Marketing (Boxing Gym Story)

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Boxing Gym Story gamenav icon.gifBoxing Gym Story

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Marketing Methods are unlocked from the Boxing Council Chief. They provide fans, popularity and either money or Smile Points.

Method Level Fans Monthly Revenue Popularity Cost Unlocks
Website 1 2,500 3,600 50 100,000
2 5,000 7,200 94 200,000 Scarlett Romanoff
3 7,500 10,800 138 300,000
4 10,000 14,400 183 400,000
5 12,500 18,000 227 500,000
6 15,000 21,600 272 600,000
7 17,500 25,200 316 700,000
8 20,000 28,800 361 800,000
9 22,500 32,400 405 900,000
10 25,000 36,000 450 1,000,000
Social Media 1 3,500 6,500 50 120,000
2 7,000 13,000 94 240,000
3 10,500 19,500 138 360,000
4 14,000 26,000 183 480,000 Ruby Storm
5 17,500 32,500 227 600,000
6 21,000 39,000 272 720,000
7 24,500 45,500 316 840,000
8 28,000 52,000 361 960,000
9 31,500 58,500 405 1,080,000
10 35,000 65,000 450 1,200,000
Video Channel 1 5,000 8,500 50 160,000
2 10,000 17,000 94 320,000
3 15,000 25,500 138 480,000
4 20,000 34,000 183 640,000
5 25,000 42,500 227 800,000
6 30,000 51,000 272 960,000 Marin Portside
7 35,000 59,500 316 1,120,000
8 40,000 68,000 361 1,280,000
9 45,000 76,500 405 1,440,000
10 50,000 85,000 450 1,600,000
Fan Club 1 3,500 4,800 50 160,000
2 7,000 9,600 94 320,000
3 10,500 14,400 138 480,000
4 14,000 19,200 183 640,000
5 17,500 24,000 227 800,000
6 21,000 28,800 272 960,000
7 24,500 33,600 316 1,120,000
8 28,000 38,800 361 1,280,000
9 31,500 43,200 405 1,440,000
10 35,000 48,000 450 1,600,000
Method Level Fans Monthly Smile Points Popularity Cost Unlocks
Community Clean-Up 1 150 4 100 45,000
2 300 5 188 90,000
3 450 6 277 135,000 Becky Wheat
4 600 7 366 180,000
5 750 8 455 225,000
6 900 9 544 270,000
7 1050 10 633 315,000
8 1200 11 722 360,000
9 1350 13 811 405,000
10 1500 13 900 450,000
Boxing Workshop 1 300 3 100 75,000
2 600 4 188 150,000
3 900 5 277 225,000
4 1200 6 366 300,000
5 1500 7 455 375,000 Shenzi Jackal
6 1800 8 544 450,000
7 2100 9 633 525,000
8 2400 10 722 600,000
9 2700 12 811 675,000
10 3000 12 900 750,000
Events Calendar 1 1500 3 100 160,000
2 3000 4 188 320,000
3 4500 5 277 480,000
4 6000 6 366 640,000
5 7500 7 455 800,000
6 9000 8 544 960,000
7 10500 9 633 1,120,000 Harissa Dench
8 12000 10 722 1,280,000
9 13500 12 811 1,440,000
10 15000 12 900 1,600,000
Lecture Hall 1 500 6 100 80,000
2 1000 7 188 160,000
3 1500 8 277 240,000
4 2000 9 366 320,000
5 2500 10 455 400,000
6 3000 11 544 480,000
7 3500 12 633 560,000
8 4000 13 722 640,000 Amy-Jo Pepper
9 4500 15 811 720,000
10 5000 15 900 800,000
