Tips (Pocket Arcade Story)

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Pocket Arcade Story gamenav icon.gifPocket Arcade Story

Structures Customers Fights Rank Up Challenges Items Themed Areas
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

Tips.png This page consists of tips / a walthrough that is subject to opinion. While content is still required to be factual, tips are simply a possible route one may decide to pursue.
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  • You can recycle custom games by selecting it on the map, and then clicking the lower left button.[1]


Money is only important for the first couple years.

Initially you can quickly run out of money. However, money grows very quickly and soon you will have millions of dollars with nothing to spend it on. So don't worry too much about it.

Helpful Tip

- You will need two fighters (customer or staff member) to finish the game. One has to be adult, other child. One male, one female. I choose Graduate (adult & male) and preschooler with yellow hat (there are two preschoolers :o . This one is a female and of course a child). Just keep on grinding them (fight using them every month - even if You loose the gaming attribute will grow.) by fighting using them & use only two of them for mixers (choose game that raise gaming - some games raise enthusiasm, luck or IQ. You don't need them at the beggining).