Endgame (Pocket Arcade Story)

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Pocket Arcade Story gamenav icon.gifPocket Arcade Story

Structures Customers Fights Rank Up Challenges Items Themed Areas
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

This page contains information about the endgame of this game. This includes information such as score calculation, carryovers, and other pertinent information.
This game "ends" on Y 16 M 4

Score Calculation

Money / 200
Fame x 3
Activity Level x 1,000
Total Customer Level x 10
Total Customer's Friends x 20
Games Discovered x 500
Tournaments Won x 100
Hi-score Challenges Beaten x 100


Fast mode is unlocked after game ends.

Does carry over
  • Customers' lvl along with their base stats at that level. Added stats from mixers etc will be reset.
  • Some of staff/customers' fighter's rank/exp (about 90% of previous playthrough).
  • Game's Genres' Development Points
  • Themed Areas List.
Does not carry over
  • Money
  • Unlocked structures
  • Activity level