Structures (Pocket Academy 3)

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Pocket Academy 3 gamenav icon.gifPocket Academy 3

Structures Spots Teachers Special Classes Festivals Students Clubs Carreer Paths
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough
< Prequel


Structures come in three types: Environment, Facilities, and Special.

  • Environmental structures are primarily used to raise the spirit of near-by facilities. An infinite amount of them can be placed.
  • Facilities are the main type of structures used in the game, are key for building up your school as well as making combos. However, make sure not to build too many at once, as these facilities have an upkeep cost.
  • Special structures are structures that have a limited amount that can be placed at any time, have an upkeep cost, and provide a boost to nearby faculties. These structures also includes structures such as teacher/classrooms, gates, fields, and animal rooms.

Facility structures can be leveled to increase their effects though repeated use by students and teachers, up to a max level of 9. At Levels 3, 6, and 9 they will produce a gift.


Name Price (G) Type Unlocked By Research Points Perimeter Boosts Pop.
Hum-pocket academy 3.png Sci-pocket academy 3.png Culture-pocket academy 3.png Ath-pocket academy 3.png Music-pocket academy 3.png Social-pocket academy 3.png Flair-pocket academy 3.png IT-pocket academy 3.png Spirit-pocket academy 3.png
Wood Hall 1000 Floor Initially Available
Dirt Path 1000 Floor Initially Available
Sidewalk 1000 Floor Initially Available
Grass 1000 Floor Initially Available
Woods 29000 Decoration Initially Available +1 + +1
Pine 10000 Decoration Initially Available +1 + +1
Big Rock 50000 Decoration Initially Available +1 + +1
Small Tree 10000 Decoration Initially Available +1 + +1
Flowers 20000 Decoration Initially Available +1 + +1
Azalea 20000 Decoration Initially Available +1 + +1
Cherry Tree 24000 Decoration Initially Available +1 + +1
Panel Hall 1600 Floor Promising Rank
Stone Path 2000 Floor Promising Rank
Bamboo 28000 Decoration Ted Bilal +1 + +2
Daffodil 20000 Decoration Kaz Kidd +1 + +2
Canola Flowers 24000 Decoration Jamie Seede +1 + +2
Lake 200000 Floor Karate Tourney
Persimmon Tree 20000 Decoration Jessie Gaw +1 + +2
Tulips 20000 Decoration Violet Hills +1 + +2
Hallway Flooring 3000 Floor ???
Carpeted Hallway 4000 Floor ???
Brick Path 3000 Floor ???
Granite Path 5000 Floor ???
Poplar 75000 Decoration Demi Angle +1 + +2
Sunflowers 28000 Decoration Kelele Yoo +1 + +2
Pansy 95000 Decoration ??? +1 + +2
Fragrant Olive 29000 Decoration ??? +1 + +3
Lilac 51000 Decoration ??? +1 + +3
Palm Tree 145000 Decoration ??? +1 + +4
Hydrangeas 72000 Decoration ??? +1 + +4


