Sponsors (Pocket League Story)

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Pocket League Story gamenav icon.gifPocket League Story

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Sponsors pay you money each time you play a match. Additionally, when you sign with a new sponsor, you get a one-time bonus, such as an introduction to another sponsor or the ability to hire a new player.

You must convince businesses to sponsor you. It costs Bulb icon - pocket league story.png RP to meet with a sponsor, and it may take multiple meetings to convince them to sponsor you. The higher your fame or ranking, the easier it is to convince the sponsor.

There are four ways to unlock sponsors:

  1. The first five sponsors are unlocked by winning the Practice Match.
  2. Some sponsors are unlocked by signing other sponsors.
  3. Many sponsors are unlocked by running the fan activity Meet & Greet.
  4. Many sponsors are unlocked when your team gains a rank.

Name Description Negot.
Difficulty Unlock by Unlocks Bonus ($) Bonus
Fortuneteller Said to be scarily accurate. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 4 +$2.0K +$12.7K Easy Win the Practice Match 100.0K Supp ++
Local Mall A busy local mall. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 9 +$3.0K +$19.0K Easy Win the Practice Match Collins P 100.0K Fame +
Hot Springs Inn A popular local hot springs inn. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 13 +$3.2K +$20.3K Easy Win the Practice Match McDonald K 150.0K Fans +
Eyeglass Comp. A local eyeglass company. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 14 +$3.4K +$21.5K Easy Win the Practice Match 100.0K Supp ++
Photographer A famous local photographer. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 18 +$3.5K +$22.2K Easy Win the Practice Match 150.0K Fame +
Local Circus A circus with a 60-year history. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 15 +$2.5K +$15.8K Easy Meet-&-Greet E Spencer G 100.0K Fans +
Burger Shack An eatery near the field. It's delicious! Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 17 +$2.5K +$15.8K Easy Meet-&-Greet E Chinese Rest. 200.0K Supp ++
Chinese Rest. Serves the best Hunan Tofu on earth. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 26 +$3.5K +$22.2K Easy Sign with Burger Shack 300.0K Fame +
Food Company Provides organic food to supermarkets. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 27 +$3.2K +$20.3K Easy Meet-&-Greet D Carr T 100.0K Fans +
Convi-Mart A local chain store. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 18 +$2.0K +$12.7K Easy Meet-&-Greet D Patton G 200.0K Supp ++
Transport Comp. A local transport company with national ambitions. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 30 +$3.0K +$19.0K Easy Meet-&-Greet D Duck Hot Springs ------------- Fisher C 200.0K Fame +
Duck Hot Springs Famous for its catchy theme song. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 35 +$3.2K +$20.3K Easy Sign with Transport Comp. Young R 200.0K Fans ++
Sushi Bar A family sushi bar with the freshest ingredients. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 40 +$3.4K +$21.5K Normal Meet-&-Greet C Marsh M 200.0K Supp ++
Clothing King This popular brand sells anything you could wear. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 43 +$3.4K +$21.5K Normal Meet-&-Greet C Bob's Billboards 300.0K Fame +
Bob's Billboards Has 80% share of billboards seen around town. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 27 +$2.0K +$12.7K Easy Sign with Clothing King McGee D 300.0K Fans ++
