Transcript:Manual (Cafe Master Story)

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Cafe Master Story gamenav icon.gifCafe Master Story

Drinks Food Fixtures Customers Staff Rank Up Requirements
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

Quote marks.png The following page is an exact transcription of the game's Help guide. The transcription below is of original content created / owned by Kairosoft Co., Ltd. It should not be modified to correct information, unless it is incorrectly transcribed verbatim.
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This is a simulation game in which you run your own cafe. Arrange and customize the furniture and create new drinks to become the greatest little coffee shop the world has ever known!
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Game Flow
Develop new drinks and food items, and improve your in-store facilities to attract more customers.
Once you have enough funds, you can also open branches in new towns and enter contests to really boost your reputation.
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Customer Seats
Seats come in different types, such as counter or table seats. Different types can seat different numbers of customers. But they're not just a place to sit. Getting the quality and vibe of your interior just right will make your customers more satisfied with their visit.
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Customers (1)
Whenever customers order from your cafe or use your facilities, their Satisfaction gauge will fill up a little. Once it's full, they'll become regulars and visit more often. Some will even drop by specifically to use a certain facility or fixture.
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Customers (2)
▄ Regularity
The higher this stat, the more your customers will spend. This will also make your cafe more popular!
▄ Budget
Customers with a higher Budget are more likely to order expensive menu items.
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Sometimes, regular customers will ask for your help with things that are bothering them. There'll be a reward in it for you if you can come up with a good solution!
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Items on the Specials Board are more likely to be ordered. Try putting your most popular items here to help boost the cafe's overall Popularity.
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Drink Development
As you progress through the game, you'll become able to develop new drinks. Try out different combinations of ingredients to improve the Quality of what you end up with!
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Combo Meal Development
As you progress through the game, you'll become able to develop new food and drink combinations. These can be sold at a higher price than usual.
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Ingredient Quality
Use Research Points to improve the Quality of your ingredients. This will give you a better chance of creating popular drinks!
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Food Quality
Adding new ingredients to your recipes can help those recipes earn EXP and level up. Leveling up will increase a recipe's Popularity and Price.
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Upgrading Drinks
As you gain acess to better ingredients and level up your staff, you might find ways to improve your existing recipes. Upgrade those drinks and make your cafe more popular than ever!
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A wide variety of equipment and fixtures can be placed at your cafe for customers to use. More popular facilities have a better chance of satisfying your customers. Placing facilities with good compatibility may also have beneficial effects...
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Facility Stats (1)
▄ Quality
Increases how much Satisfaction customers get from using the facility.
▄ Charm
Increased through the surrounding decor. Raises Use Fee and Satisfaction.
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Facility Stats (2)
▄ Use Fee
How much money customers spend on a facility.
Boosts Satisfaction and Gold earned.
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Employees (1)
▄ Service
Helps to increase customer Satisfaction.
▄ Affinity
Helps Boost the Popularity of your cafe.
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Employees (2)
▄ Cooking
Makes it easier to prepare high-difficulty food items.
▄ Taste
Makes it easier to create new drinks and combo meals.
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Menu Development
The combined stats of your staff determine your potential to expand the menu. The higher this stat, the easier it is to develop new menu items and combo meals.
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Talented staff will sometimes activate a special aura. While this effect lasts, new drinks and combo meals will turn out even better than usual.
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Ranks & Rewards
Fulfilling certain conditions will allow you to increase your cafe's rank. This will help increase your Popularity, and you'll also get some special rewards to sweeten the deal. Work toward these conditions whenever you can--it all adds up!
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Opening New Branches
As you progress through the game, you'll unlock the option to move your cafe to different towns. Select Info from the main menu and access the Towns List to view available towns or plan a move.
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Once you develop a new combo meal, you can enter it in a contest. Try to consider the Popularity of the dish and its compatibility with the judges' tastes to give yourself a better chance of winning.
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The game "ends" at the end of March in the 10th game year. Your score is based on funds and points earned by the end. You can keep playing as long as you like afterward.
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About the Game
Manual - Cafe Master Story.png
(C) Kairosoft Co., Ltd