Bugs and cheats (Boxing Gym Story)

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Boxing Gym Story gamenav icon.gifBoxing Gym Story

Boxers Trainers Training Fights Skills Facilities Items Tournaments Marketing Members Photos Boxing Council Chief
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

Bug-game dev story.png Bugs and cheats listed below can be replicated on a device without the need of cheat tools.

Double Facility Bug

There is an odd bug that can occur when you can choose two rewards from the Boxing Council Chief back-to-back. If you choose a Restaurant Facility both times, it can occur that you will get the same facility twice and further Restaurant facilities cannot be unlocked after that.

Reload Save Training Glitch

The game determines whether a skill is successfully learned only when 100% is reached, so it is possible to save when the learning process is at 90% and reloading the game if the skill is not learned. This is especially useful when trying to learn difficult skills like +4 Combo.

This also works when your boxer is having worries, although this is a lot more difficult to plan, since Boxer worries appear at random.

New Game + Carryovers Bug

If the player decides to start a New Game +, it's very important to note that there is a bug which causes carryovers not to work properly:

If the game is saved after Y11 M4, nothing will carry over to a New Game +.

It's therefore vital that after reaching Y11 M4 the player immediately goes to the main menu, selects an empty slot and starts the New Game +. That way, everything will carry over correctly to the NG+.

This bug can happen after any playthrough is completed (1st, 2nd... and so on)

Source: Steam Discussions