Transcript:Manual (Dream Park Story)

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Dream Park Story gamenav icon.gifDream Park Story

Visitors Staff Structures Events Items
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

Quote marks.png The following page is an exact transcription of the game's Help guide. The transcription below is of original content created / owned by Kairosoft Co., Ltd. It should not be modified to correct information, unless it is incorrectly transcribed verbatim.
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How to Play
This is a simulation game in which you build and run your own amusement park. Fill your park with exciting attractions to become more popular, and complete various other challenges to improve your rank. Work hard and earn that 5★ rating!
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Game Flow
The heart of any amusement park is its attractions. If you run out of space, you can also develop the land around the park to expand its grounds. Adding transport facilities like bus stops and parking lots will encourage more customers to come visit. Finally, don't forget to use your research lab to discover new rides and facilities and add new features to existing ones.
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Attractions come in all shapes and sizes and can be placed anywhere throughout the park. Some rides can even be expanded with higher or longer tracks. Increasing your rank will give you access to new attractions. Once built, attractions can be further researched to increase their level and give them new functions.
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Once you hire a mascot, you'll be able to build them a dedicated zone. These are special areas within the park that can be filled with specially themed fixtures. Zones can be given entrances, exits, and walkways to make them easier to navigate. New fixtures can be unlocked via research.
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Fixtures such as food and drinks stalls can be built inside zones and on walkways. These will increase the popularity of the nearby area, and may also earn points from passers-by. Experiment with different combinations to find what works best for you! Placing some fixtures will boost the money you earn from entrance fees. Extra fixtures can sometimes be earned as Rank Up rewards.
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Gold & Points
Gold can be earned from attractions. The more an attraction is used, the more Gold it will earn. Points are generated from the different emotions experienced by park visitors. Adding more fixtures or running seasonal events will help you to earn more points.
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Each park employee must be assigned to a Staff Office. This will allow them to convert the feelings of nearby visitors into points. Some staff can also activate other effects, such as increasing nearby visitors' movement speed. New staff candidates can be unlocked by successfully hosting VIP guests.
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You can attempt to hire a new mascot every fall. If you negotiations are successful, you'll also get access to a new zone. Mascots will level up as they greet visitors. Increasing your main mascot's stats will boost the popularity you gain from shows.
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Sub Mascots
After successfully scouting a mascot, you may hire a sub mascot with a similar vibe. Hiring a sub mascot will increase your main mascot's stats as well as giving you access to a new zone.
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Shows & Parades
Once your park has a stage, you'll be able to put on shows. Likewise, a parade ground will allow you to hold parades. Try to pick out shows and parades that complement the current season to earn more points. Getting more reviews will unlock other parade performers besides mascots.
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Stores & Merch
Stores can provide visitors with food, drink, and other amenities, making them more likely to stay for longer. Each visitor can only use the same fixture once, so be sure to place plenty of them for the best possible results. Adding more goods to your lineup or expanding your stores' storage will make them less likely to run out of stock. Sell enough merch, and your stores will level up, allowing you to sell at higher prices.
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Ranking Up
Fulfilling different conditions will increase your park's rank, further improving your reputation. New ranks may also give you access to new research projects, so be sure to work toward them whenever you can.
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Seasonal Events
You can hold a special event every season to give your customers an even better experience. Events are rated from F to S depending on how much visitors enjoy them. Keep experimenting to improve your events and aim for an S rating!
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Upkeep Costs & Salaries
Running an amusement park isn't cheap! You'll need to pay to keep the attractions in working order, as awell as salaries for your hard-working employees. These costs will be deducted from your funds every season. Store upkeep costs can be reduced by using special items.
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Your on-site research lab can be used to unlock new attractions, zones, and fixtures. You can also add new fuctions to existing ones, such as boosting their popularity or lowering their upkeep costs. These improvements may make visitors more likely to stay until closing. Research projects have a chance of failing, but you can always try again if things go wrong!
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Expansion & Transportation
The construction company can be used to expand the park grounds or install new travel links, increasing your chances of getting more visitors. You'll be able to choose how many construction workers to hire and what gear to give them once per year.
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About the Game
Manual - game name.png
Dream Park Story
(C) Kairosoft