Quest Town Saga

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Quest Town Saga gamenav icon.gifQuest Town Saga

Normal Quests Bonus Quests Monster Compendium Classes Weapons Items Clothing Town Characters Friend IDs
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

Quest Town Saga is a RPG that consists of exploring different locations as well as fighting different types of monsters while trying to develop, expand and protect a town.[1]

The stats to be taken into account with respect to the game characters include Strength, Agility and Toughness and additionally these can be equipped with weapons to be able to perform stronger attacks.[2]


Classes are an important part of the game, these are chosen at the beginning of the game but can be changed at any time. Each class allows the player to use specific equipment when fighting. Depending on the classes the player possesses, they will only be able to select certain specialized equipment when fighting, such as Swords for Warriors or alternatively Pistols used by Monster Tamers to attack from a distance.

Some of them are specialized in combat such as Warrior who is focused on counterattack with the use of swords, Pirate specialized in strong attacks with axe as well as Knight who can resist several hits from enemies.

By completing certain quests, there is the possibility for the player to gain enough experience to improve their skills, each class has its own unique set of skills. Additionally, the player can get a secondary subclass that allows them to have the basic skills, although it has certain limitations, the most important being that gaining experience after a quest will not increase the level of the subclass in any way.

Experience is important when developing the skills of each class, and each time the player advances in level he can obtain skill points that can help improve the performance of the skills, increase their stats as well as increase the limit of the HP/SP bars.

Bugs & Cheats

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Language packs

Language Pack icon.png Language packs are community made translations of a specific game into a language not otherwise supported by Kairosoft. If you wish to create one, you can download the english CSV file here.
See the language packs page for details.
Language CSV Author(s) Source Notes



  1. u/lunaggillian (2019-01-31). "Quest Town Saga Review". Reddit Retrieved on September 26, 2024. Quote: “The game isn’t just fighting monsters but it also has this town mechanic in it as well.”
  2. u/Krogunk (2019-04-01). "(Question) Quest Town Saga - Damage Boost". Reddit Retrieved on September 26, 2024.