Dream House Days

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Dream House Days gamenav icon.gifDream House Days

Clothes Contests Tenants Furnishings Hobbies Items Jobs Special Rooms Pets Titles Trophies Friend IDs Transcript
IAPs Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

Dream House Days is an apartment management game, where you furnish apartments, and slowly grow your building into a place anyone would be happy to live in! You must furnish each apartment to your tenants' needs and be a good landlord, as well as making a profit.

Dream House Days DX is a paid version of the app with no micro transactions.


In Dream House Days you start with a number of apartments (variable based on the map you begin with), 1 of which is populated with your customized 1st tenant. From here, your goal is to create the most comfortable apartment, while making a profit and making tenants happy. This can be done by giving your tenants furnishings. Every year there is a competition that you enter and then get prizes. Tenants don't just stay home, they can go on with everyday things such as shopping, dating and work or school. Tenants may fall in love with someone, get married and even have kids and a pet. In the menu you can research, do scratch cards, give tenants advice, build etc.


You are expected to furnish your apartments. Doing a good job will raise the stats of your apartment—its rent, comfort, average stat growth as well as its seasonal upkeep costs. A higher comfort stat allows you to convince better tenants to move in, gets you a higher deposit and increases the amount of household happiness gained during indoor interactions.

Comfort, tenant stats and stat growth use a grading system:

  • F: Less than 45
  • E: 45 to 74
  • D: 75 to 99
  • C: 100 to 149
  • B: 150 to 349
  • A: 350 to 599
  • A+: 600 and up

The displayed stat growth grade is based on the weighed average from individual stat growth for all furniture and only helps prospective tenants make up their minds. Actual tenant stat growth (and cap) depends on the item being used - a full bar is required for a tenant to attain a natural 999 stat from an item. Items that cannot be used do not contribute to tenant stat growth in any way even if they do include a stat growth.

Tenants pay the rent every weekend at 10:00 PM using their wealth (leftover from job income and expenses). The wealthiest tenant of the household will pay the rent.

Stats, comfort, rent and wealth are capped at 999 and $99.9K per item and tenant respectively. There is no benefit, award or even special message to having tenants pay the full 100% by the end of the year (the game does not calculate this properly anyway as it includes unfurnished and unoccupied apartments in the calculation) - households will however come up with different dialogue depending on the percentage they managed to pay.

Tenants will use their furnishings, producing Research Points and acquiring skill in one of many hobbies. For example, when a tenant uses a telephone, they have a chance to produce a small amount of RP and gain skill in the Chatting hobby (as well as a very small chance of gaining a small amount of happiness). Furnishings level up globally as they are used, adding to their stats and maxing at level 10. They can also be boosted (including their stat growths) with Comfort and Rent Booster items. Boosts are guaranteed up to 8 for comfort and 0.4K for rent and then become a very small random chance (stat growth boost soft caps may vary).

Some furnishings do not work as described above. Some cannot be used by tenants, meaning they cannot be leveled and do not produce RP or hobby skill (ex: rugs, trees, flooring). Still others can be used but cannot be leveled (ex: doors). Flooring is a special kind of furnishing that combines with others to produce special rooms. Special rooms only contribute bonuses to items that make them up, so it is beneficial to have 4 copies - but no more - of each in the same room (all of them will benefit from the bonuses).

You begin the game with access to only a few kinds of furnishings. New furnishings become available for research as your tenants use furniture (random chance of unlocking a related one), unusable furniture is around for long enough, try new jobs or as you win them from scratch cards.

Small apartments can hold up to 16 furnishings; medium apartments can hold 32; large apartments can hold 64. Sets are made up of multiple items so they always count as more than one.

Getting Tenants

When you have completely furnished an apartment, you can rent it out via the estate agent.

As your building grows, more agencies are interested and you may find Special People. Special People are the famous and request to live in your apartment with a certain ticket fee.

There are three agencies:

  1. Local Agency - Neigbourhood flyers (2 prospective tenants)
  2. Regional Agency - Around the wider area (3 prospective tenants)
  3. National Agency - Around the whole country (4 prospective tenants)


Where family is concerned, your tenants follow a straight path to the nuclear family model. Your adult age tenant falls in love with a member of the opposite sex and, after a period of courtship, they propose. If their proposal is successful, their love interest will move into their apartment as a "homemaker". After marriage, tenants begin to have children, housing one or two at a time. Marriages are only possible if the apartments have permits researched (see below). When it comes to choosing, make sure that you chose somebody with enough pay and money to pay rent, otherwise you might not get enough money.