Name Description Unlocked By Price (G) Maint. /month (G) Research Points Perimeter Boosts Pop. Lv. 3 Gift Lv. 6 Gift Lv. 9 Gift
Initial Rank Promising Rank Hum-pocket academy 3.png Sci-pocket academy 3.png Culture-pocket academy 3.png Ath-pocket academy 3.png Music-pocket academy 3.png Social-pocket academy 3.png Flair-pocket academy 3.png IT-pocket academy 3.png Spirit-pocket academy 3.png
Nurse's Rm Come lie down if you're ill. Initially Available 150000 3600 4500 +1 +1 + + Basil Boggs 2 Social Seeds
Inst Shelt Check the temperature and humidity with this. Initially Available 130000 1200 1500 +1 +1 + + 100000G 2 Art Seeds 200000G
Water Pump Provides fresh drinking water. Initially Available 150000 1200 1500 +1 +1 + + Rosie Underwood 2 Spirit Seeds
Incinerator For burning garbage. Initially Available 120000 1200 1500 +1 +1 + + Jabb Walker 20 Hum-pocket academy 3.png 200000G
Track Do all kinds of exercise here. Initially Available 380000 6000 7500 +1 +2 + + + Draco Brown 300000G 4 IT Seeds
Library Full of useful books. Initially Available 300000 3200 4000 +2 +1 + + 20 Hum-pocket academy 3.png 3 Social Seeds 500000G
Music Rm Has portraits of musicians hung up on the walls. Initially Available 248000 3200 4000 +2 +2 + + 3 Social Seeds 4 Art Seeds 90 Sci-pocket academy 3.png
Bicycle Parking Area Don't forget your bike lock. Initially Available 240000 3200 4000 +2 +2 + + Small Tree 4 Spirit Seeds 90 Culture-pocket academy 3.png
Vending Rm Sells invigorating drinks. John/Jen Doe 121000 1200 1500 +1 +1 + + Victor Head 2 Art Seeds 300000G
Locker Rm Used for changing. Y1 M6 W4 120000 800 1000 +1 +1 + + 150000G 300000G 4 Charm Seeds
Bulletin Bd Find all the school's hottest event info right here. Y1 M11 W1 150000 1500 +1 +2 + + 3 Exercise Seeds 3 Exercise Seeds
Bench Perfect for a sun bathing. Huey Locke 100000 1000 +1 +1 + + 100000G 2 Art Seeds 30 Hum-pocket academy 3.png
Lounge Create a lovely atmosphere visitors are sure to never forget. Marina Izeland 240000 2000 +2 +1 + + 150000G 40 Hum-pocket academy 3.png 4 IT Seeds
Sink Hand washing is important. Quince Fielding 180000 1500 +1 +1 + + 3 Charm Seeds 20 Hum-pocket academy 3.png
Art Rm Full of colorful art supplies. Ayaya Matsunai 256000 4500 +2 +2 + + 40 Culture-pocket academy 3.png 60 Hum-pocket academy 3.png 5 Art Seeds
Tennis Ct Get your grand slam on. Millie Walton 280000 3500 +1 +2 + + 3 IT Seeds 3 Spirit Seeds
B-Ball Ct Alley-oop all the way. Layla Lalune 280000 3500 +2 +1 + + 20 Sci-pocket academy 3.png 400000G 4 IT Seeds
Social Studies Rm For studying Geography, History, Citizenship, etc. Shellbey Olde 288000 4500 +2 +2 + + 4 Social Seeds 60 Sci-pocket academy 3.png 5 Social Seeds
Lab Has anatomy models and lab equipment. Lan Ran Lan 296000 4500 +2 +2 + + 40 Culture-pocket academy 3.png 60 Culture-pocket academy 3.png
Music Prep Rm Has a lot of musical instruments and sheet music. Aki Andrews 144000 3000 +2 +2 + + 4 IT Seeds 4 Exercise Seeds
Cafeteria The most popular dish is the meat special. Coco Gucci 300000 4000 +2 +1 + + 3 Social Seeds 300000G
Stu. Counseling Rm Students can talk with their teachers here. Y3 M4 W4 165000 2000 +1 +2 + + 200000G 40 Sci-pocket academy 3.png 4 Spirit Seeds
Snack Store Sells snacks and stationery. Rob Gross 300000 4000 +1 +2 + + 2 Art Seeds 40 Hum-pocket academy 3.png 4 Exercise Seeds
Arcade Nice for taking a break. Benedict Baker 216000 3500 +2 +2 + + 20 Hum-pocket academy 3.png
Science Prep Rm Don't forget to lock up the cabinet with the poisonous substances inside. Sweath Armstrong 320000 4000 +2 +2 + + 20 Hum-pocket academy 3.png 4 Exercise Seeds 90 Culture-pocket academy 3.png
Rest Rm With heated seats! Daric Grieve 220000 2000 +1 +2 + + 5 Exercise Seeds
Mushroom Habitat Come harvest time, people love to argue about how to eat them. William Willows 320000 4000 +2 +2 + + 350000G 60 Sci-pocket academy 3.png
PA Rm Plays background music at lunchtime. Aangus Weaver 260000 2500 +1 +2 + + 3 Charm Seeds
Handwriting Rm Neat and clear handwriting is important. Takako Miyato 440000 10000 +2 +2 + + James Gold 4 Social Seeds
Security Rm Lost property and suspicious individuals go here. Powell Ramon 640000 8000 +2 +2 + +
Archery Range Has an air of majesty. Angel Meadows 616000 10000 +2 +2 + + Vinny Vancil
Training Rm Train your body and your mind. Lloyd Light 1110000 15000 +3 +2 ++ ++ 320000G
Dojo Learn self-defense. Eva Racine 576000 14500 +2 +2 + +
Hm Ec Rm Has high-tech sewing machines. Cobbo Cornell 384000 9500 +2 +2 + +
Misc Room A big, multi-purpose room. Erik Lowell 344000 8500 +2 +2 + +
Social Studies Prep Rm Has all the materials you could ever need. Ciao Skye 336000 4000 +2 +2 + +
Tiny Mart Sells convenient goods. Evvie Last 544000 13500 +2 +2 + +
Gym Used for PE and assemblies. ??? 1440000 12000 +2 +2 + + ???
Ping Pong Tbl No matter where you're from, Everyone loves Ping Pong. 3000 +2 +2 + + ??? ???
Math Prep Rm If you're lucky, maybe it'll have the answer sheet for the next test. ??? 312000 3500 +2 +2 + + ???
Trampoline Puts a bounce in your step. ??? 550000 5500 +2 +3 ++ ++ ???
AV Room Watch educational videos. ??? 1460000 19500 +3 +2 ++ ++ ???
Comp Rm Has the latest computers. ??? 1250000 25500 +3 +2 ++ ++ ???
Pool An unheated, standard pool. Windy Whitcloth 2100000 43000 +2 +3 ++ ++ ???
Food Tech Rm Here you wear your heart on your apron. ??? 1320000 27000 +2 +3 ++ ++ ???
Fountain Get those negative ions flowing. ??? 1800000 37000 +2 +3 ++ ++ ???
Gym Equipment Cupboard Careful you don't get locked inside. ??? 1100000 22500 +3 +2 ++ ++ ???
Second Gymnasium Mainly used for school assemblies. ??? 2200000 45000 +3 +2 ++ ++ ???
Lunchroom Who else can't wait to see what's on today's menu? ??? 1300000 26500 +3 +2 ++ ++ ???
Council Rm Don't forget to knock. Irving Poole 1100000 15000 +2 +3 ++ ++ ???
Tech Rm Chairs are extra sticky thanks to all the glue. Aqua Seymour 1270000 25500 +3 +2 ++ ++ ???


