Transcript:Manual (Burger Bistro Story)

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Burger Bistro Story gamenav icon.gifBurger Bistro Story

Ingredients Compatibilities Staff Manager Stores Fixtures Customers Combos Research Contests Markets
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

Quote marks.png The following page is an exact transcription of the game's How to Play guide. The transcription below is of original content created / owned by Kairosoft Co., Ltd. It should not be modified to correct information, unless it is incorrectly transcribed verbatim.
How to Play 1/43
Getting Started
▼About This Game

This is a simulation game where you run your own fast food restaurant. Satisfy your customers, defeat your rivals, and try to become the best burger bar in town!
How to Play 2/43
Game Flow 1/5
▼Day-to-Day Business
You'll be limited to basic features when you start out. Conduct research to find new ingredients and new ways to improve the restaurant.

▼Hiring Staff
Research ways to recruit staff, and hire people who will help your restaurant run smoothly.

▼Creating New Dishes
Head to the Test Kitchen when you want to try out a new recipe. Develop signature dishes to help your restaurant stand out from the crowd!
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Game Flow 2/5
From time to time, passers-by will appear outside your restaurant. Recommend a dish to entice them inside and learn more about them.

Meeting certain goals will increase your rank, awarding you a new star rating. Keep improving until you get 5 stars!
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Game Flow 3/5
Be sure to build a good relationship with your suppliers. Increasing your Partnership level with different vendors will get you access to better quality ingredients.

▼Staff Training
Training your staff will make them better at their jobs and do a lot to improve your sales.
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Game Flow 4/5
▼Sides Menu
From Rank 1 onwards, you'll be able to start building a separate menu for side dishes. Recipes for sides are developed in the same way as mains.

▼Opening New Stores
After unlocking the map and earning enough Gold, you'll be able to open new branches of your restaurant. Running several stores at once is a must for improving your high score!
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Game Flow 5/5
Submit your best recipes and staff to different contests for the chance to win big and improve your score.

▼High Scores
Your total score is calculated at the end of each in-game year. Keep improving and try to get the highest score you can!
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Stores & The Test Kitchen 1/5
▼Business Hours
Your restaurant stays open from 10 am to 9 pm. The number customers you can get per day differs from town to town.

- Entry Rate: This stat determines whether passers-by will take a look inside the restaurant.

- Eat-in Rate: This stat determines whether customers will stick around to order something.
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Stores & The Test Kitchen 2/5
▼New Branches
When you defeat a rival business, you can build a new store where theirs used to be. If you've got Gold to spare, opening up new branches is a great way to challenge yourself.

You'll need to research and add facilities at the new store from scratch - it really is a fresh start!
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Stores & The Test Kitchen 3/5
▼Store Sizes
Restaurants come in Small, Medium, or Large. The bigger the store, the more varied the menu you can offer.

Medium and Large stores can also offer delivery and drive-thru services, and make it easier for your staff to improve their skills.
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Stores & The Test Kitchen 4/5
▼Closing Stores Down
Extra stores can be closed down when you no longer need them. The store's fixtures will be returned to you, and you'll be able to re-hire the staff from the Break Room's Employee List. The manager will keep their existing stats. Any research you've completed in that location will also be saved.
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Stores & The Test Kitchen 5/5
▼The Test Kitchen
The Test Kitchen is used to research new recipes, fixtures, and more. As your rank increases, you'll be able research more projects at a time.

▼Maintenance Costs
Maintenance costs include store upkeep and staff salaries. This is deducted from your funds at the end of every month. Test Kitchen fees will be deducted separately.
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Recipes & Dishes 1/4
▼Recipe Stats 1
The quality of a dish depends on the compatibility of the ingredients you use. The skills of the staff member who works on a recipe also affect how it turns out.

Experiment and get a feel for which combinations work best.
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Recipes & Dishes 2/4
▼Recipe Stats 2
Dishes with high Flavor or Aroma are more likely to become popular.

Try varying a dish's Temperature and Size, as well the amount of Spicy, Sweet, Bitter, Salty, or Sour ingredients.

Once you're happy with what you've made, use different marketing methods to let people know about it. A dish is only considered "New" for a couple of months, so get the name out there while it's still hot!
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Recipes & Dishes 3/4
▼Recipe Stats 3
This is the cost per unit of selling a dish. Subtracted from your funds once a month.
Affects the amount of EXP gained by your customers.
Increases your staff's skills.
Also affects marketing.
How hard the dish is to make. Affects production time.
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Recipes & Dishes 4/4
▼The Sides Menu
Sides, Drinks, and Desserts only have two stats - Sale Price and Cost. Adding them to a main dish will increase the amount you earn per order.

Try experimenting with different combinations.
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Managers & Staff 1/5
Your choice of manager will affect the personality of your staff and the popularity of your restaurant. In general, the higher a manager's salary, the more skilled they are.

▼Manager Stats
Affects how much EXP your staff earn.
Affects how many customers are attracted to the restaurant.
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Managers & Staff 2/5
▼Staff Stats 1
How fast a member of staff can move around.
How long a member of staff can keep working before getting tired.
Grants extra bonuses during development of new dishes.
Allows staff to make more sales at the register.
Affects the staff member's maximum possible stats.
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Managers & Staff 3/5
▼Hiring Staff
New staff can be hired using the message board outside the restaurant.

Training will help improve your staff's stats, but will use up ingredients. Staff may also recover Stamina while training.
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Managers & Staff 4/5
▼Firing Staff
Staff who quit or are let go will be kept on the Break Room's Employee List, from which they can be re-hired later.

