Staff (8-Bit Farm)

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8-Bit Farm gamenav icon.gif8-Bit Farm

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In order to run your farm and plant crops or flowers, grow fruits and take care of the animals, you will need Staff.


You can increase the number of staff by purchasing Lodges in the Farm Mart

  • Lodge price in Farm Mart - 10,000Money (8-bit Farm).png
  • Lodge construction - 5,000Money (8-bit Farm).png

When recruiting you will have to pay:

  • Contact Fee - only once when recruiting.
  • Monthly Salary - every month.

Types of Staff

Staff tend to prioritize the type of work they spezialice in

  • Farmer - Expert Crop grower (Fruits and Veggies)
  • Florist - Expert Flower grower.
  • Rancher - Expert at raising Livestock.
  • Odd-Jobber - No Specialties.


Staff's performance depends on four stats: Job, Zeal, Stamina and Range.

Icon Abilities Description
Job-KnowHow-0.png Know-How (Job) Affects the amount of experience points Fields and Livestock recieve when staff takes care of them.
Zeal (8-Bit Farm).png Zeal Affects the bonus after taking care of a Field or Livestock
Stamina (8-Bit Farm).png Stamina The higher the Stamina, the longer your staff can work without a break.
Range (8-Bit Farm)-0.png Range The amount of tiles the worker will move to take care of Fields and Livestock.

When recruiting new staff, these values should be taken into account


Each staff can be given ONE accessoryAccessory (8-Bit Farm).png and ONE lunchboxLunchbox (8-Bit Farm).png.

As you satisfy certain requirements, customers will give you equipment designs. Crafting items uses up photos and takes a month.

Accessories Accessory.png

Accesories will increase the quantity the traits are affected deppending on the Practice

Name Effect Traits Affected Initial Cost Crafting Time Min. Job

Rank Req

Flower Brooch Stam. Recovery UP Range (8-Bit Farm)-0.pngStamina (8-Bit Farm).png Flower Photo (8-bit Farm).png 1 month
Flower Hairclip Move Speed UP Range (8-Bit Farm)-0.pngJob-KnowHow-0.png Flower Photo (8-bit Farm).png 1 month
Woolen Scarf Livestock Growth UP Stamina (8-Bit Farm).pngRange (8-Bit Farm)-0.png Livestock Photo (8-bit Farm).png 1 month
Flower Necklace Flower Growth UP Job-KnowHow-0.pngZeal (8-Bit Farm).png Flower Photo (8-bit Farm).png 1 month E
Flower Bracelet Flower EXP UP Zeal (8-Bit Farm).pngStamina (8-Bit Farm).png Flower Photo (8-bit Farm).png 1 month E
Knitted Hat Livestock EXP UP Job-KnowHow-0.pngRange (8-Bit Farm)-0.png Livestock Photo (8-bit Farm).png 1 month E
Flower Ring Move Speed UP Stamina (8-Bit Farm).pngRange (8-Bit Farm).png Flower Photo (8-bit Farm).png 1 month E
Flower Earrings Flower EXP UP Job-KnowHow-0.pngRange (8-Bit Farm).png Flower Photo (8-bit Farm).png 1 month E
Woolen Mittens Livestock EXP UP Job-KnowHow-0.pngZeal (8-Bit Farm).png Livestock Photo (8-bit Farm).png 1 month E
Flower Hairpin Stamina Recovery UP Job-KnowHow-0.pngStamina (8-Bit Farm).png Flower Photo (8-bit Farm).png 2 months D
Flower Headband Flower Growth UP Zeal (8-Bit Farm).pngRange (8-Bit Farm).png Flower Photo (8-bit Farm).png 2 months D
Oven Mitt Livestock Growth UP Zeal (8-Bit Farm).pngStamina (8-Bit Farm).png Livestock Photo (8-bit Farm).png 2 months D
Flower Hair Pin Know-How Growth UP Job-KnowHow-0.pngStamina (8-Bit Farm).png Flower Photo (8-bit Farm).png 2 months C
Flower Charm Zeal Growth UP Zeal (8-Bit Farm).pngRange (8-Bit Farm).png Flower Photo (8-bit Farm).png 2 months C
Woolen Sweater Stamina Growth UP Stamina (8-Bit Farm).pngRange (8-Bit Farm).png Livestock Photo (8-bit Farm).png 2 months C
Flower Glasses Move Speed UP Job-KnowHow-0.pngStamina (8-Bit Farm).png Flower Photo (8-bit Farm).png 3 months B
Incense Flower EXP UP Zeal (8-Bit Farm).pngRange (8-Bit Farm).png Flower Photo (8-bit Farm).png 3 months B
Knitted Toy Livestock EXP UP Job-KnowHow-0.pngRange (8-Bit Farm).png Livestock Photo (8-bit Farm).png 3 months B
Knitted Pouch Stamina Growth UP Zeal (8-Bit Farm).pngStamina (8-Bit Farm).png Livestock Photo (8-bit Farm).png 3 months A
Knitted Shawl Livestock Growth UP Zeal (8-Bit Farm).pngRange (8-Bit Farm).png Livestock Photo (8-bit Farm).png 4 months S

