Odyssey (The Ramen Sensei 2)

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The Ramen Sensei 2 gamenav icon.gifThe Ramen Sensei 2

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To do: Add Map Layouts and recommended dishes for each area and trial. Add prices for truck parts.

Ramen Odyssey is a mode in The Ramen Sensei 2 where you travel around a board in a truck selling ramen to gain points and sales. You're not alone however, as you have up to 3 AI players doing the same. It's a race to see whoever can get the most points before the game ends!

Truck Parts

Your truck is made of 4 parts, the body, engine, gas tank, and tires. Each part has 4 stats: Stock, your maximum amount of ramen you can store before you run out, gas, the maximum amount of gas you can hold, roll bonus, which provides a flat bonus to your roll, allowing you to travel further in a turn, and consumed gas, which is the amount of gas you use each time you roll.


Body Type Price Description Stock Roll Bonus Consumed Gas Notes
Classic Body N/A Good for ramen delivery. 60 0 10 Starting body. Don't use it if you don't have to.
Improved Body Improved capacity. 90 0 25 A decent all-round choice. Unlocks the Speedy and High Capacity Bodies when bought.
Speedy Body Lighter body for faster delivery. 60 1 15 Doubles stock reduction when landing on a hazard tile. Good if you want the extra speed. Unlocks the High-Speed Body when bought.
High-Speed Body Even faster than the speedy one. 50 2 5 Doubles stock reduction when landing on a hazard tile. Preferred choice for most Odysseys due to the low fuel cost and roll bonus. Unlocks the Supersonic Body when bought.
Supersonic Body Built for speed...but for that only. 40 3 20 Doubles stock reduction when landing on a hazard tile. Too little stock to be worthwhile, sadly.
High-Capacity Body Can fit a lot of ramen inside. 120 -1 30 Good for slow burn playstyles. Unlocks the V2 version when bought.
High-Capacity Body V2 Can fit even more ramen inside. 150 -1 45 The extra fuel cost isn't worth it. Unlocks the V3 version when bought.
High-Capacity Body V3 The greatest capacity possible. 200 -1 70 Same as the previous body but worse.
Heat Resistant Body Heavy, but unaffected by magma. 70 0 20 Grants immunity to lava tiles. This and the next two are alright.
Water Resistant Body Heavy, but unaffected by whirlpools. 70 0 20 Grants immunity to whirlpool tiles.
Wind Resistant Body Heavy, but unaffected by tornados. 70 0 20 Grants immunity to tornado tiles.
Extra Safety Body Super heavy, but keeps you safe from all sorts of danger. 80 -1 40 Unlocked by purchasing the Heat, Water and Wind Resistant Bodies. Grants immunity to lava, whirlpool, and tornado tiles. Useful on Odysseys with many hazard tiles.


Engine Name Price Description Roll Bonus Consumed Gas Notes
Classic Engine N/A Makes a familiar hum. 0 15 Don't use it if you have to like all the starting parts.
Improved Engine More powerful than the classic one. 1 20 Decent early-game engine. Unlocks the Low-Rev and Power Engines when purchased.
Low-Rev Engine Less powerful but more energy efficent. 0 10 Losing out on the high roll bonuses the later engines get makes this and the next engine not preferred. Unlocks the Eco Engine when purchased.
Eco Engine Low output but eco-friendly. -1 5 Bad.
Power Engine Well-balanced power and energy consumption. 2 30 Good engine, but the later ones are even better. Unlocks the High-Power Engine when purchased.
High-Power Engine Improved version of the power engine. 3 40 Fuel consumption gets rather high for these but it's worth it as you won't be able to keep up later on without the extra movement. Unlocks the Jet Engine when purchased.
Jet Engine From an actual jet plane. 5 80 Now you're really going fast! But not faster than the next one... Unlocks the Rocket Engine when purchased.
Rocket Engine Go as fast as a rocket! 8 150 Unparalleled speed. The Superlarge Tank counteracts its incredible fuel cost.

Gas Tanks

Tank Name Price Description Gas Roll Bonus Consumed Gas Notes
Gas Tank N/A Good balance of mileage and fuel consumption. 200 0 0 Once again don't use it if you don't have to.
Gas Tank V2 Improved version of the normal gas tank. 300 0 0 Later tanks get better. Unlocks the Gas Tank V3 when purchased.
Gas Tank V3 Tweaked, high-grade gas tank. 400 0 0 Unlocks the Large Tank when purchased.
Large Tank Will last you a long way. 600 0 10 The tank gets so heavy it has a cost of its own. Use it if you prefer not having a lower roll bonus. Unlocks the Superlarge Tank when purchased.
Superlarge Tank With all that fuel, you'll be good for a long time. 900 -1 10 Preferred tank if you're using the Rocket Engine.