Constr. Comp. A construction company famous the world over. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 43 +$3.0K +$19.0K Normal Meet-&-Greet B 300.0K Supp ++
Instrument Maker A maker of fine orchestral instruments. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 48 +$3.2K +$20.3K Normal Reach Local rank IT Company 300.0K Fame +
IT Company A cutting-edge firm dealing in social media. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 51 +$3.2K +$20.3K Normal Sign with Instrument Maker Mitchell M 500.0K Fans ++
Sunny Rentals Stores have great selection. Is starting online rentals. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 53 +$3.2K +$20.3K Normal Meet-&-Greet A Jones Q 200.0K Supp ++
Candy Company Has been making candy the same way for generations. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 44 +$2.5K +$15.8K Normal Reach Regional rank Stock Brokerage 200.0K Fame ++
Stock Brokerage This securities company recently expanded online. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 59 +$3.2K +$20.3K Hard Sign with Candy Company 500.0K Fans ++
Airline Offers both bargain fares and luxury tours. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 61 +$3.2K +$20.3K Hard Reach Pro rank 500.0K Supp ++
Insurance Comp. This global insurance company even offers injury insurance. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 64 +$3.2K +$20.3K Hard Reach Veteran rank Beekeeping Comp. 500.0K Fame ++
Beekeeping Comp. This hive of activity can be heard miles away. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 71 +$3.4K +$21.5K Hard Sign with Insurance Comp. 800.0K Fans ++
TV Station Has a sports channel with many rabid soccer fans. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 74 +$3.4K +$21.5K Hard Meet-&-Greet B 500.0K Supp ++
Auto Company Has electric car patents, and also deals in motorsports. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 79 +$3.5K +$22.2K Hard Meet-&-Greet A 800.0K Fame ++
Aerospace Co. Working on a manned flight to Jupiter. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 89 +$3.8K +$24.1K Hard Meet-&-Greet S 800.0K Fans ++
Investor This famous investor is among the world's richest. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 48 +$2.0K +$12.7K Hard Meet-&-Greet S 1,000.0K Supp ++
Rare Metals Co. A global company that mines rare metals at sea. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 75 +$3.0K +$19.0K Hard Reach World-Class rank Palmgreaser Inc 1,000.0K Fame ++
Palmgreaser Inc A company with a shady reputation. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 16 +$0.6K +$3.8K Hard Sign with Rare Metals Co. 10.0K Fans ++
KoalaNet Famous for patents for communicating with animals. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 80 +$3.0K +$19.0K Hard Reach Galaxy Class rank 500.0K Supp ++
Oil Company A global energy company run by King Ackbar. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 96 +$3.5K +$22.2K Hard Reach Galaxy Class rank Drug Company 500.0K Fame ++
Drug Company Makers of an excellent cold remedy. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 99 +$3.5K +$22.2K Hard Sign with Oil Company 1,000.0K Fans +++
Banana Gardens A theme park visited by many people from overseas. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 73 +$2.5K +$15.8K Hard Reach Soccer Deity rank Kairo Inc. 1,000.0K Supp ++
Bearington Const. A construction company with lots of strong workers. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 75 +$2.5K +$15.8K Hard Reach Soccer Deity rank 700.0K Fame +++
Kairo Inc. Mainly hires out mascots to various companies. Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 77 +$2.5K +$15.8K Hard Sign with Banana Gardens Coach unlock

