Tips (Bonbon Cakery)

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Bonbon Cakery gamenav icon.gifBonbon Cakery

Ingredients Items Recipes Combos Shelves Staff Customers Contests Hall of Fame Recipe Lab Suppliers Pumpkin Products Store Truck Sales Sales Commands Friend IDs
IAPs Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

Tips.png This page consists of tips / a walthrough that is subject to opinion. While content is still required to be factual, tips are simply a possible route one may decide to pursue.
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Beginner Gameplay Tips

  • You get a free refill of creation points the first time you run out of them.
  • You can get $50,000 from the secretary twice by running low on money. The easiest way to earn it is by running promotions.
  • When upgrading ingredients using Items, use as many copies of the same item at once for each upgrade. (If possible, set your device time to Monday for an extra 20% boost!)
    • Using 10-29 copies of the same item will give an extra 20% XP.
    • Using 30-49 copies of the same item will give an extra 50% XP.
    • Using more than 50 copies of the same item will give an extra 100% XP.
      • Note that crafting items into higher tier items drastically reduces the total ingredient EXP gained, so lower-tier items should be left as is for maximum efficiency.
  • Truck sales do not consume equipment, so just 1 of a certain item is enough to gain the full benefit. (Stockpiling items can slightly increase an equipment’s base stats, but has sharply diminishing returns and doesn’t work on passive effects.)
  • Calorie limits can be increased by upgrading their respective base. All Ingredient calorie counts can be reduced by upgrading using certain items.
  • Even though you have high level sweets, make sure you also put out cheap sweets or else low level customers cannot buy your sweets due to not having enough money. You can check their respective wallet size under the "Customers" menu.

Beginner Bakery Tips

  • When putting up shelves, put them as close to the counter as possible, to reduce the time it takes for your staff to walk from the sweet stock to the shelf to restock.
  • If you are running low on money, either use a different shelf that uses less upkeep or switch to a cheaper supplier.
  • As is the case with the Ramen Sensei, it's better to have more staff handling the shelves and register than bakers in the kitchen. Two staff working the kitchen is plenty for most of the game.
  • It is best to buy bakery upgrades (i.e. Add Sweet Stock, Productivity Up) as soon as they are made available. While expensive, these will drastically improve your bakery and will help you make more money faster in the long term.
  • Whipped Cream is the most versatile ingredient in the game for the following reasons: Syrups generally gain more stats per level up in comparison to Decors, giving it insanely high stats at very high levels, it's also one of the syrups that gains volume as the level increases. The "Cream" category exists in 18 out of 24 recipes in the game, making it the most common category in the entire game. Finally, the Whipped Cream is the most powerful "Cream Syrup" in the game, while being initially available as you start the game as an added bonus.
  • For the beginning of the game, while the sweets' levels are low, it is best to change the stocked sweets to follow the trends. For sweets to be stocked immediately in the morning for trendy months, change the sweets on the shelves at 19:00 the month prior to give your staff time to bake and stock them.
    • If you have more than three or four shelves, however, try to keep stock of sweets that are trendy different times of the year to reduce shelf dumping costs. The best sweets to stock are ones that are popular for more than two consecutive months. Customers will still buy unpopular sweets, especially if they are high level and one of the customer’s preferred type.
  • Since customers only gain satisfaction when eating sweets at your bakery (at which there are limited seats available), it can sometimes be advisable to delay checking out new customers until the previous round has finished eating. To achieve this, change all but 1-2 staff members’ jobs to Kitchen, then repeatedly swap whichever one mans the cashier to Kitchen and back to Hole without closing the dialog. They will get confused and repeatedly run back and forth between the kitchen and hole areas, buying enough time to free up table space for more customers. (Given that this is tedious and hurts one’s ability to restock shelves, this is only really worth doing when one or more customers is waitIng in line with a preferred sweet in hand.)
  • The best way to grind creation exp to unlock new suppliers (and gets lots of SP for lucky spin to boot) is to put a Jelly on a regular Cake Plate and place 3 whipped creams on it in a row. If you have Advanced Baker Tech, make sure to place a Whipped Cream before the base for some extra volume (which tends to be the major bottleneck anyways).
    • For finishing touches, use Tiger Hoods or Bunny Lapin for a truckload of extra stats. (If you don’t have either, just use whoever gives you the most stats.)
    • Changing device time to a Saturday will grant both a 50% boost to creation exp and a 2x SP boost for Vanilla Ice Creams, letting you sell them immediately for 100 SP each.


