Villagers (Ninja Village)

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Ninja Village gamenav icon.gifNinja Village

Structures Villagers Items Skills
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

Villagers spend their days working in the village. They produce raw materials, transport them to workshops, and carry the finished goods to the shops. How effective they are in these tasks depends on their Work stat.

Additionally, villagers can be taken on expeditions to defeat rival lords or suppress rebels. Villagers on expeditions do not do any work in the village however, so income can suffer for between 2 and 4 weeks depending on the length of the expedition.

Unlocking Villagers

Aside from the 4 starting villagers, additional villagers become available for recruitment after defeating rival lords and/or suppressing rebels.


Every villager has unique stats and a different stat progression. These stats can be increased (or decreased) by equipping the villagers with items. Training the villagers results in permanent increases to their stats and (possibly) upgrades to their skills. If no cost is shown, these villagers join your town automatically.

Name Cost Lv Base Stats Skill
Atk Def HP Str Mrk Work
Marukome 1 5 0 25 10 8 36 Strong Back
Enokida 1 7 10 30 14 7 22 Defense Up Defense Up 2
@ Lv.4
Defense Up 3
@ Lv.7
Inuzuka 2 9 0 50 18 22 18 Arrowproof Bulletproof
@ Lv.8
@ Lv.11
Jon 1 11 0 40 22 3 1 Chain Attack Chain Attack 2
@ Lv.4
Chain Attack 3
@ Lv.7
Chain Attack 4
@ Lv.10
Nishizawa 1 3 0 22 6 6 20 Arrowproof
@ Lv.10
Shakujii 2 2 0 30 4 24 10 Arrow Resist Arrow Resist 2
@ Lv.5
Arrow Resist 3
@ Lv.8
Arrow Resist 4
@ Lv.11
Asaryu 3 12 10 60 25 12 15 Strategy Strategy 2
@ Lv.6
Strategy 3
@ Lv.9
Strategy 4
@ Lv.12
Tagawa 80G 1 2 10 26 5 6 20 Defense Up Defense Up 2
@ Lv.4
Defense Up 3
@ Lv.7
Anzuame 160G 1 4 0 21 9 5 24 Melee Resist Melee Resist 2
@ Lv.4
Melee Resist 3
@ Lv.7
Yokoyama 230G 1 5 10 26 11 5 23 Defense Up Strong Back
@ Lv.4
Jinguji 220G 1 4 0 27 9 14 29 Bullet Resist Bullet Resist 2
@ Lv.4
Bullet Resist 3
@ Lv.7
Momokawa 400G 2 6 10 37 13 6 22 Defense Up Defense Up 2
@ Lv.5
Defense Up 3
@ Lv.8
Onigawara 500G 2 7 0 50 14 4 30 Arrow Resist Arrow Resist 2
@ Lv.5
Arrow Resist 3
@ Lv.8
Anmitsu 750G 3 5 0 43 10 2 29 Attack Up Attack Up 2
@ Lv.6
Attack Up 3
@ Lv.9
Sasakama 450G 3 9 0 55 18 8 32 Strategy Strategy 2
@ Lv.6
Strategy 3
@ Lv.9
Yotoe 1,020G 4 4 0 40 8 12 29 Chain Attack Strong Back
@ Lv.7
Karasuyama 1,440G 4 3 0 52 7 6 39 Horse Resist 3 Horse Resist 4
@ Lv.10
Fukuyo 1,260G 5 6 0 53 13 4 32 Rapid Shot Rapid Shot 2
@ Lv.8
Rapid Shot 3
@ Lv.11
Nakano 1,900G 5 8 0 70 17 5 40 Chain Attack 2 Chain Attack 3
@ Lv.8
Chain Attack 4
@ Lv.11
Manpuku 160G 1 3 10 48 6 10 2 Defense Up Defense Up 2
@ Lv.4
Defense Up 3
@ Lv.7
Edajima 200G 1 6 0 64 13 2 4 Horse Resist Horse Resist 2
@ Lv.4
Horse Resist 3
@ Lv.7
Ninoude 350G 2 7 10 72 15 8 9 Defense Up Defense Up 2
@ Lv.5
Defense Up 3
@ Lv.8
Momiage 440G 2 10 0 82 20 7 6 Bullet Resist Bullet Resist 2
@ Lv.5
Bullet Resist 3
@ Lv.8
Hayashi 260G 3 7 0 71 14 23 11 Arrow Resist Arrow Resist 2
@ Lv.6
Arrow Resist 3
@ Lv.9
Shimazu 1,520G 3 8 0 88 17 15 12 Melee Resist 2 Melee Resist 3
@ Lv.6
Melee Resist 4
@ Lv.9
Kimura 2,300G 4 10 0 88 21 10 22 Strategy 2 Strategy 3
@ Lv.7
Strategy 4
@ Lv.10
Galapagos 1,890G 4 9 0 111 19 22 3 Bullet Resist 2 Bullet Resist 3
@ Lv.7
Bullet Resist 4
@ Lv.10
Shalala 450G 5 9 0 111 19 6 7 Horse Resist 2 Horse Resist 3
@ Lv.8
Horse Resist 4
@ Lv.11
Dorifu 230G 1 3 0 16 7 24 12 Rapid Shot Rapid Shot 2
@ Lv.4
Rapid Shot 3
@ Lv.7
Harukaze 380G 1 4 10 18 8 27 13 Defense Up Defense Up 2
@ Lv.4
Defense Up 3
@ Lv.7
Komori 460G 2 4 0 21 8 28 5 Bullet Resist Bullet Resist 2
@ Lv.5
Bullet Resist 3
@ Lv.8
Akagawa 840G 2 4 0 28 8 26 8 Rapid Shot Rapid Shot 2
@ Lv.5
Rapid Shot 3
@ Lv.8
Ishikawa 890G 3 7 0 21 14 28 12 Arrow Resist Arrow Resist 2
@ Lv.6
Arrow Resist 3
@ Lv.9
Oshiyama 280G 3 4 0 24 8 37 9 Rapid Shot Rapid Shot 2
@ Lv.6
Rapid Shot 3
@ Lv.9
Iga 310G 4 8 0 32 16 29 16 Melee Resist Melee Resist 2
@ Lv.7
Melee Resist 3
@ Lv.10
Shishimaru 3,700G 4 6 0 24 23 40 11 Strategy 2 Strategy 3
@ Lv.7
Strategy 4
@ Lv.10
Kongo 5,000G 5 18 0 45 32 34 5 Attack Up 2 Attack Up 3
@ Lv.8
Attack Up 4
@ Lv.11
Kamitsumichi 200G 1 11 0 43 23 14 5 Horse Resist Horse Resist 2
@ Lv.4
Horse Resist 3
@ Lv.7
Mogami 240G 1 13 0 43 25 6 19 Attack Up Attack Up 2
@ Lv.4
Attack Up 3
@ Lv.7
Takenaga 1,050G 2 13 0 70 27 6 12 Chain Attack Chain Attack 2
@ Lv.5
Chain Attack 3
@ Lv.8
Shiokaze 1,360G 2 15 10 55 31 15 6 Defense Up Defense Up 2
@ Lv.5
Defense Up 3
@ Lv.8
Ishida 3,500G 3 16 0 58 32 11 7 Bullet Resist Bullet Resist 2
@ Lv.6
Bullet Resist 3
@ Lv.9
Date 4,020G 4 17 0 93 35 9 9 Chain Attack Chain Attack 2
@ Lv.7
Chain Attack 3
@ Lv.10
Oda 4,660G 4 16 0 65 35 16 6 Strategy Strategy 2
@ Lv.7
Strategy 3
@ Lv.10
Toyotomi 5,400G 5 18 0 64 33 22 10 Attack Up 2 Attack Up 3
@ Lv.8
Attack Up 4
@ Lv.11
Miyamoto 5,800G 5 21 0 70 42 6 2 Chain Attack 2 Chain Attack 3
@ Lv.8
Chain Attack 4
@ Lv.11
Bearington 9 23 0 65 46 1 35 Strategy 2 Strategy 3
@ Lv.12
Strategy 4
@ Lv.15
Strategy 5
@ Lv.18
Chimpan Z 5,500G 9 15 0 56 30 45 28 Horse Resist 2 Horse Resist 3
@ Lv.12
Horse Resist 4
@ Lv.15
Horse Resist 5
@ Lv.18


