Jumbo Airport Story

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Jumbo Airport Story gamenav icon.gifJumbo Airport Story

Planes Visitors Stores Compatibilities Items Products Cities
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

Jumbo Airport Story is an airport simulator where you make your fledgling airport into a world-famous international landmark jam-packed with entertainment!


Jumbo Airport Story is a standard Kairosoft game where you use use your initial resources to reap a profit which you then reinvest to reap a larger profit, ad infinitum. There are multiple interlocking gameplay elements to master, but at the base of it, you are managing an airport.



There are x planes that you can research and buy in Jumbo Airport Story. They come in 4 colors: Red, Yellow, Green, And Blue.

Plane Name Max Size Max Comfort Fuel Cost Flight Range Unlock Condition
SA-1 Air Lite 7 36 A 1 initially available
SA-2 Viper 8 39 B 1 SA-1 Air Lite 80% upgrade
SA-3 Tristan 8 46 B 2 SA-2 Viper 80% upgrade
SA-4 Jet 9 49 C 2 SA-3 Tristan 80% upgrade
SA-5 Jumbo Jet 9 56 C 3 SA-4 Jet 80% upgrade
SA-6 Condor 10 63 C 3 SA-5 Jumbo Jet 80% upgrade


There are xx visitors that you can attract to your airport.

Name Target Residence Icon
Freelancer Youth (M) East City
Biz Woman Youth (F) East City
Elderly Passer-By Seniors (M) Local


Main articles: Stores (Jumbo Airport Story) and Compatibilities (Jumbo Airport Story)


Main article: Products (Jumbo Airport Story)

You can unlock products for your airport and use them on stores. They are classed in categories as Cooking, Soup, Drinks and Desserts


Main article: Items (Jumbo Airport Story)

You can use items to boost stores and facilities.

Bugs & Cheats

Bug-game dev story.png Bugs and cheats listed below can be replicated on a device without the need of cheat tools.

Get free indoor flooring by moving a shop outside the building but touching the edge. Flooring will be placed underneath and your building extended at no cost. Best to use restaurant for the 4 squares.

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External links

Language packs

Language Pack icon.png Language packs are community made translations of a specific game into a language not otherwise supported by Kairosoft. If you wish to create one, you can download the english CSV file here: <unknown location>.
See the language packs page for details.
Language CSV Author(s) Source Notes



Game Trailer