  • It's best to level up each Supplier to Level 2 as soon as possible. Every time you level up an existing supplier, not only do you get a new plate from the newly unlocked supplier to build recipes with and a +1 increase to your max CP, your CP also gets completely refilled. (If your CP is already near full, either do some Hall of Fame challenges or swap to a different supplier and make some more sweets to make full use of the free refill.)
  • It is recommended that you level up Sunny Farm to Level 2 as soon as possible, so you can build the high-level Recipes that require a large plate. (Sunny Farms is also a very good supplier to level fully as it gives bonuses to Sweetness and Texture that help greatly with winning early contests.)
  • Make sure to swap to a supplier that doesn’t affect ingredient sweetness or texture before starting any Hall of Fame challenges as it may make certain requests virtually impossible to fulfill.

Truck Sales

  • For Truck Sales, there are three different stats you must take into account: Stamina, Appeal, and Buzz.
    • Stamina determines how long the truck driver can sell sweets until he becomes exhausted and comes back to the bakery. Customers will deplete Stamina every time they visit, and will deplete it even more if there are no sweets that the costumers like. If Stamina runs out in the middle of the trip, the truck driver will return to the bakery early with only half the money earned and you will have to pay 10 premium tickets to recover the treasure intact (which is nearly always a waste). The longer the trip and the harder the area, the more Stamina will be required to return home safely.
    • Appeal changes how many sweets are sold in one trip. The higher the Appeal, the more sweets are sold to each customer, and the more money you will acquire when the driver returns.
    • Finally, Buzz determines the amount and type of customers attracted to the truck. Higher Buzz customers will generally give more valuable items but consume significantly more stamina. To see what the tastes of the customers you will attract are, check your Buzz level. Buzz does not directly affect how many sweets are sold, because customers can be attracted to the truck but can decide to not buy anything.
  • To see whether a sweet is liked or not in an area, you can check the list of customers, as well as previous sales logs in that area. Low sales for a sweet does not necessarily mean it is not liked or even unpopular, and likewise, a sweet that sells a lot does not necessarily mean it's liked -- sales amounts tend to be extremely variable and dependent on Appeal. The sales log will tell you whether customers enjoyed the sweets they bought or not.
    • Your assistant implies whether the sweets you choose to sell will be liked in the area or not when she comments on how well the trip will go, right before you send the truck off. Her saying that "he's got plenty of stamina" may indicate that you chose the right sweets, whereas statements like "with luck, he may be able to make a successful trip" or "I'm really worried about his stamina" likely indicate a bad selection, since disliked sweets take significantly more Stamina to sell. Be aware that these statements can also reflect the truck's chosen equipment and trip time and only take into account the truck’s starting stamina (ignoring any boosts from plans/item passives), meaning it should only be used as a rough guideline.
  • If you can check your device often, 30 minute truck sales are the most efficient in terms of customers/hr. Longer trips can be useful when going away for long periods or overnight, but make sure to have enough storage space (and stamina!) to carry all the treasures back. (Time-based items like Leafy Plants and Ionizers as well as stat-boost increasing items like Health Sandals and Info Terminals are especially useful for longer trips; conversely, flat stat-boosting items like Fancy Sweets and Ad Planes are better used for shorter trips.)


