Transcript:Manual (Biz Builder Delux)

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Biz Builder Delux gamenav icon.gifBiz Builder Delux

Shops Products Research Equipment Combos Contests Transcript
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

Quote marks.png The following page is an exact transcription of the game's Tutorial guide. The transcription below is of original content created / owned by Kairosoft Co., Ltd. It should not be modified to correct information, unless it is incorrectly transcribed verbatim.
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★★Biz Builder Delux★★
Manage your dream store!
In this simulation game, you manage a store and try to make it the best in the country! You'll even find yourself giving advice to the mayor as you do your best to help your store and the town grow.
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Game Flow
First, hire some staff and place furnishings in your store to get ready for the grand opening. Research the productions you're selling to raise their prices--and your profits!
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Your Store's Repution
As you place different furnishings and advertise your store, its reputation will increase, attracting more customers. Remember to refer to the Management Guide for tips on what you should focus on.
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Store Furnishings
"Appeal" helps to attract customers, while "quality" helps to satisfy them, making it easier to increase their "satisfation" level. Try to place furnishings so their ♪ come in contact with customers.
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Staff Stats
Stamina: Consumed when working.
Speed: Increase movement speed, etc.
Dexterity: Boosts restocking and chances to find treasure.
Service: Makes it easier to satisfy customers.
Prep: Improves cooking and research.
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Staff Growth Types
Staff abilities increase depending on their growth type and number of stars. There are items that allow you to change growth type according to your needs, so you can select a type that will boost "prep", "stamina" and so on.
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Furnishings Combos
Placing furnishings of the same type next to one another can form a combo, boosting all of their stats. The more furnishings in a combo, the more effective it will be.
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♪ Effects
Baskets: Boosts desire to shop
Food: Boosts appetite
♪: Boosts desire to view
★: Slows movement
Lightning: Stops movement
?: Returns to entrance
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Your Customers
When customers spend a lot of money and are exposed to many ♪, the gauge at their feet will go down, indicating that they are becoming more satisfied. When it reaches 0, they will sometimes leave a present or heart in your store.
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Customer Desire Gauge
The arrow gauge displayed foe some customers acts as a barometer of their desire. If they are exposed to many ♪, the gauge will fill up and they will buy a lot of products before leaving.
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Customer Smile Icon
Customers who are exposed to many ♪ will have a smile icon displayed over their head, increasing their desire to buy things. They also get XP when checking out, which can increase future purchases.
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Movement of Passersby
In some rare cases, an energetic customer may run very fast. And people who ride bikes can be attracted to your store if you install a bike rack.
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Customer Groups
In some cases, you may get groups of customers visiting your store. These have a lot of money and are hard to satisfy, but if you manage to do so, they may leave you many hearts or other bonuses.
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When your staff's satisfaction increases, the may trigger an aura, temporarily boosting their stats. When customers are exposed to may ♪ they may also get an aura, increasing the amount they purchase.
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Hearts & Gift Boxes
When customers use your store until their "wallet" is empty, they will become satisfied and may leave behind items like hearts or presents. Some kinds of stores make this easier than others.
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Management Goods
These goods can have effects like increasing shelf capacity or allowing you to hold a sale, and can really affect the management of your store. You'll want to use as many as you can.
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Research uses upgrade items and is performed when the store closes at the end of the month. This can help boost your products' prices. And depending on the items you choose, you may discover new products!
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Powering Up
You can also use upgrade items to power up the stats of your staff or their equipment. If you place them in the cart in the order L⇒M⇒S, you can get a bonus. If you increase the size of your cart, you can also get more XP.
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Food Preparation 1
Stores the serve food must prepare the food before it can be served to customers. Placing cookware in your back room can help make food preparation easier.
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Food Preparation 2
Bakeries must first prepare the products that they put on their shelves. Make sure you have the required cookware in your back room, and that you have the materials you need in your depots.
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Material Depots
You need materials to create products, and you need to place depots to store those materials. In some cases, each product may require a different material. Depots are filled each month in the early morning and around 3PM.
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In some cases, customers will leave garbage behind. Other customers will tend to avoid garbage, so you will want to make sure you have enough staff assigned to clean it up as soon as possible.
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Store Types
As you play through the game, you will be able to choose from a variety of store types, such as restaurant or retail. You can choose a new type of store after buying the rights open it.
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Store Characteristics
You'll find it easier to get presents when running a restaurant, while it's easier to increase sales at a retail store. You may want to choose which type of store to open depending on the circumstances.
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Cash Registers
Retail stores and restaurants have cash registers that customers can use to gain XP. Street stands have no registers, and museums have admission fees which are paid up front.
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The Town
The town develops automatically. It's influenced by mayor's policies, your store, and nearby environment. The types of buildings that are built affect the types of customers who visit your store.
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Consulting the Mayor
You can propose to the mayor how to develop the town. This can help the area around your store develop the way you like. If you have extra hearts, be sure to give it a try.
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After around 4 years have passed, a mayoral election will be held. If one of your staff get elected, you will get even greater connections at the town hall, allowing you to introduce special facilities.
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Lucky Roulette
Each time your reputation goes up by 30 points, an event will be triggered. In some cases, this can cause many customers to visit your store!
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Reputation Rank Ups
Each time your reputation increases by 100 points, you will get a special prize. It's easiest to increase your reputation by following the hints in the Management Guide.
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Rival Stores
As time passes, you may find that a rival store has moved into town. You will battle your rival, using your sales to chip away at each other's vitality until one of you is defeated. Your furnishings and products affect your store's max vitality.
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New Store Quotas
When you open a new store in an area which high land prices, you will be given a sales quota. If you don't meet that amount of sales in your first year, the store will have to close.
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Running Multiple Stores
Stores: Up to 3
Auto-Pilot Stores: Up to 10
Managers: Up to 15
Part-timers: Up to 33
Do your best to manage your stores with these limits in mind.
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Contests are held in the 4th and 10th months of each year. Staff contests are decided by your staff's stats. Product contests hinge on the amount of product research you have done.
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Annual Reports
At the end of each year, you will receive a report on your performance for the year. Your staff's performance will be scored with points. You can also give badges to staff members who have worked particularly hard.
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Replaying the Game
At the end of each year, replay data will be saved that can be used to give you a leg up when starting a new game. After the data has been created, go to the title screen and select "New Game" to start a new game while carrying forward some of what you archieved in the last play through.
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Game Ending
This game has no ending. You can manage your store for as many years as you like.
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About the Game
Tutorial - biz builder delux.gif
Biz Builder Delux
(C) Kairosoft Co., Ltd.