Transcript:Manual (TV Studio Story)

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TV Studio Story gamenav icon.gifTV Studio Story

Staff Genres Themes Sets Combos Achievements Guide
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

Quote marks.png The following page is an exact transcription of the game's Tutorial guide. The transcription below is of original content created / owned by Kairosoft Co., Ltd. It should not be modified to correct information, unless it is incorrectly transcribed verbatim.
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In this simulation game, you run your own television studio. Create great shows and increase your viewership, and you might even win big at the TV Awards!
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Game Flow
Your first step is to create shows and earn income. You can also train your staff and advertise to help boost your ratings and get even more Gold to work with.
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Show Creation 1
A show's popularity depends on the genre, theme, and stars you use to create it. Try out lots of different combinations — you might be surprised by how well they work together!
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Show Creation 2
The more you work on a certain genre or theme, the more you'll learn about it. This experience will help your studio level up and get higher ratings.
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Goods and Retakes
When shooting finishes, your staff will correct or retake any mistakes they notice, earning Research POints for each one they correct. You can still put out a show with goofs left in it, but too many can lead to poor ratings.
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Once a show is finished, it'll go out on the air. Be sure to promote it while it's being produced for a better chance of hooking in viewers.
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Show Stats 1
Affects Overall ratings.
Helps increase fame, viewer numbers, and ratings.
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Show Stats 2
Helps increase ratings.
Affects ratings when show starts airing.
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Show Stats 3
Research Points can be earned during bloopers and retakes.
Affects ratings and studio audience numbers.
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You can recruit staff in a variety of ways. Once hired, staff can be trained and leveled up to improve their abilities. Staff salaries are deducted in April of each year, so be sure to keep an eye on your funds!
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Staff Stats 1
Affects the show's Fun.
Affects the show's Originality.
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Staff Stats 2
Affects the show's Direction.
Affects the show's Production.
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Staff Jobs
The positions your staff are employed in can affect their abilities. When they level up, they'll become more proficient at that particular job. Staff jobs can be changed using certain items.
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Changing Jobs
When a staff member reaches the maximum Industry Level for their current position, they'll be able to switch over to a new job. Staff who've mastered several jobs can be a great asset to your studio!
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TV Stars
No show would be complete without celebrities to perform in it! The stars you use will affect a show's Quality and Fame. If you have a large Studio Audience, the stars themselves can find ways to improve, too.
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Star Stats
Affects the show's Quality and Fame.
Casting a star in their preferred genre will boost these stats even further.
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Filming 1
Furniture and decorations can be added to a set to make it look nicer and attract more stars. Finding the right combination of decor items may give you some unexpected results...
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Filming 2
Stars can be recruited to perform in your shows.
Certain staff have Filming Skills that can help improve the Quality of your show.
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Filming 3
Making deals with sponsors can give you extra funding, as well as giving you more time to film your shows.
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Filming 3
▪Studio Buzz
The larger your studio audience is, the better the atmosphere in the studio will be. This may cause your stars to emit a special aura, giving them a temporary boost in stats.
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Publicizing your show can help win you fans and improve your ratings. Advertise before you start filming to get people excited and increase your studio audience.
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Location Scouting
When you send staff out to scout new locations, they may also discover new genres, themes, stars, decor, and sets. Experiment with what you find and try your hand at creating different kinds of shows.
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Viewer Requests
Sometimes, viewers will send you letters about what kind of shows they want to see. If you listen to this feedback and put the requestsed shows on air, something good is bound to happen...
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You can use the Gold you've saved up to expand your broadcast area, move your studio to a new location, or improve your decor. Larger investments are more likely to have a positive effect on your ratings and revenue.
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TV Guide 1
When you put a show in the TV Guide, it will air every month, earning you revenue in the process. Think carefully about what theme or genre fits best with each timeslot before you make any decisions.
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TV Guide 2
If one of your shows becomes successful, it will have to compete against rival shows airing at the same time. Defeating a rival will increase your broadcast area, allowing you to get higher ratings than before.
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The more fans your studio has, the better ratings your shows will get. Make good use of different publicity methods and alter your priorities as needed to win more fans.
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TV Awards
Put out a good enough show and you might be nominated for an award that comes with a trophy. If you win the Grand Prize, viewers around the world will start taking notice of your studio.
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Television Exhibition
The Television Exhibition is an annual celebration of all things television. Entering will give you a ratings boost for the next year, depending on how many people visit your booth.
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Early Game Hints
Using the right combination of themes and genres is essential for getting good ratings. Training and leveling up your staff will also make things easier.
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The game ends at the end of March in Year 16. You can keep playing after the ending, or transfer some of your data to a new game file.
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About the Game
Manual - TV Studio Story.png
TV Studio Story
(C) Kairosoft Co., Ltd