0>/<1>""" "#03214,""Average Level""" "#03215,""ATK""" "#03216,""DEF""" "#03217,""Rank""" "#03218,""Fave""" "#03219,""=#02971""" "#03220,""Send inquiry""" "#03221,""Enter inquiry code""" "#03222,""Error details""" "#03223,""=#02538""" "#03225,""Sending everything.""" "#03226,""Your personal information will not
be included in the message.""" "#03227,""Thank you for notifying us of the error.
It may take us some time to investigate it.

*Please check if there is a newer version in the store.
*Please do not delete the app.""" "#03228,""Sent.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Please also contact our customer
support.""" "#03229,""Error""" "#03230,""Incompatible data detected.""" "#03231,""Overwrite system data?""" "#03232,""Overwrite all except Friend ID?""" "#03233,""Failed.""" "#03234,""File not found.""" "#03235,""Data received successfully. <0>""" "#03236,""
The app will now close.""" "#03237,""No corresponding data found.""" "#03238,""Receiving data""" "#03239,""List""" "#03240,""Trade""" "#03241,""SHOP""" "#03242,""Attack""" "#03243,""Defense""" "#03244,""Balanced""" "#03245,""Special""" "#03246,""Resolution""" "#03247,""Characters""" "#03248,""Night/Day""" "#03249,""Rendering""" "#03250,""Autosave""" "#03251,""Screen""" "#03252,""Zoom""" "#03253,""Speech ON""" "#03254,""Speech OFF""" "#03255,""More""" "#03256,""Less""" "#03257,""=#02542""" "#03258,""Standard""" "#03259,""Father's Job""" "#03260,""Compatible Job""" "#03261,""Mother's Job""" "#03262,""Purchases""" "#03263,""Balance Changes""" "#03264,""No purchase history.""" "#03265,""No balance changes.""" "#03266,""In game""" "#03267,""Connection""" "#03268,""=#02963""" "#03269,""Activity Bonuses""" "#03270,""Expired""" "#03271,""Animal""" "#03272,""Fish""" "#03273,""Art""" "#03274,""Bug""" "#03275,""Deployment""" "#03276,""Conquest""" "#03277,""First Quest""" "#03278,""=#02951""" "#03279,""Armor""" "#03280,""=#02951""" "#03281,""Acc.""" "#03282,""=#02955""" "#03283,""Allies""" "#03284,""Range (Tiles)""" "#03285,""Defeats""" "#03286,""Stored Town Hall Materials""" "#03287,""Collected Energy""" "#03288,""Energy Collection Time""" "#03289,""Group Items""" "#03290,""Welcome to the Monster Farm""" "#03291,""Select monsters to take with you.""" "#03292,""Select monsters to fuse.""" "#03293,""Select monsters to strengthen.""" "#03294,""=#01613""" "#03295,""Switch Residents""" "#03296,""Deploy Residents""" "#03297,""Select Leader""" "#03298,""Conquest Party Members""" "#03299,""Friends""" "#03300,""Select Roommate""" "#03301,""Select Participants""" "#03302,""Can Be Moved""" "#03303,""Descending""" "#03304,""Ascending""" "#03305,""Dismiss""" "#03306,""=#00870""" "#03307,""Equipment Shop""" "#03308,""=#00871""" "#03309,""=#00872""" "#03310,""Search Again""" "#03311,""=#00646""" "#03312,""Deposits""" "#03313,""Recovery Time""" "#03314,""Ores""" "#03315,""Mining Time""" "#03316,""Cancel\tOK""" "#03317,""<0>.
Cannot be removed.""" "#03318,""Surveying""" "#03319,""On a Date""" "#03320,""Collect\t<pic=money><0>""" "#03321,""Normal Search""" "#03322,""Mover Search""" "#03323,""Day Care Search""" "#03324,""Set Egg""" "#03325,""Call Monsters""" "#03326,""*<0> required""" "#03327,""Send to Farm""" "#03328,""Send to Farm
<0>/<1>""" "#03329,""Train""" "#03330,""Fuse
""" "#03331,""Release""" "#03332,""HP already full""" "#03333,""=#02461""" "#03334,""Purchase Daily Monster""" "#03335,""Give <0>""" "#03336,""<0> to <1>""" "#03337,""<0>
<1> more can rest""" "#03338,""Compatibility OK!""" "#03339,""Swipe that equipment!""" "#03340,""This equipment has already been upgraded to its max level.""" "#03341,""<0> to unlock""" "#03342,""Stock""" "#03343,""<pic=money> <0> Unlock""" "#03344,""Select an unlock method.""" "#03345,""Send away
<0>""" "#03346,""<0>'s HP
has been refilled!""" "#03347,""Use items to level up
<0>?""" "#03348,""Sales Rank""" "#03349,""Sales Level""" "#03350,""<0>""" "#03351,""Vanquished: <0>""" "#03352,""Adding more friends will make battles easier.""" "#03353,""Completed weekly conquest!""" "#03354,""=#00895""" "#03355,""Нет еды""" "#03356,""У <0> и <1> Вырос ребенок.""" "#03357,""It's time to take that big step into adulthood!""" "#03358,""Они стали рангом <0> <1>!""" "#03359,""У <0> и <1> родился ребенок!
Теперь у них <2> потомка.""" "#03360,""Check the details under <0>.""" "#03361,""Oh, will you look at the king...""" "#03362,""Rank <0> reached!""" "#03363,""Research Leader""" "#03364,""Who will you ask to do research?""" "#03365,""No researchers available.
Try inviting a <0> to town.""" "#03366,""They won't be able to perform any other tasks while researching.""" "#03367,""New research project discovered!""" "#03368,""No suggested friends found.""" "#03369,""Send a request to other players to add them as friends.""" "#03370,""Запрос""" "#03371,""Занято...""" "#03372,""Отправление""" "#03373,""Сколько купить?""" "#03374,""Недостаточно <pic=money>.""" "#03375,""Добавить брилианты""" "#03376,""Торгуйте, чтобы получить новые рабочие места, и тогда вы сможете добавить больше жителей.""" "#03377,""Получено <0> монет(ы)!""" "#03378,""Вырастить монстров""" "#03379,""У вас на складе есть инкубационные яйца.""" "#03380,""Яиц нет.""" "#03381,""Increase max level using eggs of same color and rank or lower.""" "#03382,""Give""" "#03383,""Profile""" "#03384,""=#03217""" "#03385,""Will defend the town when under attack.""" "#03386,""Will join quests the Household Head goes on.""" "#03387,""=#03329""" "#03388,""Skill List""" "#03389,""Empty""" "#03390,""Add""" "#03391,""You unlocked a new area!""" "#03392,""Battle History""" "#03393,""All Battle Records""" "#03394,""<0> Battles <1> Wins <2> Losses""" "#03395,""Challenges Accepted """ "#03396,""Challenges Made""" "#03397,""No battle history.""" "#03398,""Max <0> records are kept.""" "#03399,""Victory""" "#03400,""Поражение""" "#03401,""Оставшееся время: <0>:<1>""" "#03402,""Матч-реванш""" "#03403,""Battle Rank""" "#03404,""Battle Points""" "#03405,""Выигрыши: <0> Проигрыши: <1>""" "#03406,""Принятые вызовы: <0> Выигрыши: <1> Проигрыши: <2>""" "#03407,""You won the rematch!
x<0>""" "#03408,""Понижение Ранга""" "#03409,""Не сейчас""" "#03410,""Запрос в друзья""" "#03411,""Ты вышел победителем!""" "#03412,""Вы проиграли...""" "#03413,""У Вас <0>!""" "#03414,""Противник""" "#03415,""Участники
<0>/<1>""" "#03416,""Сменить противника""" "#03417,""Отклонить""" "#03418,""Боевые очки +<0>""" "#03419,""Previous Score """ "#03420,""=#03022""" "#03421,""Not Registered""" "#03422,""No high scores sent""" "#03423,""=#01485""" "#03424,""Waiting for Results""" "#03425,""=#03270""" "#03426,""Reacquire""" "#03427,""Rank <0> Reward""" "#03428,""Вчерашние очки""" "#03429,""Из <0>""" "#03430,""Today's Score""" "#03431,""Today's Points""" "#03432,""You can't register between 23:50 and 00:10.""" "#03433,""У вас пока нет очков сегодня.""" "#03434,""Отправить""" "#03435,""Зарегестрировано <0>""" "#03436,""Перерегистрация""" "#03437,""Назначить в город""" "#03438,""Not assigned a town""" "#03439,""Assign to which town?""" "#03440,""Not discovered yet""" "#03441,""What would you like to build?""" "#03442,""<0> complete!
Max Capacity +<1>!""" "#03443,""Building List""" "#03444,""Placed:""" "#03445,""Локация""" "#03446,""Нет построек""" "#03447,""Обменяйте на 1 медную монету
Выберите город.""" "#03448,""Обновление""" "#03449,""Оставлено""" "#03450,""Статус квеста у друзей""" "#03451,""Conquests: <0>""" "#03452,""Today's Rewards""" "#03453,""Проверить содержимое""" "#03454,""Готово""" "#03455,""<0> осталось""" "#03456,""Победить <0>
x<1>!""" "#03457,""=#02557""" "#03458,""Друг""" "#03459,""Бонус за завоевание""" "#03460,""Настройка тележки""" "#03461,""Взять материалы из другого города""" "#03462,""Let's do this!""" "#03463,""Лидер""" "#03464,""=#03015""" "#03465,""Материалы для переноски""" "#03466,""=#02982""" "#03467,""Выберите работу""" "#03468,""Выбрать работу.""" "#03469,""Strong parents will raise strong kids, it's just common sense.""" "#03470,""x<0>""" "#03471,""Paid <0>s are used up first.""" "#03472,""Your <0> purchase is valid for <1> D.""" "#03473,""Истекло""" "#03474,""Уже использовано""" "#03475,""<0> Осталось""" "#03476,""Expires in <0> D""" "#03477,""Платно""" "#03478,""Бесплатно""" "#03479,""<0> ⇒ <1>""" "#03480,""Поддержка новичков""" "#03481,""Супер предложение!""" "#03482,""Специальная распродажа!""" "#03483,""Только раз в месяц!""" "#03484,""Распродажа каждый 5й игровой день!""" "#03485,""Diamonds expire after 180 days""" "#03486,""Распродажа заканчивается: <0>""" "#03487,""Только Сейчас! Спецусловия по бриллиантам""" "#03488,""Куплено""" "#03489,""Купить""" "#03490,""Магазин алмазов""" "#03491,""Собственность""" "#03492,""=#03350""" "#03493,""Срок действия покупки бриллиантов истекает через 180 дней.""" "#03494,""=#02538""" "#03495,""Gold Shop""" "#03496,""Select a town which stores Gold Coins to trade.""" "#03497,""Exchange""" "#03498,""Collection""" "#03499,""Record: B<0>F""" "#03500,""Go on a Quest""" "#03501,""Pick your team members and head out!""" "#03502,""Choose Team Members""" "#03503,""Choose Friends""" "#03504,""Challenge!""" "#03505,""Residents: <0>""" "#03506,""=#02982""" "#03507,""Blocked Off""" "#03508,""Compat. <0>""" "#03509,""Go home""" "#03510,""Affection +<0>%!""" "#03511,""Dating Spot""" "#03512,""<0> More""" "#03513,""Time: <0> hr""" "#03514,""I think they could really hit it off.""" "#03515,""Once they depart, they'll be away from the town for a while.""" "#03516,""=#01539""" "#03517,""Can be assigned to a town once grown up.""" "#03518,""Grows up in:""" "#03519,""Ready for adulthood!""" "#03520,""=#02978""" "#03521,""I'm going too!""" "#03522,""<0> departed for <1>!""" "#03523,""About Update Errors""" "#03524,""Hatch Egg""" "#03525,""Incubate <0>""" "#03526,"" -<0> min""" "#03527,""Item Uses Left""" "#03528,""Use Item""" "#03529,""Egg List""" "#03530,""Town Name: <0>""" "#03531,""No available eggs.""" "#03532,""Choose an egg to hatch.""" "#03533,""Nrgh...""" "#03534,""<1> from <0>""" "#03535,""has passed away...""" "#03536,""=#01578""" "#03537,""Nothing to exchange.""" "#03538,""Lock""" "#03539,""Element""" "#03540,""<0> Each""" "#03541,""Equip: <0>/<1>""" "#03542,""Weak""" "#03543,""Change Skill""" "#03544,""Battle-Type
Only""" "#03545,""=#02542""" "#03546,""Your friends will stick around for a little while longer.""" "#03547,""<0>
<1>""" "#03548,""Moved to <0>.""" "#03549,""Traded for <0>.""" "#03550,""Got EXP!""" "#03551,""Area of Effect""" "#03552,""=#03022""" "#03553,""<0> Family""" "#03554,""Exhibition Hall""" "#03555,""Price""" "#03556,""Views""" "#03557,""On Sale""" "#03558,""Monarch""" "#03559,""Capacity""" "#03560,""Level up""" "#03561,""Ranked up!""" "#03562,""Leveled up!""" "#03563,""Copper Coin Box Required""" "#03564,""Unlock""" "#03565,""Owned:""" "#03566,""Favorited""" "#03567,""Remove
Faves""" "#03568,""Discovered!""" "#03569,""You can now start recruiting.""" "#03570,""New Job""" "#03571,""<0> returned to their homeland.""" "#03572,""Friends: <0>/<1>""" "#03573,""Team up with your friends!""" "#03574,""Update Friend List""" "#03575,""Someone wants to thank you.""" "#03576,""New""" "#03577,""=#03350""" "#03578,""<0> completed!""" "#03579,""<0> more for next bonus""" "#03580,""Thank Your Friends""" "#03581,""Friend: <0>""" "#03582,""You thanked <0>.""" "#03583,""Thank the friend.""" "#03584,""Not this time.""" "#03585,""Result""" "#03586,""Rank <0>""" "#03587,""Where would we be without friends?""" "#03588,""Provided with <0>.""" "#03589,""=#03350""" "#03590,""Intro""" "#03591,""View Stock""" "#03592,""for <0> go(es)""" "#03593,""<0> probabilities""" "#03594,""Selected at random from the following list:""" "#03595,""=#03586""" "#03596,""Rate: <0>%""" "#03597,""S Rank Available""" "#03598,""Trade Center""" "#03599,""This is your chance to pick up some rare finds!""" "#03600,""=#03239""" "#03601,""=#01577""" "#03602,""We're not doing anything today.
Please try again later.""" "#03603,""<0> only""" "#03604,""=#01542""" "#03605,""Surprise Encounter""" "#03606,""Difficulty: <0>""" "#03607,""Reward: <0>""" "#03608,""Completed""" "#03609,""Share on <bo=1e1e1e> and get</bo>
<pic=stamina><bo=1e1e1e>!""" "#03610,""Rank <0> High Score""" "#03611,""Total Points:""" "#03612,""Aim for an even higher score!""" "#03613,""Score""" "#03614,""Ranking
Registration""" "#03615,""Share""" "#03616,""Housing""" "#03617,""Build what kind of house?""" "#03618,""Rank: <0>""" "#03619,""Transferring""" "#03620,""Imparting Stats<0>""" "#03621,""It worked!
Stats have gone up!""" "#03622,""Instructor <0> fulfilled their duty and rode off into the sunset.""" "#03623,""=#01556""" "#03624,""Inherit Stats from Instructor""" "#03625,""=#03475""" "#03626,""Create an Instructor""" "#03627,""Select Town""" "#03628,""Give Items""" "#03629,""Give to which town?""" "#03630,""Item Storehouse""" "#03631,""Welcome! I can strengthen your equipment.""" "#03632,""Select equipment to upgrade.""" "#03633,""Types used: <0>/<1>
Amount: <2>/<3>""" "#03634,""Equipped""" "#03635,""Female-Only""" "#03636,""Can't upgrade""" "#03637,""Approved Jobs:""" "#03638,""Used when calling town residents""" "#03639,""Owned: x""" "#03640,""Can't use this.""" "#03641,""None""" "#03642,""Grade <0>""" "#03643,""=#03586""" "#03644,""No products at the moment.""" "#03645,""Restock +<0>""" "#03646,""Time Played""" "#03647,""Peace Level""" "#03648,""Royal Rank Up!""" "#03649,""Lookout Settings""" "#03650,""Select a lookout to improve the town's defenses.""" "#03651,""Half of the materials stored away were lost...""" "#03653,""=#02538""" "#03654,""Marriage""" "#03655,""=#00880""" "#03656,""Who do you want to marry?""" "#03657,""Living in the the same room will increase affection.""" "#03658,""Residents with higher affection consume less resources.""" "#03659,""Stored <0> x<1>
in the Item Storehouse.""" "#03660,""=#01554""" "#03661,""Select a town with <0> and <1>.""" "#03662,""materials to purchase""" "#03663,""=#03455""" "#03664,""Owned: <0>""" "#03665,""Battle Rank: <0>""" "#03666,""Miner Settings""" "#03667,""Collect resources from the mine.""" "#03668,""Daily Challenge""" "#03669,""No Challenges""" "#03670,""Complete to get <0> <1>!""" "#03671,""=#03512""" "#03672,""Time Left: <0>""" "#03673,""Daily Challenge Complete""" "#03674,""A New Arrival!
<0>""" "#03675,""Egg Forecast""" "#03676,""One of these monsters might hatch.""" "#03677,""Monster Farm <0>/<1>""" "#03678,""No monsters at the moment.""" "#03679,""Monster Fusion""" "#03680,""=#03292""" "#03681,""Monster to Upgrade""" "#03682,""Monsters to Use as Materials""" "#03683,""Get EXP from Monsters""" "#03684,""Fuse""" "#03685,""Monsterpedia""" "#03686,""Total: <0>""" "#03687,""=#01558""" "#03688,""=#02965""" "#03689,""New Game""" "#03690,""Create Character""" "#03691,""Monarch Name:""" "#03692,""Choose gender""" "#03693,""Found Kingdom""" "#03694,""New Ally""" "#03695,""Change Name""" "#03696,""Hire!""" "#03697,""Select who to recruit.""" "#03698,""=#03686""" "#03699,""Search for Jobs""" "#03700,""Rights""" "#03701,""None discovered.""" "#03702,""Add to Allies""" "#03703,""New Town Hall""" "#03704,""Time to give this town a name.""" "#03705,""Name:""" "#03706,""Name the town""" "#03707,""Awakened!""" "#03708,""=#03208""" "#03709,""Max Level +<0>!""" "#03710,""Congratulations!""" "#03711,""<0> acquired""" "#03712,""Townsfolk +<0>""" "#03713,""=#01576""" "#03714,""Choose a resident to move to another town.""" "#03715,""Mover +<0> Expansion(s)
<pic=money><1>""" "#03716,""Researcher Settings""" "#03717,""Let's put some people with Research skills in charge of this.""" "#03718,""Research Notice""" "#03719,""It's complete!""" "#03720,""Assigned: <0>/<1>""" "#03721,""Undiscovered""" "#03722,""Required for Discovery""" "#03723,""Research Recovery Time:""" "#03724,""=#03297""" "#03725,""Awakenings: <0>""" "#03726,""Swipe your allies to assign.""" "#03727,""<0> more""" "#03728,""No applicable residents.""" "#03729,""Resume All""" "#03730,""Select who to deploy""" "#03731,""Currently deployed: <0>""" "#03732,""Choose up to <0> team members.""" "#03733,""Who will inherit?
Max <0> per person.""" "#03734,""Members must be from the same town.""" "#03735,""Choose up to <0> participants.""" "#03736,""Choose a resident to move.""" "#03737,""Choose an adventurer to change equipment.""" "#03738,""=#03242""" "#03739,""Cannot depart.""" "#03740,""Times inherited:""" "#03741,""Already has a house.""" "#03742,""Lifespan""" "#03744,""Awakening""" "#03745,""Empty Slot""" "#03746,""Sort By""" "#03747,""Sort Settings""" "#03748,""Reqs. <0>""" "#03749,""Choose a sorting method.
The top requirements are prioritized.""" "#03750,""Affection Top 3""" "#03751,""Prepping...""" "#03752,""Only the Household Head's affection will increase.""" "#03753,""Kid <0>""" "#03754,""On another island""" "#03755,""Use: <0>""" "#03756,""Select Characters to Register""" "#03757,""=#00653""" "#03758,""=#03305""" "#03759,""Inherit""" "#03760,""Appoint as Instructor""" "#03761,""Allies Menu""" "#03762,""Marriage Partner""" "#03763,""Gone.""" "#03764,""Second generation can't marry.""" "#03765,""None yet.""" "#03766,""Survey Complete""" "#03767,""I'm back!""" "#03768,""<0> returned from their survey.""" "#03769,""Lifespan +<0>

