The Ramen Sensei 2

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The Ramen Sensei 2 gamenav icon.gifThe Ramen Sensei 2

Ramen Toppings Side Dishes Staff Customers Ramen Hall Equipment Decorations Items Ramen Arena Ramen Odyssey Trophies Friend IDs
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough
< Prequel

"Noodles, soup - easy! Think again! Get your apron on, it's time to learn about the complexities and wonders that is ramen. Have what it takes to become a noodle legend? Or will you end up as just another dime-a-dozen soup-slinger?"
- Official Game Description[1]

The Ramen Sensei 2 is a free game by Kairosoft. It is basically the same as The Ramen Sensei (1), but in a freemium model. A lot of extra content was also added, and now has a New Game+ feature.

One of the main mechanics of the game is the elaboration of ramen that meet the preferences of customers through different combinations of soup, noodles and ingredients.[2] Other factors that need to be taken into account in the preparation of ramen are aroma and richness, which can be improvised through the right combination of ingredients. Additionally, the player can improve the quality of a ramen based on one of the special skills of the restaurant's employees.[3]

Day of the Week Effect

Each day of the week has its special effect. This ranges from lower stamina costs on certain parts of the game, or cheaper ingredients. The second digit of a day also adds a secondary effect.

Day of the Week
Day Effect
Monday Ingredients in Soup Making are half the price.

Ramen Lab EXP gain is increased by 1.2 times.

Tuesday Ramen Fest's stamina use is halved.

Friend invite stamina use is halved.

Wednesday Toppings are half the price.
Thursday Cards at the Ramen Odyssey are rounded down by half the price in coins.

Ramen Arena's stamina use is halved.

Friday Ramen Roulette has only the Gold Roulette. It costs 2 coins per 4 tries.
Saturday Ramen Lab's Lucky Draw gives 2 more items.

More customers come to the Ramen Hall.

Sunday Ramen Fest's cost for each section is halved.

Investments require half the Spirit Points. More customers come to the Ramen Hall.

Number of the Day
Second digit of Day Effect Second digit of Day Effect
0 Item with timed effects last 2 times longer 5 The experience gained on soup ingredients used is increased by 1.2 times.
1 Wairobot's special shop items are in sale. 6 None
2 Recover Stamina requires only 1 medal. 7 Ramen Making costs half the stamina.
3 The experience gained on noodle ingredients used is increased by 1.2 times. 8 Toppings and Sides gain more EXP.
4 Ramen Roulette costs half the medals on all types. 9 Items used on staff members are more effective.

Bugs & Cheats

Bug-game dev story.png Bugs and cheats listed below can be replicated on a device without the need for cheat tools.
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  • Just like the Prequel, once per game with the Ramen Hall unlocked, your main shop dishes are duplicated, allowing you to duplicate the toppings on those dishes.
  • In the Ramen Hall, customers can enter a line from the front to get in line or to reach certain fixtures that would normally be inaccessible.
  • When in the shop menu of the Ramen Hall, some untranslated text is present.
  • In Ramen Arena, the Appeal stat is not applied correctly to Charisma. Instead, Flavor is used twice, and as such, it is better to boost the latter instead of the former.
  • Ramen Fest uses less stamina than it asks. This applies to any of the difficulties.
  • An untranslated character is displayed when using rank bonuses with more than 1 use.
  • If a fixture is too expensive to place, the text "Japan" is displayed.
  • When staff members bow to the upcoming customer, some of the staff members become invisible for a few frames, except for their aura, if any.
  • When using the recommendation feature for Ramen Arena or Ramen Odyssey, some text will overflow in the soup section if the noodle-type text is long.
  • If a friend's main shop is a level higher, or more, than the main shop itself, in some cases the restaurant will clip against the trees in the background.
  • When time runs out on a friend shop, it will despawn, and every customer inside it will leave, losing any pathfinding logic, and clipping against the main shop. Inviting the friend back before they move makes them properly leave, although some of the customers will enter the main shop instead.
  • In the Ramen Roulette, occasionally, the pachinko balls will act erratically. This happens more frequently the more balls are present.

Release Dates

In December 2017, Kairosoft officially announced the Japanese version of The Ramen Sensei 2 for iOS devices.[4]


External links

Language packs

Language Pack icon.png Language packs are community made translations of a specific game into a language not otherwise supported by Kairosoft. If you wish to create one, you can download the english CSV file here.
See the language packs page for details.
Language CSV Author(s) Source Notes



  1. "The Ramen Sensei 2".
  2. u/jcpb (2018-08-30). "Ramen Sensei 2 Endgame Guide". Reddit Retrieved on May 5, 2024.
  3. ノスミス (2019-09-27). "こだわりラーメン館 ~全国編~". [The Ramen Sensei 2 Review] Appget (in Japanese) Retrieved on May 5, 2024.
  4. @kairokun2010 (2017-12-12). "カイロソフトが「こだわりラーメン館~全国編~(iOS)」をポロリとリリースしたよ". Twitter (in Japanese) Retrieved on May 8, 2024.