Tips (Jumbo Airport Story)

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Jumbo Airport Story gamenav icon.gifJumbo Airport Story

Planes Visitors Stores Compatibilities Items Products Cities
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

Tips.png This page consists of tips / a walthrough that is subject to opinion. While content is still required to be factual, tips are simply a possible route one may decide to pursue.
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In the late game, Kairobot of Kairo Island will ask to be invited to your airport. Do this ASAP so you can unlock both the flight plan *and* the Kairo Airways (200,000G) flight slot. When there are requests for new customers from Kairo Island, complete them ASAP. The reason is because the reward for completing the fan levels of *any* of the four visitors is one that can be used in a NewGame+:

Kairobot = Kairo Pudding ("A supple pudding made by Kairobot just for you!" — Dessert, 30 Popular, *highly compatible with other food items* — the catch is you can use it on just one food store, and you have to first un-equip it to use the pudding on another store)

Kairowoof = 8-Beaded Rosary (Facility Booster item — "Enchanted beads once owned by a great monk." *Improves Scenery by 20*. Can be upgraded like other boosters)

Wairobot = Big Box (works like a Small Box — the first time I opened it, I received 900,000G). Wairobot says it can be claimed in NewGame+ also. Not sure if he means if it is not opened in the current game.

Sally Prin = Balloon (Aircraft — research only (as in, you can't buy additional units from Pumpkin Products), 5000 Research Points to unlock. Usable on Long routes, medium (B) fuel consumption. Stats when fully upgraded: 12 Seats, 71 Comfort)

Catching thieves: the thief is *always* a single person (no couples or groups); it walks a short distance before stopping and looking left and right, rinse and repeat; it has no flights to catch and does not have luggage. Thief is always wearing a red backpack. Successfully catching thieves 3-4 times unlocks the Security Room request — you only need one for the entire airport, and you can then ignore the "reports of suspicious persons" notices thereafter.

Every airline you unlock (except Kairo Island) has 5 visitors. The fifth visitor is the Mayor of the city and they're unlocked automatically by completing the fan levels of the other four visitors. Completing the fan levels of the Mayor nets you Medals x2. Do note that Mayors cannot be selected for the "Hold a fair" request.

Helpful Tip

In my experience, in terms of visitor and plane flow, there are little benefit in having more than the following quantities of major facilities:

  • Control Tower x1 (additional Towers offer NO benefit at all)
  • Baggage Claim x2
  • Arrival Counter x3
  • Security Check x3
  • Immigration Check x3
  • Check-In Counter x5 (you do need this many counters to handle the influx of visitors boarding their flights)
  • Boarding Gate x5
  • Apron x25 (this number is highly dependent on the layout of your airport's airside; the advisor may still complain of "Insufficient Aprons!" at this number though)
  • Runway x6 (you need 4 Runways at the absolute minimum to keep planes flowing) [Note from different editor: this can be circumvented by having two rows of tarmac in high congestion areas. Two tarmacs parallel to the runway so planes can still navigate if two planes are trying to use the same length, and around aprons where planes get stuck waiting for another to back out.]
  • Research Center x2 (when you have ALL food items and plane upgrades completed, you can get away with just one Research Center)
  • Nap Room x15 (Benches, Stools and Couches can handle the rest)