Transcript:Manual (8-Bit Farm)

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8-Bit Farm gamenav icon.gif8-Bit Farm

Farm Mart Item Shops Crops & Livestocks Shops Combo Customers Contests Festivals Achievements Staff
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

Quote marks.png The following page is an exact transcription of the game's Help guide. The transcription below is of original content created / owned by Kairosoft Co., Ltd. It should not be modified to correct information, unless it is incorrectly transcribed verbatim.
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8-Bit Farm
In this farm management simulation game you will be growing a wide array of Crops, raising Livestock, and building various Facilities, aiming to make the farm a popular agritourism spot.
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Game Flow
Start out by making some Fields to grow Flowers or Vegetables on. Then add Facilities and Shops to the farm, and curious visitors are certain to start showing up. Once you save up enough Gold, hire more staff and purchase more land.
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Caring For Crops and Livestock
Once you create Fields or Ranches, your staff will take over the care of Crops, Flowers, or Livestock, until they are ready to be shown to the visitors. Visitors will leave some Gold behind when they check out your Fields. There are helpful items boosting the results of staffs' efforts.
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Crops and Livestock 1
Quality, Looks, Scent and Nature: Important characteristics your Crops and Livestock will be judged on at contests. To win prizes at festivals, which are unlocked later, you will also need to have specific types of Crops or Livestock. Combos can help you raise parameters of your produce.
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Crops and Livestock 2
Nutrition: The higher it is, the bigger the bonuses and higher the quality when the Ranch or Field is ready. Having multiple Fields close together increases Nutrition. There are also Facilities which help with that.
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Crops and Livestock 2
Presentability: Once Crops or Livestock are fully grown, staff can continue to look after them to make them dazzling, so that visitors will want to take photos of them. The higher the Presentability, the quicker they will become dazzling.
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Baby Animals
Adult Livestock can have babies if you place a certain object on a Ranch. When you have enough baby animals, you can organize a Concerting Critters event. The number of baby animals will never exceed that of adult ones.
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Photos of your farm gifted to you by visitors have many uses. They will be necessary for purchasing certain items, and for crafting equipment. Keep Livestock and grow more Crops to obtain lots of photos.
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Changing Seasons
There's a season for everything. Flowers, Livestock... When in season, your Produce gets certain bonuses, grows faster, and becomes ready to be photographed earlier. Nearby Facilities are also affected.
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Facilities 1
You earn Gold when visitors use farm Facilities. Visitors' Satisfaction depends on the View. Work on raising Facilities' properties to improve Satisfaction ratings.
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Facilities 2
Appeal: The Appeal of all Facilities on the farm adds up. The higher this total value, the more likely visitors are to come.
View: The better the View, the higher the visitors' Satisfaction rating.
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Facilities selling various goods. The assortment is affected by the Shop's surroundings. The more different kinds of items a Shop is selling, the more visitors are likely to make a purchase, raising your profits.
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Farm Visitors
To get more visitors, you'll need to raise the overall Appeal of your farm. To do that, install more Facilities and make use of combos.
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Farm Staff
The staff live in lodges and take care of your Fields and Ranches within their move range. Give them equipment to improve their stats and have them do even more excellent work on your farm. Certain items enhance staff ability growth around them.
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Staff Abilities
Know-How: Affects the amount of experience points Fields and Livestock receive when staff takes care of them.
Zeal: Affects the bonus after taking care of a Field Livestock.
Stamina: The higher the Stamina, the longer your staff can work without a break.
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Staff Jobs
Florist: Specializes in Flowers.
Farmer: Specializes in Fruit and Veggies.
Rancher: Specializes in Livestock.
Odd-jobber: No specialization.

Staff tend to prioritize the type of work they specialize in.
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Each staff can be given one accessory and one lunchbox. As you satisfy certain requirements, visitors will give you equipment designs. Crafting items uses up photos and takes a little time.
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Crafting Equipment
Select a design and spend photos to craft it. Adding more photos enhances the final result. Also, crafting the same equipment many times leads to better effects as you get more practice with it.
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Ranking Up Job
Some top-shelf pieces of equipment can only be crafted by staff members with a certain minimum job rank. To successfully pass the rank up challenge, your staff need to have good stats. These can be raised using various items.
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Items 1
There are three categories of items.
Production: Items which help with growing Crops and raising Livestock. Place near Fields or Livestock. These items make farmwork more effective, or give bonuses to fully grown Crops or Livestock.
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Items 2
Staff Support: Items which speed up staff members' stat development and their work pace. Place near Staff Lodges.
General: Various effects for your whole farm, such as drawing in more visitors.
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Annual Rankings
At the end of each year, the farm rankings from all over the country are announced. Well-balanced farm management is essential in order to climb to the top.
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Compete against other farms in various categories. For some contests, the judges will only look at a specific part of your farm. Use combos wisely and take good care of Fields to increase your odds of winning.
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There is a number of farm festivals where you can compete for prizes: Tug of War Fest, Outdoor Sports Fest, Gourmet Fest, Flower Art Fest, and Animal Fun Fest. What's needed to win differs depending on the festival type.
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Combos 1
Placing Facilities that go well together within 2 tiles of each other makes them a combo. Doing this boosts your earnings from them, as well as their Appeal and View. Combos also positively affect Fields and Livestock.
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Combos 2
Visitors using a Facility that's part of a combo are likely to check out the other combo Facilities as well, increasing your profits. Try out different set-ups, aiming to funnel your visitors from one Facility straight to another.
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Rain: Less visitors, but higher chance of Fields becoming dazzling.
Downpour: Large reduction in visitor numbers, but even better than rain at making your Fields dazzling.
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Sick Animals
Sometimes if bad weather continues for a while, your Livestock may get sick. They recover on their own, but while sick, their stats are reduced by half, and visitors will not want to take photos of the poor critters. Remember to keep an eye on the weather.
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Visitors' Abilities 1
Visitors' stats can be raised whenever their Satisfaction rating levels up.
Photo Skills: Takes more photos at once.
Walk Speed: Walks faster and visits the farm more often.
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Visitors' Abilities 2
Impulse Shopping: Buys more stuff.
Sociability: Brings Friends along to your farm.
Shopping Spree: Spends a lot more than usual on purchases.
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Visitors have their preferences as to what they want to see. Cater to your audience and you'll quickly raise Satisfaction of various age or gender groups.
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Event Area
After playing for some time, you will be able to set up an event area and host seasonal events. Tying out seasonal events and seasonal Produce is a recipe for success.
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Concerting Critters
Invite visitors to a concert featuring cuddly baby animals. You will first need to have enough baby animals on the farm. This type of event is particularly effective at leveling up visitors' Satisfaction. It takes place every September.
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New Game Plus
The story ends in April of Year <0>, but you can continue playing for as long as you like. If you start a new game, some of the things you've unlocked can be carried over, making it easier to beat your previous high score.
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High Score
The following count for your high score at the end of the game:
- Number of achievements
- Funds
- Contest & festival victories
Rise to the challenge and get as many points as you can!
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About the Game
Manual - 8-bit Farm.png
8-Bit Farm
(C) Kairosoft Co., Ltd