Tire Name Price Description Consumed Gas Roll Bonus Notes
Tires N/A For regular roads. 0 0 No effects. Don't use them if you don't have to.
Off-Road Tires For rough terrain. 0 0 Grants immunity to rocky tiles.
Rain Tires Won't lose grip on wet ground. 0 0 Grants immunity to water tiles.
Caterpillar Tires Perfect for driving on sand. 0 0 Grants immunity to sandy tiles.
Spike Tires Perfect for driving on snow. 0 0 Grants immunity to snowy tiles.
Hovercraft Increased fuel consumption but works on any terrain. 20 0 Can be purchased after buying the above tires. Grants immunity to rocky, water, sandy and snowy tiles. Invaluable for the trials.
Slick Tires Tires for high-speed driving. 5 2 Can be purchased after purchasing the Hovercraft. Doubles movement penalty when traveling on a terrain tile. Good on odysseys with little or no terrain.


Cards are usable items within an odyssey that grant an advantage when used. They can be bought with medals (adds the card to your stocked cards), accumulated sales, or used from your stocked cards. Only the lattermost is allowed if you have any cards of that type stocked. You can only use a limited number of cards for each run of an odyssey, this number usually starts at 10, but can be higher on some boards.

Card Name Description Sales Cost Medal Cost Info
Cook Card Fully restocks. 10 2 Fully fills your stock. An absolute must-have, as without stock you won't gain points or sales!
Gas Refill Card Fully refills the gas tank. 10 2 Fully refills your gas. Not as important as running out of gas doesn't prevent you from gaining points or sales, but still definitely important.
Turbo Card Double dice. 20 6 Roll two dice at once. Still consumes fuel, but can be used without any. Roll bonus takes effect after both dice have been rolled.
Rocket Card Triple dice. 40 8 Roll three dice at once. Still consumes fuel, but can be used without any. Roll bonus takes effect after all three dice have been rolled. The AI really likes using this card, and can occasionally cheat and use it at no cost to their sales.
Magic Spice Card Doubles ramen points for this turn. 50 12 Doubles the amount of points you earn for the turn. Incredibly useful when aiming for multiple development bonuses. The AI can cheat and use this card at no cost at times.
Hungry Card Doubles ramen customers for this turn. 60 15 Doubles the amount of stock you sell for the turn. Useful when combined with Magic Spice, though be aware this will make your stock count suffer. The AI can also cheat and use this card at no cost.
Idling Card Stay on the same tile. 20 2 Treats the game as if you rolled a 0 (roll bonus does not apply), thereby staying on the same tile and activating any on-land effects. Useful to get free stocked cards from card tiles and to let your opponents get in front of you.
Extension Card Get one more turn. 40 5 Increases the turns remaining counter by 1. Useful if your opponents are out of stock and have no card uses remaining.
Local Promo Card Set up stalls on 6 tiles from your tile. 30 4 Levels up all development tiles 6 tiles in front of you. Great to use to get a lot of points from development bonuses.
3 Extra Card Uses Get 3 more card uses. 150 20 Increases your card use count by 3. A must-have to stock up for long games. Do note that it cannot be used when you are out of card uses!
Step Cards Go forward by X. 10 2 (for 1-4)

3 (5-6)

Move forward by a specific number of tiles (roll bonus does not apply). Doesn't cost fuel. Useful to land on certain spaces.


A board is made up of many different tiles. Each tile does something either when passed by or landed on, or in some cases both.

Tile Name Upon Passing Upon Landing Notes
Development Tile Sell your dish to gain points. Depending on the level, you'll sell more dishes. Increase the level of the tile. Level maxes at 3. Sell your dish as well. Once a tile gets a certain number of points, a development bonus occurs, giving the player that earned the bonus a large sum of points. This bonus is affected by Magic Spice, but not Hungry.
Spice Tile No effect. Grants the effect of Magic Spice, doubling your points on your next turn! Doesn't take card uses.
Hungry Tile No effect. Grants the effect of Hungry, doubling your sales for your next turn! Doesn't take card uses.
Card Tile No effect. Stocks a random card, free of charge! Not present on any trial boards. Stocked cards carry over to other odysseys and even through NG+!
Investment Tile Sell your dish 5 times. Gain a money, SP, or an item depending on what you land on. A broad name for tiles that get created when completing a certain investment in the area you're in. Only present in area odysseys.
Terrain Tile Doubles your movement cost if your truck doesn't have resistance to the terrain. No effect. Present on many odysseys, most notably the trials. Includes rocky, water, sandy and snowy tiles.
Hazard Tile No effect. Lose half your current stock if your truck doesn't have resistance to the hazard. Includes lava, whirlpools, and tornados. Present on many odysseys, but not as much of a hassle as terrain.

Odyssey List