Bugs and cheats (Social Dev Story)

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Social Dev Story gamenav icon.gifSocial Dev Story

Development Items Sales Tasks CEO GameDex Furnishings Outsourcing Festivals Employees Platform Development Friend IDs
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

Bug-game dev story.png Bugs and cheats listed below can be replicated on a device without the need of cheat tools.


  • You can retry the login roulette, outsourcing, meetings, and a few other things by force-stopping the game before tapping after the results are displayed.
    • Closing the game right after using a limited genre, game content idea, or development method results in you losing one copy of that card for nothing. It also changes which idea is labeled as "Last" regardless of whether the idea is limited.
    • Closing the game while "battling" the genre will return you to the moment that the planning completed, before you may have stocked any project proposals.
    • Closing the game while "battling" the game content idea or development method returns you to the idea selection screen immediately preceding that battle.
    • The login roulette's options get randomized when you restart the game this way.
    • The outsourcing request restarts on its own with the same friend you selected the previous time. Because the module's second listed reward is not guaranteed but is chance-based, by restarting the game this way enough times, you can guarantee yourself the additional reward. (However, note that there are some rewards that can't drop in some cases, e.g., Platform Content won't drop if you've already got 3/3 in stock for every type of Platform Content.)
  • You do not have to rate the game to get the bonus coins when that offer appears (early in the game).
  • A game will not drop off the "Games currently being managed" list until you restart the app, even if you've made 50+ new games since that one.
    • Additionally, if you don't collect the proceeds for 30+ minutes before adding another "managed" game, you get that full duration's worth of money from the newly released game the moment you go to collect it. For example, if you have only 1 managed game and don't collect for 2 hours, then release a new game, then go to collect the money, you receive 2 hours' worth of sales money for both games.
  • During a festival, the high chance for rare items applies to the next game you develop after starting planning on the platform with the active festival, regardless of whether it was on the correct platform or the "festival" label.

Other bugs:

  • The game has a bug that makes proceeding through Gamedex impossible. It can be fixed by changing the language or possibly by never opening a specific fan letter
  • The sparkles that appear when selecting a Masterpiece combo appear above, instead of on, the computer screen graphic.
  • The mailbox entry that appears when you receive a gift from a friend is partly unreadable due to running off the screen. Its full text reads, "Here's a gift! Add a new level and create a great game!"
  • Timers sometimes don't start counting down when they start. However, as long as you have an internet connection, the elapsed time will properly be recorded if you simply move the app to the background and back into focus.
  • When attempting to enhance an idea with your last free team, you get the error, "You need at least 1 Game Development Team." However, you can make your last free team work on upgrading your platform. This means that if you start platform work with your next-to-last team, then your last team can't be set to work on enhancing an idea until that platform work completes.
  • Sorting the ideas during development results in the incorrect ranks being displayed.
  • The damage numbers displayed when staff are attacked do not account for the damage reduction provided by Backup Tools Upgrade.
  • Staff members that were hit by an attack show a quick flash animation at the end of that development stage rather than when struck.
  • If you start development on a stocked game after some of your staff complete their game proposals, those proposals will be forgotten and will not be shown as options when planning completes.
  • When gifting items to staff, the white curtain animation sometimes takes several seconds longer than usual.
  • The right wall of the first floor office is opaque when you zoom out and scroll away from it a bit, but it has windows the rest of the time.
  • (May be intentional.) You cannot give gifts to staff in the waiting room via the dialog that appears when your item box overflows.
  • (May be intentional.) Your current meeting points reset to zero when performing multiple meetings in a row when you have at least 10 meetings' worth.


  • The game incorrectly labels "fans" or "subscribers" as "staff" when talking about platforms.
  • The Fan List menu says "10 cost M" and similar where it means "males of age 10 through 19." The Japanese character for "generation" used in the original text here also means "fee."
  • After a game finishes selling, the game incorrectly says "Past downloads for <genre> games," where it should say something about your game's ranking within the genre.
  • The Overkill skill's description is mistranslated as "Game stats are correctly reflected even when the idea HP is 0," when it should say, "The staff member's attack may affect the game's stats even if the idea's HP reaches 0 before the attack hits." The Japanese word that was mistranslated to "reflected" also means "has an effect on."
  • "A different genre's past ranking report just in!" should say something closer to "A genre-specific historical ranking report just came in!"
  • "Grade is improved when completing projects in the specialty genre" could be a bit clearer--it means that staff member's (job's) specialty genre.
  • The "Kairolandia" platform was translated as "Kairohard" despite its icon still saying "Kairolandia."
  • "Here you can receive Coins everyday depending on how many times your specified game was installed" should instead say something like, "Here you can receive Coins for an installed game. The number of Coins you receive varies by game. You can only claim the Coins for each game once, and you can only claim the Coins for one game each day."
  • "A meeting will be held once you reach max points," should instead say, "You can hold a meeting after reaching max points."
  • "If you delete this you won't be able to receive any more," should say, "If you delete this you will lose the ability to claim the item."
  • Additionally, many of the translations incorrectly use adjectives like "everyday" and "anymore" where they should use the equivalent adverbs "every day" and "any more."
  • When sending a gift, "The new arrivals can build 3F and higher," should say, "This enables the recipient to build 3F and higher."
  • "Idea improved!" should say "Idea enhancement completed!" The current phrasing makes no sense when the enhancement fails.


† Verified by searching the decompiled source code.