Villagers become available after you claim the initial four districts and defeat the various clans (C) or uprisings (U). Once you claim the initial four districts and fund the Shogunate's base of operations, you can wage war on the various clans. After defeating each clan, an uprising will happen roughly 1-2 weeks later. Defeating both clans and uprisings will unlock one new villager each.

Name Location
Marukome Initially Available
Enokida Initially Available
Inuzuka Yr 1, Mn 4, Wk 3
Jon Iroha District
Nishizawa Hoheto District
Shakujii Hoheto District
Asaryu Chirinaru District
Tagawa Saika (C)
  • Ukita (C), then
  • Bandit Gang (U)
Yokoyama Chosokabe (C)
Jinguji Rokkaku (C)
  • Imagawa (C), then
  • Suppa Group (U)
Onigawara Amako (C)
Anmitsu Sanada (C)
Sasakama Mori (C)
Yotoe Hojo (C)
Karasuyama Takeda (C)
Fukuyo Asakura (C)
  • Date (C), then
  • Kurohabaki Group (U)
  • Uesugi (C), then
  • Nokizaru Group (U)
  • Azai (C), then
  • Kaga (U)
Ninoude Satomi (C)
Momiage Otomo (C)
Hayashi Azai (C)
Shimazu Shimazu (C)
Kimura Tanegashima (C)
Galapagos Miyoshi (C)
Shalala Nanbu (C)
  • Asakura (C), then
  • Echizen (U)
  • Sanada (C), then
  • Togakushi Village (U)
  • Amako (C), then
  • Hachiya (U)
  • Hojo (C), then
  • Fumaichido Group (U)
  • Mori (C), then
  • Seki (U)
  • Saika (C), then
  • Negoro-Ji (U)
  • Rokkaku (C), then
  • Koga (U)
  • Takeda (C), then
  • Mitsumono Group (U)
  • Tokugawa (C), then
  • Iga Village (U)
Kamitsumichi Ukita (C)
Mogami Mogami (C)
Takenaga Imagawa (C)
  • Chosokabe (C), then
  • Illegal Passage (U)
  • Shimazu (C), then
  • Mountain Depths (U)
Date Date (C)
  • Oda (C), then
  • Ishiyama Hongan-Ji (U)
Toyotomi Uesugi (C)
Miyamoto Tokugawa (C)
  • All Clans and Uprisings
  • Bearington Ballers (U)
Chimpan Z Oda (C)

Packs of Wild Animals

Animals are equippable items that must be tamed through battle. They provide various effects to your army's units while fighting alongside them and are unlocked similarly to Uprisings. Once certain clans have been defeated, follow-up battles will be against the animals in question and upon defeat they will join you.

Animal Clan
Crows Azai
Wolves Nanbu
Boars Mogami
Bears Otomo
Frogs Miyoshi
Ninja Dogs Satomi
Tsuchinoko Tanegashima


  • The maximum level of a villager is 30.
  • Training a village upon level 20, the stat may slightly improved.