Endgame (Forest Golf Planner)

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Forest Golf Planner gamenav icon.gifForest Golf Planner

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Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

This page contains information about the endgame of this game. This includes information such as score calculation, carryovers, and other pertinent information.
This game "ends" on Y 16 M 4

Score Calculation

Funds ÷ 10
Popularity Lv. × 1,000
Satisfaction × 30
Skill × 1
Team Lv. × 500


Does carry over

  • Customers Skill level
  • Decorations (Large Oak, Hill, Pyramid, Fountain, Golden Kairobot).
  • Discovered Combos

Does not carry over

  • Funds
  • Nature Points and Heart Points
  • Most of the unlocked/bought Basics, Decorations, and Clubhouse Fixtures.
  • Customers Satisfaction level, and their use fee.
  • Golf Courses and the Clubhouse layout.