<pic=money><1>""" "#03770,""Give Up""" "#03771,""<0> was revived!""" "#03772,""Stores in Town""" "#03773,""Go to which store?""" "#03774,""Set skill to:""" "#03775,""=#03745""" "#03776,""Activation Rate""" "#03777,""Skill Changes: <0>/<1>""" "#03778,""Set skills.""" "#03779,""Select skills.""" "#03780,""Free slots: <0>""" "#03781,""Residents outside town""" "#03782,""If you reset now you will lose today's share.""" "#03783,""Log in on <0> more day(s) for the next slot.""" "#03784,""Please come again.""" "#03785,""Get Gifts""" "#03786,""Nice work!""" "#03787,""Wonderful!""" "#03788,""Better luck next time.""" "#03789,""Good luck!""" "#03790,""=#00137""" "#03791,""That's amazing!""" "#03792,""Stop""" "#03793,""Everything starts here!""" "#03794,""I'll do my best!""" "#03795,""Survey Result""" "#03796,""Recall <0>""" "#03797,""=#03055""" "#03798,""Total: <0> min""" "#03799,""Town Stores""" "#03800,""Looked inside the Treasure Chest...""" "#03801,""There's something else in there...""" "#03802,""Got <0> rights x<1>!""" "#03803,""Got <0> x<1>!""" "#03804,""The kingdom can develop even more.""" "#03805,""=#01552""" "#03806,""New people introduced: <0>""" "#03807,""x<0> more for free""" "#03808,""Let's take a look at some other players you could add as friends.""" "#03809,""Trophy""" "#03810,""Received an extra reward.""" "#03811,""Current: <0>""" "#03812,""Acquired!""" "#03813,""Purchase Treasure""" "#03814,""Purchase""" "#03815,""Mystic Treasure: <0>""" "#03816,""Available Mystic Treasure: <0>""" "#03817,""No treasure.""" "#03818,""<bo=1e1e1e>All areas conquered!
Congratulations!</bo>""" "#03819,""Job Spotlight""" "#03820,""Equipment Spotlight""" "#03821,""Facility Spotlight""" "#03822,""Item Spotlight""" "#03823,""Friend Bonus""" "#03824,""Adventurers deployed:""" "#03825,""<0>-only""" "#03826,""Rank <0>+
<1>-only""" "#03827,""Registering...""" "#03828,""No conquest events in progress.""" "#03829,""Failed to get data.
Please reopen the Shop and try again.""" "#03830,""Facility Info""" "#03831,""<0> is now available!""" "#03832,""<0> +<1>. Total: <2>""" "#03833,""Effect Up!""" "#03834,""Mined Energy increased.""" "#03835,""Reel in some new visitors from the ships!""" "#03836,""Workshop lineup was improved!""" "#03837,""=#03647""" "#03838,""Enemies Vanquished""" "#03839,""Total Points""" "#03840,""Total Resident Stats""" "#03841,""Town Rank""" "#03842,""Residents""" "#03843,""Discovered Equipment""" "#03844,""Discovered Items""" "#03845,""Discovered Furniture""" "#03846,""=#03586""" "#03847,""Facilities""" "#03848,""Land Plots""" "#03849,""=#03283""" "#03850,""Discovered Skills""" "#03851,""Top Town Rank""" "#03852,""Town Name 1""" "#03853,""Resident List""" "#03854,""Kingdom Info""" "#03855,""Treasure""" "#03856,""=#03695""" "#03857,""Chat""" "#03858,""Go to Site""" "#03859,""=#03685""" "#03860,""End Game""" "#03861,""No monsters here.""" "#03862,""Too bad, it failed!""" "#03863,""Diamonds weren't spent.""" "#03864,""Use <0> Diamond(s)
to shorten the time?""" "#03865,""Complete""" "#03866,""Current""" "#03867,""In progress""" "#03868,""Possibility: <0><1>""" "#03869,""Monster Farm Expansion
<pic=money><1>""" "#03870,""Vanquished""" "#03871,""First""" "#03872,""Townsfolk: <0>""" "#03873,""Locked.""" "#03874,""Unlocked.""" "#03875,""This is high rank equipment.
Are you sure you want to use it as materials?""" "#03876,""Level limit reached.""" "#03877,""Changed equipment.""" "#03878,""Changed skill.""" "#03879,""No opponents found.
Please try again later.""" "#03880,""Child's Name""" "#03881,""Resident Name""" "#03882,""(<0>-character limit)""" "#03883,""Town Name""" "#03884,""Got treasure!""" "#03885,""Collect with <0>?""" "#03886,""Survey failed!""" "#03887,""+<0> min""" "#03888,""=#03596""" "#03889,""mins """ "#03890,""secs""" "#03891,""<0> <1> more until next survey.""" "#03892,""Max level reached.""" "#03893,""Cannot change basic skills.""" "#03894,""Equipped <0> <1>.""" "#03895,""Add Skill Slots?""" "#03896,""Skill Slots +<0>.""" "#03897,""Cannot remove basic skills.""" "#03898,""Choose competitors.""" "#03899,""Rank Bonus""" "#03900,""Register your current score?""" "#03901,""Registration complete.
Results will be posted tomorrow.""" "#03902,""Got <0> x<1>.
Total: <2>""" "#03903,""=#00904""" "#03904,""No Copper Coin Box in town.""" "#03905,""Hide the following?""" "#03906,""No space in <0>.""" "#03907,""=#01568""" "#03908,""=#00906""" "#03909,""No\tLock Up""" "#03910,""Returning in <0>.""" "#03911,""Spend <0> to speed up?""" "#03912,""Cancel?
Affection will not increase.""" "#03913,""Date""" "#03914,""=#01580""" "#03915,""Here we go!""" "#03916,""<0>'s team
departed for <1>!""" "#03917,""Growth Into Adulthood""" "#03918,""That will exceed the limit.""" "#03919,""Leave without finishing choosing items to use as materials?""" "#03920,""Got <0> x1.
Total: <1>""" "#03921,""Use <0> x<1>
to unlock?
You'll have <2> left.""" "#03922,""Use <0> x<1>
to unlock?""" "#03923,""Can be selected after <0> more minutes.""" "#03924,""Not enough <0>.
Fully replenish?""" "#03925,""Not enough <0>.""" "#03926,""Maximum number of members reached.""" "#03927,""Insufficient funds.
Send <0> x<1> as thanks?""" "#03928,""No\t<pic=money><0>""" "#03929,""New hi-score!
<0> pts""" "#03930,""Use this item?""" "#03931,""Use item on ally?""" "#03932,""Give equipment to ally?""" "#03933,""Give skill to ally?""" "#03934,""Use\tCancel""" "#03935,""Can't use any more.""" "#03936,""Can't use any more types.""" "#03937,""Restocked <0> x<1>.""" "#03938,""=#03925""" "#03939,""No free space in the Storehouse.""" "#03940,""The farm is full.""" "#03941,""Purchased <0> and sent it to the Monster Farm.""" "#03942,""Monarch Name""" "#03943,""Use <0> Diamond(s)?""" "#03944,""No\t+<po=lm><pic=money><0>&<po=rm><bo=fefefe><1></bo>""" "#03945,""=#00653""" "#03946,""Insert Materials""" "#03947,""Cannot use Research Lab.""" "#03948,""Revive
<0>?""" "#03949,""Transfer <1>'s EXP to
<0>?""" "#03950,""Resume all of <0>'s expeditions?
<pic=stamina>: <1>/<2>""" "#03951,""Resume""" "#03952,""Make all adventurers return to town?""" "#03953,""Cancel\tRetreat""" "#03954,""Dismiss <0>?
They won't come back.""" "#03955,""Set.""" "#03956,""Say goodbye to <0>?""" "#03957,""Save failed: <0> <1>.""" "#03958,""Equipped skills will be lost when the character disappears from the town.
Skills can be swapped.""" "#03959,""Use <0>
and collect your rewards?""" "#03960,""View videos\tClose""" "#03961,""Sent <0> to the Storehouse.""" "#03962,""Purchased <0>.
Current: <1>""" "#03963,""Purchase\tBack""" "#03964,""Spend <0> x<1>
to buy <2>""" "#03965,""Return to the kingdom?""" "#03966,""=#02960""" "#03967,""Enemies appear at set times.""" "#03968,""User: <0>""" "#03969,""Max <0>""" "#03970,""Challenge Complete!""" "#03971,""Collect Rewards""" "#03972,""<0>
is under attack!""" "#03973,""Your Profile""" "#03974,""Re-log""" "#03975,""=#02548""" "#03976,""Leave""" "#03977,""Kairo Account""" "#03978,""Logged in""" "#03979,""Left.""" "#03980,""Every day""" "#03981,""Sunday""" "#03982,""Monday""" "#03983,""Tuesday""" "#03984,""Wednesday""" "#03985,""Thursday""" "#03986,""Friday""" "#03987,""Saturday""" "#03988,""0,000G""" "#03989,""Retreated back to town...""" "#03990,""=#02538""" "#03991,""You need more <0>.""" "#03992,""Tapjoy\tShop""" "#03993,""hrs """ "#03994,"" """ "#03995,""Could not start the app.
Enable storage access and start the app again.
*Necessary to save game data.""" "#03996,""An error has occurred. Would you please send the error information to aid in solving the issue?
(*No personal information will be sent.)""" "#03997,""=#00893""" "#03998,""=#00894""" "#03999,""=#00895""" "#04000,""=#00896""" "#04001,""=#00897""" "#04002,""=#00898""" "#04003,""=#01615""" "#04004,""=#01105""" "#04005,""=#02464""" "#04006,""SPD""" "#04007,""LUCK""" "#04008,""INT""" "#04009,""DEX""" "#04010,""Gather""" "#04011,""Move""" "#04012,""Heart""" "#04013,""Life""" "#04014,""Stored Energy:""" "#04015,""Times Used""" "#04016,""=#00905""" "#04017,""Transfers:""" "#04018,""Coin""" "#04019,""=#00895""" "#04020,""MAG""" "#04021,""Stamina""" "#04022,""=#03855""" "#04023,""VIG""" "#04024,""=#03216""" "#04025,""=#04006""" "#04026,""=#04009""" "#04027,""=#04010""" "#04028,""=#04011""" "#04029,""Aff.""" "#04030,""Stamina Stock""" "#04031,""Bury""" "#04032,""=#00653""" "#04033,""Gold""" "#04034,""Silver""" "#04035,""=#01047""" "#04036,""Transfer""" "#04037,""=#03215""" "#04038,""=#03216""" "#04039,""Average""" "#04040,""Move Land""" "#04041,""Demolish Land""" "#04042,""=#03842""" "#04043,""Add an Entrance""" "#04044,""=#02555""" "#04045,""Diamonds:| | Set""" "#04046,""Data updated successfully.""" "#04047,""The server is undergoing maintenance.""" "#04048,""=#02538""" "#04049,""The server is undergoing maintenance.