A couple first needs to interact with each other and raise their happiness in order to have kids. After a short time of this behavior, a kid will be born.


Kids live in your apartment for several years, and if they are in a well-furnished apartment, wind up with better stats, more titles, and potentially more hobbies than normal tenant recruits. When they turn into adults, they will request tenancy in one of your vacant apartments.

Name Time span Sleeps in Notes on Growth
Baby 2 seasons Crib* Accumulates happiness if a crib is provided.
Toddler 1 year 2 seasons Can acquire a hobby at this stage.
Child 1 year Bed* Starts using furniture, which raises stats. Can start seeking titles. More likely to acquire a hobby at this stage than at the Toddler stage.
HS Student 1 year Bed* Starts earning job money ($0.6K). Prepares to attend university. General stat growth and title acquisition.
Student 1 year Bed* Earns slightly more job money (same as Job Seeker). Prepares to leave the nest. Stat growth potential is affected by the school they attend.
Adult 8 years (10 if rejuvenated) Bed* Becomes Job Seeker and applies every Autumn. Becomes Part-Timer if they fail to get a job. Can fall in love and get married.
Senior 3 years Bed* Becomes Retiree; former job does not affect base income.

Cribs and beds are not mandatory but raise happiness and not placing any will bring up reminders from the manager.

Tenants move out at the end of the student and senior phases. If their happiness is high enough, they will give you tickets as they do so (a random roll also is involved).

Love Scroll & Permits

Tenants ask for your advice before they propose. Your suggestions, along with the tenant's Charisma stat, affect their chance of success. An item called the Love Scroll can also be used to make relationships stronger.

For any of this to happen, you need to research a Couple Permit and a Child Permit for each apartment. You only need to do this once per apartment. If the Smith family asked for the Couple Permit for Apartment #1, then the Jones family that moves in afterwards doesn't need to.

After you research a Child Permit, a Pet Permit becomes available for research. The Pet Permit allows an apartment to have a pet. When tenants interact with pets, their happiness goes up. Also, pets can contribute to raising the levels of certain furnishings. Finally, pets help you unlock certain Trophies that add to your Clear Points at end game.


Your tenants' kids will attend a university for the last year of their Student phase. Schools help boost their stats; which school they attend will affect which stats are boosted. You begin with access to 4 schools but unlock access to 3 more as time goes on. The school they pick depends on their INT. If they fail, they will move on to the previous school on the list. Students with a 99% chance (capped) may still fail with a special message from the manager. Better schools give a 20% chance boost to more jobs than the previous ones when applying, with Kairo giving the boost to every job and preventing automatic failure.

Name Description Stats
Hale College

A local school that emphasizes appeal over academics.

Initially Available
Chipper College

A decent city school that focuses on fitness and intellect.

Initially Available
Sunshine State

A mid-ranking state school that focuses on intellect.

Initially Available
Lugman Tech A technical school that hones practical job skills. Initially Available
Literati University A top school that attracts elite students from around the country. High Tenant Intellect

(around 1000 total)

Lucent Academy A competitive school with many famously successful alumni.
Kairo University A world-renowned school flooded with applications every year.


Apart from money, Research Points (RP) and Tickets are used as currencies as well.

RP is earned in-game as tenants use furniture. Because of this, getting RP is dependent on the number of tenants you have and how well-furnished your apartments are. You can hold a maximum of 2000 RP at a time.

Tickets are the game's "premium currency". They can be bought with real money from Wairobot. They are also earned in-game in various ways. For example:

  • when residents move out, if their happiness is high enough, they give you 1 ticket each;
  • each time you restart your game, you earn 1 ticket per 7 minutes of unpaused gameplay (this bonus is maxed at 10 tickets, so it is worth returning to the game's title screen from time to time);
  • you get a bonus of 1 ticket per 40 minutes of time your friends play (maxed at 20 tickets per bonus);
  • you get a bonus of 7 tickets for each friend you successfully add

In Pumpkin Products, you can buy RP with tickets and tickets with RP.

Bugs & Cheats

Bug-game dev story.png Bugs and cheats listed below can be replicated on a device without the need of cheat tools.