Name Description Unlock condition Price (G) Maint. /month (G) Research Points Perimeter Boosts Lv. 3 Gift Lv. 6 Gift Lv. 9 Gift Game+
Initial Rank Promising Rank Hum-pocket academy 3.png Sci-pocket academy 3.png Culture-pocket academy 3.png Ath-pocket academy 3.png Music-pocket academy 3.png Social-pocket academy 3.png Flair-pocket academy 3.png IT-pocket academy 3.png Spirit-pocket academy 3.png
Tomato Field Initially Available 100000 800 1000 No
Chicken Rm Initially Available 100000 800 1000 Yes
Club Y1 M5 W2 100000
Classroom Maxing out seats in a classroom 30000
Gate 2 gained every rank up 2000
Teacher's Rm Can hire and dismiss teachers here. Maxing out teachers in a teacher's rm 50000
Pig Rm Derek Akaga 200000 ??? 1500
Prncpl Rm Get sage advice. Y2 M4 W3 500000 4000 +3 +4 + ++ + 250000G
Famous Scholar Statue Reminds students of the importance of hard work. Y4 M4 W3 900000 8000 +4 +2 +1 + + + + 150000G Yes
Onion Field Kathy Heatherton 200000 No
Orange Field Barnett Westwater 320000 No
Totem Pole Has a mysterious atmosphere. Beau Byrd 500000 4500 +2 +3 ++ ++ Yes
Bronze St A statue of a famous person. Y7 M4 W3 1580000 12000 +2 +2 + + Yes
Gold St A splendid gold statue of a splendid person ??? ??? +7 +6 ++ ++ ++ ++ Yes
Peach Field ??? 600000 ???
Banana Field Z Chimpan ??? ???
Cow Rm ??? 320000 ???
Horse Rm ??? 600000 ???
Crocodile Rm ??? 800000 ???
Stone Robot A statue of a mysterious robot Y16 M4 W2 24400000 +3 +3 ++ ++
Ironworks Fire up and get creative 2500000 40800 +3 +3 ++ ++ Yes
CAI Rm Learn various languages and call out to the world 2300000 37600 +3 +3 ++ ++ King Ackbar Yes
Baseball Field Bring out the two-way players. 4100000 67200 +3 +3 ++ ++ Yes
Soccer Field Let's see that hat trick. 4200000 69200 +3 +3 ++ ++ Yes
Mini Art Museum Students can display their works here too. 2900000 31600 +3 +3 ++ ++ Yes
Photo Studio Make your memories into something you can take home. 2150000 35200 +3 +3 ++ ++ 6 IT seed Yes
Clock Passes time together along with the school. 5000000 40800 +3 +3 ++ ++ Yes
Planetarium Great for Stargazing 6000000 66000 +3 +3 ++ ++ Yes