Lunchbox Lunchbox (8-Bit Farm).png

Name Effect Traits Affected Initial Cost Crafting Time Min. Job

Rank Req

Simple Salad Fruit/Veggies Growth UP Zeal (8-Bit Farm).pngJob-KnowHow-0.png Veggie Photo (8-bit Farm).png 1 month
Jelly Donut Food Crop EXP UP Stamina (8-Bit Farm).pngZeal (8-Bit Farm).png Fruit Photo (8-bit Farm).png 1 month
Rice Lunchbox Move Speed UP Job-KnowHow-0.pngRange (8-Bit Farm).png Livestock Photo (8-bit Farm).pngVeggie Photo (8-bit Farm).png 1 month
Stir-Fry Know.How Grow UP Job-KnowHow-0.pngRange (8-Bit Farm).png Veggie Photo (8-bit Farm).png 1 month E
100% Fruit Juice Zeal Grow UP Job-KnowHow-0.pngZeal (8-Bit Farm).png Fruit Photo (8-bit Farm).png 1 month E
Chicken Lunchbox Stamina Growth UP Zeal (8-Bit Farm).pngStamina (8-Bit Farm).png Livestock Photo (8-bit Farm).pngFruit Photo (8-bit Farm).png 1 month E
Variety Lunchbox Stamina Recovery UP Stamina (8-Bit Farm).pngRange (8-Bit Farm).png Veggie Photo (8-bit Farm).png 1 month D
Ice Cream Stamina Recovery UP Job-KnowHow-0.pngRange (8-Bit Farm).png Fruit Photo (8-bit Farm).png 1 month D
Cutlet & Rice Bowl Move Speed UP Job-KnowHow-0.pngStamina (8-Bit Farm).png Livestock Photo (8-bit Farm).pngVeggie Photo (8-bit Farm).png 1 month D
Dim Sum Lunchbox Food Crop EXP UP Zeal (8-Bit Farm).pngRange (8-Bit Farm).png Veggie Photo (8-bit Farm).png 2 months C
Jelly Sandwich Move Speed UP Job-KnowHow-0.pngStamina (8-Bit Farm).png Fruit Photo (8-bit Farm).png 2 months C
Meaty Lunchbox Stamina Recovery UP Zeal (8-Bit Farm).pngRange (8-Bit Farm).png Livestock Photo (8-bit Farm).pngFruit Photo (8-bit Farm).png 2 months C
Curry Lunchbox Fruit/Veggies Growth UP Job-KnowHow-0.pngStamina (8-Bit Farm).png Veggie Photo (8-bit Farm).png 2 months B
Shortcake Stamina Recovery UP Zeal (8-Bit Farm).pngRange (8-Bit Farm).png Fruit Photo (8-bit Farm).png 2 months B
Hamburger Lunchbox Move Speed UP Job-KnowHow-0.pngStamina (8-Bit Farm).png Livestock Photo (8-bit Farm).pngVeggie Photo (8-bit Farm).png 2 months B
Mixed Rice Know-How Growth UP Zeal (8-Bit Farm).pngRange (8-Bit Farm).png Veggie Photo (8-bit Farm).png 3 months A
Fruit Punch Zeal Growth UP Stamina (8-Bit Farm).pngRange (8-Bit Farm).png Fruit Photo (8-bit Farm).png 3 months A
Steak Lunchbox Stamina Growth UP Zeal (8-Bit Farm).pngRange (8-Bit Farm).png Veggie Photo (8-bit Farm).png 3 months A
Deluxe Veggies Food Crop EXP UP Job-KnowHow-0.pngZeal (8-Bit Farm).png Livestock Photo (8-bit Farm).pngFruit Photo (8-bit Farm).png 3 months S
Deluxe Meat Stamina Recovery UP Stamina (8-Bit Farm).pngRange (8-Bit Farm).png Livestock Photo (8-bit Farm).png 3 months S
Deluxe Fruit Stamina Recovery UP Zeal (8-Bit Farm).pngStamina (8-Bit Farm).png Fruit Photo (8-bit Farm).png 3 months S
Kiddie Meal Move Speed UP Job-KnowHow-0.pngZeal (8-Bit Farm).png Veggie Photo (8-bit Farm).pngLivestock Photo (8-bit Farm).pngFruit Photo (8-bit Farm).png 4 months S