To receive your purchased items, wait a short time and then restart the app or recover the items from purchase history.""" "#04050,""=#02538""" "#04051,""Other""" "#04052,""Recover Data""" "#04053,""Transfer Data""" "#04054,""Installation Bonus""" "#04055,""=#02540""" "#04056,""Notifications""" "#04057,""Before You Buy""" "#04058,""Diamonds:|""" "#04059,""<0> x<1>""" "#04060,""=#04059""" "#04061,""Time played: +<0> min""" "#04062,""You got a push notification bonus.""" "#04063,""Purchase History""" "#04064,""Purchase Status""" "#04065,""Enable wireless communication and ensure you are connected to the internet, then restart the app.""" "#04066,""=#02538""" "#04067,""=#02538""" "#04068,""Loading""" "#04069,""Syncing Time...""" "#04070,""We will be arriving soon""" "#04071,""Tips 'n' Tricks""" "#04072,""Send a friend request.""" "#04073,""Send\tCancel""" "#04074,""New friend request!""" "#04075,""Accept\tDecline""" "#04076,""Nickname""" "#04077,""Friend ID""" "#04078,""No friends found.
&Please double-check the info entered.""" "#04079,""By the way, <co=ff0000>don't delete this app</co> or all of your friend data will be lost for good.""" "#04080,""Requests""" "#04081,""=#01545""" "#04082,""Register Character""" "#04083,""<0> more until bonus.""" "#04084,""Search for new friends.""" "#04085,""Requests: <0>""" "#04086,""View""" "#04087,""Search Kairo Land Friends""" "#04088,""View Your Character""" "#04089,""Pick one""" "#04090,""Before you play...""" "#04091,""View Terms of Service""" "#04092,""Enter Nickname""" "#04093,""*Can be changed later""" "#04094,""Accept Terms""" "#04095,""Staying""" "#04096,""Search""" "#04097,""You can register up to <0> friends from around the world.
You'll get a bonus based on your friends' total play time when you start up the game.
Ask friends for their IDs to send them friend requests.""" "#04098,""Adding friends will allow you to help out other players in their games.