  • For each contest, there are three judges that score different stats of the recipe to determine its "Perfection" ranking. Most times, judges will only grade up to 100 each, but if the quality of the recipe is far above the expected quality for the contest, and if the sweetness and texture is just right, judges can sometimes score recipes over 100, upwards to 240.
    1. The first judge grades the Volume stat.
    2. The second judge grades the Taste stat.
    3. The third judge grades the Aroma stat.
  • Winning a contest will earn you whatever the contest's prize is, as well as an influx of customers. If you win a Level 3 contest, your maximum CP will raise by 1, and will sometimes unlock an even harder contest to enter.
  • You can win a contest by merely having your entry's score match the highest score of your competitors' entries.
  • If you find yourself stuck in a contest, try the following steps:
    1. Switch to a lower quality supplier that you have fully upgraded to Level 10, ideally one that grants bonuses to Sweetness/Texture.
    2. Wait until the following month when you will have switched to the L10 supplier.
    3. Create the recipe that you intend to enter the contest with.
    4. Switch to the supplier with the highest quality rating. (This is usually the last one unlocked.)
    5. Enter the contest before 14:00 with the recipe you created.
    6. (Optional) Swap the supplier back afterwards to avoid losing too much money.
    • Optional: Running the Recipe Lab isn't a bad idea either if a one-point increase in sweetness or texture (change from Moist to Light, for example) is enough to nudge your recipe towards a win. It is advisable, however, to have a healthy stockpile of medals and a relatively full-stocked shop with popular sweets to ensure you can finish the Lab successfully. If it looks like you're about to fail the recipe lab, either force quit and restart the game (putting you back at the start of the day) OR leave the game alone until your CP has replenished enough for a second run.

The reason for these series of steps is partly explained in the first popup dialog from Manage -> Change Suppliers: "Supplier quality will even affect sweet recipes that you have created in the past." Creating the recipe with the lower-quality L10 supplier allows you to receive all the bonuses offered by that supplier while switching to the higher quality supplier afterward boosts the overall quality of the recipe. When the contest is being held, you are in effect entering with a recipe created with the quality stat of your higher quality supplier, with the bonuses from the lower quality L10 supplier.

Yule Logs

  • Yule Logs are one of the most overpowered recipes you can create and will allow you to brute-force almost every contest up to Angelic Desserts Lv. 1 - and make lots of money with it. To make one:
    • Supplier: Sunny Farms (best if you have this supplier at maximum level - all recipes will have maxed Sweetness and Texture). Use another supplier if the contest specifically demands low Sweetness or Texture.
    • Plate: Japanese Plate (unlock Local Market) or Colorful Plate (unlock Sunny Farm) at 4 toppings, Dessert Plate (unlock at Future Farm), or Elegant Plate (unlock Mall Mart).
    • Yule Log recipes (decor in order):
      • Four toppings: Cake Roll base, Chocolate Decor, Whipped Cream, Chocolate Decor, Sprinkles.
      • Five toppings: Cake Roll base, Chocolate Decor, Whipped Cream, Chocolate Decor, Whipped Cream, Sprinkles.
      • Six toppings: Waffle base, Whipped Cream, Whipped Cream (creates Cake Roll base), Chocolate Decor, Whipped Cream, Chocolate Decor, Sprinkles.
      • Seven or more toppings: It is recommended to use Large Plate only decor to boost the originality score (though make sure not to go overboard on Calories). Otherwise, use Whipped Cream to boost stats even more.
      • Finishing Touch: Matt Lesko if the resulting recipe has too many calories (null for "Be Cake and Eat It" and "Monsterous Cakes" contests). Otherwise, use Bunny Lapin or Tiger Hoods to increase stats even further.
  • Suppliers affect the maximum stats of the recipes with their quality, so do not forget to switch to the highest quality supplier possible before entering the contest.
    • Please note that suppliers raise the stat cap as well. For example, a maxed Sunny Farms with 81 quality will increase the cap by 81%, increasing the stats of an otherwise maxed recipe with stats of 999 to 1808 (although the real stats will be hidden if they surpass the displayed limit). Two recipes might have 999 displayed, but one might exceed the other, assuming at least one had less than 999 without the supplier. As the displayed stat cap increases with limit removals, so does the supplier's hidden stat cap. See further explanation here
  • Topping the Yule Log with Sprinkles significantly increases its "Originality" stat which will otherwise block you from winning certain contests no matter how high your stat scores are. Examples of these contests are Yummy & Fluffy and Safari Style.
  • As the Whipped Cream will be used in the majority of recipes, it's strongly recommended to manually level up Yule Logs with medals and items in order to keep up with the Whipped Cream's insane leveling and ever-increasing calories. (Item calorie reductions can help somewhat, but will require large amounts of high-tier items to reduce calories with.) A cheaper, albeit slower, solution would be stocking only Yule Logs and relying on passive experience gain alone.

