Endgame (Heian City Story)

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Heian City Story gamenav icon.gifHeian City Story

Structures Street Combos Tournaments Tourists Requests Practice Residents Rides Items
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

This page contains information about the endgame of this game. This includes information such as score calculation, carryovers, and other pertinent information.
This game "ends" on Y 12 M 4

Score Calculation

Remaining Capital x 0.03 Money remaining by Y12M4
Progress Level x 25 City Progress Level
Residents x 250 Number of moved-in residents
Rating x 7 Star rating
Regulars x 8 Tourists
Mastered Jobs x 24 Jobs at least 1 resident has mastered
Event x 1000 Researched events
Requests x 150 Completed Requests
Tournament Wins x 700 Completed Tournaments
Practice x 300 Completed Practice levels
Street Index x 500 Number of Streets
Max Land Value x 200 Highest Land Value Facility


Does carry over

  • Job mastery (after Job is re-unlocked) + stat bonus for mastery
  • Discovered Street Combos
  • 1 of each plant unlocked via Requests
  • 1 five-story pagoda & Kairo statue (even if earned after Y12M4)
  • Structure level cut by half (for example if it's 6 will go to 3 if it's 5 will go to 2 and so on)

Does not carry over

  • Gold
  • Research points
  • Items
  • Spirit Guardians
  • Spirit Guardian Levels
  • Bureau Level