Training (Pocket League Story)

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Pocket League Story gamenav icon.gifPocket League Story

Coaches Facilities Players Sponsors Formations Training Compatibilities Matches
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough
Sequel >

Known as both training and special practice in-game, training uses Research Points (Arm icon - pocket league story.png and Field icon - pocket league story.png primarily, but also Bulb icon - pocket league story.png) to raise stats. You begin the game with four kinds of training and unlock new methods through the Fan Activity, Coach Lecture, or specific matches.

Player Stats

Image Name Description
Kick Speed Stat - Pocket League Story.png Kick Shot accuracy/pass strength
Speed Speed Stat - Pocket League Story.png Speed Running speed
Tech Speed Stat - Pocket League Story.png Tech Play accuracy
Body Speed Stat - Pocket League Story.png Body Ability to not fall down
Keeper Speed Stat - Pocket League Story.png Keeper Goalkeeping skill

Special Practice Type

Name Cost Stats raised Unlock by
Kick Speed Tech Body Keeper
Flutter Kicks Arm icon - pocket league story.png 7 + + Initially Available
Body Checks Arm icon - pocket league story.png 11 + + + Initially Available
Tire Pull Field icon - pocket league story.png 10 + + + Initially Available
Scissor Feint Field icon - pocket league story.png 14 + + + + Initially Available
Catching Field icon - pocket league story.png 18 + + + ++ Win the Blowfish Match
Kickboxing Arm icon - pocket league story.png 12 ++ + Coach Lecture E
Full Marathon Field icon - pocket league story.png 14 + ++ + Win the Burrowers Match
Banana Shots Field icon - pocket league story.png 19 + ++ + + Coach Lecture E
Instep Kick Arm icon - pocket league story.png 18 ++ + Coach Lecture D
Decoy Play Field icon - pocket league story.png 24 + ++ + Coach Lecture D
Roulette Feint Field icon - pocket league story.png 33 + +++ + + Win the Treefrogs Match
Boxing Field icon - pocket league story.png 41 + ++ ++ +++ Coach Lecture C
Barbells Arm icon - pocket league story.png 46 +++ +++ ++ Coach Lecture C
Magic Practice Field icon - pocket league story.png 57 ++ +++ ++ ++ Coach Lecture B
Goalie Drills Field icon - pocket league story.png 77 ++ +++ +++ +++ Win the Hamsters Match
Mitt Punching Arm icon - pocket league story.png 50 +++ +++ Coach Lecture B
Zen Meditation Field icon - pocket league story.png 67 +++ +++ +++ Win the Poison Oaks Match
11-Man Elim Bulb icon - pocket league story.png 95 +++ +++ +++ +++ Coach Lecture A
Training Cast Arm icon - pocket league story.png 85 +++ +++ Win the Hipsters Match
Bargain Sale Arm icon - pocket league story.png 135 +++ +++ +++ Coach Lecture S


  • The Research Points may limit up to 999.