Festivals (Social Dev Story)

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Festivals are hour-long events during which, if you develop a game (from a new game proposal) on a specific platform, your chance of earning rarer items increases significantly. While the developers likely intended for only the proposals that have the "Festival" label to give extra rewards, during a festival, the game plans labeled "Festival" only cost more stamina (half of your max). Rare items will drop no matter what proposal you choose to develop after beginning planning, including stocked ones for other platforms. After the festival planning begins, only the next one game you produce will gain the rare item boost, and using the "again" button to restart the planning does not count as beginning again. Even selecting a proposal with the "Festival" label will not produce rare items if you already developed another game after starting the festival planning. Additionally, you do not have to begin development on the game during the festival time period to receive the rare item boost, as long as planning began before the festival ended.

Festivals span a clock hour (e.g., 8:00-9:00, not a random minute like 8:03-9:03) and recur on the same day number each month at the same time of day for the same platform. The following table shows the festival timing in your local time zone (actually, the festivals occur an hour later than listed here for me, but it uses the server's UTC timestamp, so the game is likely unaware of Daylight Savings Time).

Day of Month Hour Platform Rare Rate
1 9 Gonami 5
1 12 Kairohard 5
1 13 Woobisoft 5
1 13 Sego 4
1 18 Macrosoft 5
2 9 RANK 5
2 9 Macrosoft 4
2 9 Mintendo 5
2 21 Banzai Mamco 5
3 8 Digital Arts 4
3 10 Maxivision 5
3 11 Banzai Mamco 5
3 17 Kairohard 5
4 12 Sego 4
4 18 Gonami 4
4 20 Macrosoft 5
5 12 Banzai Mamco 5
5 15 Woobisoft 5
6 8 RANK 5
6 22 Woobisoft 5
7 23 Comcap 4
8 14 Macrosoft 4
8 21 Banzai Mamco 5
9 17 Woobisoft 5
10 13 Your platform 5
10 23 Kairohard 5
11 8 Macrosoft 5
12 10 Sego 4
12 15 Maxivision 5
13 11 Woobisoft 5
14 8 RANK 5
15 13 Gonami 5
15 18 Comcap 4
16 10 Digital Arts 5
17 17 Maxivision 5
18 23 RANK 5
19 11 Mintendo 5
20 8 Digital Arts 4
21 9 Your platform 5
22 19 Maxivision 5
23 19 Maxivision 5
24 10 Your platform 5
25 13 Digital Arts 5
25 13 Your platform 5
25 14 RANK 5
25 19 Gonami 4
26 23 Sego 4
27 22 Mintendo 5
28 9 Kairohard 5
28 16 Gonami 5
29 16 Macrosoft 5
29 17 Comcap 4
30 20 Maxivision 5
30 22 Mintendo 5
31 11 Gonami 4
31 19 Your platform 5