Jobs (Dream House Days)

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Dream House Days gamenav icon.gifDream House Days

Clothes Contests Tenants Furnishings Hobbies Items Jobs Special Rooms Pets Titles Trophies Friend IDs Transcript
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The job your tenant holds (there are 66 jobs to choose from, excluding Part-Timer, Job Seeker, Baby, Toddler, Child, Student, Homemaker, High School Student and Retiree) determines their income, which in turn determines how much rent they are able to pay. You can create more expensive apartments as you unlock higher-paying jobs, provided you can guide your tenants into those jobs with the proper stats or items.

For lack of in-game names for disambiguation, we will call them transitional jobs and career jobs.

Aspirations and Job Changes

Tenants each have an "aspiration" listed in their status page. This is the job they want to have, and if they are an adult they will apply for it once every Autumn. You can see the likelihood of them getting the job as a percentage (you can also click to see the odds for other jobs you already know).

If prospective job seekers have a decent chance of getting hired, it is a good idea to save and reload right before hiring season until the outcome is satisfying.

Important: When using a Job Change or Rare Job Pass, the game automatically saves. If the tenant fails, the item is wasted and the current job is kept. (If the current job was Job Seeker, it will be changed to Part-Timer.)

Transitional Jobs

Transitional jobs are not listed in the menu's job list (Tenant stat screen>Traits>Job). These are jobs that occur when a tenant is transitioning from one age to another.

Transitional Jobs (9)
Name Seasonal Income (Lv1) Seasonal Income (Lv10) Unlock Condition Unlocks
Baby Child permit research complete and enough couple happiness. Cannot be leveled.
Toddler Babies become Toddlers after half a year (2 seasons). Cannot be leveled.
Child Toddlers become Children after 1 year and 2 seasons. Cannot be leveled.
HS Student 0.6K Children become High School Students after 1 year. Cannot be leveled. Stereo
Student 0.8K High School Students become Students after 1 year. Cannot be leveled.
Job Seeker 0.8K 1.5K Students become Job Seekers after 1 year.
Part-Timer 0.8K 2.0K Given to tenants who fail to get a job as Job Seeker (in Autumn or with a pass). Analog TV
Homemaker Given to outsiders marrying a tenant. Cannot be leveled nor change jobs.
Retiree 1.2K 2.5K Adult tenants turn into Retirees after 9 years. Chic Bed

Career Jobs

All unlock conditions have been double-checked. Thanks to everyone who helped!

In addition to the methods listed in the "Discovery" columns below, all job types can be recruited. However, note the "Unlocks" column. Simply hiring a Comedian does not unlock the Colorful Rug; you must have a tenant become a Comedian by way of Autumn application or Job Change Pass.

Discovering new jobs

Tenants will get access to new jobs as they get better stats and more proficient in specialties.

  • There are two types of career jobs: specialty and stat. Both are unlocked through tenant milestones.
  • Specialty jobs are unlocked when tenants reach 25, 55 and 99 in that spec proficiency.
  • Stat jobs are unlocked when tenants reach 50, 60, 65, 100, 180, 250, 320 and 450 in the main job stat.

Getting hired

Job Seekers and Part-Timers will automatically try and attend job interviews every Autumn at 10:00 AM. Adult tenants (except Housemakers) may also use a Job Change Pass or Rare Job Pass item.

