Transcript:Manual (Basketball Club Story)

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Basketball Club Story gamenav icon.gifBasketball Club Story

Achievements Drills Drill Combos Facilities Fan Activities Matches Items Players Skills Sponsors Themed Area Guide Visitors
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

Quote marks.png The following page is an exact transcription of the game's Help guide. The transcription below is of original content created / owned by Kairosoft Co., Ltd. It should not be modified to correct information, unless it is incorrectly transcribed verbatim.
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Basketball Club Story is a simulation game in which you create your perfect basketball team. Train you players and lead your team to a World Cup victory!
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Game Flow
Recruit and train your players, then take them to compete in various leagues. Upgrade your facilities and negotiate sponsorships to get more money!
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Basketball Games (Part 1)
For the most part, games are carried out automatically, though you can change tactics and give orders. You can also swaü out players mid-game as you see fit, for exmple if their Stamina runs low.
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Basketball Games (Part 2)
League games are round-robin, while tournaments are knockout-style. There are special one-off games as well. You can earn special bonusesbased on how you win.
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Attack Strategies (Part 1)
Shooting Range
Stand at a distance to try for a three-pointer, or stand under the basket for better accuracy? You decide! If your player has a string shooting range, try for the full three points!
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Attack Strategies (Part 2)
You can set your players near the basket of at a distance. The farther they are,, the easier three-pointers will be.
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Attack Strategies (Part 3)
Will you have your players hold position, or run into the next open area? With more momentum, players will more easily drive the ball to the basket.
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Defensive Strategies (Part 1)
On Defense
In zone defense, your players will guard the basket. I man-to-man defense, each player will target an opposing player and try to steal the ball from them.
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Positions PG SG
Point Guard and Shooting Guard
Guards are usually positioned around the three-point line. Raise your players' Shooting range to go for a three-pointer or hone their passing ability
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Positions SF PF
Small Forward and Power Forward
Forwards are usually positioned between the three-point line and the basket. Raise your players' Shooting range or Dribbling skill and take the shot!
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Positions C
The center player is usually positioned right under the basket. Raise your players' Defense or Jumping skills to seize control of the basket.
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Defense Positions (Part 1)
Defense is positioned in the following order, starting from under the basket: C PF SF SG PG. High Defense increases your player's chance to steal the ball and high Jumping skill makes it easier to get rebounds.
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Defense Positions (Part 2)
If the opposing team likes to try for three-pointers, you can intimidate the shooter with man-to-man defense. If they tend to dunk, switch to zone defense to protect the basket. The key is to tailor your defensive strategy to your opponent's attack strategy.
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As your players continue to practice together, they'll build up their teamwork. Strong teamwork improves the speed of Passing decisions.
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Swapping Players Mid-Game
You can swap players at any time from the Team screen. Give the order, and your players will switch out when the clock is stopped (e.g. after a point is scored). Be sure to swap out your players once their Stamina runs low.
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Improving Shooting Accuracy
Shot accuracy is determined by your player's Shooting skill as well as their Balance gauge and proximity to the basket. If any nearby opposing players have high Defense, this will negatively impact shot accuracy as well.
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Stealing the Ball
When two players fight for the ball, the one whose Balance gauge reaches 0 will lose the ball. To prevent enemy steals, hone your players' Dribbling; to improve their stealing ability, hone their Defense.
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Star Players
Select the player slot during a game to assign your Star Player. Once assigned, the Star Player is more likely to take possession of the ball, so be sure to choose one of your stronger players.
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When a player's doing great in a game, their Aura Gauge goes up, eventually allowing them to activate an Aura. This boosts their stats, but activating it at the right time is key; it'll only last for 10 in-game minutes!
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Drills, practice games, and official games all take their toll on your players, depleting their Stamina. Adjust your Practice Routine or use recovery items to make sure they don't run out of Stamina mid-game
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Player Stats
Stamina: physical fitness
Shooting: shot accuracy
Dribbling: prevents enemy steals
Passing: pass accuracy
Defense: steal accuracy
Jumping: jump height
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Player Condition
There are 5 condition levels that will impact your players' performance in-game: Top Form, Great Form, Normal Form, Poor Form, Terrible Form. Your players' condition can change over time or in response to items or drills.
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Players (Part1)
Players are categorized by ability such as Exceptional or All-Star. These categories will impact a player's growth speed.
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Players (Part 2)
Players get paid each time they participate in a game. The more games they play, the more their wages increase. Non-participants are not paid.
