Assistants (The Manga Works)

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The Manga Works gamenav icon.gifThe Manga Works

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  • Overview

Assistants are available for hiring after you move into your apartment and build your first extension. You might come across them before that, but you won't be able to hire them.

Assistants List

Name Workload Drawing Wage Plan Unlocked Blurb
Cooke Beef 1 2 20G None Initially Available Used to run a steakhouse.
Artie Stick 2 1 20G None Initially Available Has 20 years of experience.
Ainsley Haricot 2 1 40G None Initially Available Loves pretty things.
Guy Oldman 3 1 40G Have a massage 6 x Part-time Job Saving money for retirement.
Barb Mallard 1 1 20G None 12 x Part-time Job Holds hook-a-duck world record.
Drew Badly 1 1 20G None 6 x Library Absent minded.
Glen Crazy 2 3 50G None 16 x Library Likes to stay out all night.
Peach Maple 2 1 20G Commercialize 20 x Library Likes summer; autumn food.
Clyde Cycle 1 3 40G None 1 x Gallery Only rides electric bicycles.
Soba Taberu 3 3 50G Have a massage 8 x Gallery Likes noodles more than pasta.
Leah Da Vinchy 1 2 20G None 15 x Gallery Likes inking drawings.
Ed Itor 2 4 50G Story support 8 x Restaurant Used to be an editor.
Milky Payne 2 1 40G Have a massage 10 x Restaurant Great at window shopping.
Vinny Car Goth 12 30 250G Overseas 20 x Restaurant Drawing since childhood.
Cecil Council 5 6 80G None 2 x Museum Class president for 3 yrs.
Dill Gerkin 1 3 40G None 10 x Museum Makes her own pickles.
Claudia Monet 3 1 40G Story support 10 x Construction Site Top of her art class.
Peppa Plait 2 3 50G None 20 x Department Store Hair-braiding world champion.
King Ackbar 7 7 90G Media strategy 40 x Department Store Looking for a job he enjoys.
Venus Nebula 2 10 100G None 8 x Zoo Likes saunas; ice cream.
Poppy Star 3 3 50G None 10 x Zoo Wants to be a pop star.
Pan D. Bear 25 15 1200G Overseas 40 x Zoo Worked for a famous artist.
Marvin Pitchers 10 10 100G None 10 x Game Company Recently quit 3D animation.
Donna Nut 2 4 50G Commercialize 20 x Game Company Likes donuts more than waffles.
Si Borg 12 15 150G Have a massage 8 x Theme Park Can talk to machines.
Mesain Thunder 5 6 80G None 20 x Theme Park Runs 50m in 7 seconds.
Scott Hemmingway 14 12 150G Story support 8 x Stadium Knows a literary great.
Artemis Shade 5 4 80G Have a massage 20 x Stadium Converses via shadow art.
Willy Highman 12 15 150G Animation talks 8 x Coin Mint Excellent salesman.
Jaye Z. Bones 2 10 100G None 20 x Coin Mint Bad at housework.
Hugh G. Eater 15 15 150G Commercialize 8 x Gadget Store Eats 3 dinners a day.
Sally Dali 7 7 90G None 25 x Gadget Store Part-time portrait artist.
Lotta Places 10 10 100G Animation talks 8 x Beach Has lived in Africa and India.
Edd O'Tokugawa 20 5 250G Movie talks 20 x Beach Wants to build Japanese theme park.
Sheldon Peele 15 35 500G None 10 x Staycation Peanut-shelling champion.
Gabby Chatson 12 15 100G Commercialize 20 x Staycation Good at talking to others.
Gerridae Pond 12 25 250G Media strategy 25 x Staycation Can run on water for 3 seconds.
Norman Ordinary 12 30 250G None 10 x Travel Abroad Lives a normal family life.
Farah Uproot 14 12 150G None 20 x Travel Aboard Wants to live abroad.
Manny Gooddraw 25 25 250G Story support 25 x Travel Abroad Wants to draw 100 different manga.
X. R. Size 12 15 150G Have a massage 30 x Travel Abroad Goes to the gym a lot.
Broseph Fist 5 45 250G Have a massage 10 x Spaceflight Like weights; puzzles and toilets.
Lisa Lovedraw 15 15 150G None 20 x Spaceflight Wants to be a manga artist.
Minty Cough 25 20 250G None 25 x Spaceflight Always has gum and a sore throat.
Keene Sharpe 20 5 250G None 40 x Spaceflight Is said to have amazing senses.
Chimpan Z 32 35 1500G Animation talks Chimpan Statue lvl.1 Graduated from manga MIT.
Kairobot 35 55 2000G None Kairo Statue lvl.3 Ancient and mysterious robot.