  • Base chance of getting hired is 0%, maximum chance is 95%
  • Bonus from specialty: 20% if tenant has at least 1.0% proficiency in the corresponding specialty
  • Bonus from school: 20% (difficulty is the lowest school a tenant has to attend for the bonus)
    • 0=Hale, 1=Chipper, 2=Sunshine, 3=Lugman, 4=Literati, 5=Lucent, 6=Kairo
  • Bonus from stats: 15% from each stat where the requirement is met (up to 60% if tenant meets all 4)
  • Bonus from Rare Job Pass: 30%
Stat Career Jobs (24)
Name Seasonal Income (Lv1) Seasonal Income (Lv10) Discovery Unlocks Bonus Spec Difficulty INT HOB FIT CHA
Office Worker 1.9K 3.0K Initially Available Study 0 26 7 7 7
Tutor 2.5K 5.9K 100 INT White Desk Study 1 93 55 55 55
Lawyer 4.7K 11.4K 180 INT Dining Chair Study 2 232 174 174 174
Botanist 7.8K 21.2K 250 INT Black Desk Study 3 321 244 244 244
Inventor 5.9K 8.7K 320 INT Study 4 375 278 278 278
Politician* 10.5K 23.9K 450 INT Study 5 464 348 348 348
Referee 2.0K 3.7K 60 FIT Urinal Sports 0 15 15 34 15
Adventurer 2.7K 7.2K 100 FIT Pond Sports 1 55 55 93 55
Sports Star 5.2K 13.6K 180 FIT Trophy Sports 2 174 174 232 174
Soccer Player 5.3K 9.8K 250 FIT Barbells Sports 3 244 244 321 244
Baseball Player 8.0K 19.2K 320 FIT Sports 4 278 278 375 278
Pro Golfer* 11.4K 28.2K 450 FIT Sports 5 348 348 464 348
Tour Guide 2.0K 4.2K 50 HOB Microwave Reading 0 15 34 15 15
Designer 2.8K 8.4K 100 HOB Leather Chair Reading 1 55 93 55 55
Potter 2.7K 4.4K 180 HOB Glass Divider Reading 2 89 147 89 89
Photographer 3.7K 8.2K 250 HOB Frame Reading 3 139 216 139 139
Cosmetician 5.2K 13.6K 320 HOB Reading 4 174 270 174 174
Alchemist* 8.0K 28.2K 450 HOB Reading 5 209 324 209 209
Stage Actor 2.1K 4.9K 65 CHA Guitar Fashion 0 15 15 15 34
Amateur Model 2.4K 3.5K 100 CHA Washing Machine Fashion 1 89 89 89 128
Comedian 3.8K 7.2K 180 CHA Colorful Rug Fashion 2 174 174 174 232
Supermodel 6.0K 12.7K 250 CHA Conifer Fashion 3 244 244 244 321
Hit Singer 8.7K 22.7K 320 CHA Fashion 4 278 278 278 375
Movie Star* 10.5K 23.9K 450 CHA Fashion 5 348 348 348 464
Specialty Career Jobs (42)
Name Seasonal Income (Lv1) Seasonal Income (Lv10) Discovery Unlocks Difficulty INT HOB FIT CHA
Journalist 2.1K 3.2K 25 Study Leather Sofa 1 88 50 50 50
Doctor 4.4K 13.4K 55 Study Combo Washer 3 216 139 139 139
Teacher* 5.9K 12.6K 99 Study 5 324 209 209 209
Mechanic 2.7K 7.2K 25 Technology Loveseat 1 88 50 50 50
Engineer 4.8K 18.0K 55 Technology Kitchen Table 3 216 139 139 139
Spy* 5.3K 8.7K 99 Technology 5 324 209 209 209
Pro Gamer 2.3K 4.5K 25 Games Antique Sofa 1 50 88 50 50
Programmer 4.1K 10.8K 55 Games Large Safe 3 139 216 139 139
Producer* 7.5K 24.3K 99 Games 5 209 324 209 209
Film Director 2.8K 8.4K 25 Movies Electric Organ 1 70 108 70 70
Astronaut 3.4K 5.6K 55 Movies White Curtains 3 139 216 139 139
Spacefarer* 7.5K 24.3K 99 Movies 5 209 324 209 209
Comic Artist 3.4K 6.8K 25 Reading Closet 1 139 178 139 139
Scholar 4.4K 13.4K 55 Reading Island Kitchen 3 139 216 139 139
Kairosofty* 9.4K 25.1K 99 Reading 6 278 413 278 278
Conductor 2.1K 3.2K 25 Music Pink Bed 1 50 88 50 50
Composer 3.7K 8.2K 55 Music Karaoke Bar 3 139 216 139 139
Artist* 6.4K 16.5K 99 Music 5 209 324 209 209
Athlete 2.5K 4.7K 25 Sports Young Tree 0 50 50 69 50
Ping Pong Pro 4.1K 9.7K 55 Sports Entrance Set 1 139 139 178 139
Sumo Wrestler* 3.7K 5.4K 99 Sports 2 209 209 267 209
Dancer 2.3K 4.5K 25 Exercise Grass Rug 1 70 70 108 70
Ballet Dancer 4.1K 10.8K 55 Exercise Big Tree 3 139 139 216 139
Ninja* 6.9K 20.3K 99 Exercise 5 209 209 324 209
Gardener 2.8K 8.4K 25 Pets L-Shaped Sofa 1 70 108 70 70
Nurse 3.4K 5.6K 55 Pets Wall Lamp 3 139 216 139 139
Investor* 5.9K 12.6K 99 Pets 5 209 324 209 209
Barista 2.5K 5.9K 25 Collecting Red Desk 1 70 108 70 70
Appraiser 4.4K 13.4K 55 Collecting Whirlpool Bath 3 139 216 139 139
Oil Magnate* 8.5K 28.7K 99 Collecting 3 209 286 209 209
Consultant 2.1K 3.2K 25 Chatting Hedge 1 70 70 70 108
Storyteller 3.7K 8.2K 55 Chatting Convenience Store 3 139 139 139 216
News Anchor* 6.9K 18.7K 99 Chatting 6 209 209 209 343
Food Server 2.7K 7.2K 25 Cooking Wardrobe 1 50 50 50 88
Pastry Chef 4.4K 13.4K 55 Cooking 3 139 139 139 216
3-Star Chef* 8.0K 28.2K 99 Cooking 5 209 209 209 324
Apparel Clerk 2.3K 4.5K 25 Fashion Dining Table 1 50 50 50 88
Esthetician 4.1K 10.8K 55 Fashion Grand Piano 3 139 139 139 216
Beautician* 5.9K 14.9K 99 Fashion 3 209 209 209 286
Taxi Driver 2.8K 8.4K 25 Cars 1 50 50 88 50
Jockey 3.4K 5.6K 55 Cars Cypress Bath 3 139 139 216 139
Race Car Driver* 8.0K 28.2K 99 Cars 5 209 209 324 209

High-end jobs: Tenants may only change to this job using a Rare Job Pass unless they already start with it.

Additional Facts

  • As tenants go to work, the levels of their respective jobs are more likely to rise. Their monthly incomes increase along with their job levels, which should help collect the rent.
  • A tenant with all specialties and at least 1 proficiency in each will get the 20% boost for all career job interviews.
  • If that isn't obvious, specialty jobs get the spec bonus for the job interview from the spec that also unlocked them.
  • You cannot change the Homemaker job.
