Rank Up Requirements (Cafe Master Story)

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Cafe Master Story gamenav icon.gifCafe Master Story

Drinks Food Fixtures Customers Staff Rank Up Requirements
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

Rank 1 requirements

Raise your cafe's Popularity to 100.
Add Facilities to your cafe! Place 20.
Discover 9 customer types.
Recruit 2 staff.

Rank 2 requirements

Raise your cafe's Popularity to 250.
Add Facilities to your cafe! Place 30.
Develop 5 original drink(s). *
Solve 15 customer Troubles.

Rank 3 requirements

Raise your cafe's Popularity to 450.
Develop 5 Combo Meal(s).
Open a branch in a new town 2 time(s). ^
Solve 30 customer Troubles.

Rank 4 requirements

Raise your cafe's Popularity to 800.
Open a branch in a new town 3 time(s). ^
Solve 50 customer Troubles.
Win the Gold Prize in 5 Contest(s).

Rank 5 requirements

Raise your cafe's Popularity to 1200.
Open a branch in a new town 4 time(s). ^
Solve 80 customer Troubles.
Win the Gold Prize in 10 Contest(s).


* "Original drinks" stand for drinks that are made by your staff and that do not necessarily include any toppings.

^ Cafe being moved back to one of the previous towns is not opening a branch in a new town.