Tips (Convenience Stories)

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Tips.png This page consists of tips / a walthrough that is subject to opinion. While content is still required to be factual, tips are simply a possible route one may decide to pursue.
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There are 4 economic states. The soundtrack will change to indicate the current economy. The current economy is visible in the purchasing and negotiation screens. It's wise to upgrade shelf products during bubble and spend medals during a recession.

Economy Sales Cost Research bulb-pocket harvest.png-Exchange Upgrade eff.
Recession ↓ x0.6 ↑ (9) ∅ x1
Normal ∅ x1.0 ∅ (6) ∅ x1
Boom ↑ x1.4 ↓ (4) ∅ x1
Bubble ↑↑ ↑↑ x2.0 ↓↓ (3) ↑ x2