Achievements (TV Studio Story)

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TV Studio Story gamenav icon.gifTV Studio Story

Staff Genres Themes Sets Combos Achievements Guide
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In-game achievements will give clear points that can be traded for carryover bonuses for replays.

Each type of achievements reward different amount of clear points. Clearing all achievements will award a total of 1,031 Clear Points.

List of Achievements

Theme-Genre Masterpiece Combo and Theme-Set Good Combo (Total: 84 Points)

This achievements tracks the number of found Theme - Genre Masterpiece Combo and Theme - Set Good Combo.
Each type of achievements has the same requirement and reward. Each combo type will reward a total of 42 point

Number Found Clear Points Reward
1 1
3 1
5 2
10 2
15 3
20 3
25 4
30 4
35 5
40 5
45 6
50 6

Theme - Genre Other Types of Combo (Total: 90 Points)

This achievements tracks the number of found different types of Theme - Genre Combo.
The types of combos tracked are "OK", "Bad", and "Original".
The requirements and clear points rewarded are the same for each combo types.
Each combo type will reward a total of 30 points.

Number Found Clear Points Reward
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 2
5 3
6 3
7 4
8 4
9 5
10 5

Genres Discovered (Total: 15 Points)

Number Found Clear Points Reward
10 1
15 2
20 3
25 4
30 5

Themes Discovered (Total: 21 Points)

Number Found Clear Points Reward
10 1
15 1
20 2
25 2
30 3
35 3
40 4
42 5

Sets Discovered (Total: 25 Points)

Number Found Clear Points Reward
5 1
10 1
15 2
20 2
25 3
30 3
35 4
40 4
44 5

Decors Discovered (Total: 21 Points)

Number Found Clear Points Reward
15 1
25 1
35 2
45 2
55 3
65 3
80 4
95 5

Stars Discovered (Total: 18 Points)

Number Found Clear Points Reward
10 1
15 1
20 2
25 2
30 3
35 4
42 5

Requests Solved (Total: 42 Points)

Number Solved Clear Points Reward
3 1
5 1
10 2
15 2
20 3
25 3
30 4
35 4
40 5
45 5
50 6
52 6

Max Rating (Total: 231 Points)

This achievement tracks the max rating achieved by your TV program

Rating Clear Points Reward
3 1
5 1
7 2
10 2
15 3
20 3
25 4
30 4
35 5
40 5
45 6
50 6
55 7
60 7
65 8
70 8
75 9
80 10
85 20
90 30
95 40
100 50

Studio Audience (Total: 30 Points)

This achievement tracks the max studio audience during recording.

Audience Number Clear Points Reward
25 1
50 1
75 2
100 2
125 3
150 3
175 4
200 4
225 5
250 5

Studio Rank (Total: 170 Points)

This achievement tracks the max achieved rank.

Rank Clear Points Reward
E 5
D 10
C 15
B 20
A 30
S 40
S+ 50

Misc Awards (Total: 115 Points)

This achievement tracks the awards received. Achievements and clear points are only awarded the first time the awards are won. Subsequent winning will not give additional achievements or clear points.

Rank Clear Points Reward
Direction Award 10
Design Award 10
Originality Award 10
Show of the Year 25
Lifetime Goof 10
Grand Prize 50

TV Exhibition Guests (Total: 46 Points)

This achievement tracks the max guests that visit your booth during TV Exhibition.

Guests Number Clear Points Reward
5k 1
10k 2
20k 3
35k 4
50k 5
65k 6
80k 7
100k 8
120k 10

Total Fans (Total: 41 Points)

Fans Number Clear Points Reward
500 1
1,000 2
2,000 3
3,500 4
5,000 5
6,500 7
8,000 9
9,900 10

Magazine Review (Total: 41 Points)

This achievement tracks the max magazine review score that your show gets.

Review Score Clear Points Reward
25 1
30 3
45 5
60 7
80 10
100 15

Trending Position (Total: 41 Points)

This achievement tracks the max trending position that your show gets.

Trend Position Clear Points Reward
50 1
40 2
30 3
20 4
15 5
10 7
5 9
1 10