▼The Break Room
Turn Auto Switch on to automatically swap out tired workers for staff on standby in the Break Room. Make sure to keep some staff in the Break Room so they can step in when needed.
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Managers & Staff 5/5
Your staff's salary is set when you open your restaurant. This will be deducted from your earnings every month.

At higher store levels, your manager may promote the restaurant in a mascot costume. This form of marketing is rare, but very effective. Results may differ depending on the costume.
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Customers 1/4
When you open a store in a new location, you might discover new kinds of customers, too.

▼Customer Levels
As customers visit more often, they'll start to level up. At higher levels, they're more likely to order more or invite friends along.
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Customers 2/4
▼New Customer Types
Attracting new customers will make your restaurant more popular and increase your sales. Some may even give you hints to help out with your research. Try to get as many different kinds of customers as you can.
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Customers 3/4
A customer with a special aura will spend more and be more likely to give hearts. Different fixtures will increase the chances of customers developing an aura.

The weather changes every month, making customers more or less likely to visit. Try changing up your layout and marketing to entice customers in during rainy or snowy seasons.
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Customers 4/4
▼Customer Scores
Customers you recommend dishes to and Test Groups will score the food depending on how much they like it.

Experiment with different ingredients to find out who likes what best and create something that will wow everyone.
How to Play 25/43
▼Increasing Your Rank
As your restaurant becomes more successful, you'll also be able to increase your rank.

This will help your business even more and get you access to new features. Reaching a high rank is the key to success!
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Contests 1/2
▼Winning Contests
Contests are held in April and October every year to find the best recipes and staff.

The victory conditions are different for each contest, so be sure to check them before entering.

Winning contests can boost your restaurant's popularity more than ever.
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Contests 2/2
▼Victory Effects

- Winning Recipe: Boost to Appeal and Sale Price.
- Winning Staff: Boost to all stats.

Winning a higher-level contest will replace older Victory Effects with new ones.
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Research Points and Gold can be used to unlock new fixtures, recipes, and more.

Increasing your rank will allow you to research several projects at once.
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The Map 1/4
▼The Map
As you progress through the game and increase your rank, you'll be able to access the town map.

This will allow you to view and visit the market, rival stores, training center, travel agency, shrine, and more.
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The Map 2/4
▼The Training Center
Once per season, you can send one of your staff to the Training Center in town. They need to collect the required number of ingredients to complete the course. Training sessions like this can improve staff's stats and abilities.
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The Map 3/4
▼The Travel Agency
Twice per year, you can send some of your staff on a business trip to increase their stats and abilities. The more people you send, the more it will cost.

Every time a staff member travels, they'll get a stamp on their member's card. Collect enough stamps and you'll be able to trade them in for exclusive prizes.
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The Map 4/4
▼The Shrine
Twice a year, you can go to the local shrine to draw a fortune.

Depending on the result, you might increase your chances of discovering new recipes, improve your staff's skills, or shorten the time it takes to complete research.

You might even find a way to change your customers' appearance!
How to Play 33/43
Ingredients & The Market 1/3
Ingredients are used to create new recipes. Experiment with different combinations to create dishes your customers will go wild for!

▼The Market
The market can be accessed from the map. Here, you can find new suppliers for different kinds of ingredients. Investing money in a supplier will raise your Partnership level with them and improve the quality of goods on offer. They might even start giving you discounts!
How to Play 34/43
Ingredients & The Market 2/3
▼Market Stats
Increasing your Partnership level with a supplier will improve their stats.

- Quality: Higher quality ingredients mean tastier, more desirable dishes!

- Discount: This can help reduce your monthly costs.
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Ingredients & The Market 3/3
▼New Ingredients
You can send staff from the Test Kitchen to pick up supplies from the market.

The product lineup can be expanded either by increasing Partnership, or through research. Build up a good working relationship with your suppliers, and you'll be a success in no time!
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Fixtures & Layout 1/3
▼Restaurant Fixtures
There is a wide variety of indoor and outdoor fixtures to research and place, such as tables, lighting, and notice boards. Some fixtures, like signs, lighting, and bathrooms, will have a beneficial effect on the business just by being there.
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Fixtures & Layout 2/3
▼Fixture Effects
Placing a fixture will usually improve your Entry Rate or Eat-in Rate. Note that there is a limit to how much boost you can get from placing the same kind of fixture.

▼New Fixtures
Fixtures can be purchased from traders who visit town from time to time. Be sure to pick up any new ones you see before they're gone.
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Fixtures & Layout 3/3
You can change the look of the restaurant's walls and flooring. Switching up the layout each season might be just the thing to attract more customers!

▼New Layouts
Layouts can be obtained from the Travel Agency when you collect enough stamps.
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Rivals 1/2
▼Rival Stores
Once you unlock the map, you'll be able to view other restaurants around town and compete to get higher sales than them. The results are announced in March and September. If you earn more than your rivals, it might force them to close.
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Rivals 2/2
▼Defeating Rivals
The most important factor is your sales. You can increase them by making dishes that better suit your customers' tastes, opening new branches of your restaurant, or training your staff to improve their skills.

Keep driving up sales and crush your rivals!
How to Play 41/43
High Scores
▼High Scores
Your score is calculated at the end of each in-game year. When you reach the end of the game, your highest score will be saved.

Try to get a feel for the best ways to improve your business and aim for the highest score you can!
How to Play 42/43
The Ending
The game ends after ten in-game years.

After you reach the ending, you can carry over your saved data to a new game file. This will make getting a better high score a lot easier.

You can also continue playing after the ending for as long as you like.
How to Play 43/43
About this Game
Manual - Burger Bistro Story.png
Burger Bistro Story
(C) Kairosoft Co., Ltd