Start by registering your character.""" "#04099,""Your registered character has been lost.
Please set a new character.""" "#04100,""Keep in mind the other player might have reached the maximum number of friends.""" "#04101,""You cannot use , % \ """"""" "#04102,""Start transfer of game data.""" "#04103,""Recieve Data""" "#04104,""Enter Code""" "#04105,""Latest Version: <0>
Could not find data linked to your Kairo Account.
Restore using this data?""" "#04106,""Enter a data code.""" "#04107,""data code""" "#04108,""<co=3c64c8>◆Transferring Game Data◆""" "#04109,""other platform""" "#04110,""1. Select Send Game Data on your current device and make a note of the displayed data code.
2. Start up the app on the device you want to transfer your data to, select Receive Game Data, enter your password and download the data.
Data codes are valid for 1 week. After transfer, your will no longer be able to play the game on the old device.
Data from <0> to <1>, or can not data migration of different to the language version of the app""" "#04111,""Send Game Data""" "#04112,""Receive Game Data""" "#04113,""Data transfer complete.
Please restart the app.""" "#04114,""=#04059""" "#04115,""Currency sales has started !""" "#04116,""After this, the offer wall will be displayed,""" "#04117,""How to use TapJoy
- Terminate """"Limit Ad Tracking"""" and restart the game.
* Setting app > Privacy > Advertising > Limit Ad Tracking""" "#04118,""Kingdom Adventurers Friend Request""" "#04119,""Let's be friends in Kingdom Adventurers!""" "#04120,""Install Kingdom Adventurers and search for my ID:<0> under """"Friends.""""\nDownload the game here!\n""" "#04121,""=#02538""" "#04122,""=#02538""" "#04123,""Check out Dream House Days for Android and add me to your friends!
My Friend ID: <0>

Get the game here!""" "#04124,""0&Message&You got <0> Diamond(s)&<0>""" "#04125,""Start up the device you want to transfer data to and enter the data code.