Creation Tips

  • If you add a Syrup immediately after adding another Syrup, you will still get the same stat increases, but you will not get any combos that increase stats even more, so it is not recommended in most cases unless the stats from the syrup far outstrip the stats gained from any potential combos (like with a high level Whipped Cream). Use a decor between the Syrups instead.
  • Using extracts, like the Choco Extract or Vanilla Extract, will remove any appearance of Syrup if added directly after the syrup. However, you will still have the Syrup stats, so if you regret using a Syrup for its appearance, using an Extract is an easy way to erase it.
  • Using medals or items to level up your Bases, Decors, and Syrups is vital for better scores. Leveling bases up will increase calorie limits as well as normal stats, and leveling up Decor and Syrups will increase their calories and increase normal stats. However, since you can buy Bases at Pumpkin Products, you do not need to upgrade the Sponge Cake unless you plan on making a recipe from the ground up (which is not recommended due to the limited amount of toppings and the ability to upgrade all Bases anyway).
  • Some special recipe bases, like the Tart, Baumkuchen, and Choco Torte, can only be bought from Pumpkin Products once. Otherwise, they can only be collected by winning Hall of Fame challenges. While you can still make them from scratch, it is recommended to only use the bases you can buy for creating higher tier recipes or for winning difficult contests.
  • If you're running low on CP, the Truck will often give you treasures that replenish CP after returning from a trip.
  • As stated previously, Whipped Cream is one of the most important and most powerful ingredients in the entire game, so it is recommended to upgrade it often. Make sure to upgrade your bases, though, or else you'll be unable to keep your sweets under the calorie limit.
  • If you're the creative type, some Decor will fully change color if you apply a Syrup immediately after them (as opposed to just adding the syrup on top of the Decor). Examples include Yam Cream, Almonds, Choco Deluxe, and Silver Sprinkles. Jelly is the only Base that will fully change color too.
  • Different sweets will be trendy in different months. You can view the list here. However, some ingredients tend to be popular in different months as well, regardless of the Base. Using berries and fruit Decor will increase that sweet's popularity in the Spring months, and using chocolate Decor will increase that sweet's popularity in the Winter months.


  • Expanding your recipe box also refills CP to full, so make sure to empty your CP before doing it.
  • Accumulated Sugar Points (SP) caps at 9999, so make sure to spend it once it gets close to 9999 to avoid wasting anything, (Spending SP in bulk is generally better than doing it more often as you can get a lot of medals and EXP items at higher tiers.)
  • If you are having trouble getting your customers an aura or winning contests like Aromaniax:
    • First, level your Whipped Cream up to level 20 or above, then use them on some of your recipes. This can be useful if you are creating recipes that require multiple creams. You can also use Rose Water, but Whipped Cream adds Taste, is less expensive than Rose Water, and can achieve the same or higher levels of Aroma when upgraded enough.
    • Make recipes with high default Aroma scores, such as Kairo Imo Yokan, Wairo Cake, or Macaron Tower, or easier recipes like the Yule Log, Bavarian Cream, or Vanilla Ice Cream.
    • Use Hani Sweets' finishing touch.
  • The Dessert Plate is the only plate in the game that adds 8 levels of texture instead of the usual 3 levels for all other plates. It is recommended to use this plate for contests that require high texture.
  • The more consecutive days you play Bonbon Bakery, the more things you will unlock. Other than Premium Tickets, you can unlock the Recipe Lab and Item Crafting after a number of days, both of which are extremely helpful for gameplay.
  • Customers will level up with Satisfaction and will give you certain gifts or upgrades when they hit certain levels. To increase Satisfaction, stock their favorite sweets or sweets with similar texture and sweetness to their preferences (or just brute force it with Coffee).