Jumbo Airport Story

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Jumbo Airport Story gamenav icon.gifJumbo Airport Story

Planes Visitors Stores Compatibilities Items Products Cities
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

Jumbo Airport Story is an airport simulator where you make your fledgling airport into a world-famous international landmark jam-packed with entertainment!


Jumbo Airport Story is a standard Kairosoft game where you use use your initial resources to reap a profit which you then reinvest to reap a larger profit, ad infinitum. There are multiple interlocking gameplay elements to master, but at the base of it, you are managing an airport.



There are x planes that you can research and buy in Jumbo Airport Story. They come in 4 colors: Red, Yellow, Green, And Blue.

Plane Name Max Size Max Comfort Fuel Cost Flight Range Unlock Condition
SA-1 Air Lite 7 36 A 1 initially available
SA-2 Viper 8 39 B 1 SA-1 Air Lite 80% upgrade
SA-3 Tristan 8 46 B 2 SA-2 Viper 80% upgrade
SA-4 Jet 9 49 C 2 SA-3 Tristan 80% upgrade
SA-5 Jumbo Jet 9 56 C 3 SA-4 Jet 80% upgrade
SA-6 Condor 10 63 C 3 SA-5 Jumbo Jet 80% upgrade


The Visitors play a crucial role in Jumbo Airport Story, being one of the main sources of income for the player. Each visitor has a maximum amount of income that can be used in the airport facilities, this income may increase after increasing the satisfaction levels of visitors, which may lead them to spend more at the airport.

Another key factor is that each visitor will have a certain level of stamina that will be consumed after performing various activities, so it is necessary to create comfortable seating around the airport so that they can partially recover this stamina. Additionally, the player can create Nap Rooms that can be rented in some cases for visitors who spend nights at the airport.

In the event that visitor satisfaction levels are met, there is a possibility that new requests will be submitted. A key mechanic for further advancement in the game is the completion of requests that require a basic investment of money in order to unlock new structures in addition to new demographics. Additionally, visitors will from time to time give gifts to the player in facilities that they have previously used, these gifts may contain items, research points and even money.



You can unlock products for your airport and use them on stores. They are classed in categories as Cooking, Soup, Drinks and Desserts


Main article: Items (Jumbo Airport Story)

You can use items to boost stores and facilities.

Bugs & Cheats

Bug-game dev story.png Bugs and cheats listed below can be replicated on a device without the need for cheat tools.

Get free indoor flooring by moving a shop outside the building but touching the edge. Flooring will be placed underneath and your building extended at no cost. Best to use restaurant for the 4 squares.

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Both King Ackbar and Chimpan Z have their own private aircraft in this game

  • Some of the classic Kairosoft characters have their own airlines in this game. From time to time, they will ask the player if they can land at their airport, in case they are satisfied with the airport's service, they can grant the player all kinds of special gifts that can help improve the airport's facilities.

External links

Language packs

Language Pack icon.png Language packs are community made translations of a specific game into a language not otherwise supported by Kairosoft. If you wish to create one, you can download the english CSV file here: <unknown location>.
See the language packs page for details.
Language CSV Author(s) Source Notes



Game Trailer