Data code: <0>""" "#04126,""Data transfer complete. Please delete this app.
Data code: <0>""" "#04127,""Cancel data transfer.""" "#04128,""Friend Picker""" "#04129,""Tool Box""" "#04130,""Sack of Grass""" "#04131,""Vegetable Pouch""" "#04132,""Seed Pouch""" "#04133,""Wooden Box""" "#04134,""Golden Barrel""" "#04135,""Fruit Pouch""" "#04136,""Meat Pouch""" "#04137,""Seafood Pouch""" "#04138,""Cooking""" "#04139,""Meat""" "#04140,""Products""" "#04141,""Raw Earth_Treasure""" "#04142,""Plains_Treasure""" "#04143,""Desert_Treasure""" "#04144,""Rocky Area_Treasure""" "#04145,""Volcano_Treasure""" "#04146,""Snowfield_Treasure""" "#04147,""Swamp_Treasure""" "#04148,""Water_Treasure""" "#04149,""Special_Treasure""" "#04150,""=#01615""" "#04151,""Blue Treasure Chest""" "#04152,""Black Treasure Chest""" "#04153,""Gold Treasure Chest""" "#04154,""Sunday Rank Bonus""" "#04155,""Monday Rank Bonus""" "#04156,""Tuesday Rank Bonus""" "#04157,""Wednesday Rank Bonus""" "#04158,""Thursday Rank Bonus""" "#04159,""Friday Rank Bonus""" "#04160,""Saturday Rank Bonus""" "#04161,""Battle Bonus""" "#04162,""Treasure Box""" "#04163,""Survey Backpack""" "#04164,""Hours played: <0>""" "#04165,""Town residents: <0>""" "#04166,""Jobs found: <0>""" "#04167,""Facilities built: <0>""" "#04168,""=#03618""" "#04169,""Areas unlocked: <0>""" "#04170,""Missions completed: <0>""" "#04171,""Group items found: <0>""" "#04172,""Items discovered: <0>""" "#04173,""Monster types defeated: <0>""" "#04174,""Fog clouds dispelled: <0>""" "#04175,""Town Halls built: <0>""" "#04176,""Teams deployed: <0>""" "#04177,""Items stored: <0>""" "#04178,""Friends registered: <0>""" "#04179,""Treasure chests analyzed: <0>""" "#04180,""Research projects completed: <0>""" "#04181,""Residents housed: <0>""" "#04182,""Treasure chests stored: <0>""" "#04183,""Skills discovered: <0>""" "#04184,""Caverns cleared: <0>""" "#04185,""Monsters hatched: <0>""" "#04186,""Monsters tamed: <0>""" "#04187,""Bugs collected: <0>""" "#04188,""Fish caught: <0>""" "#04189,""Art objects collected: <0>""" "#04190,""Animals collected: <0>""" "#04191,""Gold coins collected: <0>""" "#04192,""Children born: <0>""" "#04193,""Greetings. I am the royal advisor.""" "#04194,""Let's get building!""" "#04195,""Next, select a spot for this one.""" "#04196,""Let's build the land.""" "#04197,""Ah, a fine plot of land. I suggest we present it to the monarch.""" "#04198,""Present the lot to the monarch.""" "#04199,""Next, we'll need a place to store all that treasure from your adventures.""" "#04200,""Build 2 Storehouses.""" "#04201,""Construction on this scale will require more manpower.""" "#04202,""Recruit 3 townsfolk.""" "#04203,""How's this for a construction goal?""" "#04204,""Build a Storehouse and a Royal Room.""" "#04205,""You'll need this to get the Royal Room up and running.""" "#04206,""Tap the Royal Room furniture.""" "#04207,""Next we'll be needing a Castle Gate to mark out our territory.""" "#04208,""Build a Castle Gate.""" "#04209,""There could be all kinds of treasure waiting to be discovered out there.""" "#04210,""Send a troop out on a quest.""" "#04211,""Let's see how they do. By the way, I'd like to recommend you this.""" "#04212,""Why not try to speed up the time?""" "#04213,""Wow, you've maxed out your Rank Points! Nice work.""" "#04214,""Increase your rank.""" "#04215,""Research is a great way to improve the kingdom.""" "#04216,""Recruit a Researcher.""" "#04217,""That's your second Town Hall. Great going!""" "#04218,""Build a Town Hall.""" "#04219,""Time to crack open those chests and see what kind of treasure's inside.""" "#04220,""Build a Treasure Lab.""" "#04221,""We'll be needing some more facilities to perform better research.""" "#04222,""Build a Research Lab.""" "#04223,""All the preparations are in place. Let's get started right away!""" "#04224,""Perform some research.""" "#04225,""It seems our kingdom's looking rather underpopulated. Let's see if some adventurers would like to move in.""" "#04226,""Meet adventurers.""" "#04227,""Some of our townsfolk have low HP...""" "#04228,""Build some Recovery Facilities.""" "#04229,""Now let's buckle down and help our residents improve themselves.""" "#04230,""Train your townsfolk.""" "#04231,""We've collected some food. Let's put it to good use.""" "#04232,""Help your townsfolk grow.""" "#04233,""A strange cave has been discovered just outside town.""" "#04234,""Select and conquer the cave.""" "#04235,""An ominous shadow has appeared... It must be a Boss!""" "#04236,""Take out the Boss.""" "#04237,""Residents out on a quest are waiting for orders.""" "#04238,""Let's try sending them to a new location.""" "#04239,""Nice work, you've acquired a Stable.""" "#04240,""Build a Stable.""" "#04241,""The new area has a port!""" "#04242,""Build 5-6 Signs to the town.""" "#04243,""We're ready to open the port!""" "#04244,""Charter a ship and invite some tourists.""" "#04245,""You could have more residents move into your existing rooms.""" "#04246,""Place a Bed.""" "#04247,""That attack really did a number on the town.""" "#04248,""Some defensive walls will help keep us safe.""" "#04249,""We've established a second town!""" "#04250,""Develop a second town.""" "#04251,""Go to your second town.""" "#04252,""Go to your second kingdom.""" "#04253,""You'll need special items to increase your rank.""" "#04254,""Collect lots of different items.""" "#04255,""We need to prepare for the next time the town gets attacked.""" "#04256,""Level up your Castle Walls.""" "#04257,""You're getting a lot of <pic=grass> now.
You're going to need a Storehouse.""" "#04258,""Carry out <pic=grass> Storehouse research.""" "#04259,""You're getting a lot of <pic=food> now.
You're going to need a Storehouse.""" "#04260,""Carry out <pic=food> Storehouse research.""" "#04261,""You're getting a lot of <pic=wood> now.
You're going to need a Storehouse.""" "#04262,""Carry out <pic=wood> Storehouse research.""" "#04263,""You're getting a lot of <pic=iron> now.
You're going to need a Storehouse.""" "#04264,""Carry out <pic=iron> Storehouse research.""" "#04265,""You're getting a lot of <pic=magic> now.
You're going to need a Storehouse.""" "#04266,""Carry out <pic=magic> Storehouse research.""" "#04267,""We're running out of energy fast.
Something like this could be useful.""" "#04268,""Carry out Energy Pump and Storehouse research.""" "#04269,""Your researchers had a breakthrough!""" "#04270,""Carry out Road research.""" "#04271,""Carry out Well research.""" "#04272,""Carry out Hearth research.""" "#04273,""Carry out Rest Stop research.""" "#04274,""Carry out Bench research.""" "#04275,""We need more space for all this treasure.""" "#04276,""Carry out Treasure Storehouse research.""" "#04277,""We need more space for all these items.""" "#04278,""Carry out Item Storehouse research.""" "#04279,""=#02651""" "#04280,""Carry out Field research.""" "#04281,""=#02652""" "#04282,""Carry out Afforestation research.""" "#04283,""Send residents on a quest to dispel the fog.""" "#04284,""We should explore some new places.""" "#04285,""Great, we got some copper coinage!""" "#04286,""Place a Copper Coin Box.""" "#04287,""Great, we got some silver coinage!""" "#04288,""Place a Silver Coin Box.""" "#04289,""Great, we got some gold coinage!""" "#04290,""Place a Gold Coin Box.""" "#04291,""The kingdom's producing more and more weapons.""" "#04292,""Change your allies' equipment.""" "#04293,""Great work, you've learned a new skill.""" "#04294,""Take a look at your available skills.""" "#04295,""Looks like you've recruited a farmer.""" "#04296,""Build a Farmyard.""" "#04297,""A splendid-looking farm!""" "#04298,""Place some Feed outside the town.""" "#04299,""I say! That monster left something behind.""" "#04300,""Build an Egg Storehouse.""" "#04301,""I wonder what'll hatch from this egg? Let's try incubating it in town.""" "#04302,""Carry out Monster Room research.""" "#04303,""This store still has room to grow. How about placing some more shelves?""" "#04304,""Add more shelves to the store.""" "#04305,""=#02653""" "#04306,""Deploy your adventurers and search for <pic=food>.""" "#04307,""=#02654""" "#04308,""Deploy your adventurers and search for <pic=iron>.""" "#04309,""=#02655""" "#04310,""Deploy your adventurers and search for <pic=magic>.""" "#04311,""Great, we got access to a Mine.""" "#04312,""Equip the right skill and get the mine up and running.""" "#04313,""Great, we got access to a Mystic Mine.""" "#04314,""=#04312""" "#04315,""Congrats, you made some new friends!""" "#04316,""Place a bed for your friends to use.""" "#04317,""Nice work, you've acquired a Wasteland Guide.""" "#04318,""Build a Wasteland Guide.""" "#04319,""Nice work, you've acquired an Expedition Hut.""" "#04320,""Build an Expedition Hut.""" "#04321,""Nice work, you've acquired a Tree Nursery.""" "#04322,""Build a Tree Nursery.""" "#04323,""Nice work, you've acquired a Tool Workshop.""" "#04324,""Build a Tool Workshop.""" "#04325,""Nice work, you've acquired an Ore Refinery.""" "#04326,""Build an Ore Refinery.""" "#04327,""Nice work, you've acquired a Cooking Counter.""" "#04328,""Build a Cooking Counter.""" "#04329,""Nice work, you've acquired a Monster Statue.""" "#04330,""Build a Monster Statue.""" "#04331,""Nice work, you've acquired a Monster-Repelling Orb.""" "#04332,""Build a Monster-Repelling Orb.""" "#04333,""Nice work, you've acquired a Monster-Repelling Sword.""" "#04334,""Build a Monster-Repelling Sword.""" "#04335,""Nice work, you've acquired a Monster-Repelling Slate.""" "#04336,""Build a Monster-Repelling Slate.""" "#04337,""We've come a long way. We finally have a Weapon Shop.""" "#04338,""The Weapon Shop's ready.""" "#04339,""We've come a long way. We finally have an Armor Shop.""" "#04340,""The Armor Shop's ready.""" "#04341,""We've come a long way. We finally have an Item Shop.""" "#04342,""The Item Shop's ready.""" "#04343,""We've come a long way. We finally have a Furniture Shop.""" "#04344,""The Furniture Shop's ready.""" "#04345,""We've come a long way. We finally have a Skills Dojo.""" "#04346,""The Skills Dojo's ready.""" "#04347,""We've come a long way. We finally have an Inn.""" "#04348,""The Inn's ready.""" "#04349,""We've come a long way. We finally have a Restaurant.""" "#04350,""The Restaurant's ready.""" "#04351,""We've come a long way. We finally have an Accessory Shop.""" "#04352,""The Accessory Shop's ready.""" "#04353,""We've come a long way. We finally have a Recovery Room.""" "#04354,""The Recovery Room's ready.""" "#04355,""We've come a long way. We finally have an Analysis Lab.""" "#04356,""The Analysis Lab's ready.""" "#04357,""We've come a long way. We finally have a Research Lab.""" "#04358,""The Research Lab's ready.""" "#04359,""We've come a long way. We finally have a Hospital.""" "#04360,""The Hospital's ready.""" "#04361,""We've come a long way. We finally have a Church.""" "#04362,""The Church's ready.""" "#04363,""We'll be needing folk of all sorts of occupations if we really want to help this town grow.""" "#04364,""Let's hire a few when we get the chance.""" "#04365,""My liege! A new area has been discovered!""" "#04366,""The people there are surely crying out for peace.""" "#04367,""My liege! A new type of dwelling has been discovered!""" "#04368,""Let's make houses for our carpenters and other craftsmen.""" "#04369,""We've come a long way. We finally have a Survey Corps HQ.""" "#04370,""The Survey Corps HQ's ready.""" "#04371,""Nice work, you've acquired a Chaos Stone.""" "#04372,""Place the Chaos Stone.""" "#04373,""Nice work, you can now reclaim land.""" "#04374,""Reclaim the land on the shore.""" "#04375,""Good heavens! You've acquired a High Grade Storehouse (Grass)!""" "#04376,""Let's see how this new storehouse holds up.""" "#04377,""Good heavens! You've acquired a High Grade Storehouse (Wood)!""" "#04378,""Good heavens! You've acquired a High Grade Storehouse (Food)!""" "#04379,""Good heavens! You've acquired a High Grade Storehouse (Ore)!""" "#04380,""Good heavens! You've acquired a High Grade Storehouse (Mystic Ore)!""" "#04381,""Good heavens! You've acquired a High Grade Storehouse (Energy)!""" "#04382,""Good heavens! You've acquired a High Grade Storehouse (Treasure)!""" "#04383,""Good heavens! You've acquired a High Grade Storehouse (Items)!""" "#04384,""Good heavens! You've acquired a High Grade Storehouse (Eggs)!""" "#04385,""You've been rising through the ranks at a good pace.""" "#04386,""How about we work on increasing your maximum rank now?""" "#04387,""Build a High Rank Farmhouse.""" "#04388,""Nice work, you've acquired a new Cash Register.""" "#04389,""Replace the old Register.""" "#04390,""Santa's here! Proof positive that our kingdom is becoming a big deal.""" "#04391,""Prepare a house for Santa Claus.""" "#04392,""He seems comfortable there, but what's Santa without his reindeer?""" "#04393,""Carry out Reindeer research.""" "#04394,""You got a present for getting those three reindeer together!""" "#04395,""Take a look at your new equipment.""" "#04396,""My liege! A daunting new area has been discovered!""" "#04397,""I can hear the call of adventure already!""" "#04398,""Ah, some of our residents seem to have high Affection.""" "#04399,""Let's build a Church for them to take their relationship to the next level.""" "#04400,""One of our married couples is expecting!""" "#04401,""Build a Baby Crib""" "#04402,""It takes a village to raise a child, so they say. We'd better make sure ours is up to snuff.""" "#04403,""Build a Day Care""" "#04404,""A whole new generation of residents is being born!""" "#04405,""Build an Airfield""" "#04406,""Offering different types of resources may entice other travelers to stay here.""" "#04407,""Build a Resource Center""" "#04408,""A new industry has been discovered!""" "#04409,""We can expect great things from the people who work here.""" "#04410,""Simply marvelous! A royal child has been born.""" "#04411,""The Studio's ready.""" "#04412,""The Insectarium's ready.""" "#04413,""The Aquarium's ready.""" "#04414,""The Zoo's ready.""" "#04415,""The Museum's ready.""" "#04416,""Water of Life #1""" "#04417,""Increases all residents' HP by 10.""" "#04418,""=MID(#04416,1,-1)&'2'""" "#04419,""=MID(#04416,1,-1)&'3'""" "#04420,""=MID(#04416,1,-1)&'4'""" "#04421,""=MID(#04416,1,-1)&'5'""" "#04422,""=MID(#04416,1,-1)&'6'""" "#04423,""=MID(#04416,1,-1)&'7'""" "#04424,""=MID(#04416,1,-1)&'8'""" "#04425,""=MID(#04416,1,-1)&'9'""" "#04426,""=MID(#04416,1,-1)&'10'""" "#04427,""=MID(#04416,1,-1)&'11'""" "#04428,""=MID(#04416,1,-1)&'12'""" "#04429,""=MID(#04416,1,-1)&'13'""" "#04430,""=MID(#04416,1,-1)&'14'""" "#04431,""=MID(#04416,1,-1)&'15'""" "#04432,""=MID(#04416,1,-1)&'16'""" "#04433,""=MID(#04416,1,-1)&'17'""" "#04434,""=MID(#04416,1,-1)&'18'""" "#04435,""=MID(#04416,1,-1)&'19'""" "#04436,""=MID(#04416,1,-1)&'20'""" "#04437,""Water of Wisdom #1""" "#04438,""Increases all residents' MP by 10.""" "#04439,""=MID(#04437,1,-1)&'2'""" "#04440,""=MID(#04437,1,-1)&'3'""" "#04441,""=MID(#04437,1,-1)&'4'""" "#04442,""=MID(#04437,1,-1)&'5'""" "#04443,""=MID(#04437,1,-1)&'6'""" "#04444,""=MID(#04437,1,-1)&'7'""" "#04445,""=MID(#04437,1,-1)&'8'""" "#04446,""=MID(#04437,1,-1)&'9'""" "#04447,""=MID(#04437,1,-1)&'10'""" "#04448,""=MID(#04437,1,-1)&'11'""" "#04449,""=MID(#04437,1,-1)&'12'""" "#04450,""=MID(#04437,1,-1)&'13'""" "#04451,""=MID(#04437,1,-1)&'14'""" "#04452,""=MID(#04437,1,-1)&'15'""" "#04453,""=MID(#04437,1,-1)&'16'""" "#04454,""=MID(#04437,1,-1)&'17'""" "#04455,""=MID(#04437,1,-1)&'18'""" "#04456,""=MID(#04437,1,-1)&'19'""" "#04457,""=MID(#04437,1,-1)&'20'""" "#04458,""Water of Vitality #1""" "#04459,""Increases all residents' Vigor by 10.""" "#04460,""=MID(#04458,1,-1)&'2'""" "#04461,""=MID(#04458,1,-1)&'3'""" "#04462,""=MID(#04458,1,-1)&'4'""" "#04463,""=MID(#04458,1,-1)&'5'""" "#04464,""=MID(#04458,1,-1)&'6'""" "#04465,""=MID(#04458,1,-1)&'7'""" "#04466,""=MID(#04458,1,-1)&'8'""" "#04467,""=MID(#04458,1,-1)&'9'""" "#04468,""=MID(#04458,1,-1)&'10'""" "#04469,""=MID(#04458,1,-1)&'11'""" "#04470,""=MID(#04458,1,-1)&'12'""" "#04471,""=MID(#04458,1,-1)&'13'""" "#04472,""=MID(#04458,1,-1)&'14'""" "#04473,""=MID(#04458,1,-1)&'15'""" "#04474,""=MID(#04458,1,-1)&'16'""" "#04475,""=MID(#04458,1,-1)&'17'""" "#04476,""=MID(#04458,1,-1)&'18'""" "#04477,""=MID(#04458,1,-1)&'19'""" "#04478,""=MID(#04458,1,-1)&'20'""" "#04479,""Water of Might #1""" "#04480,""Increases all residents' ATK by 