  • Sometimes, a tenant will ask you to point them to an apartment even if all of them are occupied, leaving you with no choice but to change your mind after touring the entire building and confirming that there is nowhere left for them to go in here.
    • What causes this is unclear: already long full, pending tours and freshly filled have all been tested.
  • On a job unlock from stat, instead of praising a tenant's particularly high stat, the manager may announce that *she* discovered a new job if one or more tenants reach a stat threshold at the same time.
    • This is the line tenants use on their own when reaching specialty thresholds, even multiple ones in one go.
  • A child going for a life task during Winter weekends but failing to start it in time will end up doing it as a high school student on the next year and will still be seen jumping over tobibako ("jumping boxes") instead of hitting classbooks.
  • Likewise, a student or retiree will still perform the task after leaving. (Students get to keep the title unless they fail.)
  • Prospective tenants will always ask for advice before moving in and can go for it immediately as they are considered to be outside before 8:00 AM (when the moving truck arrives).
  • Job Seekers perform their job interviews at home at 10:00 AM. If they are outside and performing a life or love task, they'll be doing both!
    • This is an interesting take at "news from job interview".
  • Tenants piling up for the same activity may forget to sleep if this goes past 6:00 AM. If they are waiting to use a hallway facility, they might not even head back home and go straight outside!
  • In spite of the rent being shown as positive, "overfurnished" apartments (more than 4 items of the same type) will cost you money as it is actually negative: tenants moving in will "steal" about 2 years worth of rent (without mentioning the deposit) and tenants paying the rent will "add" the rent to their wealth (without the rent showing up on the door).
    • This is because the game uses signed integers ($5.5K is treated as 55, -$1.0K is treated as -10) but does not display the minus sign.
    • Amusingly, this is also the only way for a tenant to go over $99.9K in wealth as wealth does not perform a sanity check on the rent when capping.
    • Also, you will not be notified except in Building Info when robbed by tenants. Make sure you check your yearly bank balance!
  • A furnishing item that is part of a set will be shown in red in Special Rooms as if you hadn't discovered the item. This is because most (though not all) items can also be researched on their own.
    • A workaround for this involves rearranging the items to "refresh" the special room. If multiple items are affected for the same Special Room, try moving them to a different apartment and then back in.
  • Hobbies will not be counted in the Building Info stat panel unless they are discovered as the very first specialty of a tenant. Changing hobbies will not help either.
  • Accessories cannot be fully removed once worn as there is no default accessory.
    • Interestingly, there is an extra accessory (shoes) that has no effect and is different for both genders.
  • An adult tenant successfully removing all clothing will end up bald and wearing white panties.
    • More interestingly, retirees will have a transparent body, babies/toddlers will be completely invisible and kids will be invisible except for their hair and clothes! (They will be fully invisible when in bed.)
  • Claimed tickets will reset the timer. This means you will effectively lose anywhere between 0 and 39 minutes worth of tickets, as the game will then wait for a full 15 (self) or 40 (friend) minute period for a new ticket roll.
    • To mitigate this, only claim when maxed out, or quit right after a yellow pip fills up next to the clock (this is your pending tickets count).
  • The game incorrectly states that you get 10 tickets for reviewing. You actually don't get anything and the game will also restart if background tasks are disabled. (Crashes may also happen depending on device model.)
  • The game does not save when you claim tickets but still resets the counter as well, so make sure to save your data!
  • The game may crash if you generate too many furniture or special rooms simultaneously, even on low settings.
  • The game fails to perform a sanity check when you initially pick your nickname and tenant names. This may cause data transfer failure, transmission errors or crashes later on. Make sure the names don't exceed 8 characters and (for English version) only use alphanumeric.
  • The game does not state that it autosaves during life advice (not love). This effectively prevents you from retrying as all odds are decided as soon as you give advice and "Challenger" appears next to "Advice".
  • If you ace your very first contest, the manager won't skip her "not bad for a first try, let's aim for the top next year" line.
    • She'll still proceed to congratulate you after realizing that you already ranked first this time around.
  • Contrary to what the game suggests, contests will always take your current score, not your best, so you may end up failing a contest even if your best score in the contest matches the #1 requirements. Make sure you still have what it takes!
    • The ranking announcer may also display the best result instead of the current one, confusing the player even further.
  • Love advice can be retried at will without even reloading; as the tenant states, they'll effectively keep trying (it stays in the menu until they succeed), so just keep trying (don't use tickets!) until it works. Random boosts are huge so even tenants with zero charisma can actually suceed pretty easily.
  • When a household rolls a leaving check, some tenants may end up staying, especially pets.
    • If this happens with a pet and the pet leaves, it will be treated as the "Pet" family and give you the generic leaving tenant speech (even for pets that cannot talk).
  • Babies may teleport to another apartment and stay there if you move the crib there overnight.
    • They will eventually teleport back where they belong, on the floor, or in a crib if there is one.
  • Doorless rooms will cause tenants to wallhack if rooms have furniture tenants see as crucial (beds, cribs).
    • Conversely, tenants failing to access such furniture will pull a sleeping bag even if it is within reach.
  • Two-entrance apartments with a "tunneling room" linking both entrances may result in every 2x2 tile outside of the tunnel to be considered as a doorless room and display "No door". (This happened on Android 2.14 and could not be reproduced on iOS 2.13.)
  • Bearington will deny you final expansions if you take the 2 medium, 1 small one as there is no land left. This will also make it impossible to get the 75 Tenants trophy in that playthrough.
  • Known prospective tenant glitches - During weekend tours
    • Special tenants (bought with tickets and unlocked through comfort, one-time only) may visit in casual outfits or a different one than the one expected.
    • Tenants may visit for longer than expected (walking through walls or even trying out furniture as if they were already owning the place - in this case, this will actually lead to stat/hobby/RP gain), forcing a new season and possibly even a new year (can lead to unwanted things).
    • Tenants may also fail to visit the rooms and automatically give a bad review (forcing you to haggle with up to 200 tickets if you're desperate to hire that one tenant).
  • Transmission error - When adding friends, transferring data or booting up the game
    • Invalid nickname or tenant names (see above). Rename everything that is invalid.
    • The game server might be down. Try again later or check the homepage. (If the game dies, you can't do anything about this situation as the initial connection check is required to play.)
    • You may be experiencing connection issues. Check your Internet connection.
    • You may be using a modded version of the game. Don't cheat.
  • Data transfer glitch - When transferring over a new game
    • Your first tenant may start again from scratch, losing all stats, hobbies and titles. This has been experienced on multiple versions and platforms and what causes this is unknown. Default name does not help either.


