Targets (Hot Springs Story 2)

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Hot Springs Story 2 gamenav icon.gifHot Springs Story 2

Targets Tourism Items Facilities Combos Staffs Guides
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough
< Prequel

Target Effect Starting Money (G) Unlock Condition Unlocks Request
Student Items Up.png 11,200 Initially Available Foreign exchange
Biz-man Funds up! 11,900 Hush money
Biz-woman Funds up! 12,600 Lv40 Help meowt
Housewife Advertising Up.png 16,300 License to grill, Tickled pink Lv59
Hiker Items Up.png Making it official
Landlord Funds up! Making it official One man's trash
Cat Sitter Items Up.png Help meowt Fixing up the place?

Massage parlor

Manager Funds up! Hush Money Hospitality funding
G. Manager Funds up! Hospitality funding Put in a good word
COO Funds up! Put in a good word Secretary wanted, Lv50 corporate takeover
CEO Funds up! Corporate takeover High dining
Fitness Coach Advertising Up.png Greet the sun
Rapper Advertising Up.png Foreign Exchange Refined tastes
TV Host Advertising Up.png Refined tastes Whose line is it
Birdwatcher Items Up.png Birdwatching hide
Secretary Received Raffle Ticket!
Antique Dlr Received Raffle Ticket! Work night out success?
Chef Items Up.png License To Grill Sweet as candy
Bookworm Research Points Brushing up Lay down a beat
DJ Facility Popularity up! Lay Down a Beat So much sushi
Skater Items Up.png Pursuit of knowledge
Poseur Surfer Items Up.png Surf's Up Sound investment
Trader Funds up! Sound Investment A winter favorite
M. Artist Received Raffle Ticket! Get in the ring Plushies please
Masseur Advertising Up.png Massage parlor Check ups on demand
Cosplayer Received Raffle Ticket! Cosplay convention New wardrobe
Plumber Facility Popularity up! New wardrobe
Dye Artist Received Raffle Ticket! To dye for Trendy town
Designer Items Up.png Trendy town Haute couture
DIYer Facility Popularity up! Do it yourself Record player repair
Bass Angler Items Up.png Cool as a cucumber Fishing for info, lv60 get hooked
Famous Angler Items Up.png Fishing for info
Angler Couple Items Up.png Get hooked
Pastry Chef Items Up.png Sweet as candy
Prgrmmr Research Points The great outdoors eSports scene, lv60 cushion the blow
Pro Gamer Research Points eSports scene Arcade game gallery
Safari Guide Items Up.png A guiding hand Fur and fluff
Jockey Research Points Burning Rubber Wild blue yonder
Flight Attendant Advertising Up.png Wild blue yonder Till the fat lady sings
Opera Sngr Advertising Up.png Till the fat lady sings Home away from home
Noblewmn Funds up! Home away from home
Chief Maid Facility Popularity up! Maid cafe Citussy cravings
Detective Funds up! Back behind the wheel Mystery mastery
Pharmacist Funds up! Medicine man
Comedian Advertising Up.png Whose line is it Just a trim
Dog Groomer Advertising Up.png Fur and Fluff Beauty school hopeful
Drummer Funds up! Noodle Shop Lv2 Busted, lv60 if the price is right
Professor Research Points Mystery mastery Table for tennis
Nursery Worker Advertising Up.png Childcare options New home
Cameraman Research Points We've been framed Take a load off, lv60 full page spread
Yng Couple Items Up.png Coupon quest Down the aisle
Inventor Items Up.png Footwear finance
Cartoonist Items Up.png Assistants wanted Career change
Painter Research Points Career change A folk in the road
Journalist Advertising Up.png Local publications Writer's retreat
Novelist Research Points Writer's retreat Rub a dub
Spelunker Items Up.png Limestone Caves lv2 Rolling stones
Beautician Items Up.png Beauty school hopeful Go with the fro
Guitarist Funds up! Busted Hand me the mic
Ballroom Dancer Received Raffle Ticket! Swanky Soiree Kagura classroom
Folk Dancer Received Raffle Ticket! Kagura classroom Scroll scramble
Cowboy Research Points Cattle wrangler Burning rubber
Boxer Research Points
Outdoorswoman Items Up.png Take a hike Lv60 exchange of vows, vocal training
Voice Actor Items Up.png Vocal training Virtual famous
VR Pop Singer Advertising Up.png Virtually famous A word from our sponsors, lv60 Collab request
VR Pop Band Advertising Up.png Collab request
Hiker Family Advertising Up.png Exchange of vows
Illustrator Facility Popularity up! Back to the drawing board Assistants wanted
Pro Golfer Advertising Up.png Golf club lv2 Academy aspirations
Chairprsn Funds up! Academy aspirations Vision for the future
Apothecary Funds up! Notion potion
Hunter Items Up.png Jurassic hunt Sharp shooting
Skier Funds up! Hit the slopes Snowboarding class, lv60 don't be afraid
Snowboarder Items Up.png Snowboarding class Maple madness
Cook Items Up.png If you can't take the heat Fan club
Local Singer Advertising Up.png Fan club True artiste
Artist Advertising Up.png True artiste My big break
Researcher Research Points Seeker of knowledge
Food Fighter Items Up.png Some Mo Sumo, lv60 hit the gym
Sumo Wrestler Research Points Some Mo Sumo
Diver Funds up! Take the plunge
Amateur Model Items Up.png Full page spread
Con Artist Funds up! 8 balls (unlocked after reaching 5 stars) Billiards tourney
Celebrity Funds up! Billiards tourney
Old Couple Received Raffle Ticket! Stretch your legs
Bonsai Artist Facility Popularity up! Little trees, big dreams Fresh flowers
Priestess Items Up.png Spiritual atmosphere High spirits
Medium Received Raffle Ticket! High spirits
Artisan Research Points Culture for the masses Plum crazy, lv60 fashion show
Pop Singer Advertising Up.png My big break
Yng Family Advertising Up.png
Governor Funds up! Election campaign Welcome ceremony
Rich Heir Funds up! Welcome ceremony
Pianist Funds up! Tickling the Ivories Request (Soothing Forest Lv5)
Nobleman Funds up! Lounging around
Super Model Advertising Up.png Fashion show Hot tub
Announcer Advertising Up.png A word from our sponsors Casting call
Actress Advertising Up.png Casting call Cherry trees
Spy Funds up! If the price is right Urn
Skier Couple Research Points Dont be afraid
Noble Family Items Up.png Castle level 2
Tourist Family Funds up!
Performer Funds up! Amusement Park lv2 Life on the silver screen
Movie Director Advertising Up.png Life on the silver screen A new voice in cinema
Chess Master Research Points Castle lv3 Lay back and relax