10.""" "#04481,""=MID(#04479,1,-1)&'2'""" "#04482,""=MID(#04479,1,-1)&'3'""" "#04483,""=MID(#04479,1,-1)&'4'""" "#04484,""=MID(#04479,1,-1)&'5'""" "#04485,""=MID(#04479,1,-1)&'6'""" "#04486,""=MID(#04479,1,-1)&'7'""" "#04487,""=MID(#04479,1,-1)&'8'""" "#04488,""=MID(#04479,1,-1)&'9'""" "#04489,""=MID(#04479,1,-1)&'10'""" "#04490,""=MID(#04479,1,-1)&'11'""" "#04491,""=MID(#04479,1,-1)&'12'""" "#04492,""=MID(#04479,1,-1)&'13'""" "#04493,""=MID(#04479,1,-1)&'14'""" "#04494,""=MID(#04479,1,-1)&'15'""" "#04495,""=MID(#04479,1,-1)&'16'""" "#04496,""=MID(#04479,1,-1)&'17'""" "#04497,""=MID(#04479,1,-1)&'18'""" "#04498,""=MID(#04479,1,-1)&'19'""" "#04499,""=MID(#04479,1,-1)&'20'""" "#04500,""Water of Resilience #1""" "#04501,""Increases all residents' DEF by 10.""" "#04502,""=MID(#04500,1,-1)&'2'""" "#04503,""=MID(#04500,1,-1)&'3'""" "#04504,""=MID(#04500,1,-1)&'4'""" "#04505,""=MID(#04500,1,-1)&'5'""" "#04506,""=MID(#04500,1,-1)&'6'""" "#04507,""=MID(#04500,1,-1)&'7'""" "#04508,""=MID(#04500,1,-1)&'8'""" "#04509,""=MID(#04500,1,-1)&'9'""" "#04510,""=MID(#04500,1,-1)&'10'""" "#04511,""=MID(#04500,1,-1)&'11'""" "#04512,""=MID(#04500,1,-1)&'12'""" "#04513,""=MID(#04500,1,-1)&'13'""" "#04514,""=MID(#04500,1,-1)&'14'""" "#04515,""=MID(#04500,1,-1)&'15'""" "#04516,""=MID(#04500,1,-1)&'16'""" "#04517,""=MID(#04500,1,-1)&'17'""" "#04518,""=MID(#04500,1,-1)&'18'""" "#04519,""=MID(#04500,1,-1)&'19'""" "#04520,""=MID(#04500,1,-1)&'20'""" "#04521,""Ancient Blueprints #1""" "#04522,""Increase all facilities' Max Durability by 10.""" "#04523,""=MID(#04521,1,-1)&'2'""" "#04524,""=MID(#04521,1,-1)&'3'""" "#04525,""=MID(#04521,1,-1)&'4'""" "#04526,""=MID(#04521,1,-1)&'5'""" "#04527,""=MID(#04521,1,-1)&'6'""" "#04528,""=MID(#04521,1,-1)&'7'""" "#04529,""=MID(#04521,1,-1)&'8'""" "#04530,""=MID(#04521,1,-1)&'9'""" "#04531,""=MID(#04521,1,-1)&'10'""" "#04532,""=MID(#04521,1,-1)&'11'""" "#04533,""=MID(#04521,1,-1)&'12'""" "#04534,""=MID(#04521,1,-1)&'13'""" "#04535,""=MID(#04521,1,-1)&'14'""" "#04536,""=MID(#04521,1,-1)&'15'""" "#04537,""=MID(#04521,1,-1)&'16'""" "#04538,""=MID(#04521,1,-1)&'17'""" "#04539,""=MID(#04521,1,-1)&'18'""" "#04540,""=MID(#04521,1,-1)&'19'""" "#04541,""=MID(#04521,1,-1)&'20'""" "#04542,""=MID(#04521,1,-1)&'21'""" "#04543,""=MID(#04521,1,-1)&'22'""" "#04544,""=MID(#04521,1,-1)&'23'""" "#04545,""Pioneer's Map #1""" "#04546,""Reduces resources used on quests by 5%.""" "#04547,""=MID(#04545,1,-1)&'2'""" "#04548,""=MID(#04545,1,-1)&'3'""" "#04549,""=MID(#04545,1,-1)&'4'""" "#04550,""=MID(#04545,1,-1)&'5'""" "#04551,""=MID(#04545,1,-1)&'6'""" "#04552,""Master Craftsman's Tools #1""" "#04553,""Reduce resources used when building by 5%.""" "#04554,""=MID(#04552,1,-1)&'2'""" "#04555,""=MID(#04552,1,-1)&'3'""" "#04556,""=MID(#04552,1,-1)&'4'""" "#04557,""=MID(#04552,1,-1)&'5'""" "#04558,""=MID(#04552,1,-1)&'6'""" "#04559,""Know-How Journal #1""" "#04560,""Reduces time needed for researching or leveling up by 5%.""" "#04561,""=MID(#04559,1,-1)&'2'""" "#04562,""=MID(#04559,1,-1)&'3'""" "#04563,""=MID(#04559,1,-1)&'4'""" "#04564,""=MID(#04559,1,-1)&'5'""" "#04565,""=MID(#04559,1,-1)&'6'""" "#04566,""Diamond Guide #1""" "#04567,""Reduces Diamond consumption by 2%.""" "#04568,""=MID(#04566,1,-1)&'2'""" "#04569,""=MID(#04566,1,-1)&'3'""" "#04570,""=MID(#04566,1,-1)&'4'""" "#04571,""=MID(#04566,1,-1)&'5'""" "#04572,""Book of Awakening #1""" "#04573,""Increases all residents' Awakening Limit by 5.""" "#04574,""=MID(#04572,1,-1)&'2'""" "#04575,""=MID(#04572,1,-1)&'3'""" "#04576,""=MID(#04572,1,-1)&'4'""" "#04577,""=MID(#04572,1,-1)&'5'""" "#04578,""Town Building Textbook #1""" "#04579,""Increases max town rank by 5.""" "#04580,""=MID(#04578,1,-1)&'2'""" "#04581,""=MID(#04578,1,-1)&'3'""" "#04582,""=MID(#04578,1,-1)&'4'""" "#04583,""=MID(#04578,1,-1)&'5'""" "#04584,""=MID(#04578,1,-1)&'6'""" "#04585,""=MID(#04578,1,-1)&'7'""" "#04586,""=MID(#04578,1,-1)&'8'""" "#04587,""=MID(#04578,1,-1)&'9'""" "#04588,""=MID(#04578,1,-1)&'10'""" "#04589,""=MID(#04578,1,-1)&'11'""" "#04590,""=MID(#04578,1,-1)&'12'""" "#04591,""=MID(#04578,1,-1)&'13'""" "#04592,""=MID(#04578,1,-1)&'14'""" "#04593,""Military Training Manual #1""" "#04594,""Increases party size for boss battles and online conquests.""" "#04595,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'2'""" "#04596,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'3'""" "#04597,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'4'""" "#04598,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'5'""" "#04599,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'6'""" "#04600,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'7'""" "#04601,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'8'""" "#04602,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'9'""" "#04603,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'10'""" "#04604,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'11'""" "#04605,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'12'""" "#04606,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'13'""" "#04607,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'14'""" "#04608,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'15'""" "#04609,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'16'""" "#04610,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'17'""" "#04611,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'18'""" "#04612,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'19'""" "#04613,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'20'""" "#04614,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'21'""" "#04615,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'22'""" "#04616,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'23'""" "#04617,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'24'""" "#04618,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'25'""" "#04619,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'26'""" "#04620,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'27'""" "#04621,""=MID(#04593,1,-1)&'28'""" "#04622,""Legendary Expedition Map #1""" "#04623,""Increases party size for cave conquests.""" "#04624,""=MID(#04622,1,-1)&'2'""" "#04625,""=MID(#04622,1,-1)&'3'""" "#04626,""=MID(#04622,1,-1)&'4'""" "#04627,""=MID(#04622,1,-1)&'5'""" "#04628,""=MID(#04622,1,-1)&'6'""" "#04629,""=MID(#04622,1,-1)&'7'""" "#04630,""=MID(#04622,1,-1)&'8'""" "#04631,""=MID(#04622,1,-1)&'9'""" "#04632,""=MID(#04622,1,-1)&'10'""" "#04633,""=MID(#04622,1,-1)&'11'""" "#04634,""=MID(#04622,1,-1)&'12'""" "#04635,""=MID(#04622,1,-1)&'13'""" "#04636,""=MID(#04622,1,-1)&'14'""" "#04637,""=MID(#04622,1,-1)&'15'""" "#04638,""=MID(#04622,1,-1)&'16'""" "#04639,""=MID(#04622,1,-1)&'17'""" "#04640,""=MID(#04622,1,-1)&'18'""" "#04641,""Construction Hints #1""" "#04642,""Increase the number of facilities you can build at the same time.""" "#04643,""=MID(#04641,1,-1)&'2'""" "#04644,""=MID(#04641,1,-1)&'3'""" "#04645,""=MID(#04641,1,-1)&'4'""" "#04646,""=MID(#04641,1,-1)&'5'""" "#04647,""=MID(#04641,1,-1)&'6'""" "#04648,""=MID(#04641,1,-1)&'7'""" "#04649,""=MID(#04641,1,-1)&'8'""" "#04650,""=MID(#04641,1,-1)&'9'""" "#04651,""=MID(#04641,1,-1)&'10'""" "#04652,""=MID(#04641,1,-1)&'11'""" "#04653,""=MID(#04641,1,-1)&'12'""" "#04654,""=MID(#04641,1,-1)&'13'""" "#04655,""=MID(#04641,1,-1)&'14'""" "#04656,""=MID(#04641,1,-1)&'15'""" "#04657,""=MID(#04641,1,-1)&'16'""" "#04658,""=MID(#04572,1,-1)&'6'""" "#04659,""Increases all residents' Awakening Limit by 1.""" "#04660,""畫面會變寬
可以<co=60,100,200>橫向旋轉</co>了""" "#04661,""廣告也成功刪除了!""" "#04662,""You can also rotate the display if your device supports it! Toggle this on or off via \""""System\"""" > \""""Options.\""""""" "#04663,""體驗不一樣的畫面
繼續經營旅館吧!""" "#04664,""請在可以連線的環境下確認電波後再次啟動。\n無法連線的場合下會出現無法使用部分功能的狀況。""" "#04665,""訊息""" "#04666,""=#04665""" "#04667,""連線中""" "#04668,""=#02549""" "#04669,""=#00115""" "#04670,""售完""" "#04671,""呵呵呵。\n要哪一個呢""" "#04672,""連線失敗""" "#04673,""購買道具""" "#04674,""閱讀使用規約(必讀)""" "#04675,""同意規約並前往商店""" "#04676,""購買之後重開遊戲便能獲得""" "#04677,""前往購買""" "#04678,""同意規約並前往購買""" "#04679,""報告""" "#04680,""Your reward is here!""" "#04681,""要進入哪一家店""" "#04682,""阿南商會""" "#04683,""票卷商店""" "#04684,""唉呀……
和本部之間<co=60,100,200>連線失敗</co>了""" "#04685,""請確認電波和連線狀態後
再次來店……""" "#04686,""就能看到優質商品陳列出來。""" "#04687,""恭候再次光臨。""" "#04688,""這裡是販賣
世界級稀有票卷的店。""" "#04689,""價格高昂,購買前請考慮清楚喔。""" "#04690,""呵呵呵。""" "#04691,""=#00115""" "#04692,""啊──很可惜
請看看其他商品。""" "#04693,""票卷超過最大張數<0>。""" "#04694,""唉呀,您眼光真好。""" "#04695,""這是<co=60,100,200>用現實金錢購買</co>的優質商品。""" "#04696,""小孩子要在<co=60,100,200>監護人</co>確認之後才可購買,呵呵呵。""" "#04697,""我會一直在店裡的,歡迎經常光臨。""" "#04698,""=#00084""" "#04699,""=#03350""" "#04700,""遊戲時間 <0>小時<1>分""" "#04701,""=#03410""" "#04702,""最多可登錄
並申請好友吧。""" "#04703,""=#04076""" "#04704,""暱稱""" "#04705,""請輸入暱稱""" "#04706,""請勿留下空白""" "#04707,""存在無法使用的文字""" "#04708,""好友ID""" "#04709,""好友ID""" "#04710,""請輸入好友ID""" "#04711,""恭喜!獲得新的<co=60,100,200>好友</co>並獲得獎勵!""" "#04712,""一起遊玩的話今後也能獲得獎勵喔!""" "#04713,""另外,<co=255,0,0>請勿刪除App</co>。一旦刪除就會連好友都一併消失。""" "#04714,""進行遊戲前""" "#04715,""請輸入您的暱稱""" "#04716,""輕觸這裡""" "#04717,""※之後可以變更※""" "#04718,""=#02549""" "#04719,""請輸入新的暱稱""" "#04720,""<0> <1>小時<2>分""" "#04721,""上次啟動時""" "#04722,""累計""" "#04723,""<0>小時<1>分""" "#04724,""送來申請。""" "#04725,""其他<0>件""" "#04726,""尋找好友""" "#04727,""好友說明""" "#04728,""告知ID""" "#04729,""您的ID在此(請輕觸)""" "#04730,""在此搜尋""" "#04731,""在此輸入""" "#04732,""=#04096""" "#04733,""=#04665""" "#04734,""得到認可前需要耐心等候""" "#04735,""=#03370""" "#04736,""=#02982""" "#04737,""已申請。""" "#04738,""獲得許可前請耐心等候。""" "#04739,""=#04665""" "#04740,""=#02568""" "#04741,""對應之前請耐心等候。""" "#04742,""承認""" "#04743,""=#03417""" "#04744,""承認好友""" "#04745,""增加好友""" "#04746,""<co=0070FF><0></co>
已承認。""" "#04747,""進行遊戲有機會獲得獎勵""" "#04748,""※不會通知對方※""" "#04749,""刪除""" "#04750,""=#02551""" "#04751,""刪除<0>\n嗎?""" "#04752,""關於好友""" "#04753,""好友獎勵(每<0>分)""" "#04754,""從好友那取得 <co=254,233,1><0></co>小時<co=254,233,1><1></co>分""" "#04755,""(最大)""" "#04756,""收取""" "#04757,""下次""" "#04758,""=#03823""" "#04759,""獲得<co=0070FF>票卷<0>張</co>
""" "#04760,""=#03823""" "#04761,""好友增加<co=254,233,1><0>人</co>!""" "#04762,""<co=0,128,255><0></co>
成為好友了!""" "#04763,""無法連線。|請確認時間|稍後片刻再挑戰。好友最多可以登錄<friend_max>人""" "#04764,""請輸入支援專用\n商店碼。""" "#04765,""商店碼""" "#04766,""接收存檔數據""" "#04767,""請輸入支援專用\n客服碼。""" "#04768,""客服碼""" "#04769,""推薦App情報""" "#04770,""返回標題畫面""" "#04771,""介紹朋友此App""" "#04772,""無法登錄0P""" "#04773,""無法登錄<0>""" "#04774,""進行App改版""" "#04775,""認證失敗。請設定購買時的帳號,並確認電波狀態。""" "#04776,""請設定購買時的帳號,並確認電波狀態。""" "#04777,""橫式畫面""" "#04778,""可在正式版當中使用!!""" "#04779,""根據系統方面的因素無法使用 <0> """ "#04780,""請輸入<0>""" "#04781,""=#04068""" "#04782,""讀取失敗""" "#04783,""開始""" "#04784,""儲存格""" "#04785,""=#03951""" "#04786,""讀取記錄""" "#04787,""沒有中斷記錄""" "#04788,""=#03389""" "#04789,""<0>年""" "#04790,""<0>月 <1>週""" "#04791,""根據系統方面的因素無法使用 / | < > \""" "#04792,""請選擇記錄""" "#04793,""沒有記錄""" "#04794,""關於此遊戲""" "#04795,""最高過關點數""" "#04796,""=#03641""" "#04797,""=#03641""" "#04798,""正式版""" "#04799,""最高得分
可在正式版使用!!""" "#04800,""辛苦您了。
Lite版的內容於此結束。""" "#04801,""之後可以連接到正式版網站。""" "#04802,""那麼我們以後再見吧。""" "#04803,""<0>最新號
發售了""" "#04804,""=#02552""" "#04805,""=#02553""" "#04806,""系統""" "#04807,""=#02555""" "#04808,""變更設定""" "#04809,""=#04727""" "#04810,""最高得分""" "#04811,""=#02550""" "#04812,""繼續遊玩""" "#04813,""=#03689""" "#04814,""建築""" "#04815,""情報""" "#04816,""=#01613""" "#04817,""回標題畫面""" "#04818,""小計 <0>P""" "#04819,""=#03686""" "#04820,""=#03350""" "#04821,""=#03350""" "#04822,""=#03350""" "#04823,""遊戲儲存中""" "#04824,""對話框""" "#04825,""=#00655""" "#04826,""=#04808""" "#04827,""畫面""" "#04828,""速度""" "#04829,""BGM""" "#04830,""效果音""" "#04831,""轉動畫面""" "#04832,""畫質優先""" "#04833,""速度優先""" "#04834,""高速""" "#04835,""=#03079""" "#04836,""=#02541""" "#04837,""=#03538""" "#04838,""若以速度為優先的話""" "#04839,""會刪除一部份的演出和顯示""" "#04840,""變更遊戲的運作速度""" "#04841,""遊戲破關後可以變更""" "#04842,""設定遊戲畫面""" "#04843,""配合裝置的擺放來轉動""" "#04844,""設定遊戲中的音量""" "#04846,""前往Kairo公園""" "#04847,""=#04846""" "#04848,""過關點數""" "#04849,""計算過關點數""" "#04850,""=#02567""" "#04851,""維持/月""" "#04852,""基本""" "#04853,""加成""" "#04854,""合計""" "#04855,""加成""" "#04856,""男士""" "#04857,""女士""" "#04858,""<0>月""" "#04859,""=#04851""" "#04860,""<0>/月""" "#04861,""=#03641""" "#04862,""=#03555""" "#04863,""=#03342""" "#04864,""=#03491""" "#04865,""=#03865""" "#04866,""=#03867""" "#04867,""完成 <0>個""" "#04868,""<0> <1>月號""" "#04869,""道具一覽""" "#04870,""=#03491""" "#04871,""=#04869""" "#04872,""=#04015""" "#04873,""=#03350""" "#04874,""=#03350""" "#04875,""概要""" "#04876,""期間""" "#04877,""費用""" "#04878,""名稱""" "#04879,""=#03217""" "#04880,""=#03847""" "#04881,""=#02542""" "#04882,""全部設施""" "#04883,""=#03239""" "#04884,""會覆蓋掉目前這個記錄""" "#04885,""會刪除掉目前這個記錄""" "#04886,""遊戲儲存完畢""" "#04887,""拖曳畫面並選擇想要建造的場所。按住設施來移動的話可以進行更細微的調整。""" "#04888,""已經設定""" "#04889,""資金不足""" "#04890,""獲得臨時收入 <co=000080><0></co>""" "#04891,""開始跟隨該人。
之後再輕觸一次該人就可以看到詳細情報。""" "#04892,""正在建築<0>""" "#04893,""拆除『<0>』""" "#04894,""要拆除到哪裡?""" "#04895,""要從哪開始鋪設<0>?""" "#04896,""要鋪設到哪裡?""" "#04897,""春""" "#04898,""夏""" "#04899,""秋""" "#04900,""冬""" "#04901,""『<co=008000><0></co>』完成""" "#04902,""支付<0> 維持費""" "#04903,""Kairo新聞""" "#04904,""前往Kairo公園""" "#04905,""前往App介紹頁面""" "#04906,""結束遊戲並""" "#04907,""連線至Kairo公園""" "#04908,""連線至App介紹頁面""" "#04909,""=#02549""" "#04910,""結束遊戲""" "#04911,""遊戲的最新情報""" "#04912,""可在Kairo公園獲得""" "#04913,""貨幣單位""" "#04914,""日圓""" "#04915,""美金""" "#04916,""可以變更金錢的顯示""" "#04917,""100日圓 = 美金1""" "#04918,""從此前往Kairo公園""" "#04919,""=#04068""" "#04920,""請輸入名稱""" "#04921,""限制於全形<0>字以內""" "#04922,""<0>年<1>月<2>週""" "#04923,""讀取失敗""" "#04924,""沒有成功讀取。""" "#04925,""請在可以連線的環境下確認電波狀態。""" "#04926,""請在可連線的環境下
確認電波狀態""" "#04927,""認證失敗""" "#04928,""伺服器發生錯誤""" "#04929,""發生資料錯誤。
請重新安裝App。""" "#04930,""啟動失敗,請重新啟動App。""" "#04931,""遊戲開始失敗""" "#04932,""自動存檔<0>""" "#04933,""遊戲存檔<0>""" "#04934,""發送所有存檔""" "#04935,""顯示錯誤內容""" "#04936,""即將發送所有的存檔""" "#04937,""發送中斷存檔<0>""" "#04938,""發送遊戲存檔<0>""" "#04939,""已完成發送
今後也請多多關照Kairo公園。""" "#04940,""發生錯誤
是否再次嘗試?""" "#04941,""發送遊戲存檔""" "#04942,""請選擇要發送的內容""" "#04943,""正在發送""" "#04944,""請勿按下電源鍵。""" "#04945,""=#03229""" "#04946,""Lite版""" "#04947,""發生錯誤。""" "#04948,""=#02549""" "#04949,""請在App的設定畫面將「App權限」全部打開。""" "#04950,""=#03191""" "#04951,""權限:允許容量並再次啟動。
※儲存遊戲時必要。""" "#04952,""無法啟動。""" "#04953,""請縮短內容""" "#04954,""How to use TapJoy\n- Terminate \""""Limit Ad Tracking\"""" and restart the game.\n* Setting app > Privacy > Advertising > Limit Ad Tracking""" "#04955,""Loading Advert""" "#04956,""After this, ads video will be played.""" "#04957,""After this, an offerwall is shown up.""" "#04958,""We're having\na currency sale.""" "#04959,""=#04103""" "#04960,""=#04104""" "#04961,""Last updated <0>
We've found data associated with your Kairo's account.
Do you want to restore with this data?""" "#04962,""Find from
KairoLand's friend.""" "#04964,""Please restart the software.""" "#04965,""Demo""" "#04966,""Well done!
You've finished the Demo version.""" "#04967,""=#02554""" "#04968,""結束""" "#04969,""=#02551""" "#04970,""確定""" "#04971,""=#02556""" "#04972,""地圖""" "#04973,""=#03079""" "#04974,""=#03372""" "#04975,""=#04727""" "#04976,""自己""" "#04977,""=#02558""" "#04978,""=#02559""" "#04979,""人氣""" "#04980,""=#04783""" "#04981,""編輯""" "#04982,""適性""" "#04983,""=#02563""" "#04984,""=#04878""" "#04985,""報告書""" "#04986,""輸出""" "#04987,""提示""" "#04988,""順序""" "#04989,""捕捉""" "#04990,""初始化""" "#04991,""=#01402""" "#04992,""=#03079""" "#04993,""=#02982""" "#04994,""出售""" "#04995,""=#02562""" "#04996,""詳細""" "#04997,""辭典""" "#04998,""=#02563""" "#04999,""=#02982""" "#05000,""=#01411""" "#05001,""=#04815""" "#05002,""=#02541""" "#05003,""切換""" "#05004,""=#01402""" "#05005,""省略""" "#05006,""=#04972""" "#05007,""屬性""" "#05008,""部隊""" "#05009,""棄權""" "#05010,""作戰""" "#05011,""=#02546""" "#05012,""診斷""" "#05013,""=#02555""" "#05014,""=#02556""" "#05015,""補充""" "#05016,""設定""" "#05017,""往下""" "#05018,""往上""" "#05019,""清算""" "#05020,""合成""" "#05021,""夥伴""" "#05022,""追蹤""" "#05023,""最大""" "#05024,""=#02995""" "#05025,""往船""" "#05026,""監牢""" "#05027,""=#02971""" "#05028,""=#02561""" "#05029,""GET!!""" "#05030,""推薦""" "#05031,""關閉""" "#05032,""行動""" "#05033,""倉庫""" "#05034,""效果""" "#05035,""同意""" "#05036,""規約""" "#05037,""洗牌""" "#05038,""=#03792""" "#05039,""=#02569""" "#05040,""投入""" "#05041,""完成""" "#05042,""開除""" "#05043,""=#02519""" "#05044,""=#00247""" "#05045,""撤走""" "#05046,""=#03814""" "#05047,""售出""" "#05048,""LVUP""" "#05049,""=#03252""" "#05050,""情報""" "#05051,""=#02547""" "#05052,""S Rank jobs appear today!""" "#05053,""Kingdom Adventurers