  • Reload cheat:
    • Friends: You can delete your friends list multiple times per day so you can keep getting the new friend bonus ticket rewards.[1]
    • New year tickets: Leaving seniors pretty much guarantee a ticket with high happiness. Leaving students don't rely all that much on happiness so it pays off to reload. This also works if the baby birth outcome isn't satisfying. (Keep in mind all of this is generated as the year ends and a new one starts, so you can't try on a one-by-one basis.)
    • Contests: Save before 0:00 PM on Autumn weekday if you're unsure you have what it takes to ace a contest (only for ticket-related ones, or only if you want to actually fail them to repeat them - free Job Passes for regional contests), then fast-forward to 0:00 PM Winter weekday for contest results and reload if unsatisfied.
    • Job interview: Save before 10:00 AM on Autumn weekday if you have Part-Timers or Job Seekers. Unless a tenant has a 0% chance of getting hired, you may opt to reload if they fail (with reasonable odds). Save and repeat the process once they pass.
    • Job advice: Save right before the dialogue appears (tenant crosses the finish line) so you can reload and get another Gold Scratch card if you aren't satisfied with the outcome. Do not claim tickets when you reload or make sure you quickly save again!


  • The iOS version of this game was first released on the Japanese app store; it become available in other storefronts with the 1.0.3 update (Aug 20, 2013). Because of this, the app store incorrectly indicates that the app was available in non-Japanese storefronts as early as July.
  • This game is the second Kairosoft game to support purchasing of virtual goods, with the first being Beastie Bay.
  • Sometimes pets or Bearington Construction (Grizzly Bear) may appear on the roof on title screen. (This may occur when he have been approaching you for apartment expand offer.
  • There is not possible for a housewife/househusband getting a job due to the way the game is made.

External links

Original (freemium)

Language packs

Language Pack icon.png Language packs are community made translations of a specific game into a language not otherwise supported by Kairosoft. If you wish to create one, you can download the english CSV file here.
See the language packs page for details.
Language CSV Author(s) Source Notes

Some manual transcriptions can be found here: Transcript:Dream House Days

