Endgame (Ninja Village)

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Ninja Village gamenav icon.gifNinja Village

Structures Villagers Items Skills
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

This page contains information about the endgame of this game. This includes information such as score calculation, carryovers, and other pertinent information.
This game "ends" on Y 16 M 4

Score Calculation

Final Money x 0.1
Total Forces x 28
Provinces conquered x 2200
Max Villager Level x 100
Max Training Level x 600
Villagers x 600
Items Researched x 400
Total Visitors x 10
Unification Bonus x ?? Based on speed


Does carry over

  • One of your unlocked villagers (as your starting villager at the default level). Marukome gets replaced.
  • Shop sales are saved and you get one unit of each environment structure that you unlocked previously (Eg. Flower Garden, Well, Garden, Scarecrow, Festival Drum, Fireworks).
  • Kairo Armor (if you beat True Tokugama) - This follows you to a new game even if you unlock it -after- the game "ends." You can only have one Kairo Armor per save data.
  • Kairo Mail (if you beat level 100 at the Training Grounds) - This follows you to a new game even if you unlock it -after- the game "ends." You can only have one Kairo Mail per save data.

Does not carry over

  • Villagers.
  • Money.
  • Items.
  • Forces.