Forest Golf Planner

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Forest Golf Planner gamenav icon.gifForest Golf Planner

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Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

Forest Golf Planner is golf course/clubhouse management sim where you must design a course that is suitably challenging for all your customers so that they become regulars and even purchase a membership.

Bugs & Cheats

Bug-game dev story.png Bugs and cheats listed below can be replicated on a device without the need of cheat tools.

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External links

Language packs

Language Pack icon.png Language packs are community made translations of a specific game into a language not otherwise supported by Kairosoft. If you wish to create one, you can download the english CSV file here: <unknown location>.
See the language packs page for details.
Language CSV Author(s) Source Notes
