Transcript:Manual (Hot Springs Story 2)

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Hot Springs Story 2 gamenav icon.gifHot Springs Story 2

Targets Tourism Items Facilities Combos Staffs Guides
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough
< Prequel

Quote marks.png The following page is an exact transcription of the game's How to Play guide. The transcription below is of original content created / owned by Kairosoft Co., Ltd. It should not be modified to correct information, unless it is incorrectly transcribed verbatim.
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  In this game, you take control of a Japanese hot springs resort. Build rooms, facilities, and baths to attract guests, topping the competition to become #1 in all of Japan!
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Game Flow
First, build guest rooms and facilities. You'll earn money when guests stay at your resort. Complete requests to earn new facilities and items and develop the land around you to create the perfect tourist destination.
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The more popular your resort is with certain demographic, the more guests you'll have and the longer they'll stay. Adding stores and foot baths will attract passersby to come check you out, too.
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Target Audiences
Select a target audience and people from that demographic will be more likely to visit. Increasing customer satisfaction and popularity will give you more requests to try out. Completing requests will attract even more new customers.
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Hire staff to help you out with different chores, like cleaning, greeting guests, and tidying rooms. Each Break Room allows you to hire three more staff.
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Staff Stats 1
Energy: Allows staff to keep working. Their remaining Energy also has an effect on their Speed and Stamina.
Strength: Allows staff to carry more futon mattresses and to chase out any wild animals that wander in.
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Staff Stats 2
Tech: Allows staff to clean more efficiently and earn more Research Points.
Smile: Allows staff to improve guests' mood and satisfy their needs more easily.
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As you progress, you'll find recipes for different dishes. Once you build your own kitchen, you'll be able to improve the number and quality of dishes available at your food facilities.
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Staff can advertise your resort and attract more customers. Try out different marketing techniques and increase your popularity!
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Setting up equipment and services for your guests to use will earn you cash and Research Points. As your popularity grows, more guests will leave satisfied, especially if you also have good compatibility.
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Once you've built a facility, you can move it to a different location any time you want. However, facilities attached to the hot springs themselves can't be moved. They need that water to function, after all!
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Staff and guests will be able to move around faster if you make your hallways wider. The energizing aura of ornamental plants will also also help speed them up.
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Outdoor Facilities
Some facilities can be placed outside, like food stalls, vending machines, and foot baths. These will attract people passing by. You can also add a veranda so your guests can enjoy the fresh air.
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Facility Stats 1
Popularity: Governs your guests' satisfaction.
Scenery: Plants and other scenery nearby increase popularity and price of facilities.
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Facility Stats 2
Price: How much a facility costs to use. Guests won't be able to use a facility if they don't have enough cash with them.
Research Pts: Indicates a facility can earn Research Points.
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Facilities (1)
Governs guests' satisfaction.
How much a facility costs to use.
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Facilities (2)
Plants and other scenery nearby increase popularity and price of facilities. Try different combinations!
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Facilities (3)
Gender and age bring about differences in preference, so make sure to cater to your clientele. Note that compatibility is affected by the surrounding facilities.
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Bath Effects
Putting certain scenery or facilities near a bath boosts its scenery score, and can sometimes unlock special effects...
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Guest Scores 1
Guests will score their experience based on four criteria. The higher the score, the happier they'll leave. These scores will also help you invite special guests to your resort.
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Guest Scores 2
Relaxation: Affected by facilities that help your guests take a load off, like Guest Rooms and Massage Chairs.
Entertainment: Affected by facilities that help your guests have fun, like Ping Pong Tables and Gaming Rooms.
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Guest Scores 3
Food: Affected by facilities that serve food and drink, as well as the quality of the cooking.
Utilities: Affected by everyday facilities like Restrooms, Stores, or Rest Stops.
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Speech Bubbles
Staff with a high Smile stat can help lift your guests' mood, indicated by a happy icon. If your resort is too dirty or customer satisfaction is low, you might see a sad icon over your guests instead."
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Resort Stats 1
Rank: Building facilities, placing plants, raising your popularity and completing requests will help increase your rank.
Utilities: Affected by everyday facilities like Restrooms, Stores, or Rest Stops."
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Inn Stats 2
Stamina: The stamina of all your staff. Increases along with your Energy and Resort Rank. Stamina can be recovered by reducing marketing or cleaning duties, or by using a Break Room."
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Inn Stats 3
Dirt: If your resort gets dirty, you won't get so many guests, and the guest you do have won't be happy. Hire staff to help clean the place up."
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Completing requests will allow you to target new types of guests, purchase new items, and build new facilities. Requests with a star next to them can also help increase your rank."
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Tourist Spots
Sometimes, completing a request will give you access to a new Tourist Spot. These will attract more people to the town and give your resort more potential customers."
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Tourist Spot Stats
Appeal: Spots with higher appeal attract more tourists. Upgrading a Tourist Spot will increase its appeal.
Visitors: Reach a set number of visitors, and you'll get a prize."
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Tour Buses
Setting up a shuttle bus service will allow more people to visit your Tourist Spots. Depending on the season, you may also get more overnight guests. Rumor has it that tour buses can activate other effects, too..."
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Tour Groups
As you progress, you may get requests to set up a tour to different Tourist Spots with an overnight stay. Picking a Tourist Spot with good appeal and compatibility will help you get a better score."
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Diamonds can be exchanged for Medals at the Wairo Shop. Diamonds you've already exchanged can be re-collected when you start a new game."
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Getting Items
Items can either be placed on the map or used on existing facilities. You can buy items, find them, or win them as prizes."
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Resort Rankings
At the end of each year, the four best resorts in the country are announced. These scores are based on facilities, hospitality, and other factors. Placing high in the rankings gets you rewards and stars for your resort."
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The game ""ends"" at the end of March in the 10th game year. Your money and points will then be saved as your high score, but you can keep playing as long as you like."
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Invest to unlock new targets, purchasable items, and facilities. You may even be able to invite some very special guests..."
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About the Game
Manual - game name.png
Hot Springs Story 2
(C) Kairosoft Co., Ltd.