Kingdom Adventurers is a simulation game about building a prosperous kingdom. Build towns and gather powerful allies to keep them safe. Compete with other kingdoms and strive to top the rankings!""" "#05054,""▼Game Flow
First you'll need to build a Town Hall as your base of operations. Next you'll need storehouses to keep your goods and housing for new residents. Strengthen your equipment to defend against monster attacks, upgrade your stores and develop your kingdom to spread peace across the island.""" "#05055,""▼Times of Day
Residents spend more time indoors in the morning, outdoors during the day, and they return home to sleep at night.
Your residents are most active while their Vigor is high. Monsters become more active at night and attack the town during the full moon.""" "#05056,""▼Materials
Materials are used to develop your town. You can find them by deploying residents to different areas, digging them up, or harvesting them from fields.""" "#05057,""▼Allies
Recruit and train powerful adventurers to help protect your kingdom. Don't forget to equip them with your best weapons and armor. Discovering new jobs will open up more possibilities. No one lives forever, so be sure to make the most of your residents while they're there.""" "#05058,""▼Stats 1
HP: hit points. Residents become unable to act if they lose all HP.
MP: needed to use skills.
Vigor: when it's low, residents become sluggish.
Attack: affects the amount of damage dealt to enemies.
Defense: reduces damage taken from enemies.
Speed: affects how often the character can attack.
Luck: affects the chance to land critical hits.
You'll need equipment and skills to battle.
Items can be used to improve your equipment.""" "#05059,""▼Stats 2
Intellect: needed for technical jobs.
Dexterity: needed for construction etc.
Gathering: makes it easier to find materials.
Movement: determines how much a resident can carry.
Heart: bravery needed to dispel fog.

