Advertisements (Forest Golf Planner)

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Forest Golf Planner gamenav icon.gifForest Golf Planner

Advertisements Combos Contests Customers Facilities Rank Up Transcript
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In order to lure more customers to player's golf course, and to reach the coveted 5-star rank, the player should advertise their course. Promo Pete would help ran the campaigns needed. Below are the available ad campaigns.

Ad Campaigns Level Cost Effective for: Availability
Fliers F 20 Heart Points - Initially Available

Online Ads E 60 Heart Points - Initially Available

TV Ads B 150 Heart Points - Obtain ★2
Blimp Ads S 240 Heart Points - Obtain ★5
Costume Show E 50 Heart Points Kids Obtain ★1
Phone App Ads D 90 Heart Points Men Obtain ★3
Magazine Ads C 120 Heart Points Women Obtain ★3
Street Promoters A 200 Heart Points Seniors Obtain ★4