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Players (Part 3)
Your players are evaluated with every game. Players with consistently high ratings and popularity may be scouted for the national team or even receive the World MVP Award!
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You can teach your players a range of Skills through drills or by using special items. Equip your players with as many skills as possible and give them the competitive edge!
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Items have a variety of effects. They can be purchased in the Shop or earned by winning games. You can use these items on your players, facilities or practice courts to boost their stats!
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Changing Categories
Changing a player's category (such as Exceptional or All-Star requires the use of a special item. You can use it on any players at or above Level 20. After category change, players start at Level 1 again.
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You can hold drills for three players at a time. Effects vary according to the players' categories and the type of drill chosen. Compatibility between player categories may also boost their overall rate of growth.
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Drill Points
Performing drills costs Drill Points. You get these points by participating on games or whenever players or visitors make use of your facilities. To get lots of Drill Points, build facilities that generate them or set your practice routine to "Shopping"!
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Practice Routines
Basic Training: focus on improving Stamina
Offense Drill: focus on improving Shooting
Defense Drill: focus on improving Defense
Freestyle Drill: recovers Stamina
Shopping: focus on using facilities
You can change your Practice Routine on the Practice Court info screen.
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Home Base
In addition to the Practice Court, where players hold practice games, there are other facilities like the Bleachers, where spectators can root for their favorite players, and the Shopping Zone, where visitors can buy merchandise. You can also upgrade the Bleachers in the Practice Court.
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Visitors can go shopping at the Shopping Zone or sit in the Bleachers to cheer for their favorite playersè Their activities may earn you money or Basketball EXP towards your next level!
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If your visitors meet certain conditions, they'll turn into mega-fans called Boosters! Boosters aggressively buy your merch and turn out to cheer at your games, all to support your team!
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Whenever layers or visitors use you facilities, you earn money or Research Points. The facilities' Stock is refilled at the start of each month. Your facilities can also be upgraded with items.
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Facility Stats
Value: price per item
Popularity: affect amount of purchases
Stock: the maximum amount you can stock.
Upkeep: monthly maintenance fee.
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Research Points
These points have many uses: They're divided into Satisfaction, Drill, and Shopping categories. Earn them by participating ingames or whenever players or visitors use your facilities.
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Fan Base
Participating in Games or Community Outreach will increase your team's fan base. The more fans you have, the more spectators come to your games. Ans as your fan base grows, it will improve the effectiveness of Sponsorship and Hire Players.
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Support Points
Get Support Points by participating in Games and Community Outreach. You can use Support Points to boost drill effects and charge players' aura gauges mid-game.
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Team Evaluation
Your team's evaluation is based on your win/loss record. Beat a higher ranked team to greatly improve your rating. When it reache a certain point, your team rank will go up!
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League Tournaments
League Tournaments consist of several separate games in a row. Whoever wins the most games wins the league. If two teams are tied for first place, the team with the most points scored wins.
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Unlocking More Leagues
Conquer one league and you may unlock a new one! Some leagues can only be unlocked by winning a tournament.
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Sponsors (Part 1)
Signing with a Sponsor will get you a pay bonus for every game, so try to negotiate as many as possible! Negotiations are easier with a good team eval and a big fan base!
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Sponsors (Part 2)
Assign a Main Sponsor to activate that sponsor's special skill, giving you an edge on the court. Each game you play with that sponsor will gradually increase their level. Once you select a Main Sponsor, you can't change it for several months, so think twice who you want!
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Community Outreach
Community Outreach helps your team connect with local fans. Some activities may result in new discoveries: new visitors, potential recruits, defense plays, and more!
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Recruiting Players
Hire Players to get new players for your team. negotiations are easier with a good team eval and a big fan base! Hiring new promising players is the quickest way to make your team stronger.
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Item Shop
As you make progress in the game, you will unlock the Item Shop. Items are restocked several times per in-game year, and the quality and range of goods on offer will improve as your team rank goes up.
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The End
The "end" of the main game is set at the end of Year 11, Month 3, when your Clear Points are calculated. From this point on, you will no longer receive any points, but you may continue playing as long as you like.
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Other Notes
After reaching the end of the main game, you will be able to carry over some of your data to a new game, making it easier to beat your high score.
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About the Game
Manual - Basketball Club Story.png
Basketball Club Story
(C) Kairosoft Co., Ltd.