Lifespan: decreases by one every time a resident is knocked out and not rescued. Residents disappear forever when their Lifespan reaches 0.""" "#05060,""▼Jobs
Allies posses a variety of jobs that can aid your kingdom in different ways. Categories of job include:

-Battle-focused jobs
-Shop-based jobs
-Researchers who analyze treasure
-Transport-related jobs

Having residents with jobs of different types is key to successfully developing your kingdom.""" "#05061,""▼Awakenings
As allies level up, they will eventually reach their limit. They will need to awaken to their true power in order to grow any further. To do that, you'll need to train the resident in jobs of the same type.""" "#05062,""▼Skills
Some skills help residents perform jobs such as farming and research better. There are also skills better suited to battle, and skills that allow residents to equip certain kinds of equipment. Magic can only be used by residents with specific jobs.""" "#05063,""▼Expanding Your Kingdom
Deploy allies across the island and dispel the fog plaguing the land. This will expand your territory and allow you to deploy parties to even more locations.

Sometimes discovering a new area will also net you rare treasure. Don't panic when you see monsters coming out of the fog - stay calm and defeat them one by one. The distance you travel and your allies' job rank will affect the cost of expeditions.""" "#05064,""▼Caves
Caves sometimes appear on the night of a full moon. You can attempt to conquer these dungeons so long as you have Energy to spare.

These caverns are full of treasure, making them well-worth checking out. They're also chock-full of monsters, making them useful for leveling up your warriors.""" "#05065,""▼Treasure
Your allies may discover treasure while adventuring across the island. Treasure can be used in construction, research, and to level up your facilities, so collect as much as you can.

Once you get treasure back to town, analyze it to extract items and materials.""" "#05066,""▼Items
Items can be used to give your allies EXP and level them up.

Facilities can also be leveled up by using the right items, so collect as many different types as you can. It might also be a good idea to build some defensive walls to stop your town from losing items during monster attacks.""" "#05067,""▼Equipment
Equipment can be found in rare treasure chests when you clear an area. Building shops will allow you to purchase equipment in town too. It's a great way to spend any Bronze Coins you've collected. You can also get equipment as Battle Point rewards, and for ranking high in events held at special facilities.""" "#05068,""▼Eggs
Rare shiny monsters may leave behind eggs after being defeated. Incubate eggs in dedicated facilities to hatch friendly monsters.

Monster allies can perform different actions depending on where you place them, such as defending the town from attack or helping out during conquests.""" "#05069,""▼Using Items on Eggs
Using an item on an egg you're incubating may change what monster hatches from it. Eggs have four kinds of stats that can be raised with items. Experiment with them and see what kind of monsters you discover.""" "#05070,""▼Building More Towns
As your adventure continues, you'll be able to build new town halls and new towns to go with them. Building several towns will help expand your territory, and it also means more residents to contribute toward the kingdom's development.

Resources can be moved back and forth between towns to make the best of everything you've collected.""" "#05071,""▼Tourists
Clearing away the fog and restoring the land will attract visitors from across the sea. Be sure to put plenty of signs up so they don't get lost on the way from the port to your towns. And don't forget shops either - if there's nothing to do in town, your visitors might just turn around and go straight home again.""" "#05072,""▼Shops 1
Give land to your residents and they'll set up stores based on their profession. Try to get lots of different stores built to attract more visitors. Tourists love to shop, so place those signs and hook some customers!

Some stores come with workshops. Leveling them up may lead to discovering brand new products.""" "#05073,""▼Shops 2
Besides tourists, your warriors will also visit stores in town, spending Copper Coins. Their equipped weapons and armor will get EXP based on which stores they use, and the stores' ranks.""" "#05074,""▼Plots of Land
What can be placed on a plot of land is limited by its size, and similarly, the type of housing limits how many objects can be placed inside.

Make your major buildings as big as possible to fit all the beds, shelves, and monster rooms you need.""" "#05075,""▼Wasteland
Deploying residents to dig around town for long periods of time will only produce wasteland. Materials and treasure are hard to find here. Wasteland can be restored by placing certain facilities in the area. Work together with your residents to make this island a place of beauty.""" "#05076,""▼Conquests
Defeating a boss monster allows you to take control of its territory. However, that involves a tough battle in which the monarch must participate. This is called a Conquest. Any adventurers, friends, or ally monsters will also join a Conquest automatically. Consider your party members carefully before setting out.""" "#05077,""▼Expanding Your Territory
Certain facilities will help expand the amount of land you have available. Place these as far from the town hall as possible for the best results. Increasing your town's rank may also expand your territory, plus you'll get more land just like that every now and then too. Expand your sphere of influence and explore the entire island!""" "#05078,""▼Water
Large stream or river blocking your way to a boss monster or treasure chest? No problem! Deploy some residents and they'll build a bridge. Bridges are also available as facilities, allowing you to shape the landscape to your liking.""" "#05079,""▼Royal Rank
Every time the town's rank increases, so too will its ruler's, going from D Grade to C, to B, and so on. Improving the town will also make the monarch stronger.

Level up your monarch and kingdom to be ready for anything.""" "#05080,""▼Friends
Connect with other players worldwide!
-Friends can help you defeat boss monsters and conquer caves.
-You can also work together to progress in special conquest events.
-Friends will stay in Friend Beds in your town.
-Friends staying in your town will also help your residents with quests, farming, and more!""" "#05081,""▼Adventurers
Sometimes a stalwart warrior will find their way to your town along with the regular tourists. These adventurers can be valuable allies when fighting boss monsters.

Increasing your port's level will attract adventurers with higher stats.""" "#05082,""▼Group Items
Group Items affect all residents at once, and have effects such as restoring HP, increasing EXP, and replenishing materials. Consider the best time to use them carefully.""" "#05083,""▼Research
Research will allow you to make new items, equipment, facilities, and more. It can also lead to discovering new skills and jobs for your allies, or new ways to gather items and Copper Coins.

Research consumes materials, but it's worth it!""" "#05084,""▼Enemy Attacks
When your residents are snug in their beds and the moon is full, that's when monsters creep out of the darkness to attack the town. They'll attack facilities nearest to them first, so place important buildings such as storehouses and Energy facilities further in the town. Use monster repelling facilities to distract them away from valuable buildings.""" "#05085,""▼Love and Marriage
A man and a woman living in the same room will develop affection for each other over time. When their affection is high enough, they can get married if your town has a church. Once you have at least three cities, the married couples will begin having children. A child may inherit either parent's job, or take on an entirely different profession. Matching parents with better compatibility will give their kids better stats.""" "#05086,""▼Display Your Collectibles
Once a new generation of residents is born, you'll be able to invite a new class of visitors to town, ones who'll spend Silver Coins at facilities like museums and zoos. Researching certain jobs will allow you to create an exhibition hall. Show off your discoveries from around the island and earn Silver Coins!""" "#05087,""▼Worldwide Rankings
You can view the scores of the top players all across the world. This includes high scores for each 5-rank bracket, and Battle Points from the Underground Arena. Compete with your friends and try to be the greatest ruler in the world!""" "#05088,""▼Other
To restart the game from the beginning, uninstall it or delete all app data.
*Uninstalling the game will erase all your save data.

If you have trouble adding funds or getting a stable connection, consult the FAQ or contact us for help.""" "#05089,""(About this game)""" "#05090,""Download """"save.bin""""?""" "#05091,""Kingdom Adventurers""" "#05092,""Deadline""" "#05093,""Run with <0>""" "#05094,""=#04810""" "#05095,""=#02459""" "#05096,""=#02462""" "#05097,""ON""" "#05098,""OFF""" "#05099,""Lv.<0>""" "#05100,""Lv<0>""" "#05101,""Lv.<0>/<1>""" "#05102,""MP <0>""" "#05103,""Lv""" "#05104,""GET""" "#05105,""<0>pt""" "#05106,""=#02954""" "#05107,""<0>UP!""" "#05108,""=#00642""" "#05110,""Preparing system...""" "#05111,""Save data is corrupted.
Try to restore it?""" "#05112,""Restore failed.""" "#05113,""Delete the corrupted data and
start a new game?""" "#05114,""Please close the game.""" "#05115,""Press <btn=10> Button to enter Cursor Mode.
Move the cursor with <btn=16,1>/<btn=29,0> and press
<btn=3>/<btn=0> as an alternative to tapping the touch screen.
Press the <btn=10> Button again to exit this mode.""" "#05116,""Press <btn=10> Button to enter Cursor Mode.
Move the cursor with <btn=16,1>/<btn=29,0>
and press <btn=3>/<btn=0> to select.
Press the <btn=10> Button again to exit this mode.""" "#05117,""=#04768""" </syntaxhighlight>