(But who?)

50.0K Fans +++

Successful Negotiation Messages

Sponsor Message Assistant Coach
Fortuneteller Hello. I saw the name "(Team Name)" in the stars. I think our fates are intertwined. I'd like to be your team's sponsor from now on.
Local Mall We have to support our local team! And we'd love to cheer you on at your games!
Hot Springs Inn Hello! We would like to help entertain guests coming from far away to see your matches. We'd like to be your team's sponsor from now on.
Eyeglass Comp. You're showing a lot of promise, and we'd like to grow along with you! We would like to be your team sponsor.
Photographer Hello. I'd like to take some good photos of your players in action! I'd like to be your team's sponsor from now on.
Local Circus We have to support our local team! And our entire circus will come to all of your games!
Burger Shack We have to support our local team! And our entire staff will come to all of your games!
Chinese Rest. Hello. We're very impressed with your team's enthusiasm! We'd like to be your team's sponsor from now on.
Food Company A famous team like yours will be perfect for our advertising campaign! We'd like to be your team's sponsor from now on.
Convi-Mart Hello. I'd like to use my authority as "manager for a day" to become your team's sponsor! I'm looking forward to some exciting matches!
Transport Comp. We hope our company's support will help you become a stronger team! We'd like to be your team's sponsor from now on.
Duck Hot Springs Hello. We'd like to use your players to help convey the appeal of our hot springs! We'd like to be your team's sponsor from now on.
Sushi Bar Hello. We're very impressed with your team's enthusiasm! We'd like to be your team's sponsor from now on.
Clothing King A famous team like yours will be perfect for our advertising campaign! We'd like to be your team's sponsor from now on.
Bob's Billboards Hello. We're very impressed with your team's enthusiasm! We'd like to be your team's sponsor from now on.
Constr. Comp. Hello. We're very impressed with your team's enthusiasm! We'd like to be your team's sponsor from now on.
Instrument Maker Hello. We're very impressed with your team's enthusiasm! We'd like to be your team's sponsor from now on.
IT Company Hello. We're looking for players to use in our upcoming soccer video game. We'd like to be your team's sponsor from now on.
Sunny Rentals Hello. We're very impressed with your team's enthusiasm! We'd like to be your team's sponsor from now on.
Candy Company Hello. We'd love to feature your team in one of our candy commercials. We'd like to be your team's sponsor from now on.
Stock Brokerage We hope our company's support will help you become a stronger team! We'd like to be your team's sponsor from now on.
Airline Hello. We're very impressed with your team's enthusiasm! We'd like to be your team's sponsor from now on.
Insurance Comp. Hello. We're very impressed with your team's enthusiasm! We'd like to be your team's sponsor from now on.
Beekeeping Comp. Hello. We're very impressed with your team's enthusiasm! We'd like to be your team's sponsor from now on.
TV Station Hello. We're very impressed with your team's enthusiasm! We'd like to be your team's sponsor from now on.
Auto Company Hello. We'd love to feature your team in one of our car commercials. We'd like to be your team's sponsor from now on.
Aerospace Co. Hello. We're working to make private space tourism possible. We'd like to sponsor your team to help get our message out.
Investor Hi there. I own a chain of stationery stores across the country. We just had our IPO. And an album of my kazoo playing just went double platinum. You might call me a renaissance woman... I've decided to devote my fortune to sponsoring art and sports.
Rare Metal Co. I was out digging in my backyard when I hit an oil well! I'm making money faster than I can spend! I've invested in a video game company before, but now I think I'd like to try my hand at soccer.
Palmgreaser Inc The team we had been supporting got disbanded, so now we're looking for a new one. I hope you'll win and spread our name far and wide!
KoalaNet We've just developed the most advanced mobile phone in the world. We thought we should try sponsoring a sports team to raise people's awareness of us.
Oil Company I was digging in my garden, when up from the ground came a bunch of oil! I've got too much money! I thought I could use some of my extra cash sponsoring a sports team.
Drug Company Hello. We're very impressed with your team's enthusiasm! We'd like to be your team's sponsor from now on.
Banana Gardens How do you do? Our village is having a bit of a soccer boom at the moment. We've got a number of skilled players, so just let us know if you need a pitcher or batter! Uh... I don't think he understands the difference between baseball and soccer... I'm not sure about that one...
Bearington Cons. Hello. My company's construction of the largest radio tower in the world is nearly complete. Now I'm planning the biggest stadium in the world. But first I'd like to try becoming a sponsor of a soccer team, if you don't mind.
Kairo Inc Hello. Thank you for getting this far. My old agency had me return to my job as a mascot, and even had me star in my own cartoon! But the ratings were terrible and I lost everything... I was renting myself out as a metal detector when I found some rare metals! Now I'd like to sponsor your team. If things go well, you might even be able to use my heliport! Good luck.

Sponsors on Adboards

Image Name Special Character
Chimp Weeklly - Pocket League Story.png Chimp Weeklly Chimpan Z
GrizzlyB - Pocket League Story.png GrizzlyB Grizzly Bearington
Kairoland Bank - Pocket League Story.png Kairoland Bank


Acker Bank King Ackbar
Sally Prin Sunda - Pocket League Story.png Sally Sundas Sally Prin


  • You cannot view the description of the sponsor once you have signed the sponsor.
  • If sponsor satisfaction goes up, so will the income.
  • A failed negotiation will display a message saying, "Hmm... I think we'll pass this time. Maybe we'll talk again later."