Heian City Story

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Heian City Story gamenav icon.gifHeian City Story

Structures Street Combos Tournaments Tourists Requests Practice Residents Rides Items
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

"Travel back to olden times and become Director of your own city! Attract new residents and try to become the greatest city in the land! Add buildings like restaurants and teahouses to make your town a place where samurai and commoners alike will want to live."
- Official Game Description[1]

Heian City Story (Japanese: 平安京ものがたり) is a management game that consists of developing and expanding a Japanese village during the Heian period dating back from 794 to 1185.

Official Artwork available at the Kairo Art Museum (カイロ美術館) for Heian City Story.[2]

Being based on the last division of Classical Japanese History, most of the structures are based on traditional architecture, among the historical buildings that the player can build in the game are Buddhist temples (Japanese: お寺).

Other tasks in the game include the creation of tea houses or the development of crop fields for the villagers.[3] The game's setting is based specifically on the historical city of Heian-kyō, currently located in Kyoto Prefecture within the Kansai Region, which was the official imperial capital of Japan from 794 to 1868. One of the mechanics of this game is to defend the city from various monsters that time to time will attack it, additionally the player can perform cultural events of the time as it is Sumo Wrestling and Poetry Competitions.[4]


The structures in Heian City Story range from crop stalls and shops to traditional temples and buildings dedicated to the teaching of calligraphy and music. Most of the buildings were based on ancient Japanese architecture including temples and shinto shrines. Certain structures can be obtained by performing certain actions such as completing requests or by increasing the popularity/land prices of certain buildings.


Rides in Heian City Story are the main method of transport for your Residents. Once unlocked, they greatly increase their move distance and speed across the map.

To purchase the Ride, the resident must have the required job active, have enough savings, and visit the facility. It may take multiple visits for them to purchase the item. If trying to give a certain resident a specific ride, it can be advantageous to place the facility close to their home or in a central location that is frequently walked by and give them a high paying job for a few months to increase their savings before switching to the required job.

Once a Ride is unlocked, their move distance will match whichever is their highest rated unlocked Ride, however they may visually be riding any of their unlocked Rides at random. For example, if a Resident has both Cow and Spirit Cart, they may sometimes be seen riding the Cow (+15 distance), but will in fact have Spirit Cart's move distance (+30).


In late April 2024, Kairosoft officially released the Japanese versions of the game for both Android and iOS devices.[5] In July 2024, Kairosoft officially launched the English localizations for Android devices.[6] In December 2024, Kairosoft officially released the game for the Nintendo Switch.[7]




Game Trailer

External links


  1. "Heian City Story".
  2. "カイロ美術館". Kairosoft.net (in Japanese) Retrieved on January 13, 2025.
  3. "「平安京ものがたり」がiOS/Androidでリリース!土地の開拓や怪異退治をしながら平安京を作り上げるSLG" (2024-04-25). ["Heiankyo Story" is now available for iOS and Android! SLG game about building up Heian-kyo while cultivating land and exterminating monsters!] Gamer (in Japanese) Retrieved on April 25, 2024.
  4. "理想の平安京を作れるカイロソフト新作『平安京ものがたり』スマホ版がリリース。自分だけの都を造営・発展。襲い来る怪異から住民を守る防衛バトルも" (2024-04-25). [The smartphone version of Kairosoft's new "Heiankyo Story, which allows you to create your ideal Heiankyo, has been released.] Famitsu (in Japanese) Retrieved on April 25, 2024.
  5. u/ Suffermore47 (2024-04-25). "Heiankyo Story released! (also on iOS)". Reddit Retrieved on April 25, 2024.
  6. xXPedro_JoseXx_69 (2024-07-10). "Heian city story translated to english". Reddit Retrieved on July 10, 2024.
  7. Brian (2024-12-02). "Heian City Story drops on Nintendo Switch this week". Nintendo Everything Retrieved on January 13, 2025.